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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by janiebug

  1. Golly Gee I have never been anyones favorite slut before!!! I am getting ready to pack up and head home, have some time to kill before going so think I will call Terry and see what she suggests. I am having loads and loads of trouble on this computer or at the hotel. I don't know which, so when I get home I will look at my matches, and try to get my signature etc.... TracyKS do you get sorer everyday like me? Do your bruises get bigger and more colorful everyday? Did you start TOM yesterday??? ?Good thing advill is to the rescue!!!!! Okay here I go, off in the big city!!! Jane
  2. HEY, when I was trying to upload the signature that Laura made for me, this popped up. I can't upload my signature right now, but can do this!!! I am going to try for a fifth time to post this!! I am writing it first on word, then cutting and pasting so if I lose this post nothing else will be lost. I want to express and my thanks and gratitude for a GREAT time that I had. I was reluctant to go, but am so glad I did. The first thanks are to Haydee, Terry, and Tracy for the great food, drinks, alcohol, and the wear and tear on their cars. Special thanks for my magnet (Judy), which will proudly hold the group picture on my refrigerator, candle (Michelle), note pad and purple pen (Kat), my purple beanie baby (Laura), and last but not least, Pam for the wonderful corsages we all had, and the violets we had in EACH room!!! A special hug for Judy for her EXTREME patience while her plane was very very very late!!! You were such a trooper. There was an incident on the river, where Haydee, Terry, and Tracy W came to my rescue!!!! Does everyone remember Martin Short playing that slow synchronized swimmer on SNL? He had water wings and a nose plug and said he wasn’t a very strong swimmer?? Well I am not a strong toober. That is putting it mildly. Let me just say it was not pretty, and Haydee and Terry took control of the situation while Tracy was risking life, limb, and back/butt to save me (I really wasn’t in that much peril, but it adds to the story!!)! All three of them didn’t even think before helping me and I applaud them!!! I really am moved to tears when I think about how much people helped me. All I can say is aren’t you all glad I wasn’t drinking?!?!?! Thanks to everyone for the hurried get away we had on Sunday!! It was a mad rush and nerves I am sure were shot, but nobody complained!! That leads to the next thank you to Haydee, she washed and dried our wet clothes! How nice was that!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thanks to Laura for befriending technically challenged me and taking control of my pictures. THANKS!!!! I guess the same can be said for PAM?!?!? I have never laughed so much and so hard in my life. So exceptional thanks go to Haydee, Jennifer, Judy, Kat, Laura, Michelle, Pam, Terry, Tracy M, and Tracy W. This was a great trip. Last but not least extra special thanks to Terry for all her help in planning, organizing, and carting me around!! YOU GUYS ARE THE BEST!!!!!!!! Jane
  3. janiebug

    Gruene Violets

    I am going to try for a fifth time to post this!! I am writing it first on word, then cutting and pasting so if I lose this post nothing else will be lost. I want to express and my thanks and gratitude for a GREAT time that I had. I was reluctant to go, but am so glad I did. The first thanks are to Haydee, Terry, and Tracy for the great food, drinks, alcohol, and the wear and tear on their cars. Special thanks for my magnet (Judy), which will proudly hold the group picture on my refrigerator, candle (Michelle), note pad and purple pen (Kat), my purple beanie baby (Laura), and last but not least, Pam for the wonderful corsages we all had, and the violets we had in EACH room!!! A special hug for Judy for her EXTREME patience while her plane was very very very late!!! You were such a trooper. There was an incident on the river, where Haydee, Terry, and Tracy W came to my rescue!!!! Does everyone remember Martin Short playing that slow synchronized swimmer on SNL? He had water wings and a nose plug and said he wasn’t a very strong swimmer?? Well I am not a strong toober. That is putting it mildly. Let me just say it was not pretty, and Haydee and Terry took control of the situation while Tracy was risking life, limb, and back/butt to save me (I really wasn’t in that much peril, but it adds to the story!!)! All three of them didn’t even think before helping me and I applaud them!!! I really am moved to tears when I think about how much people helped me. All I can say is aren’t you all glad I wasn’t drinking?!?!?! Thanks to everyone for the hurried get away we had on Sunday!! It was a mad rush and nerves I am sure were shot, but nobody complained!! That leads to the next thank you to Haydee, she washed and dried our wet clothes! How nice was that!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thanks to Laura for befriending technically challenged me and taking control of my pictures. THANKS!!!! I guess the same can be said for PAM?!?!? I have never laughed so much and so hard in my life. So exceptional thanks go to Haydee, Jennifer, Judy, Kat, Laura, Michelle, Pam, Terry, Tracy M, and Tracy W. This was a great trip. Last but not least extra special thanks to Terry for all her help in planning, organizing, and carting me around!! YOU GUYS ARE THE BEST!!!!!!!! Jane
  4. OKAY NOW I SPENT AN HOUR WRITING UP A THANK YOU ON WORD, AND I CAN'T CUT AND PASTE!!!! WOW AM I NOT HAPPY!!! I do think I have some interesting "Matches" to look at. Jane
  5. CONGRATS DENISE!!!!!!!!!! Jane
  7. janiebug

