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Everything posted by janiebug

  1. GOT MY FILL TODAY!!!!!!!!!!!!! I had lost about 1 1/2 cc's in addition to the 1 cc she took out in January. I hope this is not a bad sign!! I didn't like the Dr. much. I pretty much laid it on the table and told him how I felt, so he was probably thinking the same thing about me!! I've said it before and I will say it again, I am glad I am not related to him or he is married to a friend of mine! At least I had the support of a really great Dr. for most of the first year. For him I sure it sucks because when I self payed, part of that money entitles me to two full years of Dr.'s visits and fills. He gets nothing that I am aware of. So, I guess he can have an attitude, and I guess I can too!! I also think I might be PMSing (yathink!!). Well I see that you guys had trouble with the site today, that is so frustrating!! Tracy what you sent about your first year was wonderful!!
  2. Good morning all, gotta run!! Have a good day!!! Jane
  3. Terri I am with TracyK!!! Slow day again today at work. I HOPEFULLY WILL GET MY FILL TOMORROW!!!!!! Aren't I the same person that raved and raved about my Dr.? Well I guess all good things must come to an end, and she is now in Oregon!! I hope this new Dr. is good. I am still paid up for another year. Well here is hoping everyone has a great night and weekend!! Jane
  4. Off to work, fun, fun. This has been a slow week. It always happens at the end of the month!
  5. Kat I would come watch Kinsey if I lived closer!!! Hugs and prayers.
  6. Sorry Laura, it is frustrating when you do everything right!!! TracyKS you are doing great on your weight loss!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! TracyK good point about staying home and working!!! GEE what a novel idea--WORK!!! I wonder if these people have a good work ethic, or they just want someone else to pay for their work. I think the younger ones haven't really experianced life yet, so they don't count. I didn't notice the dry eyes that is kind of funny though. At this point I hope it is Ryan. Hi Pam, Kat, Denise, Susie, Jennifer, Michelle, Judy, & Haydee (love the email about the people coming in and robbing or adding to you!!!)
  7. Pam and Tracy, OH MY GOSH!!! I went over to my parents after work tonight and they were watching BB from tonight that they had taped!!!! Could Shelia have 'been more devasted'? I think that was the word she kept using. SHUT UP AND QUIT CRYING!!!! She will be so embarrased when she watches it back. It for some reason just drove me crazy!! There I feel better after venting!!
  8. janiebug

    Gruene Violets

    Let me rephrase that, it is not that mine are so pretty and perky, just big!!! Jane
  9. janiebug

    Gruene Violets

    Hey wait!!! I'M SINGLE!!!! Plus I can probably get you a keg with my boobs!! Jane
  10. Hey Judy, our church is looking for an interim pastor!! One of our 3 is retiring this summer and they want an interim while they decide what to do. If he can be presbyterian the job is his!!! I missed BB last night, I assume from your conversation that Sharon left. Who is the next hoh? I agree i don't want Shelia or Adam to win, so that leaves Ryan. He seems really sincere! I thought I would love American Idol last night since it was Andrew Lloyd Weber night, but didn't. The two Davids are phenomenal, the others are just okay. It is funny, I don't like the young David until he sings, then my opinion changes. I felt really sorry for Jason, because he looked like he was in pain the whole time he sang. Well off to start my day!! Jane
  11. Michelle, that is horrible, I hope all works out, I am sure with all that is going on with the other daughter, they have one less worry since you are taking care of the other!! Hugs and prayers!
  12. janiebug

    Gruene Violets

    Parasailing is so much fun, did it like 20 years ago in Cancun. It is not scary at all, but I don't have a problem with heights either. Judy you will have a blast!!!
  13. Haydee, I am almost there in tops! If any run big I would be interested. I am still HUGE in pants. Oh well. Hopefully Friday I will get a fill, not that I have NEEDED ONE FOR OVER A MONTH!!!!!!!!!! Bitter huh??? Pam the plants look great, I planted (sort of) this seed roll in my planter box. I got it for $5.00, last year I spent $80 for flowers and didn't like them, they never grew pretty! I am sort of excited about my seeds. I am like a little kid. I planted them Saturday night (I sure know how to party don't I?) and look every day!! I LOVE PEONIES!!! Tracy and Pam OMG, how shocking about James???? How do those things slide by the powers that be? Oh well, I just got a call that my house didn't appraise out, so I have to come up with $2,000. What is a poor girl to do!! Have a good day!! Jane
  14. janiebug

