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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by mistysj

  1. mistysj

    Deja Vu all over again

    Thank you for talking about this. I'm sorry that some people are acting like it is from something yiundid wrong. You have explained it very well and now we are better informed about what to expect.
  2. It is getting better for me. About 50/50. Anyone else? Tomorrow will be my 6th weigh in and the start of my 7th week.
  3. I can't do this Friday either because I am hosting a lunchtime all-hands meeting at work. We are having pizza and I haven't figured out how I am even going to handle it. Maybe I will secretly eat lunch before the meeting. But anyway you all go and have fun and I will catch you next time. Shelly you look SO GOOD! I know what you mean about the compliments though. I Valentina been getting them yet this time bit when I have lost weight before it has been the most awkward thing. You want them to notice, but just in the right way and at the right time and not too much! The worst are the people who just go on and on! Or ask you your "secret" then tell you you're wrong or unhealthy!
  4. No problems and I left my diabetes at the hospital.
  5. Exactly! The chooks are installed but they are staying in their house for now. Not very photogenic. Two black ones (australorp) and one brown-orange one (ISA Brown).
  6. How awesome, lessismore! I love it. Just smile and accept the compliments.
  7. Hi all. Sounds like we are doing well. It's nice to see others making the transition to full food. I think I'm going to stall or have only a tiny loss this week. It's fine, I have been expecting the first stall. But I'm so pleased with the sleeve. Yesterday we spent the afternoon and evening at a friend's playing board games. There are a,ways chips, lollies, beer, wine etc around. It's so easy to snack. Well, I did! I think I had 3 chips and 2 snakes. LOL! Then there was lovely homemade minestrone for dinner and I had a cup of it, and about 3 cm by 1 cm of brownie, with 1 tbsp cream for dessert. I felt included, I enjoyed the food, and I stayed in my calories. It was important that I didn't make the gathering awkward and I got what I needed too. I will note that I had a smaller Breakfast and morning snack at home and packed some of my own Snacks to have during the day. Mass this morning, then we are going to get chooks! We have a large back garden and we picked up a chook shed two weekends ago. I'm thrilled.
  8. I went out to eat for the first time post-surgery. I had about 1/3 of a bowl of laksa from Jackpot Noodle (ate mostly broth and seafood, very little noodles), then later about half a small mocha from Zaraffa's. everything went down fine and I stayed within my calorie budget. It's nice to realize I can be "normal" already.
  9. mistysj

    Piece of cake!

    Here is a whole thread for you: http://www.verticalsleevetalk.com/topic/47767-anyone-have-a-relatively-easy-recovery-story/
  10. Sometimes I don't know what crawled up there and died!
  11. Yesterday I didn't go at all. Blessed relief. This morning I had a soft but formed (sorry) movement and I was pretty excited. This afternoon I had something that was basically just liquid. So it may be starting to get better but not quite there yet. I'm sorry for the TMI but it is what it is.
  12. Good luck! I hope all of the tests are fine and that you react well to your modified diet. I know that when I did the Optifast program with the Wesley last year, they had an Optifast option or a non-Optifast option which was only very lean meat and non-starchy vegetables, and under 1000 calories a day. I chose to do the Optifast but apparently the other program works too. It would probably shrink your liver too. You would just have to take a Multivitamin. So if this doesn't work for you then maybe you can go to your doctor with that suggestion. The two weeks will fly by! I started using a cup with a straw and I can get my Water in so much better! I drank two 16-ounce cups of just water yesterday! Plus my coffee. I know that's not enough but it's loads better than I was doing before. It is 3:30 today and I have just finished my first 16-ounce cup. It is the plastic double-walled ones that look like a soft drink cup, but are permanent. It even has a hard plastic straw.
  13. mistysj

    WTF? Am I wrong?

    You don't owe any stranger anything. If you were offended you have the right to express it. Just because someone is good looking doesn't mean they deserve your time.
  14. mistysj

    i dont like puree

    Think of it like medicine. It is important for your stomach to heal.
  15. mistysj


    That is the best thing I have read all day. You are amazing!
  16. Dean, I just had to go to Roma Street Police headquarters! I wonder if I saw you and didn't know it. I lost my work badge and someone handed it in to the police station, which is pretty amazing to me. Constable Shaw contacted my company and held it for me. Above and beyond!
  17. Brisbane folks what do you say to a lunch outing in the next couple weeks? I will be in India the middle two weeks in July.
  18. According to my doctor it is just the body adjusting and is normal. I just have to wait it out. Interestingly this morning when the urge hit I was on the train. I ignored it because what else could I do? And it actually went away. I haven't gone #2 yet today. So maybe it is just spasms and doesn't always actually send you to the bathroom?
  19. I'm glad you find it helpful. But please remember we are all different and please obey your doctor and nutritionist even though they may tell you different from what you might hear on the Internet. Even in this thread we have all kinds of different journeys. Someone who had a leak, someone with celiac, someone who lost too quickly and has trouble not losing more, someone who has turned into an exercise-addicted hottie (maybe several of those LOL). I have learned so much from everyone here and I'm thankful for this thread. It is a haven of sanity amidst all the bull **** on the rest of VST!
  20. Yes! But it's usually breakfast then another time in the morning. I have yet to have anything solid come out since surgery. I'm almost 5 weeks out and on solid food. I had hoped it would stop when I went on solids. I have a call into my GP about it. I hope it isn't lactose intolerance. Dairy is one of the easiest proteins for me to get down.

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