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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by lisacaron

  1. @@shantra you want to be in the best of health, and if your not the goal is to get there. That's why your going through all these tests to have WLS. If you have not gone for the sleep study yet, schedule one. There are ways to treat your sleep apnea that will help tremendously. It's not just about snoring, it's about getting that restful restorative sleep and enough oxygen to your body while you are sleeping. If you are not breathing which I suspect is what's happening when you sleep that can be dangerous. My husband had this issue, long before we even thought about WLS he was falling alseep all the time we could not watch a Movie or a ball game with out him nodding off. I sent him for a sleep study, the snoring never bothered me I could probably sleep through a nuclear war, but he was not right. In the study they found that he was getting less then an hour of actual sleep and waking up hundreds of times through out the night. They gave him a CPAP that was regulated pressure and monitored and what a huge change that made for him. As for the cardiac stuff, don't worry the condition that you have your doc is right it will help when improve when you loose the weight. Even in the pre-op liquid diet you will lose some weight and you will be amazed at how much better your feel. I also have/had some cardiac issues prior to surgery. I had an attack at a very young age due to rapid blood loss, I have a heart murmurer, high blood pressure and all that not so fun stuff prior to surgery. I go for a stress test every year, and it's not bad and since losing weight and being more active I am shocked as is my doctor at how much more fit I am in both a cardiac sense and a physical sense. Losing the weight was the best thing I could have done for my heart and my life. I even ran/walked/ran a 5K in June and I never thought I would be able to do that! Good luck to you, take it all in stride get healthy!! These are the first steps to a new you! Work with your doctors follow their advice and you will do great!
  2. lisacaron

    Pre-op liquid diet hell

    My friend DETOX is not a myth. When you change your diet and eliminate things like artificial by products and processed foods and meats nd other things your body is VERY much going through a detox. A person who is clearing their system from something as simple as sugar can experience the symptoms of a person detoxing from heroine. We are not naturalpaths, that are anti- scientific we are just educated on what our bodies are going through as we make changes to our diet. Our bodies adapt to the changes in our environment and that includes the things we choose to pollute it with. It's not that our bodies are full of toxins it's just that they are used to a certain intake of the drug we call food and overeating it. During the pre-op diet you are cleansing, and removing these items from your diet and your system, and your liver is shrinking as the fat that is in it and around it is finally able to metabolize and be released. Now this is scientific fact for you. If you are adding fatty foods, sugary foods, in your diet your liver is being drowned and destroyed by them. An obese person can have cirrhosis of the liver even if they never had a drink in their life time just from the over consumption of food and being obese. Do a bit of research before you think that the symptoms of detox are only a myth made up by people looking for an excuse for how they are feeling. What they are feeling is real and has science to back it up.
  3. @@NoDramaLlama I just wanted to comment on your experience with the band. I'm sorry that this happened to you, and your right in the case of scar tissue you did not fail your band. The band did not fail you, it just didn't work for you in the way it was intended. This happens to people who have hip replacements and knee replacements sometimes our body builds up scar tissue and the implants don't function the way they are intended. It's an unfortunate thing for sure and painful and traumatic and so much more I can imagine. That said though it's not fair to bash the band or the patient. Most of the time gastric banding doesn't' work for the patient because they are not compliant with the the necessary follow up care. They are either not educated enough or their doctors don't offer or require follow up care after the surgery. Every person who considers WLS no matter what the surgery modality is needs to educated themselves and interview their doctors and hospitals and get a very clear and comfortable sense of what to expect from them before, during and most importantly after surgery. Bypass and sleeve patients can walk away only to have issues with regain and malabsorbtion of nutrients, bone loss and other affects down the road and they have long since been seen by their surgeon. No WLS is a set it and forget it. That is the biggest misconception I see in the WLS community today from patients and doctors alike. I need as much follow up care from my bariatric surgeon as I do from my cardiologist. My cardio doctor runs his tests and sees me regularly. Not because I have had a heart attack or have other heart problems, but to be sure that I never have a heart problem and that from a cardiac standpoint I am taking care of myself. Just like my dentist does, and my dermatologist and my hair dresser who makes sure my grey's are covered and my blond is just the right shade and falls just as it should. I can't say enough about follow up care for WLS patients!! Dr.'s out there...we need it, you should make it a requirement!!!
  4. lisacaron

