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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by mistysj

  1. I just about had an orgasm eating a salad today. I had brought some ham, cheese, and crackers for lunch. But around lunch time I started craving Subway. You know that Subway taste. So I decided to risk it, and get a salad. I chose the roasted chicken breast salad, with a little Southwest dressing drizzled on it. For lunch, I ate the chicken and about 1/3 of the salad. I had zero trouble at all, just remembered to chew carefully. Right now I have just finished my afternoon snack, which was the ham I brought for lunch, and 1/3 more of the salad. So good. I will toss the other 1/3, I feel like I got my money's worth. 1/3 of the salad itself (ignoring meat and dressing) is only 17 calories, 1 gram of Protein, 0 fat, 2 grams of carbs. Mostly it just felt so good to eat vegetables! So many people say they have trouble with raw veggies, especially lettuce. But I haven't had ANY trouble at all (knock wood)!
  2. Week 2 Day 1 is in the bag! I found it actually a little easier than last week, it's a little shorter. This makes me think that maybe Laura-Ven should try week 2 even though she is having trouble with week 1. I took my running up to 7.5 kph (4.7 mph). Yes, it's SLOW!
  3. I have done week 1 of couch to 5k. Eating-wise I have felt pretty casual. Need to rein it in. I feel more hungry after a carb snack than before I eat it!
  4. I take 2x Citracal with D (morning and lunch) and 1x Elevit with iodine (before bed). I use a B12 sublingual spray when I remember, after brushing my teeth at night (it has a mint taste).
  5. I updated my photo on here. I think you can really start to see a difference! No more double chins and my neck is thinning out.
  6. Great news! So glad it worked out. I enjoyed meeting Kelli and Shell for lunch. Both look superb!
  7. W1D3 done! I promise I won't post after every single day, but I'm just so happy I'm doing this. I went 2.7 km in 30 minutes this time. I have settled in walking at 5.0 kph (3.1 mph) and jogging at 7 kph (4.4 mph). When I did this before, I think I was walking at 3 mph and running at 6 mph, so I would like to increase the running speed a bit more. Even still, I won't finish at 5K in 30 minutes. I may not ever get there, because I'm only 4'11" with short legs and a long torso. Walking faster than I am walking now feels REALLY fast to me.
  8. Good luck, Helen! See you Brissie folks in half an hour. I am feeling virtuous because I just got back from doing Couch to 5K Week 1 Day 3!
  9. What about breakfast cereal did you want to ask? I have a high Protein cereal most mornings. By the way, the applesauce and funnel is for the bypass. We don't have an open hole at the bottom of our stomach like a funnel. We have the pyloric valve, which is why most of us chose the sleeve. It is an issue of room in the stomach for us. If you drink you won't have enough room for your protein. And yes, liquids empty the stomach faster than solids, even for us. But it's not the applesauce thing. Thy still leave in an orderly manner. That valve opens every 5 minutes or so.
  10. I love this thread too because we aren't just passively waiting for the surgery to work, we are taking an active role. Not that others aren't. It just makes me happy to be doing something besides eating to plan.
  11. Finished w1d2 and went 2.6 k instead of 2.5! I also figured out that for the app I have, you can't have your iPhone switch on silent if you want to hear the coach. I usually keep my phone on silent and couldn't figure out why it wasn't working last time.
  12. Software. I'm a manager for a team of technical writers.
  13. mistysj

    Thank God for Chris Christy

    My surgeon, who does a lot of bands (they are extremely popular in Australia) actually told me the bands slip because the band patients lose weight. He said "of course they don't listen if I tell them the risk!" He told me I did "the right thing" by getting the sleeve. Makes you wonder...
  14. Kelli, it's on George Street, across from the big food court at 400 George.
  15. Hey Kelli, are you up for lunch soon?
  16. mistysj

    Sneezing everytime I eat food?

    The vagus nerve makes you sneeze, among other things. It can get nicked during surgery. It also gets pressure of it when you are too full.
  17. mistysj

    Exercise question for the VETS

    Then you probably wear a belt.
  18. I think you feel perfectly normal. Cut yourself some slack. Just take it easy on yourself and take this time to rest and relax. Do you have a good book to read?
  19. mistysj

    Sneezing everytime I eat food?

    Could be vagus nerve damage. Ask your doctor.
  20. mistysj

    Third Surgiversary

    It's great to hear from you! I missed your posts. You are an inspiration.
  21. mistysj

    Exercise question for the VETS

    The One has a wrist band you can slip it into for at night. And I clip mine to my belt (it's HARD to get off) or my bra. Or put it clipless in the watch pocket of my jeans.
  22. I was walking around in the hospital the day of the surgery, and walking outside from the day I got home. A couple days after that, I took the train and went shopping.
  23. Just did W1D1. No problems, but I am slow. I averaged 5 kph between the walking and running. That is about 3.2 mph. I was doing the walking at 5 kph and running at 6.5 kph and I did 2.5k in 30 minutes. I didn't even sweat much. But I know it gets harder, as I have done it before.

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