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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by janiebug

  1. Wow Laura, look at all the people viewing our thread!! EVERYONE is excited about your big news!!!!!!!!!!!! Suzie, love the bracelet! Maybe we can meet at the outlet mall at the Lake next time!! You up for that Tracy?? Cheer up Tracyks, don't like to see you sad. That place looked gorgeous Kat, peaceful......
  2. I just got home and oh my gosh!!!!!!!!! That is sooo cool laura, congratulations!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am so excited for you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Congrats!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Hey tracyk, nobody texted me to tell me!!!!
  3. I am running late, can you believe it? How unusual!! Have a great day!! Jane ps Jenn I didn't know about wedding either? Judy I like turning your back on chocolate!!
  4. Tracyks, I am hoping to get to KC this fall maybe in October, and I am hoping we can get together then! I am going to make a mini vaction, is there a better day of the week for you? There are a couple of factors coming up for me for the week, but not for the day. I am really looking forward to this. I also want to go to Lawrence, my cousin got married there and it seemed like such a neat town, but didn't have time to explore. She also got me a way cool paperweight in Lawrence, truth be told that is probably why I want to go there. I finally got my mail AND watered my plants. Nothing urgent and no wilting occured. I hope Terry got through this day unscathed!! Laura is probably spending her millions she won! Okay I am off. Jane
  5. Pam how was the Savages?? You are not depressing me Tracyks, if you need to vent, we are here to listen, and it is not depressing!!! Hugs to you Terry! Michelle, you talking about Staples reminds me they had one of my favorite commercials for back to school a couple of years ago, they played "Its the most wonderful time of the year" which is a Christmas song, and this father was gliding through the aisles with his cart getting back to school supplies while his kids were standing there with sour looks and their arms crossed. If anyone remembers it to me it was hilarious, I am laughing now thinking of it. It is a good thing I amuse easily huh? NOTHING planned for today!! Don't even want to go downstairs to get mail or outside to water my plants!! Can we say LAZY? Suzie is the one with the pics, remember I can't post pics, so I didn't even bring my camera, I am hoping next trip I can learn. Oh well have a good day!!
  6. I am back, and had a great time!!! I stopped at a friends house who lives an hour away from me, but on the way back from Columbia, so I got a two for one deal today!!!! Suzie, I think you are wrong, I met the nicest person! I even came away with a bag full of goodies!!! We didn't really talk about anyone (too much), no really I said I was surprised she had a accent, and how surprised I was by TracyK's accent, I told her about the door knob that was really low that even I had to bend over to open the door, how Judy took several trips before finally getting to Gruene, and by that point no one was capable of driving so we all pitched in for a cab. I think that was it, oh I also told her how Tracyks got hurt trying to help me out of the river and how nice Haydee and Terry were to help me!! Especially Haydee when I kept falling over in the shallow water!! Tracyks does that mean that next time you will meet us?!?! That would be soooooo cool!!!! Pam, I really wanted to see The Savages, and now they have taken away my Hollywood Video, so I need to join Netflix or something. I love Philip S. H. and Laura Linney. Let me know! Terry, it was pretty funny I got a ton of compliments on my bracelet. I also wore my earrings!! I am off for some piddly stuff here and then to bed!! Thanks again Suzie!!!!!
  7. Have a great day today! Terry, I paid you by check last night on my banks website, you should get the $ in a few days, thanks again!! Jane
  8. It is nice that the linens are provided, but the first one lists a :w00t:BLENDER:w00t:
  9. I think a big house on the river sounds really cool!! I am in for air also, but I doubt that a place wouldn't have it right? I have a scar on the back of my neck, so very seldom wear a necklace because it rubs funny and hurts!! I am watching Michael Phelps go go go go go go YAY HE WON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Just in case I don't get back on in morning HAPPY BIRTHDAY KAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  10. Thanks Tracy!!! My mom and dad thank you also!!
  11. Finally home, after a long day! Today was exhausting at work, busy, busy, busy, but it makes me feel better since I am been slow lately. I CAME HOME AND GOT MY EARRINGS FROM ETSY (TERRIDOODLE), LOVE THEM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am sitting here typing them wearing them, I look so chic!!! PERFECT LENGTH!!! Did you take a picture of these Terry? Sell them also!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Will go to banks website in a few and send you a check for the earrings, A DEFINITE RECOMMENDATION!!!!! Thanks again sooooo much!!! I didn't watch bb Thursday night, who got kicked out and who won hoh? See you guys soon!!!
