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Everything posted by janiebug

  1. I love sun tea!!! Saw Thoroughly Modern Millie today and that was great. Went to a place for brunch with my mom and dad, and my mom starts in on me about losing weight. How if I don't watch it I could gain all my weight back being unfilled like I am. We have had this discussion before. Now, I just point blank said I don't need that, I wasn't rude, or mean, or catty, just didn't want to go there. She started crying in the restaurant. Now, in our family we have a serious family issue going on right now, that is tearing my mom apart. So I know how lightly I have to tread, but as Michelle would ask: EVERYONE RAISE YOUR HAND IF YOU KNOW EATING TOO MUCH CAN MAKE YOU GAIN WEIGHT!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Just is kind of making me nuts right now. I wish I had restriction. Everyday I say this is the day I will do good. Then I would start with June. Now I am thinking I will start on Tuesday (my work week start). But I am going to be headed into the most stressful time of my life (I think) for the next two months or so. I can't really talk about it, but it involves my cousin and court, something happened last year that totally turned our lives upside down, and now the trial is going to start in July, with a thing Friday. I am really rambling, and I am sorry, but things are soo jumbled in my head right now too!! Alright, enough, I am going to bed and watch the end of Andromeda Strain, I taped it and it seems sort of scary so far. Weird though. Have a great work week!!! First week of June can you believe it?????
  2. Wow toobin again!!! Too bad I can't come this weekend I have got a graduation party!!! My bruises just faded too!! Gonna see Thoroughly Modern Millie today with my parents. I am such a broadway geek!! Gonna see Dr. tomorrow about weird thing happening two weeks ago. It really has me freaked out sometimes. Then going to the gambling boat with a friend. We don't see each other very often, so usually end up talking most of the time, at least we are not eating or gambling! Off to start my day!! By the way Terry those were great pictures!!!
  3. Made it to work, weird day, but good. Am glad this week is over!!! You know I had to work 5 days this week!! I haven't done that in a few weeks!! I still think about that Flameado thing I had. It was sooo good. I got double a's but forgot c's, my honorary violet will just have to wait another day!! If we take our significant others on our next vacation, do I take my violet?! TracyKS How is your back/bottom?????? Kat, how is the pain now? Well I am off to get some things done!! Jane
  4. I'm back.... Came home from work without batteries, but will buy them this weekend. You guys are soo funny!!! I forgot all about the shower massage thing!! that is tooo funny, I laughed, but not as much as I did two weeks ago................................ My question is who will come to my house if I die and remove them????
  5. Tracy was it rescheduled? I guess if you are sick, you are sick, but wow, you really schedule for things like that. I hope this finds everyone doing well today. I want to keep sleeping and not go to work. But so much for the sleeping, I am going to hop in shower and go to work!! Have a good one!!
  6. I got it Laura!!!:biggrin2: I am amazed at how giving you guys are!!!!! I really mean that seriously!!!!! Jane
  7. I believe Laura sent me my package!!! I went to the store to buy batteries, and guess what! I got home and forgot the batteries!!!!! I got my computer back!!! It works!!! Fifty dollars for them to tell me it works!!! I got my package today Haydee!!! I must have been beauty napping when you guys had this conversation, and was jealous but I came home today and voila I had a package that didn't need batteries!!!! Thanks!!! Well going to get some things done and will talk to you all later. Jane
  8. Michelle Happy Bandiversary!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You have done great!!!!!!!!!! You too TracyK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Have I mentioned how much I hate this laptop?? I took mine in because it wasn't working and made a funny noise when I turned it on, I tried it multiple times at home, and it wouldn't go on and just made that funny noise, so I take it in and they look at it and call me and say there is nothing wrong with it. No noise and turns right on!!! I could have taken $50 and just flushed it!! Oh well!!!! Well everyone have a nice day!!
  9. Laura, customers can be soo quirky!!! I did a friends daughters hair last night, turned out great, but she is 12!!! In sixth grade, has major boobs, cute as can be, and oooooohhhhhhhhhhh so FILLED WITH ATTITUDE!!!!!! I hadn't seen her in about 9 months and WOW!!!!!!! Boy I can only imagine what the next few years will be like!! Her older sister 19 is my goddaughter, she is so sweet and going to be a Dr. I can only imagine with Taryn... I think I will be happy once I get my batteries! A lot less to deal with!!
  10. Still don't have my computer or batteries!! Way to go Terry!!!!!!!!!!!!! That is really nice what you are doing Laura!!!! Hate this laptop. Jane
  11. Lost my post again!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I think it has something to do with this laptop refreshing all the time. Love the cut Susie Got my package in the mail!!!! Need to buy batteries!!! Thanks Laura!!! Now I need to get to work!! See you tonight. Jane
  12. I keep losing posts. Michelle, you are so right mean people really do suck. I wish their was something that I could say that would make it better, just remember their day will come. What goes around comes around. Laura feel better!!! I am off to take my computer in to see what the problem is. Have a good one!!!
  13. I hate this laptop!!!!
  14. Judy that is too bad about your cat. I feel for you and Bob. I think last night my computer blew up in the storm. I will take it in to the store in the a.m., but don't hold out a lot of hope. I wish I was still in Gruene, when we were there problems didn't exist!! I called the Dr. Friday about that episode I had a few days before our trip, he wanted to see me right away, but I am going in next Monday. It still is freaking me out, but once again, when I was in Gruene it wasn't... Oh well, I hope all had a good hokiday weekend. It rained/stormed the whole time here, but I didn't really have outdoor plans. Talked to Charlie tonight and he went to Chicago to try out for Mr International Leather, he placed 44 out of 51, I think he was really upset, we wanted to be in the top 20. C'est La Vie!!!
  15. okay it is my laptop that is making me lose my posts. I have tried 3 times to post, so I am just going to say Hi Lunasa and hi to everyone else!!
  16. Pam, ya never know I just might show up!!! I guess it depends on when my package from Laura comes!!:biggrin: MACY IS TOOO CUTE!!!!! One of my friends had her kids pic taken and they told her, "what would happen if they died today and you didn't buy this package", I understand they need to make money too, but gosh, it seems like it is at the expense of your emotions! Lazy day today, I want to make sure all my laundry is done and hung up, that is my goal today. I am sooo puffy today. I didn't drink alcohol last night, only water and black coffee, but boy did I eat. I made a recipe for a buffalo chic dip that was very good. I had eaten one that was served cold, but this was hot and was very good. Susie, when is the pool going to be done? Is it a inground or above ground? Yesterday was rain all day and kind of cold. It was supposed to be sunny all day, you should have heard the weather guy try to explain that one over a holiday weekend!!! Kind of funny!! Oh well off for the day!! Have a great one!! Jane
  17. Denise, that picture was soo cute. I want a baby!! Actually all the pics you have posted of the baby and the baby in waiting were great. Do you have a photographer in the family? Those pictures of your Daughter before she had the baby were amazing. What a wonderful idea. Never seen anything like that before. I am up an moving, very lazy morning. I worked yesterday and Thursday and they were very busy. I worked late yesterday and then my parents took me out for dinner. It was nice. I am glad I have three days off now. Haydee thanks for the call!!! That was sooo nice. I didn't hear my phone ring and saw the message at eleven that night. Nice, nice, nice!!! I HAVE GAINED SOOO MUCH WEIGHT. I CAN'T GET A FILL UNTIL THE END OF JULY!:biggrin::rolleyes2::redface: I think I have gained about 8 pounds, jumped off scale real fast, so not sure. I really don't have anything planned for this weekend. I am going to some friends house for a game night tonight, that should be fun, but other than that nothing. I won't have a designated driver tonight!! Terry, Haydee, or Tracy K can you pick me up? Have a great day/weekend!! Jane
  18. Haydee, I had fun in Houston, just a different kind. It was nice and relaxing. If I had to compare it to Gruene/San Antionio it scored low, but on its own was okay. Tracyks does that mean NO surgery for Robbie, or wait and see? I hope it is not on a growth plate. Busy at work today, but it is always kind of crazy when you have been off. Have to work by myself tomorrow, should be really crazy then. Well have a great weekend if anyone is taking off, and Kat I still hope you are doing well!!
  19. janiebug