    Gruene Violets

    Haydee that is great!!!! Maybe the B & B has some though! Maybe not as many as we need, but less you have to bring!! Thanks again!! Jane Oh I went to order the swimsuit in a larger size, no luck, it was out!! So I ordered a different one in two sizes and will just send one back.
  15. Moving suxs!! Hope she figures out a solution!!
  16. I want anyone but Adam to win. I was offended the first night that he called autistic kids 'retards'. Shelia I like and don't like, same with the other two. I really haven't watched it like the other summer series, I think there is just too much on tv right now, with American Idol and Survivor! Well the guy came to do the appraisal, he was here about 3 minutes and left. I really think this is just a formality since I am not getting anymore money, just refinancing. Been on again and off again cleaning. Did get a swimsuit in the mail from Just my Size:eek::eek::lol::sad::ohmy::sad::sad::thumbup::eek::tongue_smilie::frown::sad::sad::eek::eek:!!! I am sure I could find more smiley faces, but I am sure you get the idea!!! I think I will just get a bigger size and see how it looks, the nice thing about this suit is it has pockets!! I am a pocket person!!! I am only happy if I have a pocket!!! I need to do some labels for the taxing district. Have a good night!!
  17. Jenn who is calling you fat??? Not nice!!!!!!! I know it sounds crazy, but last week and this week I have been trying to remind myself how far I come, not how much farther I have to go. It is hard. Somedays I am better than others. Anyways that is not nice period!!!! Shame on people for using that!!!
  18. Don't be too excited about my halfway mark, been flirting with that for a couple months now!! YYYYYAAAAAYYYY TERRY!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  19. Darla, nice to see you lurking, how are you and your daughter? Please post!!!


  20. janiebug

    Gruene Violets

    Hey, the most IMPORTANT QUESTION!! Is there coffee makers in the rooms at Gruene??
  21. restriction, I hope one day I have it..... Hopefully Friday. Has anyone noticed when I post alot I am avoiding doing things?!?!
  22. Did anyone watch that Hallmark movie last night? I ended up falling asleep for the last 15 minutes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! How did it end? Did the boy get the cochlear implant? Still cleaning!!! Jane
  23. Well I have an appraiser coming, got a home equity loan last year to pay for band, and the interest rate has dropped like 3 points!!! My bank doesn't charge for this service, so I am doing it. I have one hour and 39 minutes to make my house look good. Tracyks those tomato plants are so cool!! I live on the third floor, so could actually have those! I watched QVC once when they had plants on, and it was soo neat. I wasn't tempted to buy them, especially since I don't have a yard, but they were so pretty and it was interesting to hear the story behind them. Never thought I would watch a shopping channel!! Okay, since I am a slow typer I only have 1 hour and 36 minutes, bye!!
  24. janiebug

    Gruene Violets

    Okay Kat, I have fat on you!!! Seriosly, enough that this weekend I have been wondering about toobin. I might have to do a shot of something before I get into my long sleeve, long pants over swimsuit and a coverup!! I am going to pack a bag, and I am taking my big suitcase because I am going shopping after our trip, so if anyone needs me to bring anything I have room. Seriously anything!! Does anyone here carry an epi pen or is a diabetic? I am seriously allergic to nuts and carry an epi pen and wonder what I have to do to bring a syringe on the plane? I guess I just need to call the airline, but I afraid of a 15 minute hold time!! It is monday!!! Jane
  25. Today is Annas birthday (my neice) so I am going to go there after church. She doesn't like opening gifts, or really getting them for that matter, so I just put it all in one happy birthday bag. All my relatives should be there today, so it should be fun. Well I need to get off and hop in the shower!! Jane

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