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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by mistysj

  1. I am using a B12 sublingual spray. One spray is 500 IU, which is the RDA. I have noticed from MFP that I am not getting enough Vitamin A. Maybe I need to add some mushy carrots to some of my puree foods. I really don't want to have to take a third supplement. Vitamin A has harmful effects if you get too much too. I think a lot of sleeve patients think that they don't have to supplement at all, and I am not sure this is the case. How is everyone doing today? I am doing great! I found out that my Water goes down a lot quicker / easier if I put a squeeze of lime into it. And the lime slice lasts a couple of refills of the water bottle. I hadn't tried it because I don't have the metallic/heavy taste from water that so many people do. But it sure tastes better with a little flavor. I don't like to put sweet things in it because the smell/taste seems to linger in my water bottle for a few washes. I can handle lime though. Since I'm back at work I am noticing it's harder to get in my walks. There is a gym right across the street. When I cancelled my gym membership before (about 6 months ago) I said that I would walk outdoors and I bought a set of dumbells to use at home, but I have failed on both counts. I think my husband might kill me for buying the weights and then joining a gym again, but I need the exercise. It doesn't help that I am a 5 minute walk to the train station, on both ends of my commute. Sometimes I get off at the next or previous station and walk, but somehow it feels silly and it's hard to make myself do it after a long day at the office.
  2. I use a Kleen Kanteen with the sports cap. I have never had problems with air in my tummy and I'm only in my third week post-op.
  3. mistysj

    what happens if you don't get enough protein in?

    You can get skim milk powder and mix 1/3 cup into a cup of skim milk. You double the Protein and it tastes more like whole milk but you aren't adding any fat. Also you can get some hummus or fat free bean dip and purée it with some flavorless protein powder and some cottage cheese. Or used canned chicken or canned tuna puréed with mayo or Greek yogurt.
  4. mistysj

    Let's Talk Vitamins

    High-quality vitamins are not cheap. Talk to your doctor and see if there is a cheaper option that he still approves of.
  5. Gummy and chewy things can get stuck and make you vomit. Ironically you can take relatively small pills right away because they are firm enough not to get stuck. I was taking panadol (Tylenol) gel caps the day after surgery, being given to me at hospital. A vitamin that size would be fine. You can crush vitamins too.
  6. Welcome! Are you on a pre-op diet? Who is your surgeon? Lots of us are in Brisbane and we have meet-ups sometimes. We just had one on 13 May. I was only sleeved on the 14th and Bec will be sleeved soon as well. And I think I am forgetting someone.
  7. Sorry to make it about me, but it is 7:19 and I have eaten dinner! This is the earliest since my surgery. I think I am finally getting the routine down! I bought a countdown timer app for my phone and set up a compound timer. I also looked on my sheet and realized I only needed to stop drinking 15 minutes before I eat rather than 30. So my timer is set up like: 15 minutes - no drinking 20 minutes - eat 45 minutes - no drinking 55 minutes - check glucose (because that makes 2 hours from start of meal) I can just start the timer when I decide to stop drinking for my next meal and it beeps at me to tell me to do the next thing nif you have an iPhone it is called Seconds Pro and it was made for interval training workouts. You can also click on a part of the timer to reset it if it already started, like if you got a phone call and couldn't start eating yet. Maybe geeky but it has been helpful to me! I also picked up a different Multivitamin today. Elevit with iodine. It was recommended by an Australian bariatric dietitian whose book I am reading. She says that contrary to popular belief Sleevers do get deficiencies. This is a high potency Vitamin for pregnant women but she said it is the best in the Australian market for bariatric patients. It has a huge amount of Iron and Vitamin C though. I hope I don't get nauseated from the iron. I also picked up Caltrate with Vitamin D. I have had hysterectomy and I'm only 35 so I am paranoid about osteoporosis.
  8. Do you ladies notice how much women bond around body loathing and dieting? Get a group of women together and it is bound to come up. It has always made me feel uncomfortable as the biggest person in the room but I imagine it is equally weird for a person who is at goal and weight is not the center of their life anymore. Also I kind of feel like this journey is so different that I would never have any advice to offer anyone anyway.
  9. This is a good article to read when considering which procedure to have. It is by a doctor that has more than 20 years in the field and a lot of recognition from his peers. http://m.obesityhelp.com/articles/choice-of-bariatric-procedure-a-philosophy-obtained-in-20-years-of-bariatric-practice-2/
  10. mistysj

