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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by janiebug

  1. Terry I am glad the prayers are working!!! Okay so I am weird. I wear something on my feet at all times!!! I even sleep in socks, those socks are my sleeping socks. I wear socks all the time. I never am barefoot. The times that I have had surgery I have given them socks before surgery to put on me as soon as they can. My old room mate used to joke that she has never seen my feet. I got the cutest card for a very early b-day, the person who sent this to me does not know about violets or anything, anyways it has a little girl from the waist down in a violet and white checked skirt trimmed in violet, white tights, and sparkly violet shoes and it says "I get to because it's my birthday" and then inside it says "make this your motto". Cute, if this was after the trip I could post a picture of the card, cause Judy is gonna show me!!! Susie, I saw on tv yesterday that is was David Cook day in Missouri. Imagine having a day that is yours!! I think it was a slow news day cause they showed a lot of the festivities. How far is Blue Springs from K.C.? I want him to win, I read an article about him in People magazine that said his brother in law (not exactly sure) has a brain tumor and that the guitar he has with him from time to time on stage has his initials on it (J.C.). That is special!! I rented I am Legend, don't know if I can watch it or not, but will try. Then in am go to church and maybe some shopping, then dinner with my parents and sister and family. I am still flabergasted and embarrassed (for Erik and to be called a girl) by what those girls did to that poor Erik on Survivor. What a good day Mothers day is to remind us how special are mothers are/were and be thankful.
  2. janiebug

    Gruene Violets

    Laura don't worry about shampoo, conditioner, and gel. I have got a bunch I am bringing. Jane
  3. Laura, that was too weird about your co worker. That must be so strange to think you know somebody and then that. Sometimes (alot) I think I am messy, then I see or hear something like that, and I know I am clean and have nothing to worry about.
  4. janiebug

    Gruene Violets

    Being short I just ask someone taller than me to put my bag in the overhead. I am bringing a carry on and my check in bag. I am afraid that my cpap might be lost, so carrying that on. Jenn, I am no longer nervous about changing planes. Haydee put me at ease. I guess I was the most worried about having to go thru security again. Plus remember the song Terry created for you!!!!! Sing, sing, sing!!!!!!
  5. janiebug

    Gruene Violets

    Terry, you have got some special prayers right now. You have done so much for everyone, take care of you, and the violets will do the praying for you!!! I have never been in this situation, but my thoughts and prayers are for sure with you, your mom, and your family. Take care!!!! HUGS
  6. what is a buckle? I like blueberries, but I am thinking yummy even though I don't know what it is. I have been in a real sweet kick this week. Done pretty good, not great, but could be worse. I wonder if I ever got pregnant if I would have bad cravings. I manage pretty good without being pregnant..... Well off to work, slow day today and tomorrow. I am hoping that tomorrow gets busier.
  7. OH MY GOSH!!!!!!!!! GIRLS CAN BE SOOOOOO MEAN!!!!! You are so right Laura, Erik should be mad. I wonder if I would be that mean over that much money. I guess the thing that bugs me the most is the girls were all laughing.
  8. Michelle, too funny!! I was thinking that same thing when I saw the picture. Other than that, that is a great picture Judy. You know one of my customers told me about a Mongolian place here that does that kind of stuff. I think I need to get out more often. Had my hair colored, but haven't even looked at it. Washed it, and went to Walgreens, and haven't gone in the bathroom to look. I am sure it is fine. I was busy today, and had a really good day, started out with my phone call from Tracy and just kept on going. Must be a good biorhythm day? I haven't thought of those since I was in high school!! Oh well better get my butt moving and do somethings before bed. I also need to watch Survivor, by the sounds of what Laura said Erik is not having a good day!! TGIF for everyone but me!!! Jane
  9. janiebug

