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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by mistysj

  1. Is it just me or is the surgeon's followup a bit of a scam? "You look great. Any problems? Hop on the scale." 5 minutes and $83 later I don't know if I will keep my next 3-month appointment! Good news is I was 83 kg with clothes on. I also think it is a crock that the surgeon uses my highest lifetime weight as his measuring stick rather than the day-of-surgery weight. Call me a cynic I guess.
  2. I made more of my fish cakes today, this time with salmon. So good. A small can makes 4. I am craving fish. DH is taking me for sashimi for dinner too.
  3. The extreme cold will pass. I was miserably cold the first three weeks but then it stabilized. I'm still not as hot-natured as I was and I'm more likely to grab a jumper now, but I don't go around shivering either. Also 2 kg in 10 days is great. Picture 2 kg of butter. It is rather amazing actually. I'm off today and finishing up laundry, and reading about Agile development (a software industry thing). I have a follow-up with my surgeon this afternoon. I think he will be pleased.
  4. mistysj

    Hate my NUT

    I know you guys are venting but can't believe you're criticizing your dietitians based on body size. They weigh the right amount because they eat according to their own guidelines. Also carrying extra weight is not going to help them in their careers. "Who should listen to her? She's not even thin." I can just hear it now.
  5. Everyone stalls at 3 weeks. It is actually a bit of a cliche. You will be amazed if you search "3 week stall". Don't freak out. It will pass.
  6. Country cheese Crab Cakes 1 large can crab meat 8 Arnotts Country cheese crackers, crushed finely 1 egg 8 grams each celery, zucchini, onion, chopped very fine 1/2 green onion, chopped fine Drain the crab, retain the juice. Beat the egg. Add crab, veggies, and crackers. Mix well. If dry, add a drizzle of the juice from the crab. Ads a pinch of salt and pepper. Heat a skillet and coat with oil. Form the cakes (I got 7) and fry, being careful they don't burn. Rest on a paper towel for a moment before serving. A serving of 2 cakes has 9 grams Protein, 5 grams fat, 6 grams carbs, and 111 calories. Appropriate for soft foods and beyond. You could use tuna or salmon instead.
  7. I think you can take anything but aspirin. I'm home! Slept so well last night. The "bad news" is that I think I will show a gain this week because my scale doesn't agree with the one I used overseas. It will still be a net loss and I'm not getting caught up with the numbers. I'm also probably recovering from being sick. Regardless, I'm happy to be home where I can control my food better and I'm so happy to be off work tomorrow! I will be joining the gym so I can start Couch to 5k this week! I won't do it outside because I have such a bad right ankle. I think AussieLady is also starting this week.
  8. mistysj

    Hate my NUT

    It has moved to the second page. I don't know how to get it made into a sticky post. http://www.verticalsleevetalk.com/topic/85182-list-of-vsg-post-op-diets-from-surgeons/
  9. My challenge will be to do the couch to 5k over the next 9 weeks.
  10. mistysj

    Weight watchers

    Most of us are veterans at WW and yet most of us had WLS. The recommendation for WW doesn't add up to me. They are a business who have a vested interest in your failure, which means you keep coming back. When people get wise to their schemes, they simply change the diet rules and make everyone buy all new materials. They also recommend the most processed and chemical-laden packages foods on the market.
  11. mistysj

    Hate my NUT

    I posted a huge list of post-op diets from reputable surgeons around the world, in the Food and Nutrition section. You couldn't go wrong picking one of those and sticking to it.
  12. mistysj

    Weight watchers

    Look in the food and Nutrition section. I posted a huge list of post-op plans from reputable surgical programs around the world. You wouldn't go wrong picking any of them.
  13. You look amazing! Who knew how delicate your bone structure is. Look at those tiny wrists! Most importantly, you must feel great. Lets hear some of the ways your life is different now.
  14. Of course. But it is still interesting.
  15. Yeah what happened?? I'm glad you are well enough to be online now. I managed to borrow a scale after having to skip weigh-in last week and I'm down another 4.7 kg to 81! I have lost 17 kg total. Only 2 kg to my weight at my wedding, which was after 6 months of very strict weight watchers. Just a little more until i lose the morbid from obese. It is possible some of this loss is all the gastro I've been having but I've been doing so much walking and other exercise as well.
  16. mistysj

    well, no wonder!

    You people are lovely. What inspirations!
  17. It is a valid option. I find all of the fear mongering on here interesting as this is the same attitude that typical thin people give to people with any WLS. Don't we know better than to say "my way is the only way" by now?
  18. You are really doing w1d3.
  19. mistysj


    I've had cooked oysters. A bit tough. Raw oysters are generally not chewed so I think it would be too big a chunk.
  20. mistysj

    WLS People Problems

    Muffin top. I've lost in the legs way faster than the waist and even if jeans are a bit loose in the legs they are pretty tight in the waist. Also I have an upper and lower belly so no fitted tops yet.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