    *moan* getting in the calories

    Are you able to have a full thyroid work-up? Beyond just the standard tests? Also do you have access to a dietitian or doctor who can measure your BMR with a machine that you breathe into?
  11. mistysj

    Before and after (well during)

    Gee you looked great even before! I am so jealous you didn't have the upper and lower bellies! You must be really tall because i started at 98 kg and look nowhere near as gorgeous as you did when you started. And you look fabulous now too.
  12. They both look beautiful! What a blessing. I hope that you are feeling better than a few weeks ago as well.
  13. mistysj

    What to freeze in?

    Nope but you have to be a bit careful when you take it off. I didn't use waxed paper muffin cups but you can get them, and that might help. I suspect it would be a mess to leave the paper on and thaw the food.
  14. mistysj

    just a bite?

    I did cook for my husband last night but it was things I was not even tempted to eat. The only time I have cheated so far is a couple bites of a cookie. I find that this is just "eye hunger" or "head hunger" and actually getting in all of my puree and water is a full time job!
  15. mistysj

    What to freeze in?

    Muffin tins are perfect for puree because they hold about half a cup. You can line with muffin cups and peel off the paper after it freezes, then put the "cups" into ziploc bags. I have found that they thaw and heat in the microwave, 2 minutes if you want it hot, or 1 minute if you want it cold or room temp. I shared several puree receipes in the Recipe Swap section.
  16. Bumping this because it's great. I have a friend who is ACTUALLY a good friend and not jealous, but she has a bit of a hard time that my goal weight is about 15 kg under what she currently weighs, and about 10 kg under what she thinks she should weigh. But she is around 5'6" and I am 4'11" and it is just so odd. She doesn't have a problem with the goal I have set for ME, but she seems to use it to beat herself about the head a bit. And I know that my mother will get jealous when I weigh less than she does. She is 5'2" and weighs around 59 kg (130 lb) and my goal is to weigh 50 kg, but again, she is taller than me, and she is not as slim as I would really prefer to be. And my mother is very competitive. I just think I won't tell her my actual weight, so I don't have to deal with it. And yes, I have a looooong way to go.
  17. mistysj

    Chicken burrito puree

    Nope just nuke it. It's super easy and it's a little spicy so that's a nice change. I was so sick of all the sweet shakes!
  18. Wow you look hot! And I am married! Now I'm even more sad that you missed out on the lunch with Kelli and me!
  19. mistysj

    Slow weight loss

    Wow, it's not really their business anyway. You can just say "I'm not sure, but I'm feeling great!"
  20. That's awesome, Bec! Anything you lose now is weight you don't have to lose afterward! And it will be easier for your surgeon to see everything too. Your surgery date is coming up so fast! How are you feeling about it? To the veterans, when you went on purée could you eat 1/2 cup! I have had no trouble eating that much in 20 minutes even though I expected to. I wonder if its because it is almost like liquid and I will feel more restriction on solids. I am getting about 600 calories, 60 grams of Protein, and about 6 glasses of Water a day. I'm trying to do better on the water but there are only so many hours in the day!
  21. mistysj

    Slow weight loss

    Search the forums for "three week stall". It happens to almost everyone.
  22. mistysj

    "Skinny Thinking" book club?

    Have you guys started reading it? I'm curious what you thought of the ego/inner child stuff? It sounded odd to me at first, but I have been having a lot of "eye hunger" and have been able to use the "that's just the child" trick several times now.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
