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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by lisacaron

  1. Move it Monday! What's your routine for today? Or is it a rest day after a hard working weekend?

    1. Leepers


      It's a day of forced rest as I am getting my gallbladder checked and couldn't eat or even drink water for 8 hours. Therfore, no exercise. Boo. It's a lovely sunny but cool dau here in Louisville. I'd like to spend some time at the park.

    2. lisacaron


      @Leepers I hope all is well with your gallbladder and your back on your feet enjoying the crisp weather again soon!

  2. lisacaron

    Favorite things!

    Love those bottles with the little round wire whisk that does all the work! I remember the days before those bottles of having to break up the clumps and if you didn't get them all some would go right up your nose when you drank Poof!
  3. lisacaron

    I am so angry at myself

    @@jessiquoi don't give up! Many of us eat for emotional reasons. It doesn't matter if we are sweeties or salties or just volume food lovers. We all here have an unhealthy relationship with our food. We have used it to medicate ourselves for various reasons, and it has become that demon in our lives. You are seeking medical intervention because you have a sickness my friend. Obesity has been termed a disease, and no amount of not buying something or not having it in the house is going to stop you from eating it when you want to. I had been known to get in my car in the middle of the night and drive out for ice cream or chips because the cravings were that bad there was no sleeping it off 7-11 is open 24 hours! Even if I did manage to sleep...let me tell you the next day would be that much worse. Where if I had eaten what I wanted when I wanted it I might have had some self control but after a couple of days of fighting it and myself it won and I could devour the Lay's truck! Your Dr. office needs to work with you in a compassionate way, a way that can reach your soul because that's where this eating comes from. I know many people think that tough love and strong stance is the way to go with us..but remember we are "emotional" eaters. The way to help us is through emotion and understanding. That is not to say by any means to enable us, but to help us to understand our behaviors and why we have them. We know we have them and if we could do this ourselves we would not be here or surgical patients.We need help to unravel all the emotions that are hidden under the bags of ruffels vats of ice cream and chocolate. (those are my demons everyone has different ones even too much broccoli can be bad especially if it's breaded and deep fried like my Aunt used to make.) The place to start is with you my friend. When the demons rear their head ask yourself what that is about? In that moment when your BF left, was it because you were lonely, or felt maybe a sense of freedom that now you were back in control of what and when you would eat something without judgement? That could be scary! You have to trust who...? Yourself? What?! If we can figure out the W's we can reach the W! The Win..or rather the loss!! When something is driving at me and gnawing at me now I go through the who, what, where, why, when, exercise with myself. Then if it comes down to it and there is no other reason for it then because I want to have something. Then I have it no guilt, no pressure and I feel better and I enjoy it and I'm good and I'm done. Oddly enough this stops the "binge" because I allowed myself to enjoy the ice cream bar, or the chips and didn't make myself feel bad about it so once I had my fill it's enough. Yes my friend all of this learning has come post op for me, but for a banded patient until we have that level of restriction in our bands that helps us to eat smaller it takes all this learning up front. If you can do this now...what a GREAT sleever you will be! Don't do it because your doctor is forcing you to, or because you want this surgery now, but do it for YOU. Only for YOU because only you can make be the change you want to see. All my best to you.
  4. lisacaron

    Starting 5:2 and no scale this week

    I never heard of this before, and oddly enough it's what I have been doing over the last few months. Mostly because of stress and my band being so tight that I just am not hungry and don't even want to eat. Then the stresses will pass and the next day I am hungry and I'll eat again normally, and then go through that I"m just not hungry feeling...and that just amazes me that I am just not hungry, never thought I would feel that way but thank to the band I can say I'm just not hungry.
  5. lisacaron

    Would you have WLS again? What kind?

