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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by janiebug

  1. Terry, I just noticed your etsy stuff!!! COOOOLLLL!!!! Love that place, it is a DANGEROUS place for me to go!!!
  2. Well I finally got on the internet after being unable to get on today!! I was hoping to see an update from Tracy about her mom! Busy busy at work also, I am the only one working this week, so between my customers and the phone WOW! I hope Pam had a nice birthday, Suzie I thought the same thing about the pool!, Michelle you look sooo thin!!!!! TracyK is the alarm still getting you up or do you respond to Macy? I think that is what I hate the most, the alarm! Laura that is really neat about your dad, how long does that last? Is it kind of a last person standing? Hey Haydee, I cleaned my bathroom really good yesterday! I think I have some weird kind of cleaning flu! Kat, we want pics of A. tummy tuck and B. fire area, and C. if you have any pics of cute firemen!!!! Going to hit the sack in just a few minutes, really long day tomorrow, sort of dreading it. Jane
  3. Prayers for Linda (your mom) and your whole family Tracy!! It must be so scary right now for you and your family.
  4. :biggrin: :thumbup: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek:
  5. Okay here goes nothing I am going to change my ticker to reveal my weight gain!! SCARY!!!!!!!!!!!
  6. HAPPY BIRTHDAY MICHELLE!!!!!! How Scary Kat!!!! Can't imagine!! It is my once a month meeting where I feel I get up at the crack of dawn! Have a good day!!
  7. Remember when I went to the hospital? The er bill was $3400 and since they were in network, I owe $550. I thought a lot was written off, but less I had to pay. Then I got the ambulance bill!! I end up owing more to the ambulance company than to the ER??? I owe $837 to the ambulance co. They are not a network provider so they take no discounts! Amazing!! I was on the phone for 2 hours trying to negotiate the bill, still not done, but so far I am not successful! I am going to try again writing this time. Oh well new day tomorrow!!! Jane
  8. I am not exactly loving my band right now, more exactly my Dr. I know that if my Dr. hadn't have moved, I would have fluid in my band. I am up for a challenge!!! I have been cutting out exercises and stuff all day. Even put them in plastic sleeves and bought a cute notebook for the stuff. I would like to get a wii, but everytime I go to buy one they are sold out. It seems like they always have the wii fit, maybe I should buy that first! Oh well have a great night everyone!!!! Jane By the way what do we call your househuntress instead of house?
  9. Oh my gosh!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am being productive at home!!!!!!!!!!!!! What is wrong with me???????????????
  10. Kat, instead of your layers why not just get rid of some of the perimeter length, go more for a 'bobish' look, easy for summer and not much maintance at all!! You can still have bangs if you want, that is more of an individual thing. Sorry about your Uncle. I was changing address books yesterday, and was shocked by all the dead relatives in their!! But, I don't think I have ever changed books so it is like 20+ years old!! Uncles are special, very sorry!! CONGRATS JUDY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Susie, that is a HUGE family!!! We have small families on both sides! Really close to my moms sister and family, but my dads sister and family lives in New York, so don't really see her or have much contact! Tracy, can you pm me your new address, I deleted it by accident!!! So no driving to your job tomorrow!!!!! What a feeling of relief!! Plus your husband is getting a new job! YEEAA!!!!!!!!!!!! Terry how is your pain? I have been thinking of you, I think banana chips might work, at least they are the right color!! No blueberries!!! Michelle, how is your eating going? I want you to come stay with me a while and make me up some charts and stuff!!! Hey Denise, you need to post some pics of your house!! Does anyone here have TIVO? I am thinking of getting it, don't know anything about it and need VERY SIMPLE!! Comments? Jane
  11. Well here I am on the 4th sitting at the computer getting ready to take some benedryl and head for bed!! How boring!! I actually did nothing today. I did do the minutes and agenda for the taxing district, but that is it!! I watched my soaps which I am about a month behind, even though I knew a character died it was still hard to watch!! Isn't it crazy I can feel that way over a soap???!!!! Well everyone have a nice safe night!!! Beige hugs for Terry!!!
  12. Thanks Michelle!!! I went to the web site and wow!!! Did you find a store? I don't have any like this and SHE WILL LOVE IT!!!!!!! Susie I hope everything is okay with you!!! Terry I am so glad you are not too uncomfortable!! I was worried when I saw the pics!!! I hope the Doc doesn't poke around and make it worse today!! Nothing planned for today and liking that. It is sunny here which is odd because they called for rain all day today! Thanks again Michelle!!!!!!!!!!!!
  13. OH MY GOSH TERRZ, THAT LOOKS SO SORE!!!!!!!!!!!! I DO FEEL SORRZ FOR ZOU!!!!! PAM I LOVED ZOUR POSTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That is so nice zou bought me gum!!! Tell me how much I owe zou!!! I looked at your pictures of the cruise yesterday Judy and they were great. Especially St. Thomas!! That looked gorgeous!! Are you looking into a cruise for the violets next year? Tracy congrats on your last day and your husband getting that job! Have a good night and Terry I hope you sleep alright!!! Hi Susie, Haydee, Laura, TracyW, Denise and everyone else!!