    Gruene Violets

    Okay all you Houston people. I am freaking out right now about the time that I have to switch from one concourse to another. I have 51 minutes to get from A to B. Will I have to go through security again? I am nervous Nellie! I don't fly much and HATE to change planes. I could no I take off in the gate next to where I come in and still be afraid I am going to miss the plane. Do I have to worry or should I be able to breathe easy? I am flying in on Chataqua (sp) which is a Continental, and flying out to SAT on regular Continental. Thanks, Jane Terry you are sooo organized and helpful!!!! Thanks, I haven't flown since 9/11 so will look into that website to do what is right.
  10. I GOT A CALL FROM TRACYK!!!! SHE IS SOOOO CUTE AND HAS AN ACCENT!!!!!! I was sitting there and trying to motivate myself, and bam there she was!!! I am motivated now!!! YAY!!!!! Long day at work today. Not bad, just long. Then after work I am getting my hair colored. I cover up the roots to say 'I don't have the white hair that made my grandmother totally grey by the time she was 25'. Obviously the grey gene is rampant in our family, EXCEPT my older sister, who deserves the grey hair more than anyone, she has very little. I had my hair cut a month ago, and now I am going to let it grow some. Oh I am just sooo excited that TracyK called!!! Well I am not off!! Hey congrats Jen on the date of starting!!!
  11. Hi Ms Jen!!! No I didn't get anything about a phone interview Judy! Getting ready for bed, and trying to get some things done. Hey Pam, I did think that was funny about the cats!!!
  12. Wow, that sounds like soo much fun Pam!!! Just got home from work and stopped at the drive thru to Taco Bell, and my bag seemed heavy, I ordered two things and I got home and have 5! I ordered two tacos. Oh well looks like lunch is on for tomorrow!! I really did have the poor mes last night. I don't know what was wrong with me. I am soo scared of online dating. I haven't been on a date in years. I am watching American Idol and Jason is kind of cute, but not very smart, at least he doesn't show it. I do kind of hope he goes, he did really bad last night. Well just a little over a week before Gruene. I think Kat said it, that I am really impressed with all that everybody will be going thru to get there. Kudos to everyone!!! Jane
  13. Three doctors and one nurse all agreed it didn't sound like the band. So they didn't want to do that. I was never completely unfilled, but they did take some out when I started having problems. Still had the problems, that is why they don't think it is the band. We will see.....
  14. Why does online dating scare me!! I feel better this morning, just had a clash with my mom last night,and that just started it for me. I would swear I am pms but I just stopped. Susie how is the pool coming?? The rain they said we would get yesterday was non existant, so I hope that held true for you also. Well I am going to try to get motivated and go to the beauty supply house. Thanks for listening/reading my droning on and on about my love life. Jane
  15. Well I did not get an unfill. The dr. doesn't seem to think it is my band. So Monday I am having a barium swallow for sure and then hopefully these two other tests. One is a 24 hour ph test, where they stick a tube down your nose and leave it there for 24 hours, and the other is a esphogeal manometry. I wonder how much this is going to cost!! Sounds expensive. In addition to this expense, if I have this done I don't think I will go to the annual meeting for the taxing district, and thus be out of more money! So much for not meeting my deductible. I guess I was feeling a little down today, I always feel bad when I see two people holding hands are being just very supportive. I am tired of doing these things by myself, and I want some support. Now, on the other side of the coin, I haven't really mentioned this to friends so unless they start reading minds they don't know. But you know I want to be important enough in someones life that they know because they love me. One would think I have a serious case of PMS!!!! Enough from me. I hope everyone sleeps well tonight, and just think two weeks from tonight we will be at home, probably in bed, getting ready to start our routine day over. Our trip will be but a distant but wonderful memory!!! SCHMALTZY!!!!
  16. Didn't Michelle use Zrytec and she lost weight?
  17. Just got back from shopping, I tried on some capris because I thought ummm I have never tried them on, maybe they will be better than shorts. Well, guess what!!!!! I am so short they were regular length on me!! I always said I need a squat shop (short and overweight)!! I was laughing in the dressing room, the people at Macys are probably wondering... Way to go Tracy!!!! I am sending out purple vibes for you to avoid DQ while you are out and about shopping for Gruene!! I have a bunch of stuff to do tonight, one thing is I have to type of the minutes of the last taxing district meeting. I usually do it when I get home, but for some reason didn't. It was a long horrible meeting too.
  18. janiebug

    Gruene Violets

    I don't really like pomade, but Kat is right, it is sort of a hair cream/paste. Some people really like it. I agree with Kat that it makes my hair feel dirty. It is not for fine hair. See why I am not a salesperson???
  19. Go Both Tracy's!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Stay Strong!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  20. No fill, got one, reflux is horrible so they might take fluid out of band. On a different note, I am getting something personalized for a friend that has her name hyphenated, can only fit two initials, does anyone know what the protocol is for that? This friend is Gina Barren-Hetlage, do I make it GB or GH. She loves her new husband, so I want to make GH but I think I am supposed to make it GB, now that is her ex, and she only refers to him as her kids father, no name, or else a bad one I can't repeat. Any ideas??? Jane
  21. janiebug

    Gruene Violets

    Maybe I don't get out much, but I found some cheap flimsy ice cube trays at the dollar store that makes ice cubes to fit in necks of water bottles etc. If anyone wants me to bring some I can, maybe they are all over just haven't browsed the ice cube tray section in a while! Also does anyone or their family members wear pomade? I have wayyyy toooo much and want to get rid of it, so let me know. Jane
  22. Good morning, slept late, didn't sleep great, but everytime I had to spit up I took tums after the episode and went back to bed. Seemed to do the trick for an hour or so. When this is fixed I AM GOING TO SLEEP SOOOOO GOOD. Well everyone have a great day!! I am going to clean and organize some things. Still haven't totally finished switching winter/spring. Haydee, been up late at night baking, NO FUN!! TracyK, I am with you in spirit on your diet journey, but don't want to commit myself not knowing what the fill situation is going to be tomorrow. Jane
  23. Susie, was he trying to drum up business? Maybe he has a new addition to his house he needs help with funding so he had his nurses google all patients turning a certain age!! Too funny!! I am counting down the days before my health insurance goes up $60 because I turn 45. I don't think of that as being a new age group.
  24. janiebug

    Gruene Violets

    What would I do without our Judy?????
  25. Just got home from seeing Jersey Boys, was it ever great!!! If you get a chance to see it do!! I really wasn't looking that forward to it, we have season tickets to the Broadway Series here, and even though I had heard a lot of good things about it, didn't really want to go. Almost canceled going this morning. I am sure glad I went! I hope the reason everyone is so quiet is because they are having too much fun!!! TracyK what is going on with your cyst? Is it all better?? I hope so!! Have a good one!! Jane

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