    I agree with you all. I would do it again an I have never regretted having it done. I would have done it earlier, but I wasn't ready for it at that time. Like GW said I think you have to be ready in all ways. Mentally, emotionally, physically all of it. I'm glad I didn't let myself continue down the road I was on and that both my husband and I stopped and took a turn for the betterment of our lives!
  6. lisacaron

    1st day after surgery

    Wow I wish they would have glued my incisions instead of stitched I have horrible scars. Looks like I was hit with a shot gun several times even over a year later. Try some ice on the port site it helps with the inside muscle swelling, and will reduce some pain if you have it in any of the other area's. Eating some ice pops is a big help as well to keep hydrated and to help you reduce internal swelling. What helped me with the back/gas pains was lying on a warm heating pad. Do not put it on your incisions but you can put it under your back shoulder and it helps. Good luck! Get up and move but remember to be kind to yourself you have just been through major surgery, so you don't need to do the laundry or make the bed
  7. TGIF!! Who's looking forward to a great weekend? What's your plan?

    1. Jordan861


      Tonight is my daughter's B-day celebration, Saturday is motorcycle ride to Paris Tn for demo ride on Boss Hoss, Sunday is chapter meeting for boyfriends motorcycle association (they haven't seen be in about 15 pds) so the the positive reactions will be an ego boost. Hope your weekend is great.

    2. lisacaron


      Wow sounds like you have a fun packed weekend planned!!! I am going to be hopefully getting some relaxing time at home with the hubs and the puppies and hitting the gym a little :) I hope the weather holds out!

  8. Good luck to you all! I have faith that you can do this!! It's difficult for sure but in the end it's all worth it! Once my body got used to it, I have to tell you I hadn't felt so good in years and years! Let us know how your all doing after surgery!
  9. lisacaron

    2 weeks post-op questions

    I agree with all the posters above, but give your doctors office a call and be sure that you have the directions for your diet correct. See if they have a hand out that gives you some ideas of what you should be eating in those 5 weeks or check with the nutritionist. You need a bit more direction then just stay on liquids for 5 weeks.
  10. lisacaron

    I know this is silly... but I gotta rant

    It's funny b/c those things don't bother me as much. I think it comes from living with 5 boys who mainly text and use words like Hey and Yo all the time. I also think there are some people who are native to our language and grammar goes totally out the window in those instances. Trust me having to conjugate verbs and getting the spelling and grammar correct in my Spanish and Italian classes was a killer for me! It never stopped people from understanding what I was trying to say, even if they did chuckle or smile at me like I was a total dope
  11. lisacaron

    Some unexpected NSVs have me LOLing in public. You?

    OMG me too!! I love when we do it at ourselves and people look at us like we are crazy but it's because we know the inside joke! which only makes it that much funnier!!
  12. lisacaron

    Me and my mother are both getting vsg

    That is wonderful news! It is awesome to have a partner who is in it with you! My husband and I were banded at the same time, well three days apart and we were able to recover together and we "get" each other when it comes to eating and choices about exercise etc. It would be so much harder if I didn't have him at home on the same page with me...and vs.versa for him I'm sure. Kudos to you and your Mom I wish you all the best!
  13. lisacaron

    Some unexpected NSVs have me LOLing in public. You?

    I love these NSV! They are so important and I needed a chortle for the day! My new word of the day is chortle. It's that kind of word that just puts a smile on your face! I enjoy being able to share all these things with each other, makes my day!
  14. Many insurance companies require that 6 month supervised diet. Which is great for their documentation that surgery is indeed necessary, and it's also a good thing for "us" because we know even if we thought we knew before that surgery is the way to go for us. I have seen some who did not need to be on that 6 month program that second guessed through their approval process if surgery was the right choice or if they should just try to lose weight on their own first. So I get the 6 month diet requirement. I also understand where the doctors are coming from by asking you to lose at least 10% or some % of your body weight prior to surgery. It's for your own good, it's healthier for you to have such an invasive surgery if you are not at such a high BMI, unless you have a surgeon who is an expert at operating on patients with high BMI's. If that is not the case then it's best to either find a doctor who has operated on patients with high BMI's regularly with success or try to be compliant and lose the weight prior to the surgery. In the end..the good thing about the weight you lose prior to surgery is that after surgery you won't be gaining it back again and your that much closer to your goals I know you can do you it! Come back here any time all the time for motivation, accountability inspiration or what ever you need! These forums are full of people that have been and are just where you are, and want to help you and themselves get to where we all want to be! Healthy & Happy!!
  15. lisacaron

