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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by mistysj

  1. In the throat if I eat too much. Otherwise if I stop at the right time it's like my brain switches off the urge to eat. We are having homemade hot and sour Soup for dinner. My husband is making it now. I have such a craving. Oh oh! You know that rule about no straws? Today I used one of those plastic tumblers that looks like a soft drink cup, but reusable and with an acrylic straw. I drank a lot more Water than usual and no problem with air in my stomach. Your mileage may vary but I had no trouble!
  2. Thanks for sharing, Aussiegirl. That is really helpful to me. Nessa, 50 kg is awesome! Congratulations. I am sure I will have some "jelly" too! As for me? I have an appointment with my gp tomorrow. I need a refill on my nexium and I want to see if he can solve the diarrhea. I have a call into my surgeon about that too. I did have Cereal today. Uncle Toby's Protein. It was a nice change. lunch was one of those St Dalfour tinned meals. It was yum.
  3. mistysj

    I am SO getting this t-shirt

    Too bad you won't be fat enough to wear it much longer!
  4. I'm a month out. I can eat toast, crackers, the crust on quiche, and a small amount of damper (like crusty biscuits). I take the tiniest bites. I haven't tried plain non-toasted bread yet but haven't had a food I can't tolerate yet.
  5. You look amazing and so happy!
  6. Same thing I had last night, filet steak and sauté veg. I had a bite of the steak and knew it wasn't working.
  7. Try to eat things with good fats then I guess. But I'm new at this. So new in fact that I got cocky and had slimes after two bites of dinner and had to work hard not to vomit. That was not pleasant and still isn't.
  8. That is the most common side effect of metformin. Ask your doctor about the extended release formula.
  9. I just posted this at MFP: Since you can't see my food diary here, I'll say that this totaled 630 calories.
  10. That's a funny typo. Just so you know you can edit your post if you click near the top of it. I have been in training the past two days, and I'm taking tomorrow as a holiday. We are going camping at Noosa north shore! I have had no problem at all eating solid food. I had chicken salad tonight with some diced capsicum and onion and had no trouble even though some people seem to have trouble with raw veg. I have had meat and crackers and a bit of rice and avocado and boiled egg. I don't know if I am just lucky or what, but I'm just taking everything slowly and in tiny bites and chewing well. I had a couple mini quiche today for morning tea even! Managing to stay under 900 calories right now even though I could definitely eat many more if I chose the wrong foods.
  11. I'm sorry if this is TMI. I have had very loose stools the whole time. At first it was blamed on the swallow test drink. Then it was blamed on the liquid diet. But it persisted through purée and now that I'm on solids it's still happening twice or three times a day. Doesn't seem to matter what I eat. I'm actually getting less than 10 grams of Fiber a day. I'm afraid to have more because it might make it even worse. It's embarrassing as hell in public bathrooms. This has really been my only unpleasant symptom. I have only been on solids for two days. Is there hope that this will stop? Should I be worried? I am not a worrier by default and so far I have just toughed it out. But come on. I envy those who have the other problem. At least you can just take something for that.
  12. I consented for mine to be used for research. Not that it was that special. Whenever you have something removed here you get the choice. I donated my cancerous uterus and ovaries too.
  13. mistysj

    Affordable Health Care Act…anyone?

    http://www.healthcare.gov/law/ http://obamacarefacts.com/affordablecareact-summary.php http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Patient_Protection_and_Affordable_Care_Act Maybe the info at those links will clear things up for those with questions. By the way, Alex posted a thread about this act and WLS in the News forum. Edit: nope it wasn't Alex. I read about it here: http://www.npr.org/blogs/health/2013/05/27/186310916/for-many-affordable-care-act-wont-cover-bariatric-surgery So the answer is, you might be covered. Just like now. As much as I am itching to get into the politics of this I won't.
  14. mistysj

    Is 2-3 ounces my normal

    I just transitioned to full foods and my nutritionist doesn't even want me tracking anything. I have an exchange diet where I'm supposed to get a specific number of servings of each food group. He said I will probably stay around 800 calories for mow and naturally get to around 1000. It is so weird how we are all different. But don't worry about stretching your sleeve. It is healed and strong by 28 days out, according to my surgeon. You will be uncomfortable if you eat too much but you won't stretch it. It relaxes a bit on its own but that happens no matter what. Your esophageal valve is not strong enough to hold enough food to stretch your sleeve. You would vomit first.
  15. mistysj

    I am now a master farter!

    Awesome. I had hoped this went away when I got to solid food. Not so far. At least they don't have "cargo" like during the liquid phase. I'd apologize for TMI but this whole thread is TMI!
  16. mistysj

    coffee drinkers?

    Some doctors don't allow it for various reasons. I think it is mostly in the US. My Australian doctor and nutritionist have no problem with it. IRS a great way for me to get some milk into my day since I don't like milk on its own.
  17. I'm glad it helps! For dinner I had one egg, very gently scrambled, 3 g of mozzarella, and 40 g of salsa. It was filling but again no trouble. Keep in mind that my dietitian told me I don't need to do a specific soft food stage, but just chew everything very well and avoid dry meat for a while. Some people wouldn't try raw veggies yet. I haven't had much of any one solid food. Maybe that's why I have tolerated everything well. His chewing guideline is don't swallow until every chunk is smaller than a single pea. Also I stopped eating lunch when everyone else was done. I just ate a lot less.
  18. What I have read is that running long distance makes you lose muscle mass (get stringy) and slows your metabolism. Because metabolism is a function of muscle mass.

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