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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by lisacaron

  1. lisacaron


    @@heather020813 I'm sorry your experiencing trouble with your band. As @@terrydumont46 said this could be something to do with your heart rather then just your band so please reach out to your Dr. and go in to be checked out. Better to error on the side of caution then catastrophe. Let us know how you are doing!!
  2. lisacaron

    Banders #6

    TGIF Family!!!! Getting ready to head out of the office and get my acupuncture zen on!!! Hope you all have a great weekend!!!
  3. Amazing year!! Love the site!!!

  4. lisacaron

    HELP! :-)

    Oh yes it has happened to me. I was in the green zone doing great and then I had a car accident. I was rear ended pretty hard by another car coming off the expressway and it messed up my back and my neck. The Dr.'s had me on all kinds of anti-inflammatory drugs and muscle relaxers. Right on the heels of that I got sick with a bad upper respiratory infection and even more medication had to be taken. All of this stress combined with the medications caused some internal swelling and it closed the stoma to my band nearly shut. One morning I woke up and could not even swallow my own saliva. I didn't wait I drove myself right to the Dr.'s office and demanded to see someone ASAP. They sent me to radiology for a barium swallow and the Fluid just sat above the band and didn't move showing a pouch dilation as well, so they had to remove all the fluid from the band. It's been a bit of a process to get back, as my surgeon and his group left the practice and the care there totally changed. Today I am back on track and feeling pretty good. Still when I have those moments of stress that band cinches pretty tight and I know I really have to take it easy. If you are too tight to keep fluids going down smoothly even Water, then I would get some fluid taken out sooner then later because you don't want to have a problem like I did and have all the fluid removed. A little out now will go a long way to keep you where you want to be. Let me know how you do!
  5. lisacaron

    Dr. Alan Geiss

    @@heyyoeddie I will be up front and honest with you. I was worried when the changes started happening, and I gave it the benefit of the doubt. I love Dr. Geiss and his staff and slowly the changes went from personal care to the type of care one might expect at a walk in clinic where no one knows you or your medical history. Even still I gave it the benefit of the doubt and I met Dr. Barrett after waiting to see her for 2 hours, I was less then pleased if you would like more information you can personal message me. Needless to say my husband and I have left the Syosset hospital practice. We are now being cared for by Dr. Shawn Garber, who is part of NYBariatric Group. I can't expand enough upon the differences in the practice along with the personalized care we receive from Dr. Garber and his staff. Their office in Mineola is state of the art in technology, (this is not impressive to some (my husband included) I work in technology and I love that this office is full of the latest in baratric technology and health care!)
  6. lisacaron

    Weight Loss Surgery Gift List

    These are excellent idea's especially if you are gifting to fellow WLS friends. If it's family that wants to be supportive, I would go with the gift cards to clothing stores, and container sets, and even fitness equipment like the awesome new fitbit products love those. Lots of great idea's!!
  7. lisacaron

    HELP! :-)

    @@SkinnyHereICome If there is no way for you to get to the Dr. sooner, I would tell you to just stick to liquids. Try having some warm liquids first to relax your esophagus and go back to Protein shakes until you can get there. The more you stress about it the tighter your band is apt to feel. I know for me once that stress feeling is triggered my band is the first thing to tighten up. Some deep breathing, warm liquids and Protein Shakes. Get yourself to your Dr. as soon as you can to take some Fluid out. Let us know how your doing and congrats on reaching your goal!!
  8. lisacaron

    Is this wrong? Workplace fun!

    Thanks for the chuckle!!
  9. lisacaron

    Banders #6

    @@gowalking I love it!!! You will enjoy those Mink's in the city in the winter that is for SURE!!!
  10. lisacaron

    Do You Really Need Vitamin D?

