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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by janiebug

  1. Wow Michelle!!! That story gave me goose bumps!!! First of all to be able to surprise them like that!!! Then their joy at that age... How nice for you and what a special time!!! Judy, thanks for my card!!! I am feeling a bit better tioday. Cough is not so bad. I think I am going to live!?!:cursing: I go to fill Dr. today and see what happens. Have a nice valentines day!!!! Jane
  2. Just got home from work and am exhausted!!! Left early, I hope I feel better tomorrow!! Tracy tooo cute!!!!!!! Love the hair and Macy!!! Jane
  3. Good morning, still have a bad cough. I think I want a refund. This is verging on ridiculous. I have an appointment with my lap band Dr. in the am so if it is still bad tomorrow maybe she can give me something? Lets see as far as valentines day goes I will be....Just working!! Don't have a boyfriend or husband, but have wonderful parents and a special violet (thanks Susie!!!) that sent me a card!!!!!!!! Not only am I short, but I am so white!!! I will be the whitest person in Gruene! Even if you didn't know what I looked like when we meet up with other people all you have to look for is the palest overweight short person! Well off I go to do some things around here before my shower and go to work. Have a good day!!! Jane
  4. YEA JENN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! CONGRATS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Well I am not better, but getting there. This day was long....Am watching Big Brother and I think it should be hot outside! I am only used to seeing it in the summer. Have a good evening, I am going to finish watching Big Brother and then hit the sack!! Jane
  5. Jenn I hope you get positive news TODAY!!!!! TracyK those highlights sound pretty. I colored my hair darker than I normally do, and really like it. One of the girls at work thinks I need highlights, but I am sort of liking the darker right now. Well feeling a bit better. Still have a horrendous cough, got some medicine last night, but it took ALL DAY for my Dr.s office to get it right and then Walgreens still wouldn't fill it, so I had to call the exchange. I hate calling the doctor on the regular phone let alone the exchange!!! So I only got in one dose yesterday. I am off to a meeting at City Hall now, I wonder if things will be different due to the tragedy that hit Kirkwood. I hate these meetings, I am the secretary of the taxing district and 8:00 am is early for this hairdresser!!! Have a nice day and hopefully by the time I post tonight I will be all better, the cough medicine was $81.99 so a complete cure is called for!! jane
  6. Oh my gosh! No one asked me!! I am so computer friendly too!!! Lets see I had to ask Tracy to post my pics! I would make a great moderator!!! (I hope nobody thinks I am serious!) Feeling a bit better, but still have a bad bad cough. Called my Dr. to get some cough syrup. Tracyks, wow 195 is great!!!!! When are you getting married?? Jenn, I agree with Judy, you have been under stress!! Take care going to hop in shower and get ready to go to Walgreens to get my cough syrup. Jane
  7. I am only feeling marginally better, but better. Congrats Terry!!!! I am sooo glad the scale finally moved for you!!!!!!!!!!! Tracyk you look great and SKINNY!!!! Congrats Judy! I made the mistake of stepping on the scale yesterday I only weigh on Mondays, so why I weighed yesterday I don't know. I WAS UP 5 POUNDS!!!! I am hoping that tomorrow when I weigh for real it doesn't say that!! I mean really!! Maybe it is the cough syrup that has 1000 calories per teaspoon! yea that is it!!! Okay everyone have a great day I am going back on the couch! Jane
  8. The flu has cometh and taken me away!!! Jane
  9. I just got done reading "The Road" by the gentleman that wrote "No Country for Old Men". It was a very good book, but very disturbing. I think I want to read more of his books. I think his name is Carmac McCarthy. I don't like bloody shoot em up movies, so I don't think I would like the movie, but everyone who has seen it LOVES it. I hope I am not getting sick!! I have a cough that sounds horrible, but it really doesn't bother me, but now my throat is getting sore. I am working, then going to a funeral, then babysitting. So I don't have time to be sick tomorrow!! Have a good one!! Jane
  10. Yea Judy for losing another pound!!!!
  11. MICHELLE---HAVE FUN!!!!!!!!!! Tracyk-I am sorry Macy is sick! There is a flu that is going around here that is bad, luckily I got a flu shot, but ER's are closed (not sure how they can close an ER?), and schools because so many sick people. Have a good day Jane
  12. From what I can see from this, the shooter was very upset over the way the city handled a number of things. It seems he was in a constant battle with the city, and I guess he just snapped. It does seem like my parents friend is dead. It is not official, they are supposedly not announcing that til the morning. My customer had a front row seat according to a newspaper article. She reports for the newspaper on the city council sessions. I just can't believe it. So terrible, can't seem to turn the tv off. Oh well I hope the families and friends can find some sort of peace tonight and the next few days to help get them through this terrible event.
  13. janiebug

