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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by mistysj

  1. mistysj

    I am now a master farter!

    Things have gotten so much better for me since I started on a course of a strong probiotic. I saw relied after the second dose. I will continue for a month, go off it and see how I do. This was recommended by my new dietitian. She said I may need to go back on for a month a couple times a year.
  2. I am doing so much better! Haven't had another incident since the last one on the 4th. I've been having normal BMs and not very often. I think it's time to start adding a little fiber back to my diet. I totally credit the probiotic.
  3. Things shift around just like if you have a hysterectomy, appendectomy, etc. or when you are pregnant. If you can accommodate an 8 pound fetus it's clear there is a lot of flexibility in there.
  4. mistysj


    Laura, are you a reader? I'm reading all I can get my hands on about the emotional side of WLS while it still in the honeymoon period. I have a long history of disordered eating and there is nothing to indicate that my problems will be over after the sleeve unless I do the work. So I'm hitting it hard now. Here are some books that I've gotten a lot out of: http://www.amazon.com/Skinny-Thinking-Revolutionary-Permanently-Relationship/dp/1600377491 http://www.amazon.com/Complete-Spirit-Guide-Weight-Surgery/dp/0982385072/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1372978376&sr=1-1&keywords=Eat+it+up http://www.amazon.com/Beyond-Refrigerator-Navigating-Weight-Loss-Surgery/dp/1457508362/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1372978408&sr=1-1&keywords=beyond+the+refrigerator http://www.amazon.com/Emotional-First-Aid-Kit-Practical/dp/0976852659/ref=sr_1_2?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1372978440&sr=1-2&keywords=emotional+first+aid And a book that is helping me with some of MY underlying issues: http://www.amazon.com/Toxic-Parents-Overcoming-Hurtful-Reclaiming/dp/0553381407/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1372978495&sr=1-1&keywords=Toxic+parents I promise you, it's not really about food. I can't speak for what it's about for you, but I think finding out is the key. We can do this.
  5. mistysj

    The 5:2 diet

    Flax seeds actually just go right through if they are whole. Your body can't get to the fiber. Ground ones will work better, as does psyllium husk. I like to add a teaspoon of psyllium husk to foods it will disappear into (chili, stews, breakfast cereal). Psyllium husk is the generic of Metamucil.
  6. Sue, I love your new avatar!
  7. mistysj

    The 5:2 diet

    I've just started on a probiotic because I have had the opposite of constipation since surgery. It seems to already be helping and I am only on day 5 of taking it. I've hardly ever in my life been constipated but have had periodic attacks of the other thing throughout my life. My nutritionist said to get the probiotic with the most different strains that I could find (mine has 4) and to take it for a month, then go off it for a couple weeks and if I feel like I'm going backward, take another month's worth. She said I may need a "tune up" once or twice a year. She did say it can help for other bowel issues than diarrhea too. It comes in capsules and needs to be kept in the fridge. Sorry to hijack the thread.
  8. I am so relieved. I think the probiotic is really helping me! I'm off again tomorrow and will spend it finishing laundry and doing household chores. Meeting my best friend in the afternoon for shopping and dinner. She has mild (normal?) body image issues and would like to lose 5-10 kg but she is a healthy BMI and I have a hard time relating. She doesn't diet but always talks about how she should "do something." She has already said she is nervous about eating with me because she will feel like a pig. I really hope things don't get awkward between us. I'm scared she will get competitive and insecure when we weigh the same (she is much taller) or wear the same size. She has never known me lighter than I am now. In fact I am now lower than my lowest Optifast weight by a few grams, so I'm at my lightest since about 2005. That's well before we met.
  9. This was covered earlier in the thread. This is not dumping but diarrhea which can be connected to eating something that doesn't agree with you. Some people get it if they eat a lot of sugar or dairy or fat. "Dumping" is flu-like symptoms that come from I digested food entering the small intestine. We are not dumping, but we are sure dumping something into the toilet!
  10. You don't have to give up anything long term. Check with your surgical team about coffee. Mine allows it and even my new dietitian didn't have a problem with it in moderation. And I have already had a small amount of a brownie. Really there is no need for last-supper thinking. I'm working on another 500 ml of water!
  11. I hope you didn't realize it, but "coon" is a very racist and hateful word. I'm just letting you know so you think twice about using it. It's just as bad as the N word. Edit: I see others have told you.
  12. I am so thankful for this thread. The rest of this site is full of ridiculous drama! I'm sitting at the salon having my hair colored. I'm off work today and tomorrow to prepare for my trip. Laundry and weeding the flower beds today, cleaning tomorrow. At least I will get my steps in! What are you people up to today? By the way do any of you go to any in-person support groups?
  13. Maybe I am not 100% yet. A few minutes after I wrote that, I had another "incident". Hopefully they are tapering off though.
  14. PROBIOTIC! My new dietitian started me on one Monday. I noticed a difference the very next day. No BM Tuesday,magically was a miracle in itself. Yesterday a small one soft but not like the last 8 weeks. Today I had a real stool! I got to push and everything. Sorry to be gross but I was tempted to snap a photo! Try it. Go to the chemist and ask for the probiotic that has the most different strains. Mine has 4. You need to take one pill a day for a month. Go off it and see how you do. You might need a second month and you might need to do this a couple times a year. No need to take it all the time. By the way she also had me cut back on fat but I'm convinced it was the probiotic. For the fat she said try to stay below 5 grams of fat at a meal, or a single egg (which has like 7 grams). I haven't been able to do it at every meal but still my symptoms are so much better!
  15. You look great, shell! I discovered Gravox pre made gravy. I am having the chip gravy (on mince). 22 calories and 0 fat for 1/4 cup!
  16. I am out of time this week, so I commit to start Couch to 5K after I get back from India, the week of July 22!
  17. One thing Diane helped me with so far is that she told me it is OK not to eat morning tea if I'm not hungry! I was always forgetting, and feeling guilty about it. Now I feel like it's OK if I don't want to eat then. Isn't it funny how much we tie ourselves up in knots about things. I am off work tomorrow and Friday to get ready for my trip. I leave Sunday and I will be in India until the 21st. I will be checking in here periodically. I won't have a scale so that will be tough, but I hope I have a killer loss when I come back! I am feeling excited and a little nervous about what eating real Indian food with the sleeve will be like. It isn't really like what you get at Indian restaurants here, much less fatty and more healthy. And luckily where I am going there is more roti (wheat flat bread) than rice. So I think it will be fine. In the worst case I can always have an egg!
  18. mistysj

    Anyone From India?

    I am off to India for two weeks starting on the 7th, for work. I will be in Pune. I'm actually pretty excited and I feel confident that I will do fine with eating. I will be staying at a nice hotel in Magarpatta, and I know that they can make dishes to my specification.
  19. Darling if you're taking notes off me I hope you know what a newbie I am!
  20. In good news (maybe premature) my tummy feels so much better. Probiotic or less fat?
  21. mistysj

    Hunger pains?

    Are you taking a PPI like nexium? This sounds like excess acid. Check with your doctor.
  22. Yes I was over thinking it!

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