    Is there something wrong with my band

    @@ladytru84 I find that if I eat something when I am already super hungry the first bite will get stuck mostly because I am so hungry the bite is not band sized it's Lisa sized and no matter how much I chew that bite it's just too large a volume and it gets stuck. I would suggest eating smaller more frequent meals through out the day. In the mornings I am super duper tight and just getting my meds in can be work, then other mornings it's 123 and all down and ready to go. The way I "feel" on a given day can affect how my band is. For example I didn't sleep well last night I had a terrible horrible no good very bad day yesterday...and today I am in a foul mood. So my band is not having anything today. I had a cup of mild tea this morning with my morning meds and it was a slow go. I'll try a shake in a bit, and then in an hour or so when my band and I am feeling more friendly I will have something else more substantial. I know that when I"m fickle so is my band and if I force the food in I'm going to regret it BIG time. I did that last night after my horrible day, I just wanted to go home relax and sit on the couch and eat something I was really hungry but my older step son stopped by for a visit and I couldn't very well eat in front of him and I did not have enough chicken to say hey are you hungry. He's a BIG boy he would laugh at my tiny bits of chicken strips...so I didn't eat I entertained him till I had to eventually throw him out at 9:30 b/c I have to get the pups and myself to bed we are up at 5 AM! I was still hungry and I know better then to eat right before bed...but I ate the chicken and about 5 minutes later it all came back up, and I didn't feel or sleep well the rest of the night..hence today's bad mood and cranky band. So I'll be easy with my band and myself today...and break up my meals to mini mini meals and relax and let my band relax as well. Of course I always advocate talking to your Dr.'s but in the interim while you wait for a call back, try breaking your meals down into mini mini meals through out your day and see if that helps your hunger pains as well as the stuck issues with your band. Let us know how your doing!
  16. I'm not in a bad mood everyone is just annoying me!! Bad Mood in progress!

    1. dlamp112


      please wait...... LOADING!

      Cheer up sista!

    2. gowalking


      Why did you not follow your own directive?? You said Lisa was going to come first. I just read what you wrote about eating late, getting sick, and now not a happy camper. You should have eaten your dinner while your son was visitng. You could have ordered a pizza for him since you didn't have enough chicken. You need to eat at certain times...and you should have. Don't backslide...or I'll have to come out to you and kick your ass (after I cuddle with the pups of course..LOL)

  17. @@Jim1967 I totally agree with you here. @@4everyoung is having a serious issue with her band and needs a solid answer on what's going on. That said all the comments about band basics and counting calories are in reference to the regain. Yes it's a diet, it was a diet for me prior to surgery and right after surgery for about 7 months until I was able to reach that correct level and even now I vacillate between right and too tight depending on day, pressure stress life etc. I understand where @@4everyoung is at. She is upset and frustrated and not only wants an answer but needs and deserves one! I wish I could make it better for her, but I can't other then to say get thee to the a doctor and if the one you have can only scratch his head get thee to another until there is something found we can only speculate. Until then it's best to keep to those basics so that she doesn't hurt herself internally, and not worry so much about the regain. We all care what happens here...I think everyone with a band can relate to this post, it's something we all question and worry about I bet. @@4everyoung please let us know how you are doing??
  18. lisacaron

    Back up out your nose when you lay down!?

