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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by janiebug

  1. I started to write love the cartoon!!!! I also want a trunk/shoe box show!! Jane
  3. I am with you Terry, I really thought I would be down today (Monday is my weigh in day) but instead I am up!!!!!! Sugar has become my enemy!!! I am depressed because I think I am going into the start of menopause, although I like the thought of not having a period, don't want to admit that I am old enough to be in it!!! Oh well busy day here on my end, bunch of silly errands I must do. Need to make a list and then head out!! Jane
  4. WAY TO GO MICHELLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! CAN YOU SEND ME SOME OF YOUR MOTIVATION? GREAT GOING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Making Banana bran bread and I wanted to put some raisins in and just remembered, too late!! It should be done in a few. I need to do some piddly stuff, but nothing serious, slept late today and enjoyed it!! Have a good one!!! Jane
  5. Tracy, love the joke!! Had a relatively busy day at work and this week turned out to be okay even with a snow day!! You know I told you I was going to go to the coin shop and see about selling my gold that I never wore? I got $300!!! There were earrings that didn't have a mate, tangled up necklaces, and a bangle (sort of, not as substantial as a bangle). Wow, I think I am going to save that money and spend it in Texas!! Have a good day, don't forget to set your clocks up!! I guess I should have bought a lottery ticket!! I have walked on the treadmill every day this week!!!! Still been eating bad, but at least I walked every day!! Jane
  6. Oh, I am fine, I just try to post in the morning and at night and didn't have anything to say. Nothing wrong, just a slow day on the board, and in my life!! :tea: Getting ready to hop in shower and go to work, but remembered that I have a meeting Tuesday morning of which I am the secretary and have not done minutes yet!! Better and try to get them done before work!! Jane
  7. Judy, you say Bobs acid reflux is acting up, what do you mean? That is a problem I am having and my Dr. told me I couldn't get a fill with it. I have only had it once or twice before the band. Jane
  8. Well done Michelle!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I have been cavin' too much lately!!! Laura, that is a potent drug!! Scary decision for you!! Kat hope you have a good night!!! Tracy, I hope you do too!! I am so screwed up on what day it is since I didn't work Tuesday! Hi Judy, Terry, Pam, Denise, Gina, Haydee, TracyKs, Lunasa, Jenn, and whoever else I am forgetting!!!!
  9. Lunasa, good to see you! I think that fill is going to be well worth it for you. That is a longgg time to go between fills. Michelle, you are too nice!! I bet the book fair is rewarding!! I was glad to see Allison go, and thought it was funny too how she whooped and hollered when she found out the first time that she and Ryan weren't being evicted. I think I made my mind up last night that I like James and Chelsia. But now that they are playing for themselves we'll see. Last night wasn't live? Well need to get a move on today, got a lot on my plate before work!! Jane
  10. Glad you are feeling better Kat!! I remember 5 years ago when I had my tummy surgery, I was in the hospital on really loopy drugs and I was in a half awake/half dream state and I was actually carrying on a conversation with the tv about how my best friend found a cure for high cholesterol!!! Never will forget that!!! Hope Kat, Tracy, and Jenn sleep well tonight!!! Jane
  11. janiebug

    Shrink'n Violets TIP 'O THE DAY!!

