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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by mistysj

  1. Where can I buy your wife's coffee, Dean? I buy Merlo now.
  2. mistysj

    Anyone From India?

    Thanks! This time I will be only in Pune, at Magarpatta.
  3. mistysj

    Let me pay to not see ads

    Yes I assume that the non-premium site would simply have ads like now. Why are people freaking out?
  4. Hi all. Is anyone else finding that the iOS app chews through data and battery like crazy? For instance I have been on it on my iPad for a couple hours this morning and it has gone from 100% to 75%. When I'm not using the app, I would get several more hours of usage before seeing 75%. The iPad 3's battery is huge. Also when I was in the hospital I was checking in a lot on my phone. There was no wifi so I was on 3G. I burned through over 250 MB in two days. Usually it is unusual to use more than 500 mb in a whole month. I have the data to use and have not generated overages, but it makes me try to avoid using the app as much when I'm not on wifi. I could just use the website, but it is full of ads. I wish there was a paid membership where you wouldn't have to see the ads. I would pay a couple bucks a month for this site and I think it would more than offset any ad revenue generated by my page views.
  5. However I just remembered that I installed Google Now yesterday and notice that location services were active. I suspect that may be it. I have disabled it to see what happens. However this doesn't address the data usage when I was in the hospital.
  6. mistysj

    One week tomorrow!

    Awesome! I was sleeved the same day as you and have lost 10 pounds too. I couldn't be more pleased!
  7. I agree with this thread 100%. If you are already cheating days or weeks after surgery, how in the world do you expect to succeed. Also, I know that each doctor has different protocols. But if you don't follow your OWN doctor's orders and you have a problem, it is all on YOU. If you do follow them and have a problem, at least you know you did everything in your power to prevent it. I think people forget that they couldn't do it on their own. That's why they had surgery. Why try to do it on their own afterward? Why do they think they know best?
  8. mistysj

    May 2013 Sleevers!

    I lost 4.5 kg (that's about 10 pounds) at my first week!! Holy @&$!?
  9. Oh my god you guys! I lost 4.5 kg this week. I am in SHOCK! Also an NSV. I have had lymphedema in my shins since a long plane trip I took in 2008. That means swelling that you can press your finger into and a mark stays for a while, like putty. It's weird. Anyway compression stockings would temporarily take it away but I never bothered wearing them because hello, ugly! And even though it was weird it didn't hurt or anything. Well it is GONE! I can feel my shin bones! Not sure why it is gone but it is. Also my blood sugar is still holding steady at 4.9. This is considered "high normal". If it sticks around for 3 months my A1C will also be high normal and I will basically be non-diabetic!
  10. mistysj

    So Much Energy

    I noticed this too! It is a nice change.
  11. mistysj

    Eucharist (catholic) -Post Op

    I experienced this for the first time at mass this week. I didn't take the wine because I was afraid the alcohol would burn. I took the wafer and chewed it to a paste before swallowing. I didn't have an issue. I am still in week 1 post-op.
  12. Congrats on the dietitian appointment. What are you going to ask about? I have my second one tomorrow and he is going to prep me for purée foods next week.
  13. mistysj

    Mirena IUD vs. Birth control pills

    Mirena is awesome. If you don't have PCOS you could consider the Paragard too. You do get some cramps when it is inserted (like small contractions). Take the day off work and use a heating pad and Aleve.
  14. mistysj

    coffee drinkers?

    My dietitian green-lighted coffee as soon as I was on full fluids. I drink it black. Only problem is I have to reheat it halfway through the mug because it takes me about 40 minutes to finish it! Some days I get bored and stop at half a cup. I used to drink 6 cups a day. I think it was because it was calorie free and filling. Same reason I drank so much coke zero. I gave up soda and cut back to one cup of coffee a day, a month pre-op, and had no withdrawals. I use a small French press that only makes a single mug. I grind the Beans each morning and buy high quality beans from Merlo, a local Australian roaster.
  15. mistysj

    Anyone From India?

    Hi everyone! I am not Indian but I spend a lot of time in Pune and Bengaluru on business and have good friends in both cities. I am newly sleeved and will be in Pune sometime next month. I am apprehensive about the soft food stage while there! I will of course check with my nutritionist while at home in Australia but Australians don't really know about the food in Pune. I am sure I will be able to have soupy daals but what else do you think will work? How about kesari baath? Too heavy? How about aloo? Roti? I would love ideas. I am non-veg but it is convenient to eat veg in Pune.
  16. Congratulations, Bec! These two weeks will fly by SO FAST you will be amazed. From what I heard, if you don't cheat at all the hunger will go away in a day or two. Good luck!
  17. I'm doing great today except I was busy this morning and forgot to drink much and now I'm behind on my Water. I might only get in 6 cups. I have my Protein and my 10000 steps though. Ad TMI but I had a real BM! Yay Benefiber! It's good to hear from you, Aussiegirl! First weigh in tomorrow. I can't believe it has been a week.
  18. mistysj

    Bizarre trend?

    With very health problem, there are a,ways people who don't understand the problem or the treatment. They do what the doctor says unless they don't fee like it. Believe me, I am diabetic and I have seen it in the diabetes forums. People who just won't give up soda even if it sends them to the hospital. Or people who never actually learn what the disease really is or how it works because its too complicated. Start talking about grams of protein or carbs and their eyes glaze over. People jump on the next ad diet or fad surgery or start taking the fad supplement without understanding the first thing about it. Then there are the folks like me. The information hoarders. I read 8 different books about the VSG, scoured the Internet, read every sticky here, read every paper I could get access to online, searched YouTube, talked to friends who are doctors and nurses. And not just with the sleeve. This is how I approach every problem in my life. Before this surgery I had researched so many ways of eating and tried the ones with science behind them. When I was diagnosed with diabetes and with PCOS I became an expert in each of them. When I was undergoing fertility treatment I researched it in detail. When I found out I needed a hysterectomy I watched one performed on YouTube and I found out all the different ways it could be done and went to my doctor with specific requests. I think the people who have regrets had a knowledge gap. Maybe they thought they went in fully prepared but they must have missed something. I know my mother's and grandmother's generation trust the doctor without questioning, because the doctor is an authority figure. I certainly don't implicitly trust doctors. I question them all the time. So maybe that is part of it too. Edit: a couple more points. First, it is obvious why people with complications would have regrets, especially complications worse than their weight-related problems are. The second point is that I see people asking questions sometimes that make it clear they don't know what they are in for. I'm talking about things like: - I'm one week post-op and my doctor says liquids only. Can I have bread yet? - I'm 6 days post op. can I get wasted on vodka yet? - I don't really have to exercise do I? - why am I hungry? I thought they cut the hunger out of my stomach! - I can only hold down crystal light and haven't had anything else for three days! What should I do? (Obvious answer- ask your doctor, not an Internet forum) I'm sorry if this seems like ranting but it makes me scared for those people.
  19. I think some doctors in the US will do a revision at a discount if you didn't get to a healthy BMI and you can show that you were following a reasonable plan. Especially if you are eating 1000 calories a day and can't get out of the Obese BMI level. I'm honestly not sure about that though and I'm not sure how it works here in Australia either. Tomorrow is my very first weigh in. I have a feeling this one will be the best one I will ever have. On every diet I have been on it has been that way. I used to make charts that would assume I could keep losing at the same rate. How naive I was! I expect this to take at least 18 months to two years, but at least ill be so much better off than I would without the sleeve!

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