    Pre-op liquid diet hell

    The thing about low blood sugar and the symptoms that you get from it is something to look out for. Yes you are on a liquid diet and your going to be for some time even after surgery. The key to avoiding those low blood sugar dips is to be consistent and keep yourself on a time schedule. When I went through pre-op and then post op diet I had a schedule and I kept to it. So after the first couple of days my body was used to the fact that I was going to have a shake at 9am and then drink some Water by 10 and by 11 I would be giving it something sustaining again either a shake or SF/FF pudding or Greek yogurt and in between I would be hydrating. So my tummy was always having something in it and when I need to "bite" something I would have a piece of sugar free gum to get that chewing feeling in. You can do this and once you have your surgery you will be able to modify the schedule according to what your WLS dictates. If your not hungry you won't eat. If your feeling hungry or blood sugar is low you will and it will be just enough and those issues will regulate and not be something to focus on anymore. Good luck, You can do this!
  5. lisacaron

    Excess skin - warning photos

    You look amazing! Thank you for sharing your a true inspiration!!
  6. lisacaron

    Banders #6

    @@SillyAuntDi you rock D!!!!
  7. lisacaron

    Banders #6

    Hell yes you can!
  8. lisacaron

    Banders #6

    @@gowalking you are so right that we need to put ourselves first and not last or at least somewhere in there. I don't do that. For the first time in a long time I really had to sit with myself. I vented a bit and poor hubby he's a rock he had to deal with me. I can be a bit of a Tsunami when I get going. I have an adrenaline issue and it's not easy to contain once you set it off...it just has to wind it self out. As I've gotten older I have learned to take a breath and not get consumed by the storm. In my younger days...oh boy...I could take down Tokyo just by blinking an eye So I took a deep breath and did some real thinking, and took some bold steps that needed to be taken for better or worse. It was a work situation that finally pushed me over the edge, but I realized that it applied to all the rest of my life as well. I was allowing myself to be abused by no one other then myself!! Here I am causing tilde waves and destroying all my hard work in the bat of an eye and the only person I was punishing was myself!! I don't know why I never understood that before...why I couldn't stop the self destructive behavior...why I spilled the milk and then cried about it for days and days...but something clicked in my brain yesterday and it took me some time...but I see where I have been doing myself wrong all this time!! Where I was hiding from myself in plain sight and I never bothered to really take a look. Once I did I understood that It was time to stand up for Lisa to speak up to draw the line in the sand and take care of her. No one else was going to do it, I had to do it for myself, and I have to make that the priority every day. Not just to worry about what I am eating and when, but to take care of ME in all the ways that matter equally if not more then those outside bits that face the world every day. Yes it matters what I eat, when I eat and how sure 100% but it also matters if I get enough sleep and not just shut my eyes for 8 hours but really rest and restore my mind and body. It doesn't matter if I get to the gym or not but it matters how much I move in the day and how much I sit still. It matters how many hours I spend frowning at my computer screen and how many hours I spend smiling and laughing with friends and family. It matters who I spend my time with, and why. All these things matter in how I value myself, and I realize that I wasn't at all, and if I don't value myself in the highest why should anyone else? Holy long post again!!! Feel's good
  9. lisacaron