    To Feel Fuller, Fill Up on Protein Nutrition News Flash -- By Becky Hand, Licensed & Registered Dietitian A new study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition tested 19 subjects on 3 different diets. Researchers measured appetite, caloric intake, body weight, and fat mass, as well as blood measurements for insulin, leptin (the hormone responsible for satiety) and ghrelin (the hunger hormone) during each of the phases. <LI style="MARGIN: 0in 0in 0pt">First, subjects followed a weight maintenance diet of 15% protein, 35% fat, and 50% carbohydrate for 2 weeks. Next, the subjects ate the same number of calories (isocaloric), but with a different nutrient breakdown (30% protein, 20% fat, and 50% carbohydrate) for 2 weeks. This diet resulted in markedly increased satiety, although leptin levels did not change. Finally, subjects followed an “ad libitum” diet (no caloric requirement or restriction), but were required to meet a specific nutrient breakdown of 30% protein, 20% fat, and 50% carbohydrate for 12 weeks. In this phase, participants spontaneously ate 376-504 less calories per day, and decreased both body weight and body fat. However, leptin levels decreased and ghrelin levels increased. The researchers conclude that increasing protein intake from 15% to 30% of calories, with a constant carbohydrate intake, may be beneficial to weight loss. Action Sparked This 30% protein, 50% carbohydrate diet fits into the healthy distribution range set by the food and Nutrition Board, Institute of Medicine, and National Academy of Sciences. It appears to benefit those trying to lose weight and body fat. The trouble is that many sources of protein are also high in fat. For healthy protein sources, select low fat milk, cheese, yogurt, and dairy products. To enjoy lean meats, trim off excess fat and remove skin. Select cooking methods that limit fat such as grilling, baking or broiling.
  12. Just got home from work and have not watched bb yet. I wonder about that alarm thing, that is weird. I think it has something to do with the program Jericho, don't watch it, but didin't they say something about that in a previous challenge? I don't like that Allison girl, I think she is trouble. I am glad everything went well today for you Laura and Kat!! Have a good night!!! Jane
  13. No my fills don't hurt, but, she always numbs it first. It takes her a minimum of 10 sticks before she gets it. Who knows maybe the new Doc will be bam, there it is!!! One stick!! Off to work!!! fun, fun, funnnnn Jane
  14. Well I already had a cancellation this morning! I hope this day doesn't turn out to be a bust! I need the money! Tracy thoughts are with you!! That happened to me once a long time ago, and it is horrible!! I hope they can do it fairly painlessly! I don't know why Drs make things hurt, my fill Dr ALWAYS gave me a shot of numbing stuff before a fill. I hear her partner who I will now see doesn't! It only takes a minute! Hugs and special violet thoughts!!! Here I go to start my day!! Jane
  15. Kat hope you feel better. I am sure that is miserable!!! Jenn I hope you feel better soon!! I was really surprised the other day I got the bill from the Urgent care place. I didn't have my insurance card with me so they said they would just bill it as a self pay, I had to give them $25 as a 'deposit' and then I forgot to call with my card number. I got the bill and they gave me a 'self-pay' discount, the bill was $389.10 for two xrays and the Dr. looking at my arm and giving me antibiotics for my flu or whatever it was, anyways they gave me a discount of $309.10, so I only owe a total of $80!!!! I am amazed it is sooo cheap! I almost am afraid to turn it in to my insurance co. because I am afraid I will owe more than 80! My deductible is $2500. so whatever they charge I have to pay. It costs me more to go to my Dr. and be in there for 2 minutes while he makes sure I am still alive. Health Care just when I get it all figured out and think they are out to get as much money as possible, the rules change!! Oh well I didn't do good on CTCD!!! I hope you are feeling better Susie!! Jane
  16. Wow Judy that is a GREAT PICTURE!!!
  17. I up for a tattoo as long as it is small and I can incorporate it with my goal tatoo! People will never believe me if I come back with a tattoo. As far as blood donation goes I thought you had to wait until after 1 year from surgery? That is what they told me when I had the surgery in April, but maybe that was because I had another one with it? Not sure, but like anything you get lots of different answers depending on Doc. I saw most of your pictures Judy got to the end of page 4 then had a computer malfunction viewing the rest, am kind of skittish about viewing it again, can you post the pic that everyone is talking about at the end? I love the pics though, I am with Michelle in cruising vicariously through you!! You look like a person of normal weight, you really do. You can also tell a big difference in Bob. I am not working today, everybody canceled, which is kind of silly because now it stopped snowing. Oh well a day off is something I could use! I am feeling very stressed with my weight right now, and am trying to talk myself into being proud about all I have lost so far. I swear if my neighbors can hear me talking they must think I am nuts!! I need a band for my brain eating/feelings!!! Jane
  18. Well I went to the Dr. yesterday and no fill. I was such a baby and cried!!! She must have thought I was the oddest person!!! I was really looking forward to a fill and didn't get it. I totally understand where she is coming from, but that didnt help me feel better. I guess little sleep that night and being late on my period made me weepy?? I am not sure, but am totally embarrassed!!! I have another appointment the first part of April with the new Doc since she is moving!! I woke up this morning to thunder and it is snowing!! That is something I have only heard 2 other times during a snow storm. Weird when it happens. I think I am going to call my clients today and make sure they are coming in, I would be mad to get there and have everyone cancel!! Laura, love the sig thing, but don't think I have a picture! Maybe I will take one next month. Okay I am off. Jane
  19. OOOHHHHH I forgot to watch BB last night!!!! Jane
  20. Can't figure out how to cut and paste here, so Laura consider your butt gently nudged! You can do it!!!!!! I am not very motivated either. I saw a commercial on tv about scrap gold. I think I am going to take a few chains and a bangle that I don't wear and see what happens. Has anyone else done that? I hope you are feeling better today Susie!! Oh well I already been to accountant and ran a few errands now I will leave for the Dr.s office. Jane
  21. Welcome back Judy!! The ice storm that they said was coming today sort of fizzled out. Now they are saying a wintery mix tonight. I have an appointment with my Lapband Dr. today this is the last appointment I will have with you before she leaves. I will miss her. Well check back in later!! Have a great week!!!
  22. Well, I finally got my taxes done (I think) and going to bed. I have to get up in a couple of hours to go to accountant. My question in life is why did I put this off to the last minute?????? Hope you slept well Michelle. Did you sleep TracyKs?? Hope you enjoyed the weekend and all the festivities!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Glad your mom is better Terry! Well I am going to try to sleep some. Jane
  23. janiebug

    Gruene Violets

    Yeah Judy Is Back With Our Countdown!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We Missed You!!!!!!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