    @@WheelCrazy What did your doctor say when you saw him? I am really curious as this very thing happened to me last night. I wasn't stuck on anything, I think I ate too soon before going to sleep and ended up waking up with that reflux that you described where I felt like it was going to burst out my nose. Nothing did but it wasn't a great feeling, and nothing I have experienced before.
  19. lisacaron

    The start

    @@klk18 my best advice to you on insurance is to keep on top of them and your doctors offices. If you are submitting the forms yourself call the insurance company directly their number is on the back of your card. Remember that these people work for you. You pay your premiums and you have questions and would like some feedback. Same for the Dr. if they are sending over test or paper work on your behalf keep on top of them and get confirmation that the information was sent over don't just take their word for it. Often I find that Doctors will tell you it's being done and that just means it moved from my desk to the next persons desk where it could be done today, next week or next month. The squeaky wheel gets the grease hon so start squealing!!!
  20. @@4everyoung you got some pretty spot on advice above. These are long time successful banded patients. I would question, and keep on questioning until you get an answer. Not just your doctors my friend but question yourself as well. Put yourself on the witness stand and as @@☠carolinagirl☠ said just because you can eat something doesn't mean you should. Our bands no matter how tight we make them aren't going to stop our minds, and that is probably the most powerful thing on the planet. Only you can make the choices of what to eat when to eat etc. Our minds can and often do dictate our behavior and how our body reacts to stimuli including food. Explore every option open to you, ask another doctor about the state of your band not because you don't trust your own doctor but because 4 eyes and 2 minds are better then one and someone might see something that your doc doesn't. The band won't take away your "hunger" and I could eat 2 steaks a whole bucket of southern fried chicken and lord knows what else..but you know what it would probably take me a week or more to do it. That is because I have good restriction in my band and I couldn't cram that much food down no matter how much I wanted to it would come right back up. Trust me I have tried it, when out eating a delicious meal I think oh I just want that one more bite even though I know I have had enough..and then that one more bite...makes what was so good I couldn't get enough dreadful as I pushed it too far with one bite and made myself sick. I will give you this pearl of wisdom that my Nutritionist gave once and has stuck with me. It should take you 20 minutes to eat a meal. No more and no less. If you are eating for less than 20 minutes you are eating too fast and not practicing good band eating mechanics. (cutting thing small and chew chew chewing putting your fork and knife, spoon down between bites allowing food to pass the band.) If you are taking LONGER then 20 minutes to eat then you are eating into your next meal. So if your eating Breakfast for 30 minutes you have just eaten part of your lunch as well. Now that is food for thought @@KarenWB don't be discouraged there are MANY people who have had GREAT success with the band, and what one person's experience is does not mean that will be yours in any way. We all have our own journey and every WLS has it's good bad and ugly stories. My advice to you is to do your due diligence. Research, read, speak to your Dr. your friends and family (if applicable) and read the many many posts good and bad on this site and decide what's right for YOU. Only you would know that answer. Your doctor can guide you based on your medical history but YOU live in that body, and only you can make this decision. Don't give up!
  21. lisacaron

    So disappointed

    What GW said is very true. This is not an easy journey you have to work it. The band or any other WLS tool is not going to change your thinking or eating habits. You have to do that. You want to be compliant in band eating mechanics so you don't hurt yourself. Go back to the basics and try a "reset" in mind and eating. Add some cardio and resistance training you can do this!!!
  22. lisacaron

    Lose Weight and Gain Confidence!