    Banders #6

    Today my friends I have thoughts of commitment and support on my mind. Looking up the word Commitment you can define and live it in two ways: 1. the state or quality of being dedicated to a cause, activity, etc. 2. an engagement or obligation that restricts freedom of action. I like to think that I live my life according to the first definition of the word. I am a very committed person. When I make a promise or say I am going to do something I do it. No matter how many obstacles are in my way I find a way around over under through them. Yes I can pull blood from a stone, I have done it! What I realized is that I do all these things for everything and everyone but myself! When it comes to me to Lisa, the definition that best defines me is number 2. I commit myself to so much that I am a prisoner of my own dedication. I have been committed like someone who is locked up only I punished myself and I committed (check it out there is that word again!) no crime. Then again...I have committed (that word again) the biggest of crimes against myself! This is my trap. I know better, trust me friends I really do. I can talk circles around why this and that, and make excuses for all the things in my life and you would all sit there and say but hey those are good reasons! In fact they are reasons that if I sat here and told you about them you might even think I was writing a novel and making this shit up, but trust me I would tell you that I only wish I was. There are days when I feel like I have PTSD just from all the events I have had to deal with and I still keep going even when I want just throw a tantrum. So over the past few weeks I have been going a bit off the rails either not eating anything, or just giving into that temptation for this freaking ice cream I found that I love and am now addicted to. I'm sure it's because it's summer it's been hot and I have been super bummed. I don't know if I have lost any weight, I don't think I have gained any either but that's not the point. I am not taking care of myself. Woman can't live on Ice-cream and pistachio nuts alone. If you would meet me on the street today or at work today or even speak to me on the phone...ladies and gents you would never know or be able to tell...maybe if you knew me "really" well you might see something in my eyes but I am so practiced at this poker face I should go back to being a Casino dealer! (Yes I may be only 43 but I have had more carriers and "adventures" in my life then most people who live to be 90 maybe the next one should be as a writer where I put it all out there...maybe someday) I'm putting this all out there today, because I need to break the chains of commitment I need to redefine this for myself. So I started looking and thinking about what the word SUPPORT means. By definition: As a Verb Support means: 1. bear all or part of the weight of; hold up. 2. give assistance to, especially financially; enable to function or act. As a Noun: 1. a thing that bears the weight of something or keeps it upright. 2. material assistance. Now oddly enough these two things whether they are actions or descriptions are pretty much the same. I find that I fall into both of those categories and would define myself again more as number 1 then number 2 but I can identify with both and often times I am both and I am doing both!! I'm not sure what is worse!! Today I define myself as being committed to being the support for everything and everyone but myself!! This is an observation not a complaint.It's an observation I have made before but never with such definition and clarity when it comes to myself. Mostly I just see it and move on and keep on keeping on for the sake of all that needs to be done and someone to do it. Who nominated me Wonder Woman? I don't live on Paradise Island and I don't have an invisible jet to fly away when I need a break....or do I? Maybe that's my problem...maybe I just forgot where I parked that bitch!! So maybe that's my ticket, I need to put down the ice cream bar untangle that lasso from around myself and stop trying to save the world single handed! I need to stop trying to be the one that does everything all the time, and try to remember that I am human and not some super hero. My strong points are not asking for help, I'm better at doing it for myself then I am at asking for help. I think it's because I have been let down and disappointed so often that I don't feel the need to put my hand out there just to have it be left hanging or worse bitten off. It's not a fear, because I would not be sitting here writing this long ass post. I am out of practice, and I don't know about you all but do you find that people in the world today are just not willing to be committed and supportive of each other? I don't mean just here on our WLS boards, if I thought that I would not be posting this here or sharing this with you all I'm just speaking in general in all phases and scopes of life out there. I think I have become hardened to believe that the only person you can count on is yourself, and you just can't rely on or depend on others....finding truly committed supportive people is like finding diamonds in the rough. Thank you all my gems here for reading these very personal revelations as long as this post is...and for offering all your insights. This is one of the few places I feel that I am able to open up and be more vulnerable, and share what my deepest thoughts are. My hubs is amazing but it's not healthy to always unload all my frustrations on him, and honestly he suffers from these conditions as much as I do. We need to redefine commitment and support in our lives, and start applying that same level to ourselves as we do for others. We have it on lock in our relationship with each other, it's the relationships we have in the world with work, and family and other commitments (ah that word is everywhere in my life!) and my big issue is using food to medicate and balm the wounds of disappointment that I need help with. I'm guilty of bad habits friends...not eating, not taking care of my body's nutritional needs, the need for proper rest and exercise, and eating things that while they aren't "bad" aren't good for me either.
  10. lisacaron

    Banders #6

    I'll tell you all a secret...when I was at my lowest point in my life. Large Lisa... 3 kids, broken and defeated getting a divorce after 20 years of marriage with the (I call him the idiot) since I was 15. Literally broken, sick possibly with what doctors thought was ovarian cancer at the time, I threw his ass out to the curb my kids and I deserved better. I spent all those years miserable and sad and trying to make a prince out of frog. If I was gonna die it was not gonna be miserable..then I thought OMG who would want this heffer?! I had nothing going for me..there was lots of self defeating talk. I have this steel spine and titanium balls I keep in a box...(only kidding) but something would not let me give up or lie down and die. I told no one what was going on until one day at work I broke, from the stress couldn't take it anymore and you know what? The girls from work (all of them in their 20's and looked like Victoria Secret Models!) they were about 10 years younger then me at the time signed me up for those dating sites!! I wanted to choke them or at least sit on them and brake some ribs or something but in the end, I swallowed my fears and someone asked me to meet them...so that first date got dressed and met the dude at Starbucks. OK not my type..but I did it!!! Then I did it again...and I learned it's just like going shopping, you just need to know what you are looking for and what you want. Sometimes you have to try on a few sizes, designers, and colors till you find the perfect fit one that compliments who you truly are! I met my hubby on Yahoo personals 8 years ago and we have never looked back!! I'm telling you ladies, gentleman don't stress it. Put yourself out there, put your the intentions out there, be honest with yourself and others, shop wisely, and don't settle for anything less than perfect There is love and lots of fun out there and you all deserve it! This is one of the greatest group of people I have had he pleasure to share my life and time with! Love ya!!
  11. lisacaron

