I happy that others feel the same way I do. It really helps to know that others are going though the same experiences and emotions. Today is going to be a rough day. My niece is graduating from high school and we are having a get together at my home, with food of course. I'll be strong and stay the course, just because I do not want to fail again, as with other diets.
I've also thought this to be a good test on will power for the remainder of the two week pre-op diet.
I was also surprised at the amount of chicken 4 oz is. On paper 4 oz's sounded like nothing, but when I weighed it out, it satisfied me with the small green salad and lots of water a while afterwards.
Of course by the time dinner was rolling around, I was ready to eat. i ate slow, put down my silverware between bites and was happy afterwards (practicing). Still not so bad on the pre-op diet. However, I've warned my friends if I turn into a grouchy bear, they will know why!