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Everything posted by janiebug

  1. OH MY GOSH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:smile2::thumbup: The smilies I could use!!!!! I drank alot, and Charlie won!!! My life for the next year will be hell!!! His head is going to be soooooooooo big!!!!!!!!!!!! It was a trip!!! I had a good time, but the sights I saw!!!! OHMYGOSH! I am going to bed soon, just wanted to post my incredulous (is that a word?) night!!!! Jane
  2. By the way Gina great job on your weight loss!!!!! I need you to come over and jump start mine!!
  3. Okay can you believe I am going out at 10:00!! I managed to take a nap, which is good for me cause I am a horrible napper!! This should be a trip!! I am not sure how this shall go down, but I think a few drinks and I should be ready to handle this! I hope everyone has a great Sunday!! Even though I worked all day today it was SUNNY!!! I am to the point where I need sun. We have had soooo much gloom! Susie and Tracyks is that the way it is where you live? I know we are not that far. Oh well here I go!! Jane
  4. You will never believe what I am doing tomorrow night. I am going to a gay leather contest. The guy that owns the building is doing this Mr. gay leather midwest, it sounds like a big deal, but I am sure it can't be that much of one because there are only two other people running. I went to the website of the bar OH MY GOSH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It doesn't start til 11:00 p.m. luckily I am a night owl, so the hours won't kill me, just won't go to church the next morning. I will post after I get home, should be a hoot!?!? I am sure I will see things I never thought I would!! Have a great weekend!!
  5. I have a person come every other week to clean, it is the best $50 I spend. It is not that I don't have the time, I just hate it!!! Don't have kids or a husband to make it a mess, just me, but I still hate it!! Hope you feel better Michelle and Happy Anniversary!!! I wonder also where time goes! Certainly not cleaning!! Okay home and ready for a relaxing time. Jane
  6. Haydee, I forgot to say hi and I am sorry can't help you!!! Judy I hope you are feeling better!!!
  7. Good morning, I am thinking of you right now Jennifer!!! I hope all goes GREAT!! Happy Bandiversary Terri!! I am getting ready to go to work and then after work I have another wake to go to. Two in one week! But, this person was 94 so it isn't so sad. She lived a great life!! Well here I go to start my day!!! Jane
  8. Kat, will help with compression garment and drain if you need me to. Had them both, and living by myself got quite good at them!! The drain was in for 4 weeks from my hernia, so I was an expert at it. Hope all had a good day!! Jane
  9. Pam, too funny, I remember my Grandmother used to LOVE Dinah Shore and Mike Douglas, I remember watching their shows but was too little to think anything else. Funny!!! Judy feel better!!!
  10. Pam I am with you about the year thing. Wish I would/could lose more. But, I am glad this opportunity came and have lost what I have. Congrats!!! Forgot to tape BB last night, but I like the outcome almost. Joshuah was getting on my nerves, did he cry when he went home? Was Dinah Shore a lesbian? Have a good day may pop in before going to work!! Jane
  11. Hello, I have a question. Has anyone noticed that their taste for certain things have changed. For instance, I never really liked red meat that much, only liked chicken. Now I like red meat more and don't always like chicken. I still crave sugar, wish that would leave! I was talking with somebody today and mentioned this and she asked if others experianced it... Well have a good night!!! Jane
  12. janiebug

    Shrink'n Violets TIP 'O THE DAY!!