    Gruene Violets

    Tracy, I think you must be thinking of the wrong Jane!?!
  8. janiebug


    I don't remember what months I could have. Jane
  9. janiebug

    Gruene Violets

    3:51 here, think I solved packing dilemna, suitcase not big like I thought, or else I am a bad packer!! See you guys SOON!!!!!!!!!
  10. I second the missing violets. It is officially the 16 of May so HAPPY BIRTHDAY GINA!!!! I am taking a break because I can't fit everything in my suitcase! I am mad. I will go through a 4th time and try to pare down. GRRR. I am so not a good packer. Jane
  11. janiebug

    Gruene Violets

    Well I am home, I have not packed or anything. Not to worried, I am a last minute person. Still need to get some laundry done. Oh well I can't believe it is almost here!!! Jane
  12. Michelle,I look better fuzzy!!
  13. Well I had an exciting day (not) I went to work and felt fine, then I was almost done with my 2nd customer and felt sort of funny. I told her I wasn't feeling so well and was going to sit down, I can't describe it but I had this pain in the upper middle of my back and my right side, not bad, but there, and I broke out in a cold sweat. Charlies next customer was a nurse and saw me sitting there and came over, and it just got worse and worse. Really weird. Then she made me lay on the floor, and they called 911 because I passed out. They came and couldn't get a blood pressure and pulse was really low, so they started an iv and gave me oxygen and got a blood pressure, by that time I was alert, before just sort of in and out. They took me to the hospital and was continuing to feel better. They did a bunch of tests and they said I did have aspiration pnemonia, but that that didn't cause it. They said sometimes there is no reason, for this and they kept me on the monitor for a couple hours and that was fine. It was weird, and I hope that it never happens again!!!! It scared me and I scared the sXXX out of Charlie. He thought I was having a heart attack, because they couldn't get a blood pressure?!? I am not sure what runs through his mind sometimes... So I am home now, working tomorrow, then going to Gruene!
  14. Well I slept pretty good. I got better sleep than I have in a month, but not what I thought all day. I feel better though. I didn't have reflux, or throw up once!!!! Yay!!!!! I weighed myself this morning and I am at 239! I wanted to be in the 220s for the trip, but I still have today and tomorrow!?! I got some jeans back from the tailor yesterday, of course even the petites need to be hemmed, but I had dreams last night they didn't fit because I gained weight. I think I am going to wear them today to remind me they fit. Terry you are sooo nice and organized!!!!!
  15. Haydee, sometimes I am the same way. I need to be kicked a few times myself. Well I got an unfill today, he took me down to 2cc's. I have the 10cc band, and had about 7 cc's in it. I am hoping I sleep tonight!!! I am so excited about sleeping!! I am going to be sooo pumped if I can sleep well tonight!! It sort of sucks to be so unfilled. I don't see him again until the end of July, and right before that I will have another barium swallow. He told me my esophogus needs time to heal up. Oh well. Have a good night everyone and hopefully so will I :tongue2::sleep2::thumbup:!!!!
  16. janiebug

