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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by mistysj

  1. Anybody ever have their foot swell up for no reason? My right foot and ankle are swollen like I twisted my ankle but I haven't and no pain. Left foot is totally normal. Wacky. I do have tendon damage in that ankle from a lifetime of injuries, but nothing fresh b
  2. How fabulous! Congratulations. Will you keep your other business as well?
  3. I wish the kiwis had won. Oracle is a competitor of my company and I think their CEO is awful in general. He just throws money at every problem. I'm sure the team sailed well but I just can't stand the sponsor!
  4. Same run today as yesterday and it was quite a bit easier! I can't believe I am doing 40 minutes of running with only 3 minutes rest!
  5. That's great Bec! I saw Dr. Robins today (a gastro). He took my history, did some poking and prodding (one area is very tender) as booked me in for a colonoscopy next Thursday. He also sent me for a blood test for celiac even though we don't think it is that. The blood test was an adventure as always because I have terrible veins. The normal person tried three times before paging one of the chemo nurses to come and do it. I have bruises all over now but that's done.
  6. This article talks about the history of the VSG: http://bariatrictimes.com/the-history-of-sleeve-gastrectomy/
  7. Oh I thought you said What not When. I told most people afterward. Only a few people before.
  8. The truth, so I don't have to remember what I said. the trick is gauging how much they want to know and not over-sharing or making every conversation or meal about it.
  9. That's a great loss, Donna!
  10. That's awesome. I will take you up on that and I will chip in for the petrol.
  11. W9d1 of couch to 10k done. Two 20-minute runs with 3 minutes rear between. I ran over 5k (just)!
  12. mistysj

    Diverticular Disease

    I just wish I could be a little constipated after 4 months of diarrhea.
  13. Where would we meet? I'm at murarrie which is probably out of the way for you.
  14. mistysj

    Diverticular Disease

    I haven't been diagnosed with anything yet but I have struggled with diarrhea and intestinal pain for months. I had a similar flare-up a couple years ago well before my surgery. I will be speaking to a gastroenterologist on Wednesday since my GP is at his wits end. I don't know if I will get a diagnosis or what will happen. What are your symptoms?
  15. I need to figure out how to get there. Can I take the train?
  16. I don't think there is a difference between running and jogging. You don't need to put yourself down. You are a runner!
  17. That's awesome news, Kelli! It's so interesting how losing weight helps our confidence and pushes us to try for things we might not have thought about before. I've become much more assertive at work too and have reaped the rewards! And I know Lissa, Dean, and Shellie have all had shifts in focus at work if not outright job changes. I do always have mixed feelings about this and I'm sad that obese people are treated so differently. I still grieve a bit for how I used to be and what I used to have to deal with. I'm still obese but it's amazing the "approval" you get when you are dropping weight.
  18. That's awesome, Melissa! I just finished W8D3 of Couch to 10K (which I have been doing by accident this whole time instead of Couch to 5K). Today was a 35-minute run with 5 minutes of walking on either side. Including the walking, I made it 4.8 km. So I am still pretty slow but I ran for 35 minutes! I'm a bit nervous about continuing this because the time just keeps going up and up, but I'll keep it up and see what happens!
  19. Uh you have lost 20 pounds in a month. What's slow about that?
  20. Week 8 day 2! 30 minutes straight of running. Not as hard today since I was physically feeling a lot better. I have the couch to 10k program and it looks like week 8 ends the 5k part. I think I will just keep going on the program and not worry about increasing my speed yet. I did almost 4k today including the walking.
  21. Scientists have discovered new clues about how microbes in our digestive systems may affect health. European researchers found that the less diverse those microbes are, the more likely people are to gain weight, become obese and develop risk factors for serious health problems. Evidence has been mounting in recent years that bacteria and other organisms in our bodies do a lot more than just help us digest food. http://feedly.com/k/1a044bn
  22. Thanks! I can't believe you have only 7 pounds to go! Imagine being only 7 pounds from goal!
  23. Good luck, Donna! You must be all finished and in recovery by now. I have an appointment with a gastroenterologist next Wednesday. I can't wait because I have been in such misery. I honestly don't think it is from the surgery though. In good news, I lost another kg today. Only a couple more kg until I am at the halfway point!

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