  14. Good morning, slept later than I wanted and have TONS to do before work at noon!!! Have a good day everyone and sorry if I ranted about the fill thing, just still mad about it. Went from a Dr. that really cared, to a Dr. that doesn't, or he might care but is tooo busy. Jane
  15. Some Doctors are too interested in making the money from their well informed patients. It makes me so mad!!! I think we have every right to want things from our band!! We didn't get it not to be happy and satisfied. I believe you are a self pay like me, and I didn't spend $15000 not to be happy with it. You are right it is not the answers to our prayers, but it is a BIG help. I was unfilled in early May, and don't get a fill until the end of this month, and wonder if I will get a lot or what. But I believe it is within our rights as a human being to expect the best and truthfulness from our Dr.s. My Dr. has moved to another state, so I am having her partner as a Dr. my self pay was for two years of fills, but am looking into going somewhere else. I am on a soapbox, and I am sorry you are having to deal with this right now. There is nothing wrong with being well informed and don't let your dr. make you shrink back from your body!! Jane
  16. Good morning! How frustrating Susie!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Can you believe it is July? Wasn't it yesterday that Judy had our countdown to Texas??? It is amazing how time flies!! Well I am off to get some things done around here. Jane
  17. Hugs Tracyk! Makes me tired just thinking about moving!!
  18. What are the pics of the bus? Am I missing something?
  19. Laura, You think you are pregnant? I fired a weekly customer a few years back. It was the hardest thing, still feel bad about the situation, but know I would have just had more headaches than the law allows. I wish there was an easy way...Good luck!!
  20. Judy, where are you???? Susie did you get your pool? TracyK did you get moved? Terry, Michelle, Laura, Kat Hello!! TracyKS glad you had fun!! Jen are you MIA forever?? Haydee did you have a good weekend? A lot of people are going to be on vacation this week at work. I decided to work a short day on Saturday. I will probably work until one or so, I have so many regulars on Saturday it is hard to take off when Friday is a holiday. Plus, you know I am so loving the fact that I have Monday off, that working Saturday is no big deal. I think July I will start over again with my diet etc... I don't get a fill until the end of the month, so maybe I will pretend I am doing a pre diet for installation? I don't know, but I am out of control and need help!!! I am also going to try to track everything in a book I bought at the dollar store, it has a page for each day. Maybe that will do the trick. I have NEVER tracked what I have eaten and done. I am so unorganized that I have never really succeeded in that. I wish I was more like Michelle!!!! Has anyone got their picture taken at a Dennys? Okay I am off to start the day!!
  21. HAVE A GREAT TRIP PAMELA!!!!!!!!!!! The bracelet looks great! I was cleaning today and must have channeled Terry, because I fixed 2 pair of earrings, 1 bracelet, and made 3 bracelets! Some of the bracelets were already started. They are very, very simple. One is even so simple it is just clear and black swaraski beads. I never know what to wear when I wear black, because I really don't wear it that much because I think black makes me look too pale. AGAIN, PAMELA HAVE A GREAT TRIP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  22. How scary!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  23. Headache this morning. Cleaning some, moving not so fast. I should be doing some homework. I have an investment club meeting tomorrow night and don't even know what I am supposed to do!! Bad, Bad!! Susie, I am imagining your pool is almost up!?! Maybe a neighbor will lend you a hose so you can use their water to help you fill?? I also hope for sunshine to make it warm!!! My sister and brother in law have a built in pool, and even though we have had some warm days, we haven't really had a lot of sun to warm the water. They say it is cold!! Did I ever tell you guys my gum story? A friend of mine came up to work who had just found out she had cancer (has had surgery and chemo and is now cancer free!!) anyways I ALWAYS chew gum and ALWAYS have gum in my station, she asked if she could have a stick and I said no, that I only had one peice left, and it was mine. She said but I have cancer, I replied I will pray for you but you can't have my last peice of gum. She has a great sense of humor and we all laughed about it and it became a big joke, so I made up a gum of the month club where I send her a couple packs of gum a month for a year. I was hoping to find some odd gum in Texas, but didn't, if anyone finds very odd gum, could you ship it to me and let me pay you? I have 5 months left, and am almost gummed out!! I went to the global foods we have here and bought what little they had. Went to World Market, and they didn't have any. So if you have your eyes out for me I would appreciate it. Money really isn't an object since gum is pretty cheap. Thanks!!! Well I off to do some more cleaning, at least I have more motivation than I have had in a long time. Jane
  24. I am up and out of here! Have great day!!!!!
  25. Can't sleep! Love the pics Terry! I hope Judy is getting her land legs back, Tracy is having a great time in Vegas, and Pamela is not getting jitters about going so soon, and having violet withdrawls! I need to get up in 4 hours, I need to sleep!!! Wish me luck!! Bye

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