    Long Island Suffolk

    Hi All I live in Patchogue and I host the NY-LI Bariatric Pal support groups! I wanted to have a meeting out here on Long Island this August, and then I was in a car accident and hurt my back and neck pretty badly. I'm on the mend and getting back into the swing of things again. There are so many of us out here, I'd love to put a group together! Any idea's for a venue that you might like to meet at? I was thinking maybe the Patchogue Library, or even the one in Mastic. Let me know your thoughts.
  12. lisacaron

    Banders #6

    Love you gals, and I have to run to a meeting...never much time these days between work and what not!! Lizzie you know my story and honey, I know you think I am this big anomaly and not everyone thinks like me...OK I have my insecurities too I just don't let them bother me If I can go out there and find love and a good man and you have met my Ken, love is out there for you too!! Just be your awesome self, enjoy the date. Leave the judgement on the table, sometimes people talk because they are nervous don't be afraid to try it again even with the same dude...just in another setting and if it's bad twice then it's bad Let me tell ya I went out with a guy...he was like a Chihuahua titchy and moving and jumpy and yappy..and well he was like that all the time couple of dates and I just couldn't take it lol!!! Have fun!! talk soon off to meetings I will try not to snore or yell too loudly in !
  13. lisacaron

    The gurgle

    @@kandiB 150 So for me the gurgle happens when my band is feeling super tight. I can feel the food make that gurgle sound as it moves past the band. Think of your tub when you take the stopper out...and the Water starts moving down the drain...you can hear that gurgle gurgle. For me it's kind of like that, and it happens if I drink too fast, or eat too fast or if I drink right after a bite that hasn't fully past the band and things start to stack up in there. Even if we have been long term banders and we know we should sip, and we should eat slowly, take small bites, and chew chew chew...I think the way our life styles are busy busy rush rush rush, I know I can forget and the gurgle is the first sign that I better get back to good eating mechanics cause the next thing is the slimes, and the stuck and the swelling of the band and misery for a couple of days So heed the gurgle, sometimes it's just trapped air but most times..it's cause we are not following good eating mechanics when we have good restriction in our bands.
  14. lisacaron

    Question about after you get banded

    @@stay75 I will be 100% honest with you. After my surgery I felt GREAT! I had all this energy and I was out and driving my car in three days going to pick my husband up from the hospital after he was banded, and my surgeon came out into the waiting room and told me I should be home RESTING!!! Everyone at the hospital was shocked to see me there but I felt GREAT!!! Now I am an over doer all the time, so it was nothing surprising to me and I thought I could handle it. Well that night I got him and myself home and the next day one of my incisions were infected. The seat belt rubbed against it, and then I went back to work right after and the desk was hitting it and I wish I had done what everyone above is telling you now. Take the time to heal after the surgery!! Do it over the schools winter break or holiday, break. You need at least a couple of weeks to heal and allow for that rebound affect that happens. You may be like me and feel amazing after surgery and then rebound and be exhausted like I was. Then again you might be exhausted right up front and then feel better in a few days, but no matter what take the time to heal. Even though your outside heals inside still has a ways to go. Your doing the right thing for your health, do it all the way That's just my 2 cents.
  15. lisacaron

    Let's talk poop

    @@JustWatchMe OK lady I know this is about colon health and it's really important but thanks for the laugh! I saw the post title and I have been chuckling ever since! I just adopted a couple of puppies so it's all about poop for me these days but not my own!!! That's the reason for the laughter, and listen after a rough week at work a good Friday afternoon laugh and even a poop is great! As far as my habits go...I don't worry about if it floats, deep dives or sails off into the sunset. If I have one every day I am a happy lady! I try to get some fruits and vegies in but for me it's getting the Water in that can really help or hinder the situation. I will have a western egg white omelet at least once a week and that helps get the Protein and the fiber in even in a small amount.
  16. lisacaron