    The Weight Loss Expectations Quiz To find out whether your expectations about weight loss may be increasing your stress levels, take the following brief quiz. Indicate whether you think the following statements are true or false. To benefit from this exercise, your answer should reflect how you honestly feel most of the time, NOT what you think the “correct” response might be. 1. I have taken a careful look at my eating and exercise habits, and I have a good idea of what I need to change and how I want to do it. 2. I have accepted the idea that I need to make permanent changes in my lifestyle to lose weight and keep it off permanently. 3. I will feel successful only if reach my weight loss goal. 4. I know that it took time to gain weight, and I believe it is best to try to lose the weight slowly. 5. I am working on weight loss now because I really want to, not because someone else thinks I should. 6. If I can manage to lose the weight, I think many other problems in my life will be solved. 7. I am willing and able to do a significant amount of physical activity on a daily basis, including planned exercise. 8. I can lose weight successfully with no slip-ups. 9. I am ready, willing, and able to spend enough time each day planning and tracking my food intake and exercise activities. 10. If my weight loss slows down or stalls out, I usually lose my motivation and stop my program. 11. When I am having problems sticking to my plan, I usually get on the message boards or the phone and talk about it with other people. 12. I have many stressful situations in my life right now, but I’m determined to be successful at weight loss. Scoring the Quiz Look at your answers to questions 1,2,4,5,7, 9 and 11, and give yourself 1 point for every True answer, and 0 for every False. For questions 3,6,8,10 and 12, give yourself 1 point for every False answer, and 0 for every True. Add your total points up to get your score. A high score (7-12 points) shows that your expectations about weight loss are more realistic, and you are more likely to reach your goal. Each question you scored a zero for represents a misconception or unrealistic expectation that might be adding unnecessary stress to your weight loss efforts. For example, a zero on Question 11 (you don’t talk to others when you have trouble sticking to your plan) may indicate that you tend to keep problems to yourself, which can add even more stress to the difficulties you are already having. Scoring zero on Question 8 (believing you can lose weight successfully without slipping up) may mean that you are unrealistically expecting perfection. Slip-ups are inevitable, but they also help you learn from your experience. Expecting to be perfect creates more stress when things don’t turn out as desired. Plus, you will learn less about what does and does not work for you in different circumstances. Likewise, a zero on Question 12 (determination for weight loss despite high stress in other areas of your life) may indicate that you don’t fully appreciate the difficulties of trying to lose weight, or the importance of modifying your weight loss expectations when other aspects of life become difficult. Sometimes, just holding your own and not gaining (or regaining) weight is a very significant accomplishment! Finally, the most important concept—if you scored a 0 on Question 6 (believing that weight loss will solve many other problems in your life), you may be expecting more than weight loss can deliver, setting yourself up for problems both now and after you reach your goal. At least two negative things can happen when you start looking at weight loss as the “magic” solution to everything. First, this puts an awful lot of pressure on the daily ups and downs of your weight loss journey. Every slip-up or bad day, every weight plateau, becomes magnified in importance because, in your head, it is linked to so many other important things. You can imagine how much extra stress you generate if going over your calorie budget or skipping an exercise session has come to mean that the career or the relationship you want is that much further away. Second, the belief that you have to lose weight before you can start living the life you want only keeps you from creating that life right now. When healthy eating and exercise are just a small part of what you do to care for yourself, you’ll likely decrease stress and progress towards your weight loss goal. A big part of making a successful lifestyle change is putting your weight in meaningful perspective—and you can start doing that right now!
  13. Good morning!! Drinking my coffee trying to get motivated!! Have a great day!!! I am going to post a long post on tips, so beware!! Jane
  14. by the way I don't have any friends?!? But I did join the group? also welcome wantitbad! Boy my grammar sure is bad here!!! I am not suppose to start a sentence with by, but or also am I??? I hope the grammar police are not in full force tonight!!
  15. Just got in and boy were you guys chatty today!!! I had I think 5 pages or so to read!! It was manicure night so at least my nail polish got a chance to really dry!! Pam, I am sure it is scary going through surgery again, but this time you have purple power full force behind you!! Hugs Laura you look great!!!! Do we weigh in with a number for you Laura every week or just at the end of this month? No April fools day joke on me or by me!! I need a fill, maybe if I write this enough they will call me!! I emailed them Sunday asking for an appointment before the end of APRIL!! I am so frustrated!!! I NEED A FILL!!!!! Jane
  16. janiebug

    Gruene Violets

    I just got the biggest kick out of you all!!! Thanks for making my dreary morning better!!! In St. Louis they have these tubs of Margarita mix that you add a bottle of tequila and then freeze (you probably don't have to freeze) they are good and an alternative to mixing it up all the time. Are they available in Texas? I don't think I could fit the tub in my suitcase because of the funny shape. But really I usually don't drink that much and can drink whatever just thought of this as an idea.
  17. Tracyks you have been quiet ever since you came back from honeymoon! I hope everything is okay.
  18. Wow Laura!!! Talk about odd!!! I guess that what happens to some very immature people. I hope she doesn't think life is not full of complications!! Maybe she has just lead a very sheltered life, it is sad though. Trying to get motivated to clean some more. I spent yesterday switching my files and SHREDDING!!! I have two big bags to take to the recycle place. My house seems like a bigger mess today! Need to clean up from my cleaning!! I am going to hop in the shower, good thing I waited to after I read that post, need one after that!! Jane
  19. thanks Judy, those pictures are really inspiring!! Maybe it will get my butt in motion!!! Jane
  20. Hey, I just found the perfect spoon for all of us!! I thought wouldn't it be nice to buy everyone a purple spoon, so I googled it, and found a violet one, then looked at the price!!:scared2: BABY ''U'' SPOON FLOWER Price: $101.00 Click to enlarge Available in Red, Blue, Yellow, Purple, or Pink.
  21. Judy, how about a purple tipped one!!! That spoon thing is really a good idea!! Can someone send me the link about the before and after, I am not smart enough to figure out how to find it!!! Okay I am wanting to clean my files out today, and box up 2007 and move in 2008. Did I tell you that paying (self pay) for my band REALLY helped for a nice tax refund??? I am such a procrastinator!!! Did I spell that right?? Oh well have a nice day!!
  22. I just checked and the fill place is in Farmington Mo, which is a very odd place I think. There is nothing there, so I am surprised to find that. It is about 2 or 3 hours away. It is $349 for a fill. I wish this was easier!! I guess that what happens when I go to a Dr. that doesn't have a big practice....
  23. Colorado chick, I third what Judy and Tracy said. I was so worried before I had it done, I think of all that time I wasted worrying... I did something sad earlier, after work I stopped by the funeral home because that woman whose hair I cut that had ALS died. It was very very sad. She worked with wildflowers and they were beautiful!!! She and her whole family were very special people. I am taking my sadness out on a bad thing... Never, I repeat never go grocery shopping after a long day at work and then the funeral home!!! Jane
  24. Don't want to go to work today!!!! Terry he does fills one day a MONTH!! The fourth Friday of the month for 2 hours!!! The only problem with a fill center is I have already paid for the first two years of Dr.s appointments and fills, but when I get home from work tonight I will google fill centers and see if there is one in St. Louis. I finally figured out I am being a big baby about all this. Susie, love the sig thingy!! I loved Bewitched growing up. I remember I asked my dad when I was little who the most beautiful woman was (he should have said my mom or ME) but he said Elizabeth Taylor, well I knew the girls name on Bewitched was Elizabeth so I thought my dad thought she was the most beautiful woman on earth! My dad is a great guy by the way even if he did give the wrong answer!! Well I am avoiding the unavoidable, off to hop in shower!! Jane

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