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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by mistysj

  1. My size 20w jeans were a little loose before the surgery. I got them at City Chic outlet at the Gold Coast and they didn't have 18w and I was desperate because my 16s were skin tight. Now the size 20s are ridiculously big. I have to cinch them with a belt and the waist actually folds. The legs just billow. Also some of my tops are so loose I can't lean forward. So I went shopping. I struck out at Katie's. what is up with the fake front pockets? I couldn't afford MySize $100 jeans knowing I would grow out of them. I found some jeans in size 14 at Autograph for 49 but I wasn't convinced. Anyway you guys know that's not a real 14. So I tried Target and found some 18 (not W) for $20! They won't probably last but they don't have to. Also found some T shirts in size 20 for really cheap. I spent $145 for the jeans, 3 tops, a pair of shoes, a handbag, and 5 pair of undies. Not bad! I know the sizes probably seem small to some of you but I'm not even 5' tall.
  2. Susan and Sue said it better than I could. I haven't felt deprived in the least. I feel free because I'm not being led around by my stomach anymore.
  3. mistysj

    Good bye DOMA!

  4. I have had a huge amount of restriction all day long. I had a hard time finishing lunch and my afternoon snack has been tough too. This is a good thing because I was not feeling much restriction even on full solids, except for really firm protein like chicken breast.
  5. mistysj

    Feeling insecure about dietitian's advice

    He was counting my BMR (which he estimates about 1300 calories) plus my daily walking and normal daily exertion (I walk at least 10,000 steps a day and do strength training twice a week, in addition to normal daily movement). Since I have been researching this so much I have compiled a list of all of the VSG post-op diets I can find published online, from surgeons and bariatric centers around the world. I posted it here: http://www.verticalsleevetalk.com/topic/85182-list-of-vsg-post-op-diets-from-surgeons/
  6. Aussie, you look amazing now. You will look so hot after your TT! Does PHI cover any of it? I had a restriction surprise today. I have had no problem eating a scrambled egg and half a piece of toast for Breakfast. In fact I didn't feel particularly full. Today I added 50 grams of ham to it. I only finished half of the omelet and half the toast and I was so stuffed I was sliming. I guess it's from the more dense Protein.
  7. My surgery us May 14 but I wanted to wish good luck to those going in the first week of May! Here in Australia the first is only a few hours away.
  8. mistysj

    I wish I hadn't seen this forum....

    Most people have zero trouble. Here s a thread: http://www.verticalsleevetalk.com/topic/84602-honestly-who-has-had-zero-problems/ Here is an older one with pages of posts: http://www.verticalsleevetalk.com/topic/47767-anyone-have-a-relatively-easy-recovery-story/
  9. You can have it in the soft food stage.
  10. I'm eating the best vegetable slice! 1/2 cup flour, 4 eggs, 40grams grated cheese, 100grams ham, 1c grated zucchini, 1c red capsicum, 1.5c steamed chopped cauliflower, 1/4 cup celery. Sauté the chopped veggies, beat the eggs, and throw it all together. Bake at 180 until done. I cut it into 9 and they are about 100 calories each and 8 G protein.
  11. How brave of you! Bravo! I am very proud of you. Let us know what kinds of comments you get. When I "came out" all of the comments were surprisingly positive and supportive, and I also made it clear that I didn't want to be asked a ton of questions about my progress etc, and nobody has bothered me. And congratulations to being less than 8 kg from goal! How exciting! That sounds so manageable doesn't it? You must be so pleased.
  12. Hi all, I posted on the food and Nutrition forum but I think more people might see posts here. I would love your opinion. Here is the thread: http://www.verticalsleevetalk.com/topic/84941-feeling-insecure-about-dietitians-advice/ Thanks in advance!
  13. Just wait until tomorrow's brekky dump lol!
  14. I've had an endoscopy and it is not a big deal at all. They give you a sedative and you go to sleep. You wake up and it's all done, and you won't even be groggy because it's not a full anesthetic.
  15. The same thing happened to me! Like 3 days before the surgery, the hospital called and said they don't have an account with my health fund (it is out of state and they had never heard of it) even though the health fund had already assured me I was covered. I contacted the health fund and had them call the hospital and they worked it out. Major stress-out. My health fund is in Perth and is called Central West. When we got them I think it was because they were the cheapest that would allow us to not have to pay the tax levee, but it turns out they have treated us really well.
  16. Kelli, I went ahead and made an appointment with Diane for next Monday. I just don't feel like I can trust Andrew's advice. It is so different from what everyone else seems to be doing. I posted about this in the Nutrition forum too, asking if anyone else is following the same plan that Andrew has outlined for me. Yes, I am still losing, but it makes me feel very nervous that I am doing something so non-standard. And it seems too good to be true, that I can have so many carbs and so little Protein and still be "on plan." Can you tell me what to expect from Diane? What is her basic plan? Is it basically the high-protein low-carb low-fat plan? ALso, how much is she likely to cost me? I was too shy to ask her.
  17. Down to 87.6! That means I have lost more than 10 kg and I have lost 10% of my weight, in 6 weeks.

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