    Gruene Violets

    I googled because I didn't know either A flagon (Song of Solomon 2:5) is large metal or ceramic pitcher often used for drink, whether this be wine, water, ale, mead, or something else.
  14. Everyone please pray for the shooting victims and their families in Kirkwood MO. It is a horrible shooting that happened at a council meeting and at least 5 people were killed. It is horrible and about 4 miles from where I live. It is a terrible terrible situation and one person that we know was shot son committed suicide last year. His wife does not need this!!! That is the Yost family. Friends of my parents. Bad bad situation. Can't imagine what the families are going through. Hits home sometimes
  15. Terry that is so true about your moms roomate! I can't believe people wait til your in the hospital fighting for your life and then WHAM! They know how to get you when you're down!! Terrible and disgusting!! I hope your mom gets full of all the neccesary stuff and then gets better and stays that way!!! I can't imagine how hard taking care of parents is. Well I am off to boot camp and then to work, I hate mornings! Have a good one!! Jane
  16. Bummer, just got on my treadmill and it doesn't work! I think it is still under warranty, just need to find it!!
  17. janiebug

    Shrink'n Violets TIP 'O THE DAY!!

    Wednesday tip of the day! Happiness in this world, when it comes, comes incidentally. Make it the object of pursuit, and it leads to a wild-goose chase, and is never attained. Follow some other object, and very possibly we may find that we have caught happiness without dreaming of it. Learn how to be happy with what you have while you pursue all that you want. Happiness is not an accident. Nor is it something you wish for. Happiness is something you design. How sad to see a father with money and no joy. The man studied economics, but never studied happiness. The greatest source of unhappiness comes from inside.
  18. Judy I was wondering about that, I have some balance issues and wondering if that would work? Otherwise that looks like it would be great!! Jane
  19. TracyK wow!! So close!! Congrats!!! Pam hope your knee gets better!!!! OOWWW Tracyks how is the wedding plans coming? What day are you getting married? Terry, I wish you lots of luck and love in dealing with everything that is going on with you mom and such. Everyone have a great day!!! Oh I just remembered it is Wednesday! I had a great tip the other day and now I just need to figure out what I did with it. I may not post my tip til tonight, have to get ready in 10 minutes!! Jane
  20. Jenn, just got in from work and sorry to hear of your grandmother. I echo in the sentiments sending you purple power! Haydee great picture of you!! Doesn't it make you feel good!!! I had my boot camp this morning and my legs are feeling like jelly!! I am sitting here eating things I shouldn't be. I am giving up cake, candy, and cookies for lent. I stood in line over an hour to vote!!! So aggravating!!!! Michelle, I don't know how you can stand that secret!!! Are you walking around with a perpetual smile just thinking!!!! Have a good night everyone!!
  21. janiebug

    Gruene Violets

    Isn't Mexico close?? Also if it wasn't for the vicodin I don't think I could wait!?!?
  22. Happy birthday Laura!! Bracelet is gorgeous!!! Jane
  23. Gina, you look great!!! Congrats!!!! too bad you are going out of town, because your house sounds like the place to go for nummy leftovers!! TracyK, you deserve Sonic after the week you have had!! Plus I say that as I am drinking a sonic drink... Judy I am glad everyone is okay, scaryyy!! Well tomorrow is a busy day!!! Jane
  24. janiebug

    Gruene Violets

    Are we going into Mexico? If we do do I need a passport? I am travel challenged can you tell!!! Jane

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