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Everything posted by janiebug

  1. janiebug

    Gruene Violets

    I am ready for one now too!!
  2. Laura, I am betting on it being TOM!! What is instant bacon? I am seriously in a deep funk today, I went shopping to buy some new pants, and looked in the mirror at the store and was sooo heavy. I know I have lost a lot of weight, and I am sooo happy. But, the fact of the matter is I am only five feet and weigh over 200 pounds!!! Plus because I have lost 100 pounds I am droopy/drippy with my old fat. I guess I am just having a bad day, but wow, this really sucks. I still am no where near where I want to be, or should be for health reasons. I need a fill, I will hopefully get it this Friday, since they cancelled my last appointment the end of March. I think that will make me feel better, I have been bitter about that whole experiance since then. Oh well have a great weekend!!
  3. Wow Houston is really spread out!!! It gives me a better understanding of the area that way, thanks Terry!!! I slept pretty well last night, didn't sleep through the night, but was still okay. Sort of stepped on scale this morning and looks like I am down a few, that is just incredible, because I haen't walked this week at all!! We will see on Monday what it is for real. Judy and Michelle have a great day!!!!
  4. Just talked to my mom, and she told me my dad had been coughing and waking her up all night (allergies) and when she woke up with the bed shaking (earthquake) she thought my dad was having a seizure!! I guess she figured those allergies were worse than she thought!!! Just wanted to post that real fast before I am off to work. Have a great day!!
  5. Had an earthquake here last night at 4:30 a.m. and I was up and felt it. It was weird. I sort of remember an earthquake in the late 60's I was 5 or 6 so I just remember bits of it, but it was a stronger one (at least that is what I think). I think this was a 5.4 on the richter scale and was centered 150 miles away. It was weird, not bad, just weird. Having bad troubles with acid reflux and was awake most of the night, when I wasn't awake I threw up in my bed (am I 5!). Luckily it was only on me and one pillow, so that was easy to take care of. This reflux stuff is for the birds, I have been fighting with this since December!! Haydee, TracyK, and Terry--do you all live in Houston? How far do you live from each other. I have looked at a map and Houston is really spread out!! Kat purple thoughts to you and your dd. It doesn't really count as a day off Tracyks, with not fun stuff, but try to have a little fun?!? CONGRATS PAM ON YOUR BIOPSY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Jennifer, Judy, Michelle, Laura, and Susie----Happy Friday!!! Just think 4 weeks from right now, most of us will be in the process of meeting up!!!!!!! I am very excited!!! Jane
  6. janiebug

    Gruene Violets

    Lets see 4 weeks from tonight I will be washing clothes and packing of course at the last minute, and then be paranoid about oversleeping!!! So then I won't be able to sleep because I will be afraid I will oversleep and miss my plane!! When I had my surgery which was a year ago today I was afraid I was going to oversleep, so I figured I would be sleeping most of the day anyways so it didn't matter!! I am rambling sorry!!! Jane
  7. Oh no I wonder what it would say about me! Do post the website Suzie!!! How is your sister doing? Tracyks, by the way LOVE the pics earlier today!!! Jane
  8. Just got in from work and saw you got the job Jennifer!!!!!!! That is soo great, I am sure you are thrilled!!!! Congrats!! Glad to see you again Denise!! My dad brought me the BB tape from last night so I am going to watch it now, everyone have a good nite!!
  9. Good going Tracyks!!! Well everyone have a great day I am running late!! Jane
  10. Well I want to have a trillion rep points!!! I had a very odd day at work today. I have a couple of crazy people, which keeps my job interesting, well this one girl, who I do feel sorry for is mentally disturbed, and she hadn't washed or combed her hair in over a year!!!!!!!!! I don't know how it didn't smell!!! I mean I wash my hair every day because of smell/cleanliness issues. She is probably about my age or a little older, and she doesn't work. I do feel sorry for her though. I threw everything I used except my scissors away, and disinfected that. Pam or Tracy I forgot to tape BB!!!! Is Natalie gone???? I consider myself a fairly religious purpose, but God is there to share in your good fortunes and sorrows, not reality tv. I think he is just shaking his head over reality tv. I love it though!!! Well I am going to go to bed. Talk to you guys later!!! Jane
  11. Tracyks vegetable, dairy, grains, protein, I think all you are missing is fruit!!!:confused: I missed BB last night, but can't agree with you more about Jesus and BB, that drives me crazy. I hope she is not serious about that and it is just an act!! I do hope she goes tonight, I will tape it tonight!! TWO DAYS OF SUN IN A ROW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Does anyone have problems with the port place scar sinking in? I may not be saying that right, but there is like a dip that you see through my clothes. No big deal, but odd. Well off to shower!!! Purple thoughts Jenn!!!!! Happy Bandiversary Jenn and Laura!!!
  12. Wow, quiet here today!! I went and got my nails done tonight and took care of some things I have been meaning to do for a long time. Work was so so busy, I am early tomorrow at work! Every other wednesday I go in early work a split and stay late. Have a good night and day tomorrow!!
  13. janiebug

