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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by mistysj

  1. mistysj

    Honestly, how much do you vomit?

    I'm just over 9 weeks out and have truly vomited twice, both times when I ate too much and slimed, and tried to swallow/hold down the slime. It doesn't work. Now I know better and if I slime, I go somewhere I can spit it out and have a productive burp. I'm getting better about not overheating and have had the most trouble while traveling in India because the textures of the foods are so different, and because I'm socializing while eating and not paying attention. One week until I will be home.
  2. I've had a bad case of gastro for the last day but I think it is finally over. I was even running to the toilet half the night. Every half hour. I'm sure I swallowed some river water while rafting and swimming. I only managed about 25 grams of protein yesterday but I'm doing better today. We spent the morning shopping so I plan to rest for the rest of the day. Next week will be very full of meetings and training.
  3. mistysj

    Exercise question for the VETS

    The Fitbit One. It is more discreet because you can put it in the small pocket of your jeans or clip it to your bra or pants. There is also the Flex, which is a bracelet style.
  4. mistysj

    Exercise question for the VETS

    Fitbit measures steps, elevation (equivalent flights of stairs), and sleep quality. It also has a silent alarm facility where it vibrates instead of making a sound. I love it. The steps are also really accurate. The only time it gets confused is if you are driving on REALLY bumpy roads. Like roads in India, where I am now. We took a 5 hour drive and it told me I had walked 30000 steps. LOL
  5. mistysj

    I am sooooo ITCHY

    Whey allergy or vitamin deficiency. Contact your doctor ASAP or go to emergency. An allergy can turn worse quickly.
  6. Hi all! I just spent the last two days rafting, swimming, rock climbing, rappelling, doing obstacle courses, and walking! I am worn out but had so much fun. It is monsoon so it poured rain on us the whole time. I did have some trouble eating early on so I ended up eating quite a small amount. I'm back to the hotel now where I can control and track my food better. I'm exhausted and have caught a gastro bug so I am taking it easy today. I forgot to say that I had plenty of room in every plane ride on the way here and could lower every seat tray fully with some extra room between it and my belly! Also, I can not only feel, but SEE my collar bones. I haven't been able to weigh for almost two weeks so I have no idea what the scale says.
  7. mistysj

    Who Are You?

    I'm glad you are getting the hang of things. Can you please keep this thread on topic though, because its good to talk about who we are apart from the surgery. There are plenty of threads about the diet stages or you can feel free to start your own. This is a long-running thread and I wouldn't like to see it derailed.
  8. I am not finding it easy to eat socially. Today at lunch I wasn't paying attention, got too full, and had to leave the restaurant and ended up vomiting on the sidewalk. How embarrassing! I'm struggling with getting in enough Protein and calories. Tonight I'm going to give myself a break and have some ice cream. I have the calories and I'm really craving something that will go down easily nail so I am really craving a peaceful meal by myself with no socializing to distract me. Tomorrow we are going rafting and doing other Water sports, then camping overnight. I'm looking forward to the activities but I hope the food is manageable. I made some requests so hopefully it will work out. Other than the eating, I'm having a great time.
  9. Also I feel hunger already if I go too long without eating, but it is more of an empty feeling than true hunger. I have had it since week 2 but it is very manageable. I can even satisfy it with a few quick swallows of water. I am sure your pumpkin soup is perfectly fine for you especially watered down. Don't bite and chew the ice pole but make sure it is melted before swallowing. Your stomach is still tender.
  10. I got running shoes (in India of all things -- i am here for two weeks on business) so I am all set to get started! I may even get started while I'm here. I was surprised to find so e really comfortable Reeboks for around 40 USD. The same shoes would cost 100+ in Australia, where everything is at least 75% more expensive than the US price. I am sure they are last year's model but I couldn't care less.
  11. mistysj

    dumb question

  12. Hi all! I'm having a great time. Yesterday afternoon I went to work for a couple hours just to say hello, then I met some friends for shopping and dinner. We went to a charcoal grille type place and I had some really nice prawns and a little creamed crab with thin roti. This morning I am having an omelet with green chilli, about 1/4 of a chicken sausage, and one slice of buttered toast. I will probably only get through half the toast and omelet. I am feeling a lot of restriction so far on this trip and not able to eat much quantity at all. Last time I stayed at this hotel pre-sleeve, I would have had the omelet, two pieces of buttered toast, a bit of sausage, a little mashed potato (Breakfast food here) and a big pastry! Yesterday for lunch I ordered some spiced prawns appetizer and "espresso chicken" main. I asked them to pack them in takeaway containers and they did such a good job. The chicken, prawns, sauté veg, mashed potato, cilantro chutney, and onion relish each in a separate container. I have a microwave and dishes in my room so this will work so well. So far I have had about half of it during lunch and afternoon snack yesterday. So the moral of the story is that you can ask for special treatment and you will probably get what you need. I'm much less worried than I was before about the food on the trip. I'm supposed to weigh today but obviously I don't have a scale. I may actually be able to borrow one from a colleague though so I may weigh a little later.
  13. mistysj

    I had an idea...

    On the mobile app you can click the body of their post (the part with the white background) and it will show you their signature and tickers. You have to click Back to reply though.
  14. Hi all! Just checking in from Singapore airport where I am having a (fraction of a) lovely bowl of noodles. I have quite some time until I board for Delhi. My flights gate is not even assigned yet. I will tell you it's hard to log meals across time zones!
  15. So, a 4 piece nuggets from red rooster was my lunch at the airport. 200 calories and almost 12 grams of protein. Could be a lot worse and filled me right up. Before the surgery I could have had 12+. And chips.
  16. mistysj


    I wonder if he means the plane crash in SFO.
  17. Congratulations on your loss and welcome back, Sarah! I think it is great to work with a dietitian. Also are you able to exercise much? That always helps me. I'm all packed and ready to go. I leave for the airport in about an hour and a half. I'm looking forward to this trip, and ice even budgeted myself half a bowl of laksa at Singapore airport on the way! I'm sure I will probably still be on VST daily and I will be logging all my food on MFP too. I'd love to come back 2-3 kg lighter.
  18. That hasn't happened to me. What did you eat that caused it? I had my first bathroom episode since Tuesday. 5 days is acceptable. Don't ge me wrong, I have had several normal ones in that time. I fly to India this afternoon and I'm a little nervous how the flight will go. I hope I don't have to destroy the bathroom! LOL

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