    You know it's a sad fact that we used to have nice healthy levels of Vitamin D from being outside. In today's world we have UV protection and need UV protection from everything when we are outside. Our windshields and car windows, our office windows, sun glasses, eye glasses make up everything has some kind of UV protection. It's protecting us from the harmful ray's of the sun and yet it also prevents us from naturally converting that good old fashion sun shine into the Vitamin D our bodies need. So if you are someone like me that spends most of their day inside of something...home, car or office building you need some kind of Vitamin D supplement. Our kids today don't hazard out the door for fear of the sun I think! Or maybe because they can't open the doors since their fingers are affixed to some type of device at all times...I haven't figured that out yet...but even kids now seem to have similar differences and that is worrisome when it starts so young, what happens when they are "old" like me?? I'm pro-vitamin D. No need to overdose, but take it and get outside every once in a while and smell the roses!! Even if you have to walk to the local floral shop to do it at least you got outside
  11. lisacaron

    Jealous husband

    @@Anume 937 What your going through is a pretty common occurrence. We are all works in progress, and often as we learn more about ourselves through the process of WLS we change. Not just the way we look on the outside, but the way we behave and relate to the world as well. That change happens not only with food, but with the things we associate with in our lives and the way in which we relate to the people in our lives. In a relationship, especially one that is not on solid footing it's not the weight loss per se but the other issues that the weight loss and surgery may be taking the blame for to mask the truth that might just be a bit painful to reveal. There are some issues that you have both overcome already, if you have both disclosed the past to each other and that is a testament to the love and caring between you. This is where you both need to put your focus. Remember why the two of you are together in the first place and even more importantly why after an infidelity on both parts you both chose each other again and stayed together. These are the reasons and the feelings you want to reinforce in each other and then no matter how much weight you lose what color you dye your hair, or clothes you wear your significant other will know that it is because you are a secure confidant woman who is in a relationship with him and for no other reason. If however there are other thoughts going through your minds and you think of straying outside the relationship because something is missing or not working...but your not quite ready to cut ties and run and you both still want to keep the relationship together then I would defiantly consider going to marriage or couples therapy and working on it as a couple. I wish you the best of luck and hope everything works out for you!!
  12. lisacaron

    Banders #6

    @@JustWatchMe Beautiful! Love the dress!!! Get out there and get those dancing shoes!!!
  13. @@Warren L. Huberman PhD. Excellent article! I can relate with much of what you wrote. For me it is a bit of a struggle to retrain the brain and not fall back into old habits especially when/if your a person who's has strong emotional connections. There are people who learn by sight, sound, touch, and there are those of us who also learn by making an emotional connection. This is where making changes in learned behavior can cause some major road blocks and tripping points along the way. The emotional ties we have to unhealthy choices of food are not going to bring us the feelings and emotions we desire in times of stress and distress. For me it takes concentrated effort to disassociate myself from the "unhealthy" connections and focus on the reason behind them. In times of stress/distress I am seeking that peace, that sense of security in the love of family, but knowing that is simply not enough in those moments when you are overwhelmed by emotions or a stressful time. Eating a pie is not going to make it better, knowing that and seeking those feelings in another healthy avenue outlet is what is needed, and yet it is not always the easiest thing to find. The mind (brain) will return look for that thing that is the easiest form to comfort it and before you know it the pie is gone!!
  14. @ remember that every person is different. Even if you have the same surgeon and the same bariatric group what is required of one individual may not be what is required for you. Speak to you Dr.'s office directly about your individual case, and try not to compare yourself with others. While we all have the same goal in mind which is to lose weight and be healthy the way in which we get there is very different and very personalized. Some of us might be "text book" cases but most of us are not. My husband and I have the same exact surgery the same exact surgeon, and we were banded/plicated 3 days apart, but from day one his process is much different from mine. We can "relate" to each other and work together toward our common goals but I have to walk in my shoes and he in his. The best thing to do is to get advice from the person you are having the surgery with and follow the guidelines they set out for you. While it may be similar to another, it could also vary greatly. Best of luck to you, and Congratulations!!
  15. lisacaron

