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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by janiebug

  1. Pam, Love the swirly painting too!!! Jane
  2. Where Is Susie When I Need Tax Patrol Instead Of Water Patrol!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:drool::confused2::laugh: I am so putting this off!!
  3. Yeah we have had really nice weather here in the 70's, tomorrow and Tuesday we are supposed to get an ice storm??? Then my mom heard at church a number of people talking about the 'big' storm that is supposed to hit Thursday, supposedly the biggest winter storm of the year? Who knows weird weather. Pam, I am wanting a tatoo on my upper leg/hip, I want it to include in some way that doesn't look like numbers, the amount of weight I have lost and a heart. I obviously haven't lost all my weight, so I don't know how much, plus I think I will have to have some kind of ps done because I already look like some parts of me are melted. I could always get a small violet and then add to it? Oh well here I go taxes, I have been avoiding it ALL DAY!!! Have a good one Jane
  4. Love the color Laura, wanted my bedroom that color, but since I am going to sell in the next few years decided to go with a light greyish green, kind of a hard color to describe. Saw a swimsuit ad today that said that this suit would make you 4 sizes smaller. I wonder if I wear 4 what would happen?????? Have a good night. Tomorrow I am under house arrest for getting my taxes ready!!!! Jane
  5. Off to work, but it is suppose to be warmer today and the SUN IS SHINING!!!! That seems to be rare occurance lately! Drinking my coffee and then heading for shower!! This week has been busy thank goodness!! Have a good day, be careful driving Michelle! HAVE A GREAT WEEKEND TRACY!! Jane
  6. Hey Terry, are you down 2 pounds??
  7. KAT YOU CAN'T MISS OUR WEEKEND YOU ARE MY ROOMIE AND I WOULD MISS YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Laura hope you are home!!! Well I think I am the only one here who works on Saturday, so TGIF means nothing to me, and TGIS doesn't have the same ring!! But, I LOVE having Monday off so much that I don't mind working Saturdays. Have a good evening!! Jane
  8. I think I know who you guys were talking about on AI, especially on the guys. I saw that, just missed the girls and the vote off. TracyK that picture was tooooo funny!!! Sometimes that is how I feel I look, just shorter!! CONGRATULATIONS AND HAVE FUN TRACYKS!!!! Laura, Michelle, Pam, Haydee, Gina, Denise, both Tracys', Judy (I think this is a given!!), Jenn, Kat, Terri, Susie, I am forgetting somebody, oh my gosh!!! I cant think!! Anyways for all you have a happy leap day and great weekend!! Jane
  9. sorry didn't finish before anyways this is going to be a quick series end if they don't stop evicting couples. Today was a bad band day. I am ready to start TOM and am very crabby and irratable! Kat, I can't say I understand inlaws but, wow! Where is your time with your husband? I missed american idol last night and tonight can somebody post who got voted off or pm me? Thanks and have a great night!! Jane
  10. Laura and Terry You get em girls!!!! Too funny!! LauraK and Pam that Amanda girl got on my LAST nerve! I did feel sorry for her when she was sick, but glad she didn't get any sympathy votes to stay. I don't like the couple thing either. I have always liked one of the two that goes, plus this is going to be a QUICK
  11. I am having a bad day and taking it out on food. I went grocery shopping after work and that was a bad idea. Jane
  12. janiebug

    Shrink'n Violets TIP 'O THE DAY!!

    Thought I would give a recipe, looks good. I have made the recipe for Kashi Cereal muffins on the back of the box and those are very good. Use applesauce for baking. You can still enjoy homemade baked goods even though you're watching your weight. Much of the fat in muffins, cakes and brownies comes from the vegetable oil. But there are clever ways to eliminate much of the fat. Cut the amount of oil called for in half and replace the other half with applesauce. By using applesauce, you'll add Fiber and ½ cup of applesauce accounts for 1 serving of fruit. Plus, you'll save half the calories. Applesauce oatmeal Muffins Ingredients 1 cup old fashion rolled oats (not instant) 1 cup non-fat milk 1 cup whole wheat flour 1/2 cup brown sugar 1/2 cup unsweetened applesauce 2 egg whites 1 tsp. baking powder 1/2 tsp. baking soda 1/2 tsp. salt 1 tsp. cinnamon 1 tsp. sugar raisins or nuts (optional) Nutritional Info Fat: 0.5gCarbohydrates: 20.5gCalories:93.5Protein: 2.9g Soak the oats in milk for about one hour. Preheat the oven to 400 degrees. Spray muffin pan with cooking spray. Combine the oat mixture with the applesauce and egg whites, and mix until combined. In a separate bowl measure and whisk the dry ingredients together. Add wet ingredients to dry and mix until just combined. Add nuts or raisins if desired. Do not over mix the batter or the muffins will be tough. Spoon muffin mixture into muffin pan. Combine the cinnamon and sugar and top each muffin with some of the mixture. Bake for 20-25 minutes or until done. Remove from pan, cool and enjoy. These can be frozen and reheated in the microwave for a quick Breakfast. Number of Servings: 12
  13. janiebug

