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Everything posted by janiebug

  1. I am having trouble with my computer. Nothing is wrong with me. Most of the time my keyboard doesn't work. My Brother in law thinks it is a corrupt file. He told me how to fix it. It sounded like 23094u 340u23 2305ui[- 234085 850-2= I said okay thanks... So if you don't hear from me that is why. By the way THAT WAS SOOOO NICE OF YOU SUSIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I ALMOST CRIED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Jane
  2. Happy birthday Terry!!! Hope it is a great one!! We are supposed to get bad storms today, like in an hour. Oh well. Can't shower because of this monitor thing. I hate that. That is how I wake up!!! I went to Taco Bell last night and it was so weird without the tomatoes. I diddn't think I would notice, but I did. Okay need to get motivated!! Happy birthday again Terry!!! If I was motivated I would list it 48 more times!!
  3. Had my stress test today, and it showed good blood flow and the muscle wasn't too thick, but I either have extra beats or missing a beat every 7 or 8 times. They said that it is normal, for some people to have that. I am wearing the holter monitor to make sure it is fine. Weird though. I don't want anymore BS in my life!! Things have been kinda hectic at work. Della's husband died from a sudden heart attack on Tuesday. So on top of my work, we are trying to call all of her customers to tell them. I think Sue and Charlie think this is some kind of "who cares the most" contest, and they are driving me nuts with it, luckily I have been super busy. Work politics, there are only 4 of us, you would think they wouldn't be there. One hour and 22 minutes from Friday the 13th and Terry's 50th!!!!!!!!!! Okay here I go to get some stuff done! Jane
  4. Great pics Terry!! Huggs to all, another early busy day at work!!
  5. I have to confess, I ate three, but they were mini's!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  6. what about two chocolate chip cookies holding icing inbetween then rolled in sprinkles?
  7. Hi, purple hugs to Kat, Tracyks family, and all you other violets in need of some purple power!!! I am off to bed, very tiring day today. Charlie messed up my book and was running behind pretty much all day. I hate to run behind, but I can forgive a mistake or two, but he really went overboard today in mistakes. Have a good night, pretty purple dreams................
  8. CTCD needed here. One of those super busy days. Meeting at 8:00 a.m., I am so not a morning person. I don't have a break at work, amd then I have my manicure appointment. Won't get home til 9:30 tonight. Glad they don't happen that frequently!! Everyone have a great day!!!
  9. I just wanted you all to know that if you think you have the greatest nephew in the world, you are wrong!! I DO!!!!!!!!!!!
  10. Laura, sounds like a not so fun trip!! I was rooting for you to win BIG!!!
  11. Susie we have had more rain then ever in history so far this year, can I assume KC is the same? That guy that emailed me from the personals does the recombint bike!! That is scary!! I sent him the link to match.com so he could see that I don't!! I know it is not about looks, but it still makes me nervous!! Michelle I am with you but higher in weight!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SCARY!!!!!! Judy great pics!!! The church looks so cute!! Laura are you rich?????? Glad Kat and Terry had a good time!!! My nephew is coming over in a little bit and helping me do somethings around house. He needs money and I need the help. I need to clean real quick (wasn't I suppose to do that yesterday?!?). Have a great day and will check in later!! Jane
  12. Judy, I have just been googling a wii, and not really sure about it. It looks like it could be fun? Going Thursday for the Stress/echo and the 24 hour holter monitor. I don't know when after that I will know. Actually I have been feeling better, I am not as tired as I was, but that bit with the reflux had me sleeping really bad for a long long time. I think I am going to call in the morning and talk with the nurse about getting a fill or something. I am not scheduled for one til the end of July and am OUT OF CONTROL WITH MY EATING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The new Doc only does fills for two hours the fourth Friday of the month! I need one!!! I am eating wayyyyy tooooooo much................ I got an email back from that man who wrote me. He is retired military. Scary thought, but really good benefits!!! I think Tracy might have given me some of her HR thoughts!! Terry, I finally got my "C" batteries, been up and running on the other one though
  13. TRACYKS, I just got my first email from somebody, just responded back. I set myself up on Yahoo personals, and that is where he responded from. I don't have pictures up, so I told him to go to match.com and see what you posted!! At least I have broken the ice. Thanks:smile:
