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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by janiebug

  1. I was wondering too!! Logged on to see what the outcome was. Getting ready for work, yuck. I don't want to go today. Tracyk and Terry you had great posts the past few days and I am going to print them out, and hopefully that will be my motivation. I am also trying to start blogging. I did my first one last night. I hope I can journal everything. Have a great day everyone!!! Jane
  2. Haydee you look gorgeous!!! I just got back from the band Dr. and am in need of a violet, I have to get to work, so will forgo that for now. I gained alot of weight. He did give me a fill, but he was not cheering me on. He said that obviously I at WAY TOO MANY CALORIES to gain that much weight. DUH!!!!!!!!!!!! I almost feel like crying, I wish my original Dr. was still in town. I understand that I ate too much, but isn't it his job to be inspiring? I did like Terris post about the military way of thinking. That is good, something for me to mull over while at work. Thanks for letting me vent! Jane
  3. GREAT POSTS!! Hang in there Jenn!! I am going to have to think about who I am.
  4. Laura I have been a very bad girl, so I am of no help. I think you are just dealing with a lot right now and you need to give yourself a break. When is the last day of class? Have a long day at work, so here I go!! Have a good one everyone!!
  5. Pamela, I have looked into teaching assistant some, I need to find out how much money they make, the benefits look good. I have looked into maybe doing special education. It is very scary to think I might be changing careers!! I might be too late this year, but there is always January. That is when my insurance would go up anyways. Momma Mia was good. I think my mom liked it more than I did. Everyone have a good night!! Jane
  6. Tracy and Pam, I think Jesse is very stuck on himself, so don't like him. I don't really like Renny, one of the blondes I don't like. The gay cowboy hasn't really hit me one way or another yet. I will have favs next couple shows. I GET MY FILL ON FRIDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I think. I am going to go have lunch with a friend and then see Mama Mia! I hope it is good. I love musicals!! Have a good lunch!!! Jane
  7. Denise the house looks great! You sure have a lot on your plate right now!! Hang in there. Tracy are you done unpacking? Terry, I hope things get better for your mom. I wish there were more words of comfort to say. Susie, if you were hot like we were today I am sure you enjohed the pool!! How is your mom Tracyks? Pam, thanks that is a great idea. I will look into school districts. If I worked for a district, chances are I could still work a few days doing hair. Judy, wouldn't it be nice to send you some heat!?!!!! Kat where are you??? Rodeo right? Jenn it sure is nice to see you here again. We went and saw "Joseph and the amazing technicolor dreamcoat" it was really good. I have seen it before, but this was the best I have seen. Have a good night!!
  8. How did that happen? Anyways I do love it when things heal over the span of a couple days. I am a true believer in that!!! Does anyone know if I can save my old ticker, but get a new one until I get back to my 'old' band weight? Am I making sense? If not can someone read my mind? I need a new job! I need to do something that will pay okay but with good benefits. I have an Associates degree in arts-general transfer, and of course my hair dressers degree. I like working with people, but don't know if I want so much contact again. Anyone with any ideas? I am pretty open to different hours of work, but no Sundays. I need a job that has benefits. Health insurance costs are eating me alive. I am paying $586 a month for a plan that has a deductible of $2500, plus 20% of the next $25,000. I can't get cheaper insurance already have tried. You know it is kind of crazy that no one wants somebody with a brain tumor and had ovariian cancer!! Any thoughts would be greatly appreciated. Jane
  9. Hi Jenn! Glad to see you back!! We missed you!! THANKS PAM AND MICHELLE!!!!!!!!!!! I
  10. Good morning! Running late for work, so everyone have a great weekend!! Purple power Laura!!
  11. I know it is not possible, but the scale shows that I have gained 14 pounds since last Friday? I am seriously retaining water, but... Sooo no nsv here........... I get my fill a week from tomorrow!!!!!!!!!!!! My Dr. will FREAK if my weight is still that high!!!!! Oh well. Judy the outfits are soo cute!! My computer is acting funny, couldn't get on last night and seemed to fight with it this morning to get on. Don't know what the problem is. My laptop broke yesterday, don't know if I am getting it fixed or not. Have a good day everyone!!!
  12. GREAT NEWS TRACYKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I was so scared for you last night when I didn't read anything. I taped something besides bb last night. Will try again tonight to get it right. You are right Kat I am soo talented!! Denise, love the pics. Is your family in the photograph business? You always have unusual and great ones!!! Still haven't looked at your pics yet Pam, but am looking forward to it. I live vicariously through other vacations!!! Hey Haydee new line of business! Wedding planner!!! That sounds like fun, but dealing with nervous brides and mothers could be the deal breaker for me!! You are so good at taking care of people I think that this would be great for you!! Maybe when I meet mr right on match.com I will come to Texas and the violets can come and we will get married!!! Of course I will have violet as my color, and takes on bridesmaids?? Oooohhhhh just looked at clock, spent to much time typing, have to get to work. Bye, very happy for you again Tracyks!!! Jane
  13. I can barely type with my toes, my hands are so far buried!!! Was hoping for an update from Tracyks re: her mom. I going to watch BB then go to bed. Will check in before bed and see if there is an update. Hey has anyone heard of or know anything about that Bariatric support center back on track thing? It starts on Monday and is $75. I am sure a course is what I need to unbury my hands.......... Any input that you have heard about it would be great. Jane
  14. here I am, although not everyone! Cpap lady just left, my new cpap is so small. I am getting ready to go to work, no internet there, so loads of thoughts and prayers for good results for Tracy's mom.