    @@copper146 Every day is a chance for a fresh start! For that matter every moment we breathe is a chance to make a choice and to choose to take care of ourselves. Shame while a very valid feeling is a reaction to an emotion that defines how we feel about ourselves and our value in the world. To say that you are ashamed is to say that you feel less then worthy, that you are not as important as another. The truth is that you are VERY important! You are as important as the most important person you can possibly think of! To you and those you love you are even more important. As a VIP you deserve that very special treatment and extra TLC!! It's not a gift or a luxury it is your right! (As it is for everyone who is reading this post! You too are a VIP and you deserve extra special treatment and TLC) Changing our habits as TMF said starts within. We can't change our outside if we don't change what's on the inside. If we put ourselves down and keep telling ourselves that we are failures then that is what we will be, so even if you don't believe it mind body and soul today, start telling yourself that you special and you are worthy and you are a VIP! The first step should be to forgive yourself, not to punish yourself. You are where you are, no shame there. If you want to be someplace else, and your ready to get there take the first step. Give your doc a call, let them know you've been hanging out in one spot for a bit, and your ready for a reset and to start moving forward on your journey. Let them give you a thorough check to make sure your band is all good and in working order and maybe tweak the fill if you need it. Then take it back to band basics. Start again as if you just got your band that day. Once in a while when I find myself going off the rails for what ever reason, for me it's mostly stress and drama in my life. I will "reset" mind and body and go back to the basics. I'll do a day of Protein shakes and liquids, and move to soft foods and practice taking the small bites using my knife and fork. Eating in places that are appropriate for eating like the kitchen/dining room table and not in front of the TV or at my desk working. It really helps me to reset my mind to get back to what I want to achieve with this band and why I had this surgery to begin with. This space right here at Bariatric Pal is a great place to start! This is a HUGE community of people who are caring and supportive of each other so check in often when your doing great, not so great or just feel like saying Hi! Best of luck to you!!
  17. lisacaron

    Say a Prayer, OR this AM

    Sending you some prayers, and positive vibes! Welcome to bandland!!
  18. lisacaron

    update on slipped band

    Glad to read that you are doing well Terry and that everything worked out well!!
  19. Puppy time!!! Much needed smiles and kisses today!

    1. lisacaron


      I'm adopting 2 puppies!!! I know the lady who is fostering the Mamma and the pups so it's nice to go there after a shitty day at work and just have some puppy time. They give such unconditional love, no matter how rotten your feeling they make you feel so much better!

    2. sleeveee


      Super congrats on your adoptions. My niece fosters rescue dogs. They learn or re-learn that they can trust humans and then they get adopted into loving homes, such as yours. Enjoy all the love.


    3. pink dahlia

      pink dahlia

      Congratulations on your adoption s ! All of our dogs are or have been rescue s, they're the best dogs ! A shout out to all foster parents and adopters of rescue pets !

    4. Show next comments  93 more
  20. lisacaron

    Having trouble

    @@Dreah Give your doctor a call. Two months is a long time not to be able to hold food down. You don't damage to your stomach or esophagus from the band being too tight. Give them a call ASAP and have them check that things are OK and see if they can do a barium swallow or fluoroscope to see what's going on in there. Let us know how your doing!
  21. lisacaron

    Keep the dress? Yay or nay?

    $20 that's a bargain I would keep it just for that! You can wear it anywhere.
  22. lisacaron

    Why do i feel like throwing in the towel :(

    Awesome a nice vacation and when you come back you will have some good news about your surgery and the start of a new journey for you!
  23. lisacaron


    @@tomeof Not getting in enough Protein and Water can totally zap your energy. Even though many of us have fat stores that our body could be pulling from for energy it doesn't know how to do that and it's looking for the usual intake of food that it has become accustomed to. It will take time, and you don't want to lose muscle so get that protein in one way or another and keep up the water even if you have to sip it every minute or so. It's easy to become dehydrated and that can make you weak and tired as well as give you headaches and make you dizzy. Find a good chewable multivvitamin as well. You can do it! Give yourself some time to rest and relax but work on taking good care of yourself as well, if your not feeling a little more like yourself soon give the doctor a call and check in with them. Let us know how your doing!
  24. @@HVNLYMORNING I hope you did go and get yourself checked out. Even though you don't like to hear that you spent your time and there is nothing wrong with you that is really the best news ever! Have them take an x-ray to make sure your band and your port/tubing are all well and good. An x-ray should also show if you have any kind of blockage. There could be 101 reasons for the pain you got that have nothing to do with your band as well and could be serious or not so serious. Error on the side of caution and see the Dr. Let us know how your doing.
  25. Been MIA for a bit, all is well. Have an awesome Long Weekend!!!

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