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Everything posted by mistysj

  1. mistysj

    How do you handle PMs?

    Regardless of where the FAQ is, people won't find it and will need to be linked to it. I think most people use the app, and sticky threads in the app are on a different tab (I didn't even notice them at first). I like the idea that only vets can post, but I think the way that threads work is that someone has to go in and edit the first post to add things that people have put in the comments. Maybe you guys could talk to Alex about it. Maybe he could make a webpage on here that was not a forum post, and you guys could put things there. Or you could maintain it on a different website like someone's blog and just link to that. (I feel a bit guilty posting here because I'm not a vet, but I have been involved in a lot of forums and websites)
  2. I take a high-potency prenatal vitamin, at the recommendation of my doctor. I've had no trouble swallowing it and it doesn't make me nauseated even though it has a very high iron level. It is a bit pricey at $60 for 100 pills, but that's $60 for over 3 months of vitamins, so only $20 a month. I'll take it. I was spending twice that a WEEK on fast food before being sleeved.
  3. You have lost more than 10 pounds a month. How can you not be happy with that? Give yourself a break!
  4. mistysj


    You might not feel restriction yet on purée. Best to weigh and measure. But I'm sure you are fine. Don't feel bad. ::
  5. Thank you for posting your in-progress success story! You are doing so well! I hope all of the newbies read this as well as all the "regret" posts, to get a balanced view. And I want to be exactly where you in three months!
  6. Lissa, you look so good! I would never guess you were ever obese. Wow!
  7. mistysj


    The best advice I can give you is everyone loses differently, and follow your doctor's eating plan. You will lose quite quickly at first and you will have stalls at times and that is normal too.
  8. The thing is, how many different ways can you say "I don't regret it"? The before/after stories sure, but the everyday? That's boring to most people. The regret threads seem exciting/ interesting. Success with the sleeve is a return to a level of normalcy that, after the rush wears off, is commonplace and average. And even people who have been at goal 3 or four years? How many times can you post a "yep still at goal" post? Your three-year "after" won't look much different from your two-year "after". My point is that the regrets are a very small minority with a disproportionately loud voice. And most of the people with regrets (without actual complications) are so newly-sleeved that the regret fades quickly. The ones who are months out with really vague, nebulous regrets, or those who want to eat like before? It's hard to understand. For me, I want to be free of that primal hunger that I could not reason with. Even when hunger comes back, I hope it will be more controllable. I don't want to go back to how I was before.
  9. That's exactly how I felt in the liquid phase. By week 2 I could do 250 ml in an hour. You'll get there! It is a lot quicker to eat on purée.
  10. I have had a BM almost every day but almost all very loose. Bring on the solid food! I had a bit of sharp pain in the stomach area today. I think it must mean more nerves are healing. It didn't really worry me. I need to make an appointment with my GP because I'm almost out of nexium. And I woke up early this morning with reflux. First time it had ever happened. I propped myself up and slept a bit more and it went away. Just odd. But I don't want to stop the nexium yet.
  11. mistysj

    How do you handle PMs?

    Maybe you guys could maintain a veteran's FAQ and just link people to that when they ask questions that are covered in it. Or put the link to the FAQ in your signature and in PM, tell people "Look at the link in my signature and you will find the answer."
  12. Apparently not. I was discharged on May 17. It's awfully close though! Here is an article: http://www.brisbanetimes.com.au/queensland/man-dies-of-legionnaires-disease-at-wesley-hospital-20130605-2nq2g.html
  13. Thanks Dean! Good luck, Linky! Well I'm watching this Legionnaire disease thing like a hawk. That was the hospital I was in.
  14. Really wise words. Thanks Lissa!
  15. Thank you for the support. Tomorrow is another day!
  16. mistysj


    I lost my dad when he was 43 and I was 18. We were estranged since I was 7 and it is one of my life regrets even though it was not my fault. He is one of the reasons I got this surgery. I'm so sorry for your loss. I'm thankful that as you say, your father lived a full life.
  17. Ugh I have already noticed I am using food for entertainment again! I got busy at worn and skipped morning snack. That made me feel like I "deserved" a treat after dinner. I had a tbsp of smooth Peanut Butter and one of those Soleil Desserts. Yes I journaled it and yes I was under 900 calories for the day, but it was not a wise choice! I got less than 50 g of Protein today. I should have had a shake for dessert. I know I'm bored alone in my house and food is what I have always done. I also noticed how much entertainment I seem to need. Eating, reading on the iPad, and watching TV all at once. Don't normal people do one of those at a time!? I feel like a wacko. Mostly I feel like if I am already eating crap, how am I going to stay on the straight and narrow? Bring on June 11 when my husband comes home and I can start soft foods. Ugh I really hate coming on here and whinging! I am a perfectionist and I have a hard time admitting it when I am blowing it.
  18. I think it's interesting how the "regret" posts come in clusters. They are all over this forum right now. It's like they feed on each other. I will get flamed for this but sometimes I wonder. Those posts sure do attract a lot more attention than " I'm feeling great and obeying all the rules" posts do. Maybe it's a weird kind of bonding or popularity? At least the ones that regret without any complications?
  19. mistysj

    **May 31st**

    I added hot sauce and vinegar to my chicken broth to make hot& sour. You could add taco seasoning to beef to make Mexican flavor.
  20. mistysj

    May sleevers! How much have you lost so far?

    Nearly everyone has a stall at the 3-4 week mark. just search this forum for "three week stall" and you will see. It is totally normal. Just keep following your doctor's plan and you will start losing again.
  21. There is already a thread about this: http://www.verticalsleevetalk.com/topic/47767-anyone-have-a-relatively-easy-recovery-story/ I posted my story there. It is quite a long thread, with lots of positive stories.
  22. I like this. Hunger is the only problem that food can solve. Every other problem you try to solve with food, it just makes the problem worse. It means you still have the problem, and you have a weight issue to stress about. Knowing this and keeping it in mind when I need it are two different things!

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