    Gruene Violets

    I have got some shampoo that I will bring for you Pam. That sucks about the 3 ounces!! I haven't flown since 9-11 I am going to be in for a surprise aren't I??
  14. Hello, how are you guys? I am ready for another week!!! Jenn I hope you had lots of luck today at the interview!!!! The sun is shining here!!!!!! TracyKs in case I didn't tell you, that is great about the vegas trip!! You should feel so proud that you were chosen!! You might have a new career!!! Hey you might even be in a commercial!! I am QUITE 100% SURE that you would do better than the lady and the lion!! Judy that is great about your fills, I still am waiting to get mine......I am glad you guys made it safely there and home!!! Way to go with the garage sale Haydee!! Too bad we don't all live closer, can you imagine a SHRINKING VIOLETS GARAGE SALE!!! Well off to get ready for work!! Jane
  15. Laura, too funny on the video games. It reminds me of the time I bought the original grand theft auto for my nephew (had a ps here for him, good aunt huh!!) anyways I was in the kitchen and came out and saw him beating this police officer, there was blood flying and it was gross. I nearly had a heart attack!! I told him he couldn't play it anymore, and he told me that I could go online to get codes where there would be no violence. I went, and there was NOT a code for no violence, but there were numerous codes for 'pumping up the violence!'. It was then that I learned that all games have ratings. Good thing I am not a mom because I flunked big time on that one!!! I was horrified. Well 3:00 came and went and nobody called me to ask where I was... Kat, my nephew is going to the Kirtland (sp?) airforce base in July for three weeks. He is in ROTC and that is part of his training. I understand it is near you? I swear I don't know how his girlfriend and him are going to be apart for three weeks!! I think for our trip I am going to make a little book of where I work, live, the people I work with, the people I love etc... I never post pics, except for X rated ones. I figure 5 or 10 pictures will maybe show you guys who I am? :huh2: Gosh I don't even know that!!! I went to the before and after pics and saw you Laura, you look great!!!! You have shown such a HUGE difference!! I also saw booboo kity and was amazed!!!!!! I even thought about printing her before and after pics for inspiration!! Have a good night!!
  16. Terry, got my car detailed last fall and they did a great job!!! Never had it done before and my car is 8 years old. It was amazing!!! Although it is already trashed. You would think I have 18 children!!! Michelle, you have done soo well with you weight loss, I think the extra pound is retribution from the cold you gave Tracy!!!!:smile2: Tracy I hope you feel better!! I wrote in my date book that I have something at 3:00 today. This is the first time I have done this, but I have racked my brain what it might be and can't remember! So I am going to stand someone up today! Judy when does spring come? Well I am off to start my day!! Jane
  17. 98 degrees???? Wow!!! I think the high was 37 and it snowed, none stuck though, it was funny seeing snow in mid april here! Oh well tomorrow is a new day!! Still love the chocolate tips Judy, keep rereading them.
  18. janiebug

    Shrink'n Violets TIP 'O THE DAY!!

  19. I CAN'T SLEEP!! Just thought you all would like to know that!! Four hours till the alarm for church goes off. It should be a really good service, it is youth Sunday and it is done by all the young people (no older than a senior in h.s.) in our church, they even do the sermon! It is inspiring that they are so composed and able to do this.
  20. Mich and Minn both start with an "M" do I get credit for that??:lol: Thanks for the name of the book, I knew this was the place to turn!!! Jane
  21. Hey Haydee how did the sale go? Glad you feeling better Pam.
  22. Okay I have a question for all the moms out there, what is the name of the book that is something like--'horrible no good day'? Had a day like that today, nothing major, actually nothing major at all, just very minor things that drove me CRAZY!!! Made me think of that book and wondered what the name was. Judy how much snow total did you guys get?? How odd to get snow in April or does that happen every now and again in Minnesota? I watched "The Memory Keepers Daughter" and then called my mom and dad to see if I could ride with them to church and she was crying!!!! At first I was alarmed, and then I realized it was the movie!! I liked the book much more. I always like seeing a movie that I have read the book, although I think I should have casted this movie, I would have done a much better job!! Well I am going to hop in bed and watch some tv and then lights out til tomorrow, have a good one!!! Jane
  23. Good morning, well the spider didn't have an evil twin that got me (You think I have been watching soaps too long??) Pam the size of your feet????? OHMY!!! I think I would be dead from the shock. If my neighbor underneath me heard me last night she probably wondered what was going on!!! Glad you are doing okay. Well I am off to get ready for work!! Have a good day and hope you make lots of Money Haydee!!!
  24. I Am Totally Freaked Out!!!! My Heart Is Beating A Hundred Times A Second!!!!!!!! I Had A Wolf Spider In My House!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:eek::thumbup: I am blaming it on the fact that I had my windows open, and I back up to a small patch of woods with a creek, well we have had sooo much rain the past few weeks it is in a perpetual state of flooding. Last year this time my best friend was over and said to me "Do you know you have a huge spider in your house?" I freaked then and swore I would never have my windows open again. She killed it and disposed of it. After an hour of hairspraying it I finally knocked it down and put a container over it, slid a piece of paper under it and duct taped it down. Now I just have to pick up the thing and take it to the trash. I am so neurotic about spiders. I am seriously not going to be able to sleep tonight because of it!!! I took a picture of it and it is 3 or 4 inches YUCK!!!!!!!!! Okay I am going to try to pick it up. I have to work tomorrow after being seriously traumatized!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am odd and know it, at least I can accept it. Kat, if there is a spider in our room will you kill it? Jane

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