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LAP-BAND Patients
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About cnotche

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  1. I was banded yesterday (go ME!) and feel a little miserable today. Totally expected (thanks to this website!), but am feeling a bit nauseated and have severe pain in my right shoulder. Having trouble staying hydrated, haven't ingested anything but Water (sip, sip sip). I am afraid to try and eat "food liquids" that are on my diet plan, such as Protein shake, broth, yogurt, Jello, for fear of making my nausea worse. What did you eat(drink) the first couple of days out from surgery?
  2. I was banded yesterday as well. I am pretty nauseated and have severe pain in my right shoulder; my stomach feels like it was kicked with a steel-toed boot. I can tell I'm dehydrated but sipping my water doesn't seem to be helping. I'm afraid to drink too much at once for fear of making the nausea worse.
  3. cnotche


    Hello everyone! Was banded yesterday. Today I have pain in my right shoulder and my stomach feels like it got kicked with a steel-toed boot, even after I take my rx pain meds. Had a hard time sleeping last night due to all the discomfort. Also having a hard time eating or drinking anything cuz I'm so sore. I'm pretty thirsty though, just scared to drink too much and then feel worse.
  4. The good, the bad, the ugly--any and all things you experienced that you wish someone had told you about (or emphasized more) before you had surgery. Tips and advice for post-op immediately after surgery, or anything you would like to tell someone to help prepare themselves for a lapband procedure. Thank you for participating!
  5. cnotche

    MY Fitness Pal

    I have found that you need a person's email address to add them on MFP, if you are not friends with them on Facebook.

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