    Gruene Violets

    I was wondering the same thing Terry. How much do we owe you?
  14. Terry loved the bracelet!! That is really scary Suzie! I am not sure if I would be helpful or not in a situation like that. I guess you never know until it happens but I would be afraid I would freeze. Kat is your tooth getting closer to getting fixed?? Love the car Tracy!!! Didn't find out what happened to that other guy, but what a night at BB! Laura that is a neat car! I am too cheap to pay for insurance on a convertible but would LOVE to have one!! Did you all know that there are digital cameras out there that make you slimmer?? That is amazing to me!! I hope Judy is having fun on her cruise!! Have a good evening!!
  15. Kat that is horrible! They were just doing a show on Montel on Big Medicine and showed Dr. Lomonoco (sp) and some plastic surgery he did. UNBELIEVABLE!!! Tracy you are SO BLESSED if you get him!! Jane
  16. Pam that is great!! I have NO idea what work a dissertation will take, but you are soooo close that I am glad you made that decision!! Denise your kids look so great!! There is nothing like a glowing pregnancy!! I was suppose to wake up to snow. No snow. Don't know why, but we weren't supposed to get that much anyways!! I have an appointment on Monday with my fill Dr. and unlike Michelle (who is doing great by the way!!!!) I NEED A FILL!!!!!!!!!!!!! She unfilled me a whole cc the end of January because I was having some tummy issues, then when I went back to get a fill, she wouldn't fill me because I was sick, too bad it was the kind you can hear (respirtory). otherwise I could have gotten one!! TracyK can you call your bank and get financing? When I bought my last car 8 years ago, I already had financing at my Credit Union so it was one less thing I had to deal with. But, on the other hand since then they have come out with amazing credit deals. Well I am off to get some things done before work!! Jane
  17. janiebug

    Gruene Violets

    I hope you know Judy that I am joking! Jane
  18. Never had Goldschlagger, never even heard of it, and I used to tend bar years ago. Still haven't found the tax stuff I am looking for!!! Yikes! I drink coffee all day, it is interesting about plateaus and such. But, somebody said it caffeine is in a lot of diet pills, odd. Okay back to taxes! Jane
  19. Wow Laura, I third what Tracy and then Michelle said! Makes me smile thinking of Gruene!! I need some excitement in my life! Although no puking or fender benders allowed!!! Only HAPPY EXCITEMENT!!! Well going to look for tax stuff, I am less than a week away from the tax lady!! Jane
  20. janiebug

    Gruene Violets

    WHERE IS MY OFFICIAL COUNTDOWN!!! I guess Judy:shades_smile: is busy starting her week off with a cruise, while the rest of us violets:sad_smile: are here waiting...........
  21. Way to go Michelle!!! I just got on the scale 5 minutes ago, and no change!!! I go back to Dr week from today for a fill (hopefully). Have lunch with a friend and then investment club tonight. Don't know what the homework was since I wasn't at last meeting, so I don't think I will find out. Sorry Pam, I am sure you hate it when people shirk on their homework!!!! Hugs to Terry and Jenn! Well everyone have a great day.
  22. Good luck Jenn!!!! Kat, my arm is very lovely. I have seen many many shades take over this past week. I still have a huge bruise, and where it hurts the worst there is no bruise it is just sort of white, odd, but it is much better and doesn't really bother me now. Went and saw Avenue Q and it was def. an adult show. I can honestly say I have never thought of muppets/puppets having sex, now, I have seen it. Plus it was it all positions while they were singing a song that I beliieve was called "Make as Much Noise during Sex as you can". It is the most risque thing I have ever seen in a Broadway show. It wasn't bad, it was funny, but I saw it with my parents.... I saw a commercial for Big Brother that someone was taken out by paramedics we'll see it on Tuesday hmmmm......I think it was a girl, I looked up too late. Well have a great nite and ENJOY THE WEEK!!! Jane
  23. Jen, seven days a week is toooo much. I am thinking of getting a second job, and am worried about 7 days myself. Woke up to a couple of inches of snow that wasn't forecasted!! Typical St. Louis weather or typical St. Louis weather people!? Is Judy on her cruise yet or just getting on the boat?? I am jealous now! Still in my thoughts and prayers Terry!! Have a good day!! Jane
  24. janiebug

    Gruene Violets

    I love shopping too!!!
  25. That is great Tracy a new car!!!!! I am hoping my 2000 holds out for another couple years til I get this lap band thing paid off!!! WAY TO GO MICHELLE!!!! ITS THE CHARTS YOU DID!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Hoof and mouth Love it!! Tomorrow I have tickets to see Avenue Q has anybody here seen it? I hope it is funny. Jane

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
