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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by mistysj

  1. If you feel weak it could be dehydration. You should probably feel ok on 700 calories if it is mostly protein and good carbs. Make sure you are drinking enough water and supplement with hydralite if you aren't sure.
  2. My husband just did w1d1 this morning! He is not sleeved and not obese but could stand to lose a few and get healthier. I'm proud of him even though I suspect we won't be able to run together because he will be faster than me!
  3. Wow that is impressive, Butter! I finished W6D3 today! A 15-minute run, 5 minute walk, then 5 minute run at the end. Wow! W7D1 is a 20-minute run, straight!
  4. W6d2 was hard! I had to run slow for the last interval. But I did it! This is when the rubber hits the road and each day just gets harder. I remember it from before. I will do it. Sheer determination. Friday I will be 2/3 of the way there.
  5. I did week 6 day 1. I can't believe I made it. 10 minutes straight of running. Twice!
  6. Sorry to hear about the complications Aussie and I hope your recovery goes very smoothly!
  7. Just had tapas for dinner and had ice cream for dessert and didn't blow my calories for the day. Love my sleeve!
  8. Congratulations, that's an awesome NSV! Aussie, I hope you're resting and have lots of nice drugs to keep you feeling good! As for me, all of my tests came back NORMAL. Even the estrogen. So where that leaves me still having chronic gastro issues, 3.5 months after my surgery. So my GP told me to call my surgeon. The surgeon first tried to pass the buck and told me to speak to my dietitian, but I said I'd already been through that. So then he told me to take Lomotil for 2-3 days, take some Fiber (his dietitian told me not to start taking fiber until the diarrhea stopped, so I have not been), and call him back in 3 weeks. It's a little depressing but I guess I may be stuck with diarrhea 2-3 times a day for the foreseeable future. I completed Couch to 5K week 5 day 3 today though, so that was good. Hubby and I are going for tapas (at Peasant at Petrie Terrace) and then to a play this evening. Looking forward to that!
  9. I survived it by pig-headedness. Run slower if you need to. If its faster than walking and you are using a running gait (both feet off the ground at once) it counts.
  10. I didn't even have to see a psych because I had been in a diet program before within the same hospital system. No blood tests or GI tests. No waiting list. I think the medical establishment is much more proactive about obesity here. Also most of the US hoops are so the insurance companies can find a reason to deny you. That having been said, I don't know anyone here who used the public system for this kind of surgery. And private hospitals snd doctors almost always have less stringent requirements. Good luck today, Aussie! As for me, I have an appointment today with my GP to get back a bunch of test results for two different issues. One, I'm still having bad diarrhea several times a day. Two, apparently my estrogen is way too low (I'm post-hysterectomy and on HRT). They are also checking my Iron, folate, Calcium, and B12, and maybe other things that I forgot. I've been feeling pretty tired and "off" but just marked it up to the gastro.
  11. Good luck, Aussiegirl! I hope your recovery is as quick and easy as possible.
  12. W5D2 done. I have has acl reconstruction and my knee gets little twinges going down stairs the day after a run but it isn't anything I can't handle. Hopefully someone else can help.
  13. I had a nice loss this time! Down from 81.2 to 79.4 which puts me in the 70s! I'm lighter (just) than my wedding weight in 2002. I did Weight Watchers like crazy to get there that time. I did get about 10 kg lower than that in 2003 but wasn't able to maintain that. I am pleased about this loss because my losses were really slowing down for a few weeks. I want to lose as much as possible in the first 6 months, to take full advantage of the "honeymoon" period. I passed the 3-month mark last week.
  14. Get your water and at least 30 minutes of movement per day. Work the plan. In a year it will just be a blip on your radar.
  15. W5d1 was hard, but finished!
  16. Your friend sounds wonderful, Aussiegirl. NSV? Does anyone in Brisbane have a recommended jeweler/goldsmith you can recommend to resize my wedding and engagement rings? I am in real danger of losing them off my finger. I don't feel I can trust just anyone, because you do hear stories of diamonds being switched etc. I will probably end up needing them resized at least once more during this journey. For now, I have switched to wearing them on the other hand, which feels really weird. It's strange how wearing rings makes your finger shrink, isn't it?
  17. mistysj

    "Good" Fast Food?

    If you can get gyros/kebabs they are good. Get chicken and eat mostly the chicken and some veggies. Taco Bell soft chicken taco. Sushi can work. Nigiri is easier (the one with the fish on top) because you can just take it apart. And edamame (the boiled soybean pods) are great.
  18. Welcome to the thread, Lissa! I love the couch to 5k and this time around, I am loving the app! It sure beats having to time yourself like I did 10 years ago when I first did it. Um, I thought I was sending this to the Couch to 5k thread. LOL. Of course you don't need a welcome to this thread, Lissa! I feel silly now!
  19. Frank, I think I have a little crush on you. You are my hero. I can't believe your ticker. 30 pounds? You'll get to goal in no time! Please stick around when you do so that we can keep learning from you and being inspired by you!
  20. I just finished week 4 day 3 of couch to 5k, outdoors! I just couldn't make it to the gym three days this week due to the Ekka and other scheduling conflicts, so had to do my third day on a Saturday. I am pleased I could do if. I love my sleeve. I wouldn't have been able to run 5 minutes straight, two times in a row, if I was still 17 kg heavier!

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