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Everything posted by mistysj

  1. mistysj


    Make sure yore surgery is not set to lap band in your settings (on the website).
  2. I'm sorry this happened but they probably didn't want to give you something that may not work at your weight. I am sure am alternative formulation is being worked on for heavier women.
  3. It's normal to vomit bile if you are nauseated on an empty stomach. Chills also point to nausea. Try some peppermint or ginger tea. By all means contact your doctor but it is probably nothing to worry about. As for the runny BM, very normal when you are on liquids.
  4. mistysj


    To reply without quoting, click the arrow thing at the top right of the page. To start a new thread, go to the forum you want to put it in and click the same arrow thing and it will have New Thread. If it doesn't have it it is because you are in a category rather than a forum. Click one of the forums in the category to post there.
  5. I'm sorry for what has happened to you, SydneySusan. I want to chime in and say that for some of us, HRT IS the best choice, and everyone should speak to their doctor and maybe a second or third doctor when making choices about medications to take or stop taking. I had uterine cancer and had a total hysterectomy at age 32. The ovaries were removed because ovarian cancer is very common in conjunction with uterine cancer, both are stimulated by hormones, and ovarian cancer is nearly impossible to detect early enough to treat effectively. My hysterectomy saved my life. If I had allowed my body to go into menopause at 32, I would have rapidly lost bone density, skin elasticity, hair health and color. I would have aged quickly and damagingly. For this reason I will be on estrogen supplementation until at least my mid-50s (20+ years unless medical science comes up with something better). It is much healthier for me to be on estrogen than off it. One thing to note is that non-pill forms of HRT, such as Patches, sublingual forms, or injectables, bypass the liver completely. Long term use of any digested medication is a risk to the liver. Metformin, the most common medication for type 1 diabetes, is one of the hardest medications on the liver. That is why if you are on metformin, your doctor will order regular blood tests to check your liver function.
  6. I am sorry if you felt attacked. That was never my intent. I think there is some misinformation in this thread, though. You can never be sure if Plan B "worked" or if you just were not pregnant in the first place. You have to take it within a very short period of time from the sexual encounter, before an egg would have implanted. It actually prevents the egg from implanting, hence you would never actually be pregnant. The chances of a given sexual encounter resulting in pregnancy are far, far from 100% anyway. That's why I asked above if people knew how Plan B works. It is not an abortifactant. It is an implantation preventer. It is a well-established fact that obese people, and especially obese women, get a lower standard of health care than healthy-weight people. Of all the people who need to be informed about studies such as the above, obese women need to be aware. This was simply my attempt to raise awareness of new research that has a big potential impact on women on these forums.
  7. mistysj


    i hope this is better now... and alot less painful. I hope you don't mind, I am just curious about how they recommended you care for the wound. I just had plastic surgery 6 weeks ago with ALOT of incisions. I had to do a daily shower with antibacterial soap and then use a clean qtip to put antibacterial cream on before covering with gauze. Toss the qtip and get a clean one before redipping in the lotion. Every.day for 3 weeks - tedious. One of the risks with plastics is wound infection and with a crapload of incisions, you can be sure I didn't want that. It surprised me when I read that you opened the bandage and saw the infection and made me wonder if they had instructed you to just keep it covered or if you were changing it daily? Doesn't matter, just curious. They just gave me the typical laparoscopic surgery advice. The dressings will come off in a few days. Let us know if there is unusual redness, pain, swelling, or discharge. I've had heaps of laparoscopic procedures (including going through the navel) and never had a problem until this time. I guess it was just a game of percentages. I have a feeling that things are much different for plastics!
  8. It talks about both. See the post above yours for corroborating info from the UK. And there really is no place for opinion when the discussion is about science and research. We can all have our own opinions but we don't get to have our own facts.
  9. mistysj


    I posted an article in the Research section about new findings with regard to the efficacy of birth control and Plan B for heavy women. It was an article not an opinion piece. And people are fuckeding arguing with ME as though I were taking their candy away. I didn't do the research or write the paper. I swear as much drama as there was on VST, we at least were not over the top for the most part.
  10. The article doesn't say it won't work, just that it is not as effective. Hormonal birth control these days is given in micro-doses, to reduce some of the side effects of hormone-based contraceptives that were introduced in the 1960s and 1970s. The dose is so small that you must take the pill as close to every 24 hours as possible, and missing a dose is very serious. With these tight tolerances, it makes sense that it would need to be correctly dosed by weight. The article cites scientific sources. It isn't an opinion piece. I thought this was something people should be informed about, so I posted it. Don't shoot the messenger.
  11. Shin splints are serious and are often caused by bad form. Take a couple days off and try taking smaller steps and reducing your pace.
  12. mistysj