    Gruene Violets

    What did you call my marg suggestion? Yankee Margaritas. I still love that!!!!! Have told more people about that!!!
  17. Ran home real quick between meetings and work, going to the Dr. today to get a unfill. I don't know how much he will take out, but I need to sleep!!! The swallow showed my esophagus was enlarged and my band was very restrictive. It is also allow reflux fluid into my lungs they told me that was called aspirating, and that is why I am coughing so much and my asthma which is usually under control to be soo bad. Ummmm Explains alot!!! Oh well, maybe I will eat what you guys can't!! Jane
  18. I hear you Jennifer coffee!!!!! I had a staph infection a couple of years ago, and I was in the hospital, they were debriding it 3x's a day, and when I went home I had a picc (sp) line in for IV antibiotics. It could have killed me, I am glad that I had attentive Dr.s. A staph infection is nothing to brush off. Scary!! Judy how is your cold? What about your eye Michelle?? Purple thoughts to you both!!!! Well I am showered, but nothing else. Will check in late tonight!!! Jane
  19. janiebug

    Gruene Violets

    Count me in on funding for Margaritas. I have lots of shampoo and conditioner and gel, cleaned out my Christmas box at work. I am pretty easy, I drink coffee black, and water. Never liked soda, even as a kid. Will drink one occasionally if I am real hot, or else the only thing to drink. I think I have maybe 3 sodas a year. I am still bummmed about my band. Have a super busy day tomorrow, starting very early (for me) with a meeting at 8:00 a.m. Then work, then my manicure. Oh well I am trying not to think about leaving because then I am overwhelmed with all I have to do. Plus I wouldn't be me, if I did things early.
  20. Oh my gosh, so much to do, so little time. I am now officially freaking out!!! I had my barium swallow, and the movement past my band was very very very slow. So maybe my problem is I am too tight? I will call Dr.s office tomorrow, but don't know if I can get an unfill if that is what the swallow shows. I am working long hours the next 3 days, and then when I come back I am busy at work for a few days, so it looks like after memorial day. I want/need sleep. We will see what they say tomorrow. I am crabby and behind. Jane
  21. Laura, we violets are waiting for the perfect time to call you!!! Jane
  22. janiebug

    Gruene Violets

    I like your answer Michelle!!!! I want to drink or eat so bad right now!! I can't eat or drink til after my test at 2:00!!! I had to take my medicine this morning so I took it with a swig of coffee instead of water. I figure it really is just flavored water?!? I will have to think on the alcohol, maybe a cheap box of zinfendel? Any other suggestions?? I am not a big drinker, and usually drink vodka and seltzer with a lime, to much to make, this way voila it is ready as soon as it is poured. But I do like Margaritas!! How do I order them? Oh well of to my day. Jane
  23. janiebug

    Gruene Violets

    I am bringing a fairly large check in bag. I hope that is okay. It is the only luggage I have, so I bought big, to cover everything. Stupid question, are be buying alcohol to drink at the bars or at the grocery?
  24. Somebody else said they were left with a lot of ?s after the movie. I thought it was all tied up in a neat little package. Did I miss something?? Off to buy some bleach, was doing laundry this morning and getting ready for church when I knocked over my coffee, and my bra? Don't know how is happened, I was doing white load so my 2 other bras were in wash, wet. So I got out one of my old bras, and the strap broke putting it on. So then I just popped my coffee soaked bra in dryer, so I would have a bra to wear in next 15 minutes. I hope the stain is not set for life. Oh well if it is it is just my bra. Rambling, sorry!! Jane
  25. HAPPY MOTHERS DAY!!!!! I Am Legend was good. It really wasn't what I expected. I thought it was going to be more gory/monster than it was. It really wasn't. Plus I thought it ended totally different, by what my nephews girlfriend told me a long time ago. I did like it and liked the way it ended. Off to get ready for church, then I am going to come home and try to take a nap. I am lacking some serious sleep and it is catching up with me. I hope EVERYONE has a great day!!!! Jane

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