    Sugar Free Jell-O Cream Cheese Dessert

    @@imsoglad56 that looks like it could be it!!! Thank you! I am going to have to give this a whirl this weekend!! Also the cheese cake one!! When the Holiday's come for some reason I like to cook and make special treats...but it's so much better to make the things that are in our life style program then the things I know I shouldn't be eating!!
  16. @@LipstickLady you know you could change your screen name to The Great Queen of All She Surveys aka @@LipstickLady
  17. lisacaron

    Banders #6

    @@Debbie3sons I feel you there lady!!! My oldest is 26 but I am NO where near ready to be a Grandma!!! He is no where near ready to be a Dad...and I hope that all my boys keep that top of mind before they even think about having babies!!! I had my kids very young...but I come from a totally different generation and was pretty much born like an Ostrich! (you know birthed fully grown and ready to go ) At 26 I had 3 kids, a house, 2 cars, my own business and did the Soccer Mom thing carting them all around the city for all their sports school and after school activities. Kids today...they have all they can do to get to work on time and keep their shoes tied.
  18. lisacaron

    Sugar Free Jell-O Cream Cheese Dessert

    You know years back....there was a recipe for Key Lime kind of Jello pudding pie that was similar to this. Now I am not a fan...but the hubby is. I think I had the recipe from a Weight Watchers meeting but I have long since lost it. I made it once and it was a big hit! If anyone might have that recipe or similar please share!!! Sometimes you want that special treat you love without going for the calories and fat.
  19. lisacaron

    Recipe Frenzy

    Great idea@bobbyswife I am always looking for something to help me find something healthy to cook. I was just reading about a phone application that you can download that also has recipies and helps put together a shopping list right on your phone for you as well. it's called healthy eating in a hurry here is a link: http://www.eatingwell.com/shop/healthy_in_a_hurry_app_for_iphone_and_ipod_touch_ipad_android There is also a cool app called Healthy Out if you put in a zip code it tells you places to eat in the area and gives you samples of "healthy" choices from their menu along with calorie and nutrition information.
  20. lisacaron

    Banders #6

    Awe...babies are so precious! Congratulations!!! Here come the trips to Disney!!!
  21. lisacaron

    I'm a little freaked out

    Did they take some x-ray's? There could be so many things going on in there besides poking the band...not sure how that is even possible! I could understand maybe poking a hole in the port tubing or the port becoming disconnected from the tubing but I can't really understand why they can put Fluid in and not get fluid out unless it's disappearing somehow and the system has an opening that it should not have. I would request to see the surgeon, and if they still don't find an answer for you seek an opinion from another surgeon. I had fill about 3 months ago, where the Dr. told me she was putting in 1.5 cc, and I had the feeling that she totally missed my port. She was a new Dr. and I have since changed practices. At the new Dr. they removed all the fluid to measure and sure enough...I was right and she had missed the port. So the fluid she injected went into the muscle tissue and not into the band. I'm not saying this is what's happening with you, but I would seek out another Dr. if you don't get a resolution. Let us know what happens!!
  22. lisacaron

    1 day post op!

    Great going!! What an exciting time for you!!! Remember to take it easy on yourself, though you may feel GREAT you just had major surgery and your body inside and out needs time to heal. Easy does it and lots of TLC. A well placed ice pack, some ice pops and tea wouldn't hurt either
  23. lisacaron

    Surgery December 17th

    Congratulations! You will do well on your pre-op just stick to the instructions that your Dr. gave you and you should lose the required weight. I lost about 15 pounds on my pre-op and my husband lost 18.
  24. lisacaron

    FAT in BRAIN or LACK thereof!

    @@HealthyNewMe you know I have this happen to me too often lately!!! The nutritionist at my last Dr. office told me it was from lack of carbohydrates. That it is necessary to eat them and have them in your diet though minimally they are very necessary.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
