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Everything posted by janiebug

  1. Congrats Suzie and Lunasa on your weight loss!! That is great!!!! I just posted yesterdays tip, when I went to do it last night the site was down. Today is the first day of spring!!! At least that is what my calender says! It is sunny, which is a rare occurance lately so I am happy!!! but, at least I am not looking out my window at snow! Fell asleep right when Matt got booted out, so missed who got HOH. Have a good day and between Suzie and Lunasa it seems like the water force is in full force today!!! Thanks I need that!!!
  2. janiebug

    Shrink'n Violets TIP 'O THE DAY!!

    Cognitive Therapy that is in a book by Judith Beck Ph.D. called the "The Beck Diet Solution" 1. on a index card write the reasons why you want to lose weight and be specific 2. carry the card with you and read it every morning and throughout the day. 3. put motivating phrases and sentences on index cards like, 'Being thinner is SO much more important to me than food' etc... Look at the card whenever a craving strikes.
  3. Just got home from work, and Pam I haven't watch bb yet. Michelle, I am soo sorry about your friend. A friend of mine was diagnosed about 3 months ago with breast cancer, it is a horrible thing to see. Prayers are going out!! Kat "he is a Goth dressing, gay mortician" and he is one of the childrens father??? Am I getting too old? Jane
  4. Suzanne, sorry you are feeling low, it is hard, but we're here for you. Lets see a positive thing about my husband/boyriend/partner hmmmm, Oh that is right, I DON'T HAVE ONE!! Good thing I am not bitter!! There was a whole lot going on here today! Unlike Terry I would be looking at the cookie!!! That is great that you are eyeing the vegetables!!! I want to be there! I didn't watch bb tonight, tell me if something good happened! TracyK I hope you work everything out!! I want you to come, but know it must be a hardship for you. Okay going to sit and relax, long day at work!! Jane
  5. Don't have time to read all the posts right now, running late! But TracyK hugs to you. I am sure it was a hard decision to make. We will miss you!!! Lots!!! Well catch up on posts late tonight when I get home!! Jane
  6. janiebug