    Gruene Picture Thread

    Just got done looking at pics. WELL DONE!!!!!!!
  20. janiebug

    Gruene Picture Thread

    I like how everyone elses knees bend, but mine are so short they just stick out!!!!
  21. Terry, you are right Houston wasn't that bad, but after our trip it was hard to live up to. Tracyks, works with hands in spare time?!? How funny!!! It was a hoot to look at!! I was a Davod Cook fan also, was surprised he won, but very glad. I thought the under 19 crowd was the only one that voted, thus making him impossible to be voted in. I was very happy when I saw it on the news. Well doing some laundry and then will hop in shower. Jane
  22. Judy---Have fun in Canada!!!
  23. I am back home!! Houston was okay, but nothing to write home about. I noticed three things about Houston, 1. they have a lot of donut shops, a chain I believe called Shipley? plus many independent ones. 2. there is a lot of shoe repair shops. I can seriously only think of one here. and 3. There are a LOT of adult stores and they are in every neighborhood even the swanky ones!!! Where did everyone post pictures? I forgot to thank Haydee for my midnight toothpaste run!!!! Thanks!!! Well I am going to do some laundry and get ready for bed. Jane
  24. By the way Tracyks I am only 44! My birthday is in a couple of days, then I can admit to 45:eek:. You know what the weird thing is, you put my sisters birthday down!! Although she was born in 1960.

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