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Everything posted by janiebug

  1. Pam, glad you are home and everything went well. I hope this weekend is not a painful one for you!!! TracyKS, that is horrible, it is so hard to put your anger someplace, I guess that is what we used food for! Hugs and prayers for everyone!! Kat have you found anything out?
  2. janiebug

    Shrink'n Violets TIP 'O THE DAY!!

    I thought this was kind of interesting! Sorry I was late!! Don’t Be Left in the Dark When you go out to dinner, sit in a well-lit part of the restaurant. That’s because when you’re eating in a well-lit area, you’re more likely to consume fewer calories. You are more self conscious and feel others can see what you’re eating, so you’re likely to curb your appetite accordingly. In a dim corner of the room… well, anything goes.
  3. Hey Terry I ate no sugar yesterday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Although when I was driving I did see a new restaurant/bakery? that was called Gooey Louies. It makes gooey butter cakes. I understand that is a regional thing, but boy for all you that don't know what it is, yummmmmm!!! TracyK :sad_smile:!! It is actually SUNNY here!!!! I am soo excited, we were supposed to have heavy rain today. We are not having a very pretty spring, I think it is because of lack of sun, usually the azaleas and forsythias and such are sooooo pretty. Oh well at least the sun is out today!! Everyone is doing great on their weight loss! I try not to step on scale every day, but I do. Officially Tuesday is my weigh in day, it use to be Monday but when we started contest I changed it. Oh well everyone have a great day!!! Jane
  4. janiebug

    Gruene Violets

    Tracyk, I bought some Biolage Volume shampoo and conditioner with a free body wash! It seemed like a pretty good deal. It was $13 and was the April special, maybe for May I can get you another shampoo cheap!! Kat, was it the daily leave in tonic that you spray in? That is $8.00. Don't think I can get bumble and bumble, no place around here sells it, but I am waiting for them to call me back after I left a message. Anyone else????
  5. I second what Jennifer said, Where is Kat????? I am going to bed also, very tired tonight!! Purple thoughts Pam!!!!!!!!!!!!
  6. janiebug

    Gruene Violets

    I don't know Michelle, it is pretty mind bobbling!!!!This is so cool, can we make it 900 by our trip or is that too much? Maybe this is my problem, never satisfied with the figure, always wanting more:blink:!!
  7. Wow Tracyks that is so neat!! I am sorry you are having trouble with your husband though. I am not married so I can't totally understand, but I can empathize, and it does sound like a different kind of road!! Hang in there!!! TERRY, I AM IN FOR NOO SUGAR!!! I woke up today wanting it soooo bad. I am totally with you. I hope I can make it!! Tracyk and Pam HUGS! Kat and Suzanne hang in there!!! Haydee, Gina, Denise, Laura, Jennifer HI!!!! HAPPY BANDIVERSARY JUDY, YOU HAVE DONE SO GREAT YOU EVEN HAVE A LOVELY AND STYLISH PIECE OF JEWELRY NAMED AFTER YOU!!!!! I hope I didn't forget anyone!!! Have a good day and I am off to start a new day! It is raining and the wind is really bad. No sun, again!! Jane
  8. janiebug

    Gruene Violets

    Hey, somebody asked me what the total weight loss of all of us going. I said I didn't know. It started me thinking, WOW did my mind work!!
  9. Just watched the Last Lecture on Primetime. Great!! I saw that man on Oprah a while back and it was fantastic. They should his lecture that day. It was phenomenal!! Michelle, way to go on your weight loss!!! Maybe you can package zyrtec!!! I have some here I might start taking!! Pam thinking of you and sending good thoughts!!! Have you still not heard anything Kat??? Laura, you look great and your pictures that you have posted say it all!!! Well have a good night!!
  10. Yesterday and today are long days. I have about an hour break today, I think I will color my hair. It has been pretty slow, so I am glad for the business. Even though I stand all day my feet and legs don't hurt because I have a mat I stand on plus I wear new balance tennis shoes. My feet are not hip and with it. Actually my whole body is not!! Okay need to get to work in bit, have a good day!!!! Thinking of you today Kat, prayers to Ethans mom, keep up the good work Jennifer. Tracyk maybe this will take care of it for good?? Hope things are good for all the rest!!!! Jane
  11. I agree Natalie DRIVES ME CRAZY!!!
  12. janiebug

    Gruene Violets

    Tracy, the biolage conditioner is very heavy!! If you have fine hair I wouldn't suggest it. Have you ever tried Amplify by Matrix? It is specially formulated for fine hair. Let me think on some other ones also. Judy, what would I do without you!!!!!! Thanks!
  13. Good evening!! I forgot to tape BB tonight!! Pam or Tracy can you tell me who won the POV. I hope by the posts I read James won and took himself off, but not real sure. Have to go in early tomorrow and work late! YUCK!! Going to hit the sack early tonight! I am also going to see if I can pay my license fee online, it says I can, but how do they know I paid my last two years of pers. prop., have car insurance, and passed inspection? Will see, it will save me a headache of having to stand in that line! Oh well have a good night. Jane WAY TO GO MICHELLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  14. Just got back from a LLLOOOONNNNGGGG meeting this morning. I am the secretary of the Taxing District and most meetings are short, but holy cow!!!!! Thinking of you Kat and hoping that everything is good!! Susie, sounds like the road in front of you is a long one, hang in there!! Guess what we had two days of SUN, now we are having clouds again, plus it is cold, but I would rather have SUN!!! Enough complaining.
  15. Wow I just looked at the history of my weight and I have only gone down like 7 pounds since September!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Weigh in is tomorrow, you think I can make that 8?!?!?! Okay off to my investment club meeting!!
  16. janiebug