  14. Well being unfilled is no fun. I am afraid to step on scale. I need to do it tomorrow. I am hearing and sharing your pain Michelle!!! I woke up this morning and looked at my house:eek:, boy do I need to clean!!! It is amazing how a few days of nothingness can lead to a huge mess!!!! Can't wait to hear is Laura is a big winner!!!!!!!!!!! Jane
  15. Well here I am after a looong day. I went to work early this morning, then went straight to a friends house for her sons graduation party. She lives about 1 1/2 hours away, it is no problem getting there, but coming home I kept thinking I am never going to make it, now all the caffeine is kicking in!!! Guess I will check my emails and go to bed. I hope everyone is having a good weekend!! TracyK any luck at the casino?? Laura may not have seen history made, but she could come up one RICH girl if she bet right!!! Okay off I go...............
  16. Did I say it was sunny today??? Well by the time I left for work it was cloudy and windy, and then it rained and rained, and I came home and no power!! It happens every once in a great while, but I am always surprised because my power lines are buried. Judy I am glad you liked the heart. I had good intentions on the beginnings, and never saw it through. So enjoy!!! I hope everyone has a good weekend!! Jane by the way is anyone but me having problems everytime they come to this site?
  17. Susie, woke up this morning to sunshine, if it stormed last night I didn't hear it. I hope you get the pool is soon. I am sure that is sooo hard waiting!!! Glad no cast! I hope everyone has a great day/weekend, I am off to work!! Jane
  18. I am having trouble with this thread loading?!! Everytime I get an email notification and I click on it, it doesn't load. I finally figured out that once I get on the site I have to hit the refresh button! Anyone else having this problem?? I guess I am in line for those storms in about 4 or 5 hours. I know Susie is frustrated with the rain, we have had sooo much!! I can hope we get no rain for your pool Susie!! Well everyone have a great night!!! Where is TracyW with an update on Robbie?? Jane
  19. Good morning. Pam I wanted to call you last night, but my phone wasn't charged and my charger was at work!! I think I would have been able to spit out a hi before my phone went dead!! My tests are scheduled for next Thursday. I got my pictures I ordered from the photobucket?, and they turned out fine. I got some doubles and triples of the riverwalk, anyone want some??? I cropped (I know you guys are amazed I did this!!) the picture of us on the bridge in San Antonio, and it turned out great. I wish I would have cropped it more. I got a 5 x 7 of the one that Tracy put the Shrinking Violet thing on and it didn't upsize very well, kind of blurry. I wanted to put that on my refrigerator with the magnet from Judy (Thanks Judy). Okay I am rambling so I will stop!!
  20. I just remembered I forgot to tell TracyK congrats on her decision!!!!
  21. Pam, I got mine the other day, I also got one from Terry yesterday!! I guess all violets have showed me in one way or another what special people they all are!!! I am deeply touched by everyone. I have got a busy day if I get my butt in gear. I go into work at 1:30 and could run soo many errands. Just need to get going....... If I am not too late have a wonderful time Kat!!! I am going to start eating better and exercising again. I haven't used my treadmill in about 3 weeks. That is really unusual for me. I just need to get control. So no sweets for me today!! We used to do CTCD Tuesdays and Thursdays, lets do them again!!! I will also vow to be a better Wednesday poster of my tip of the day!!! Jane
  22. Pam, I can't believe you were fired from such a high powered & paying job!!!! Do you get severence pay??? Laura, baby fever is hard to get past. I just got too old, but I don't think I will ever stop wanting! Went to Dr. today and the ekg shows a heart attack, not one recent, but one in the past. Dr. said it is just a machine that doesn't know, but the nurse practioner said she wasn't so sure. So I am going to have a stress echo and a holter monitor. She said maybe my heart rthym caused my fainting. Don't know but it is worrisome to me. Not to mention my mom!!! Did not win at casino. Mailed your conditioner finally Jen!!! Cashed the two violets checks I traded for cash today, sorry so late. Have a good one!!!
  23. janiebug

    Gruene Violets

    Speaking of scared, weren't we supposed to do a ghost tour or something???
  24. janiebug


    Okay, I think I was napping or something when this whole thing occured, so are we seriously making a calendar? If so what are the months available? I think I remember September, but I wanted May since that is my birthday month and somebody had it. So if we are really serious about this let me know and I will do it. Are we doing it month appropriate? Like if I am September do I need an apple, ruler, etc...? What is everyone wearing? Jane
  25. Oh my gosh Tracy!!! That is unbelievable!!! I am very frugal, so a phone is a phone. If it dials out and rings on my end it is fine. I have a Razr, but only because it was the free phone at the time. I can't imagine a 13 year old caring!! Well off to start my day!! Jane

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