    Cycling Newbie

    Thanks y'all. The bike is a Specialized Global Work 2 women's I believe. It is a riding-around bike, not a road bike or mountain bike. I think that is what makes it a "hybrid." The seat definitely feels different than previous ones I have had which either smashed the lady bits or seemed to get right up between the butt cheeks and make a lot of skin irritation and bruising (tmi, yuck, and unpleasant). I have not ridden since Sunday (4 days) and there is still a bit of soreness. It. Iftt have bruised, didn't look. But different from the past. I have thought of spinning, but those gym cycles usually don't adjust short enough for my legs. I am on,y 4'11" and have unusually short legs and a long torso. My gym has the classes so maybe I will see if the bikes go small enough.
  13. What part of it is bull? And do you understand how Plan B works? It might be good to read about it before giving medical advice to your friend.
  14. There really isn't anything you can do, but rest assured it will grow back. I'm still losing heaps at almost 7 months out. Don't waste your money on biotin and all the other things, they are just hype.
  15. mistysj


    I nearly cried Rape!
  16. There she is, Miss America! So, the news for me is that my navel incision from my gallbladder surgery is infected. It has been painful and I noticed it was smelling funky and leaking Fluid (yuck) so I called the surgeon. I had to go in today and he poked and prodded and dug at it (OUCH, I didn't know whether to cry, scream, or kick him in the head, and I have a really high tolerance for pain), took a sample of something, cleaned it out and rebandaged it, and sent me home with a 5-day course of a strong antibiotic. I have been feeling really "off" and tired, and was just getting really annoyed that this incision would not quit hurting, so I hope this gets to the bottom of it. I have to set my alarm and wake up in the middle of the night to take one of the pills, because it can't be more than 6 hours apart! I am leaving for 3 weeks in India (for work) on 8 Dec, so it had better be resolved by then! I have to go back and see him on Monday and he will let me know if it is getting better fast enough or we need to do something else.
  17. mistysj


    I have an antibiotic for the infected incision and the surgeon was not gentle when he was digging around and cleaning it out. I almost cried or screamed or kicked him in the head. He wants to see me again Monday. I told him he had better send me flowers!
  18. mistysj

    Under "current" ?

    I volunteer to be a beta tester for ios please!
  19. Hey Lissa can you send Alex a PM with your old and new username? He says he never got it. Or if you tell me what they are I can send them to him.
  20. mistysj

    Please Help Me Wrap My Head Around This...

    This is called body dysmorphia and a lot of us struggle with it. There are some therapists who specialize in it. Have you considered that route?
  21. Bump, Alex can you please help Lissa_2.0 merge her accounts? She posted in this thread a few days ago but I think it got lost in the noise. I think she sent you a PM too.
  22. mistysj

    Cycling Newbie

    It doesn't actually reduce a lot of body fat and does nothing for the upper body, but it is a great workout for your legs, the biggest muscle in your body. It shouldn't be the main or only exercise you do, from what I have read. I am using it as a supplement to running.
  23. Of course try the easy stuff first (probiotics, going lactose free for a couple weeks). But if that doesn't worn please talk to your surgeon about bile acid diarrhea. It is very common but under-diagnosed. You can manage it by taking a (very cheap) medication called Questran, which binds excess bile acid. If the Questran doesn't work, that's not what you have and no big deal. I suffered with this for 6+ months (never had a normal poo since surgery) before finally finding out about bile acid diarrhea. I had been tested for everything including parasites, bacteria, lactose intolerance, celiac, had an endoscopy and colonoscopy, had an elimination diet, took very strong probiotics for months. I just don't want you to go through all that.
  24. mistysj


    I have been feeling like a raging wimp because a week after my gallbladder surgery I am still having a lot of incision pain from one of the incisions (in my navel) and it actually hurts to walk because my belly jiggles around. I haven't run and I had to leave worm early Monday. Well I decided to change the dressing yesterday and it is infected. I swabbed it with q-tips and dettol (like a cross between bactine and Lysol lol) several times (burned like hell), let it dry, and put one of those breathable dressings on it. I guess I need to call the surgeon and he will probably put me on antibiotics. So annoyed but at the same time I feel sorry for my navel as I have had at least 6 laparoscopic procedures through it by now. I also think the surgeon might have actually sewed part of it closed. Not sure WTF that is about or if it is just stuck together with glue or something. Clearly he should have used shittedable staples.
  25. mistysj


    That's ok because it will take me years to get through them! I would also like to finish the Discworld series before Pratchett dies. I came to it late and I'm only at book 10 so I don't have high hopes. I love his writing but I do find it a bit slow to get through.

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