  15. I heard someone once say that melons are from the ragweed family and that if you have problems with that stay away from melons, especially watermelon? Don't know if that has anything to do or not with her allergic reaction. My barium swallow is just a formality for a fill I am sure. I go next Friday, and to say I need a fill is an understatement. I have not had any problems whatsoever with reflux since the unfill. I am sure that it is totally healed by now. Some lady is coming to my house tomorrow to give me a new cpap. She said that since I have had my current one so long, I need to learn the new one. I hate people coming to my house that I don't know. Susie, I am going to try to find a schedule of events for Mizzou so we don't meet while there is a game or parents weekend etc... Anyone else want to meet us for a fun Sunday?? My nephew is in New Mexico at the Air Force Base near Albequrque (I think I spelled that wrong), he is doing personal development there for three weeks. Next year he goes for basic training somewhere. He is 19 and in ROTC. Wants to be a aeronautical engineer. Hope everyone sleeps well tonight!! Jane
  16. Bet no one else had as a delicous of breakfast as I had!!!!!!!! I know I know I shouldn't gloat!!
  17. My day off and I get to have a barium swallow!! Are you guys jealous????? You know I don't mind this because I know a FILL IS A WEEK AND A HALF AWAY!!! Tracyks this is such a scary time for you and your family. My thoughts and prayers are with you. Okay off to drink some really really gross stuff!!
  18. MAN WAS I EVER STUPID!!!!! How many times did I see that, but since they didn't have the wii I didn't get it? Stupid, stupid, stupid!!! Oh well the good thing is I can't find either right now, and am too cheap to get it any other way!
  19. Charlie comes back to work Tuesday, and still not sure about Della. Susie Columbia sounds great!!! I am off on Sundays and Mondays, you name the date and I will see what I can do! Terry I thought you were working last week? Maybe Laura went to Las Vegas!?! I just got up from a nap!! Sometimes it is GREAT to take a nap! I am not a good nap taker, so I can only take one if I am off. (work that is) Well going to catch up on some cleaning. Jane
  20. Good morning!! Getting ready to go to church, sitting here trying to motivate myself to MOVE!!!!
  21. I want a wii, I think I will try to find one, I hate shopping like that though. Now, probably I will be able to find the wii, but not the wii fit!! Jane
  22. Laura, you crack me up!!!! I laughed so hard!!! Glad to hear from you Pam!! Your postcard showed such a beautiful scene, and you sounded like you were having a great relaxing time. Off to work, end of a busy, busy week. I have to admit I sort of lost my cool yesterday and under my breath, but loud enough, but hopefully not heard I did say a few choice words. Bad girl for me. I will be glad when I get the share the phone duty with others again.
  23. Laura, that is soooo coooool about your dad!! Tracy, hey it was my pleasure to send you a card on your new house, loss of 2 jobs, and your dh new one!! Busy day again at work tomorrow. Been super busy since I am the only one working!!! Sue worked today a few hours but she doesn't answer the phone. She uses her cell phone to make appointments, so she doesn't answer ours. Which is fine, for the most part. Speaking of rodeos Kat, Charlie went to Minnesota last weekend for the "Gay Rodeo". He says two people try to put underwear on a goat? I don't think he has ever been to one before, so I am sure I will hear a lot about it when he gets back. Oh the lessons I learn!!! Sounds like Pam is having fun!! Did you enjoy your birthday Michelle? Haydee when do you start your new job? Will you have a break between the stop and start? I am going to bed. Any updates on the POOL SUZIE???? We had a BAD storm tonight!!
  24. Good morning!! How exciting Laura!!!!!!!!!!!!! When will the finals be? Too much fun!! I tried to think of my Dad doing that, and I just can't see him doing well and being a poker player!! How many people started out in this? Judy are you 20 today? I am going to get a wii I think. Well running late for work, hope all goes well with everyone today!! Tracy Ihope you mom gets GREAT new today!!
  25. Did anyone besides St. Louis people have problems yesterday getting on the internet? I found out late last night it was because of my firewall, then I go to work today and find out almost everyone had that problem! I always drink a lot of water. I don't like soda, and I only like my coffee black. Really I have the opposite problem, I drink too much! I knew when I got the band, that drinking at meals would be a problem, and it still is sort of. My fill date is two weeks from tomorrow!!!! I get a barium swallow Monday to make sure all is healed and happy. I can't wait for my fill. I feel like I am in bandster hell, and actually I am, I remember how I felt about a month after surgery, and I am revisiting that now! I am rambling, sorry!! Have a great night!!! Jane

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