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Everything posted by janiebug

  1. I got on here for a reason, now I can't think of what it was!!! If i think of it I will post later on, otherwise have a good sleep!! Got my A/C fixed this afternoon to the tune of $295! For that amount I feel like I should be more than cool! Forgetful Jane
  2. I never got invites to facebook!! I am open to a time to get together. I am the easiest one with a schedule here, so I can usually make anything work. But, if I meet a man in the meantime, things might be different!!! So basically I am the easiest person here to work with as far as time off. But would love to have something in the works to look forward to!!!!!! A cruise would be sooo much fun!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Something all inclusive would be great also!!! I am hot!!! Jane
  3. I came home tonight and in my mailbox was a postcard from Pam!!! I was sooo hapy! Then I opened the door to my THIRD floor unit and bam! No air conditioning!!!! Have a call in to the air conditioner guy so he should be calling me back. Too hot to do wii, but do love it!! See you later!! Jane
  4. Happy Saturday!!! Hope you are having fun Michelle!!
  5. Hey Terri that is your sons 'golden' birthday!! When you turn that age on that date! So mine was when I turned 23 since I am May 23! People at the shop were talking about how #8 was lucky in the chinese culture. They were saying that an overwhelming number of weddings are done today for that reason. Okay gonna do somethings before olympics start!!
  6. I am the first one to post this morning???? I watched bb last night and was very happy with the outcome. I am off to work, have a great day!!
  7. Congrats Laura on finishing!!! That must be such a good feeling!! It is official, I am an idiot!!!!!!!!!!!! After 4 days of doing the wii I could never figure out why my scores were so low. There is this one step thing, and I swear I was doing everything right, and was getting almost all wrong. I couldn't figure it out. I would do the step thing a couple of times a day because the 'next' time I would do it right. Well tonight I finally figured out I had it upside down. So when I was doing my left foot it thought it was my right etc....DUH!!!!!!!!! I keep thinking someone is going to knock on my door with the idiot of the day award!!
  8. Kat, that bucket of candy is calling my name that is why you don't hear it!!!!
  9. Tracy, btw did I miss something about your dh?
  10. Good morning!! Lazy day here also!! I could have stayed in bed for days it seemed!! Finally had to drag myself out!! Not much going on here. I did use the wii last night and I sweated! When I walk on the treadmill I don't sweat, so if that is a sign I did good. I am hoping I get one of my books in the mail today. I ordered them from half.com and you are supposed to mail them out within 3 days, I ordered them from a big company and the last one shipped out Monday, of course that is the one everyone else is reading now!! My coffee is finally done brewing, so here I go for my day!!! Jane
  11. I still have not gotten my book!! It makes me mad!! I have sinned against food today also. Gonna do my wii and some laundry!!
  12. Well I got home late last night, so didn't use my wii, but moved it back to my bedroom, and it worked, I figured out how to make it work. I will have more room to move. I did do the step thing, but didn't have enough room in the living room to step back. So I just stepped on the board the whole time, and I flunked! I am off to work now, we had a bad storm last night so the heat has broken, it is only supposed to get in the low 90's. Have a good day!! btw I LOVE my coffee black!!! I drink it hot or over ice, you get the taste of coffee, and being an ex smoker sometimes that first cup is soooo wonderful!!
  13. I still see TracyK on here so I guess you still have electricity!! Off to work! See you later on!!
  14. I really like the wii fit, one thing is you don't start out with all the exercises, you earn them by doing the other exercises. I have only done it Sunday and Monday so I have only earned one. I think though I would rather earn jewelry or something else!! My wii fit age is 60!! The one time it came up is the only time I have seen it. How do you see what happens after you exercise?' WTG Tracy!!!!! I am really bad about writing things down that is great that Terry you have lost 2 pounds!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It is proven that it works, and Terry is a grand example!!! Okay I am sitting here eating a bowl of Kashi cereal with not enough milk. (end of bottle) Liquids are never a problem with me, drink tons of water. Off to start my work week! Have a great one and be safe all Texas girls!!!
  15. Wow I just tried to go into the chat room to see if Pamela was there, and am I getting old or can no one read that? The colors were way weird. So left, so if I missed someone sorry!!
  16. Just got back from a very hot hot night of an outdoor theatre that did Fiddler on the Roof. It was good, but how they did it I will never know. Some of the actors had on heavy wool coats over their uniforms and a fur hat on. Pamela, I hope you cheer up!! Funks are not good. Hang in there and special hug for you. By the way, I don 't know how teachers do it. I couldn't be off for a month or so, and then go back to work. Too long, that would cause me to go into a very dark place!!! I like working, but I couldn't make that transition well. I also think with Susanne retiring that might have an effect on you and going back to school! Give yourself a break and enjoy Lucy!!!
  17. too funny Judy!!!!!!!!!!!
  18. Hi Tracy!!!!! Once again I am in avoidance mode!! I told myself I had to clean my bedroom and living room. Am I doing it NOO!!!! I need to so something motivating!!! Jane
  19. Pam, I feel so lucky to have both my parents still alive. I know I am getting to that age... I finally got my wii hooked up, you know that button aux? That makes the wii work. I fooled around with it last night to set it up, and exercised a bit, it is a hoot!! But you really feel it. BTW Judy, I did the hula hoop one first just for you, and at the last second it fell down and I lost. Don't know how that could happen!!! Have a good day everyone!! Jane
  20. Well I ran out of tvs for my wii to work. I will read the manual again as late night reading and try again tomorrow!! It is amazing that I haven't felt the need to throw this out the window! I was glad to read the weight limit, although I have cleared the 300 pound mark never to go there again, I went back up over 250! The weight limit is 330. Going to send an email to my nephew asking for help with installation, people under 20 are good at that kind of thing. Plus me thinks he needs a haircut. Tracy, that is tooo funny!!! You know that is true though with me sometimes. Sometimes at work I can't figure out why my stuff won't work, instead of checking the major thing like POWER, I look for other reasons why its not working!!! Duh!!!! Will I ever learn!
  21. Hello my name is Jane, and I am electronically challenged!!! I am taking a break, I have everything hooked up just as the book shows, does it come on my tv? NO! It seems easy, I might try switching to my tv in the living room, just don't have as much space. But, for right now, I am through. GRRRRR
  22. I also had my first time of throwing up in a public bathroom with people there! Don't know why, didn't eat that much, or fast, or big, but for some reason out it came. I was at Dennys, and thinking of my fellow Dennys employees!! Jane
  23. I am back, got my wii, I was going to buy an extra wii fit for somebody that is having a problem finding one, but they sold out, I got to the store in the POURING rain 1 1/2 hours early and they were out already??? Wow, at least I am glad I got mine. Now I need to get the wii console installed, I also got a converter box for my tv that is without cable. What a PITA!!!!!
  24. I am in the same boat with you Tracy! I have done really pretty good this week, and then bam!! I hear you and my offer to kick your butt and you kick mine to Palm Springs is made!! We could probably lose weight and get really toned legs! The only problem is the Margaritas Pam will give us!!! Hang in there!! I am off to STAND IN LINE LIKE A FOOL FOR A WII!! Jane
  25. Cabana girls---tooo funny!!!

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