My surgery was in December of 2011. I lost well for the first six months and then after 30 pounds I reached a plateau. I just let it ride for a few months, concentrating on other parts of my life. I actually think that was a good period because it let me get used to my new size (and buy a new wardrobe). Three months ago I went back for a fill and have lost another 20 pounds - too fast, I know. My issue is that I really have no concept of how I look. People tell me I don't need to lose any more, but I still weigh 180, which is too much for my height. So, are my friends just being kind? Do I look to the world like a normal person or a fat one? Staring at myself in the mirror doesn't settle the issue - sometimes I think I look fat, sometimes thin. I've even looked online for photos of women at different weights hoping that looking at strangers will help me get a better sense of my own size. Anyone else have this disconnect? I suppose it makes sense, as I avoided looking at myself in mirrors, photos, even glass doors when I weighed more, so I didn't have a clear image of myself then, either. Suggestions?