    OK so I am an anomaly like my Lizzie tells me. I love ME. I'm not a narcissist, or have a narcissistic tendency. I just enjoy my life. If you pop by my house on the weekend you will find me in my grubbiest clothes sneakers or flip flops hair in a tussle and no make up on. If I run into you in the super market after work or the drug store you might very well find the same thing. I love to get dressed up and put on my make up and I used to always have these long nails but recently just decided that I like them kind of short it's easier for me to type without hitting all the extra keys and take care of the puppies and lift weights! I have gained and lost along the years, but I have to say that my motivation was never my confidence. When I got married for the first time I was 17 years old, I was 8 months pregnant and wore my mothers wedding gown which was a size 5! yep belly and all it fit me that's how tiny I was. Fast forward to 2 years ago at the largest I have ever been and the most weight I have ever carried and I married the love of my life TWICE! We had two wedding ceremonies and I wore two totally different gowns, and had them both aired live so everyone could watch and enjoy! (I didn't invite a soul to join us at the event itself, I was the happiest bride you can ever imagine!) When we got home I had a huge brunch for all the family and friends who made my day by not attending my ceremonies!! I wore this tiny little Marilyn Monroe number, and you know what Large Lisa rocked it, and my hubby looked awesome too! Confidence has nothing to with size, it has to do with state of mind. If you let someone tell you that you are fat and ugly and you give them the power to make you feel badly about who you are then you have a problem with YOU. I don't know anyone I have never met another human being who is not totally amazing! If you believe you are then honey you are! What I think, is what you think. What people around you think and say are what you think and say they are your reflections and people will reflect back to you what you put out there. So put YOU out there and be who and how you want to be. Red hair, Purple, Green Fat skinny freckles, what ever! You can be an anomaly just like me you just gotta like yourself!
  23. lisacaron

    an observation

    So some of you ladies know me, from my posts and some have met me in person. I have always been out there and larger then life in more ways then one! I have a big mouth, a sharp wit a comedic sense of timing lots of opinions, observations, and constructive criticism and I am not afraid to use and share them all. I don't think I have ever been good at hiding because of this...I have never been able to just "blend in" with the crowd. Strangers come up and talk to me even when I am sending out the **ck off vibe. Since WLS I really try not to bite the heads off of people too often they tend to get stuck. (OK only kidding I'm not a cannibal but just getting me in that kind of mood really can cinch that band which only makes my mood worse) Talk about judging a book by it's cover! Most people encounter my awesome hubby and they think Uh oh don't piss that guy off he might pound you into the ground! Big or small he's still got the arms and shoulders of Popeye and his voice is deep and he has a bit of a growl. Little do they know that he's the most gentle person and they really should be asking him for directions and help because this little blond green eyed chick just might have to make you cry! There are days when I wish I could hide, and I want to hide and honestly sometimes I do. I'll lock myself up in my bedroom and just turn off the world for a little bit. I love doing all the things I do, and I love being with people and I don't care much about how I look or they look, I'm not the house inspector I don't care about your job or car or any of that BS. I just enjoy life, I have seen and been a part of too much tragedy in life I learned at a young age that you have to just suck it up for all it's worth every second and every chance you get. I have my days don't get me wrong, but when I need to disconnect I do. Sometimes it's more difficult then others, and when I don't the universe comes along and does it for me. You know like getting rear ended and getting sick and being forced to just take it easy even if I want to do a million things You ladies all are looking amazing and I hope you are feeling as amazing about yourselves. Because it's not just about your look it's about who you are! With all your good advice and stuff that you share here you are nothing short of that so get out there and enjoy!!!!
  24. lisacaron

    Weight loss

    The band is not a quick fix. Some bandsters are lucky and just the placement of the band works for them they never need a fill they stick to band sized portions and they drop their weight quickly. The average bandster does not fall into this category. It takes time for us to get to know and live with our band. It takes some time for our bands to become adjusted properly to provide that sense of satiety from meal to meal in proper proportion. Sometimes we might not feel hungry between meals and go for 4 hours between but when we do eat our volume of food is too large and/or we want and have second helpings if we start with the small portion. Lets face it if we were good at eating the proper portions at the right times we would not have needed the surgery. For the average bandster it will take a year or two to lose the desired amount of weight. Now don't let that discourage you because the longer it takes to lose the weight the better it is for your body, and the better the chance that you will keep it off and not gain it back. Be compliant with your band and the guidelines the doctors give you. They tell you now to cut small bites and chew chew chew and you probably can eat just the way you used to...but as you move forward and your fills increase you will see why practicing all these things NOW is going to be necessary later and you will be glad that you have the eating mechanics down pat. Give it time and enjoy being banded The weight will come off and what's more it will be the right kind of weight that you lose. The fat and not the muscle, muscle we want to keep it's what makes us lean.

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