    Gruene Violets

    I am not sure about that Kat, will check it out!!
  17. Judy your pics are cuter than mine!! Ethan is tooo cute!!! Came out about $4 ahead on the boat. Charlie lost $140! I said they looked like they all ate at a all you can eat buffet, and he said they did sort of, it was an all you can lasagna!!! Oh my gosh is all I can say!! He is over the top about this!!!
  18. Judy graciously is going to post the pics this afternoon. I told her if it was too risque not to post it. Everything that matters is covered, but it is pretty interesting what is left over!! Also there is a pic of Charlie in his "Formalwear" with Sue (the girl I work with) and myself. I have a very strange look on my face, but that pretty much sums up the evening. THANKS AGAIN JUDY!!!!!!!!!!!!
  19. janiebug

    Gruene Violets

    Terry, don't know about that. Believe it or not I have not heard of it, I went to the website and it sounds like it is one of those places that just carries it exclusively, like it is just a bumble and bumble salon, but I will check it out and see. Thanks for the link!!! Jane
  20. little bo peep to a thong hmmmmm.......... Too funny!! Well not much going on today, my car is in the shop and is going to cost me 400 to get it out!! bummer!!! Oh well that is life. I am really lucky so far my car is 8 years old and I have had one break down. The guy who called me did say that if it starts nickel and diming me to get rid of it. I have a Hyundai and he said the older ones seemed to self destruct. I am really hoping the car lasts me another 2 years It has low miles because I live close to work and don't really go that far in general. I am going with Charlie to the boat for lunch and gambling, a new one opened up and we both got a coupon for a free $10, I am sure he will spend much much more than that, but I will probably spend maybe another $10 if that. Wish me luck, maybe my car will be paid for with it!!!!!!!!!!!!! I hope you are feeling better Michelle and Jennifer!!! Jane
  21. janiebug

    Gruene Violets

    Anyone going on the trip, if you need proffessional hair products I can get them for you wholesale and then bring then with me. Let me know what you need. There is just two lines I can't get I think and that is Aveda and Lanza. I don't mind getting this at all. Plus I am planning on shopping in Houston so will bring a bigger suitcase. Jane
  22. cant post pics, if somebody wants to volunteer I can send them to you to post. I hope in Gruene I can learn how to do this!!
  23. Okay third time is a charm right! I am taking Pam’s advice and writing this on word first. Last night was a trip. There were some really nice looking guys in the bar, but they were a turn off for me because of the way most of them were dressed. It was an eye opening experience. Most of the men had chaps on with a jock strap or jeans, but there were some men that had on like for the lack of a better word, a halter-top but just straps of leather. I thought I would see more bondage and stuff, but thankfully I didn’t. Charlie was one of three contestants running for Mr. Midwest Leather. He ran for Mr. Missouri and came in 2nd. He first came out in his “formal leather wear” and he was kind of dressed like a police officer, which seemed to be a theme among the “formal stuff”. He also had a speech to give about how he wanted the ‘leather boys’ to help people. Now, Charlie is an odd guy, and this speech was really just a sexed up version of saving the world. It was kind of gross. The MC was a woman (I think) and she really had a dirty mouth that in my mind was just full of vulgarities. She talked about very very raunchy sex acts, and used the F bomb a lot. She gave a brief synopsis of what the contestants liked, OH MY GOSH!!! Charlie is into txx torture. Not to mention some other things. Maybe I am a prude, but OH MY GOSH!!!!!!:purplebananna::eek::cool::eek: Then there was an intermission and Leon and I went outside to talk, and he took me into their gift shop:eek::eek::eek::eek::mad::eek: OH MY GOSH!!!!!!!!!!! I have never seen things so big!!!!! Not to mention all kinds of leather!!!!! That was eye popping!!! Then after the intermission, the guys came out in jock straps. They all obviously went to an all you can eat buffet for dinner, because they looked stuff!!! (Which I am sure they also were if you know what I mean!!!) Then she made them all turn around and bend over so we could look into their a&*! Then after a few more farewell speeches & they announced the winner, and it was Charlie!!! You all don’t know what HELL I will be in for the next year!!! It is very embarrassing that he tells customers. I mean Webster Groves is a very middle class to high conservative neighborhood!!! I got totally drunk, and really can’t remember the last time I even drank! Leon was buying my drinks and…. I really did have fun, but it was different. I laughed more than I have in a long time, not mean laughing, but silly stuff. I don’t know what they see in that kind of lifestyle!! Am I being a prude? I am going to try to post some pictures I took last night, we will see if it works.
  24. OH MY GOSH I LOST MY POST A SECOND TIME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:regular_smile::confused2::thumbup:
  25. Oh My Gosh!! First Time This Is Really Happened To Me!!!!! I Just Wrote A Book About Last Night And It Disappeared!!!! I Will Repeat Later!!!!!!

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