    Gruene Violets

    What do I wear on the float trip?
  7. janiebug

    Gruene Violets

    Okay I am now depressed! Believe it or not I do not own a pair of shorts! Really no one wants to see a very short, very white, overweight person in them. So a friend of mine said I could borrow a pair of hers, she has a bunch of sizes and said I should try the 20, too tight, so I tried the 22 too tight, then I tried the 24 too tight! Bummer no more to try on!! Jane
  8. Welcome back Haydee, I hope things go well for you!!! I agree with you about the problems still being there from vacations. Hang in there!!! We are support you and vent if you need to, even if you think it sounds silly!! I think I can speak for everyone saying that we are here for you. I don't have any problem with green. Green and purple are my favorite colors, so I have a lot in green. I remember when I was in my early 20's I had this kelly green linen blazer, at the time I was much much lighter, and thought it looked great, was part of the pink and green generation! Am off to see a friend of mine for lunch that lives 1 1/2 hour away! It is rainy and ugly here, at least the sun won't bother my eyes! I am ready for spring! I got on the scale this morning and gained another 2 pounds!!! I think I have walked on the treadmill 5 of the 7 days this week, and I even watched "I can make you thin" on tv last night!!!! I should have lost!! Well enough complaining!
  9. Jennifer you look GREAT! It really is amazing the before and after pics that everyone has shared! Special thanks to Tracyks, Judy, and Laura and anyone else I am missing who made it possible for the computer expertise lacking people (me) to post before and after! Welcome back Lunasa! Had an interesting time today went and saw The Wedding Singer at the theatre and we were going up in the elevator, my mom is in a wheelchair, and this guys comes on with a dolly loaded with boxes of programs and drops them on her leg. Broke the skin and she will probably be bruised, could have been much much much worse. She was lucky, off course since I am sooo short and in the back of the elevator I didn't see any of it, just heard it and the other peoples shrieks. Got into the show a little late, which I hate, plus we sat on the floor in the middle where our normal seats (season tickets) are first row balcony. I forgot how big peoples hair is! But all in all it was fine and my mom is fine. Hope you all have a GREAT start to the work week! Jane
  10. Good morning!! I hope everybody slept well especially Tracy, Laura, Ethan, and Judy!! Gotta run!! Jane
  11. Terry, Wow you can make rings too??? You are tooo talented!! My Mom went and sold some of her old gold and coins the other day, and they gave her her emerald out of a ring back. It is an emerald cut, and is 50+ years old. Do you think it is real? What do you think we should do with it. It is really scratched up, but about average size. How is your Mom? I have been a very very bad girl today with my eating. I gave up cookie, candy, and cakes for lent. I did fine until today. One of my customers who works at a bakery brought me a wonderful thing called a marshmallow mound. Suffice it to say it is good and has cake, and you could also say the marshmallow and chocolate make candy. Then I came home and ate some of my Vday candy I had saved, then girl scout cookies!!! Thank goodness I am not catholic! Bad Bad ME!! Off to bed in a few, sleep tight!! Jane
  12. back after a long long day at work!! I locked myself out of my house a couple of years ago and had to go to a neighbors house and call work to have my first customer come and get me!!! I was so mad that I locked myself out of the house without my keys, and my customer said on the way back, don't you have a spare set in your purse?:sneaky::tongue::eek::redface: Need I say anymore!!! Going to see "The Wedding Singer" tomorrow, it was the only thing really on our series I know nothing of, I have seen the movie a long time ago, but other than that haven't heard anything else. I hope Terry and Laura sleep good tonight and have skinny dreams!!! Jane
  13. be safe and have fun Jennifer!!
  14. Good morning, drinking my coffee and getting ready to hit the shower. I hope everyone has a nice day. There is a lot going on today, there is a big St. Patricks Day parade and a big Easter Egg Hunt. I am busy at work today, which is good. I just hope everyone remembers to show up!! I had something funny happen yesterday, I have this older customer who is very soft spoken, prim and proper, but very nice! Anyways Rusk has this new hairspray that is called "Being Sexy", I joked with her about the name and asked her if she wanted me to call her husband and tell him you were coming, and she said 'yes call him and tell him to take his Viagra', I nearly fell over!!! Of all my customers she was the last one I would have said would say something like that!! Still makes me chuckle telling this. Well have a great green day! Jane
  15. Well it took me about a year but I finally had a NSV or NFV or however it is spelled. I work in a hair salon so I see a lot of people every day. Most know what I had done, and they comment lightly on the subject. Well today Sue who works next to me had a client in who wanted to know who the new girl was! When she told her it was me she couldn't believe it!! Sue works mainly later at night so I don't always see her clients, so obviously I hadn't seen her in a while. It was nice and told her how special that made me feel. I know it sounds really silly, but people have been complimenting me on how much weight I have lost in the past few months, and I really haven't. So I wonder how sincere people are, and then that aggravates me. It is such a head game we play with ourselves, isn't it!! At work today we talked about the lady stuck on the toilet and we were all just howling!!! I know it is very very sad and I shouldn't be laughing, but the scenarios we came up with!?!? Oh well I think TOM is coming for a surprise visit! Jane
  16. Getting back to the lady stuck on the toilet, does that mean she didn't clean the toilet? I hope they had another bathroom for the boyfriend!! All sorts of weird things went through my mind when I read that!! Running late as usual!! Have a great day and for I think everyone but me, today is the last work day of the week. So enjoy!! Jane
  17. Michelle, too funny!!! Pam and Tracy, you won't ever spoil anything for me. I am a month behind in the soap operas and people tell me all the time what is happening now, actually I kind of like knowing, because when I see something that looks like a different ending I just know it is soapafied. Judy, my neice is autistic and was adopted from another country at 14 months, they taught her some basic sign language when she came over, it must have been her adoptive status though because they didn't know about the autism. You knew what she wanted, I wonder why they catch on to that faster than oral words? Haydee I am glad you are okay!! I too am in a secret mission for our trip!!! Terry and Pam why does one of you say 'super' and the other say 'forum'? And while I am being really stupid, what is r and r? Have a good day!!
  18. My Doctor is very compassionate. I have been really struggling the past few months and had tummy problems to boot (with the iron) and she told me this was a long process and everyone goes through it. I had a real long talk with her last time because I was so frustrated and she is leaving! She told me that I would probably be losing for the next two years because I have so much to lose. You are not alone Susie!! It is a hard hard fight. I love my band also, just didn't know that at times it would be such a struggle. But, I hope all Dr.s are caring and compassionate with weight gain or plateaus. Jane
  19. Michelle, you are doing soooo great!!!!!!!!!!! Not only can you tell a HUGE difference in the pic you didn't eat any cookies/dough!!!!! I feel soo lonely without a sig box!! Everyone has one!!! (I sound like I am 10 don't I)!!! Okay I am going to walk some on the treadmill while I watch American Idol. Jane
  20. Happy birthday Jenn!! Loved the story about your grandma VIOLET! Am running VERY late! Have a good day!! Jane
  21. Too weird, that is freaky how Josh is losingit/entertaining/odd/you name it?!?! Pam be very careful if you take iron!!!!! I have been having problems ever since I took the iron for a few weeks. Just beware of tummy trouble and if you have any signs stop taking it and see if it helps. Jane
  22. TracyKS it is such FUN to see your pics. You look sooooo happy!!!! I know it is late but I didn't eat sugar today!!! Oh, I just remembered I did!!!!! I went to Sweet Tomatoes which is a soup and salad place here, they also operate under the name Soup Plantation, anyways had peach poppyseed muffins!!! YUM!! Have a good day!! Jane
  23. janiebug

    Gruene Violets

    Okay I am here saying that by our trip I would like to weigh in 220's. Am now, 247!!! For some reason I keep creeping up instead of down!!
  24. I think it is GREAT that everyone knows everybodys birthday. My question is how do you know? Can we make a list or is there one already? I stopped by work and put color on and am came home to take a shower and shampoo it out, it seems really dark..... Jane 5-23
  25. Happy birthday Denise!!!!! Yesterday no sugar!!!! Here is hoping today is a good day also, it is CTCD so that helps motivate me. Have a good one. Jane

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