  12. Sunday, Sunday, Sunday!!! Meeting at mall in Columbia, Mo!! Meet the violets!!!! 11:00 am Really it is just Suzie and myself meeting up, but would love to see anyone else!! Especially Jenn, Michelle, and Pam who just live on the coasts, just a hop, skip, and a jump no excuse for you not to be there!!!!!! Suzie I have lost all the info you sent me. Use my email address because I am not able to pull up the pm's right. I need your phone number!! Busy day at work tomorrow!!!! Super busy!!! Then last supper with my nephew before he goes off to school!! Such a good kid!!! Love him!! I am off to do my wii then get some things done before hitting the sack!! Sweet dreams!!
  13. It was exciting to watch those gymnasts do their thing!!! Wow!! Not real super busy today at work, but tomorrow is crazy!!!! Good morning Suzie, Haydee, Michelle, Tracyks, TracyK, Judy, Laura, Denise, Jenn, Terry, Pam, and Kat!! Have a good day!!!
  14. Haydee that is interesting what she said. I think it is really nice when someone is on your side like that. My Dr. that did my lap band was on my side and with me. The one that took her place could care less, actually I think he wants me to fail then he would have one less patient. I go to a counselor, to deal with all sorts of things, but I have really been trying to work with her on my weight issues, and I just don't think she knows how. Plus right now she is off till the end of October for maternity. I feel we all need someone in our corner (besides the ever HELPFUL AND WONDERFUL violets!! I wish you luck Laura in Tunica! I would text you but it takes me sooo long to text. So good luck!!! I think I am going to visit Kat for a lot of work. It sounds like you are always so busy!! I need you to whip me in shape. Then I am going to go to Judys house and her backyard!! I think over the winter I am going to Pam's house for some warmth. Then in June of next year hopefully we will all get together and see a svelte, relaxed, and warm me!!! Jane
  15. Haydee good luck, I am with you in spirit and the problems of writing in the journal. I sent the shrink yourself book to Tracy, but am going to start reading "I wish I were thin, I wish I were Fat. When I am done can pass it on to whoever wants it. It takes me awhile to read though. I really want to be thin, but why am I not? I mean I had a lapband put in, that should have taken care of ALL MY PROBLEMS!!! I finished Friday night knitting club last night. The end went really fast, it seems like we could have left out about 150 pages and it would have been great! Hang in there Terry it gets faster. Well I am late for getting ready for work, surprise, surprise. I think I could have slept allllllllll day today!!!! Have a great day!!! I want to do personals but no time!!!!!! So hang in there Tracyks and good luck Haydee!! Hi Yorkiemama I see you there!! Plus what Kat said I see lubterp also!! Hi. Can you guys tell I am avoiding the shower, because that means going to work...............................Busy day full of crabby people!!!!! Just today, some days you get them all in a day and then you are free for a couple weeks. There must be a full moon today!! Okay now I am officially late................
  16. Happy Bandiversay Sheri and welcome! Tracyk, I will send you the book actually now, and you can send it back when you finish. I bought another book at the same time called "I wish I were Thin, I wish I were Fat". I will read that first. The cover says the title of course and then 'the real reasons we overeat and what we can do about it. Friday night knitting club is slow, I have been reading it for a couple of months now it seems. It is getting better now that I am at the end. Oh well off to work!! Jane
  17. Tracy LOVE THE HAIR!!!!!!! Makes me kind of jealous now, I put layers in my hair, wish I had my bob back!!
  18. Hey what about those tatoos???
  19. Just got the book yesterday, finishing up Friday Night Knitting Club, then I will start!!
  20. I will only go to New Braunfels if you all promise to go tubin again!!
  21. Just a thought, do the places that Michelle found in Maryland have other sites? Those would fit the bill for what we are looking for, just seems like they are in a different area. Haven't had time to look at Suzies or Kats idea, they sound really nice too!! Off for a busy day!! See you tonight!!
  22. I checked out the site for Colorado and it said that there were no rooms in June 2009. Back from my meeting tonight and I am looking into the energy sector for some stock ideas, anybody having a company to contribute is greatly appreciated!! Where do you work again Terry? My sunroof on my car broke today, I just hope it doesn't rain tomorrow otherwise I will get wet. If I can just get it closed I will be happy. Busy day tomorrow starts with a 8:00 a.m. meeting. Then hopefully get my car fixed then work. Jane
  23. there were some carnival cruises out of galveston and New Orleans, but they were in the $600's and the dates were strange. I will try to go where I was before and see if I can find the info Jane
  24. Just did a little snooping in terms of vacation, and there is a cruise that leaves from Mobile Alabama Thursday June 25 and gets back into port Monday June 29. I know it is longer, the ship doesn't leave until 4:00. It is $389 for double occupancy. It is carnival Holiday. I have also heard that carnival is a party ship, so don't know but this is my 2 cents. I looked for an all inclusive trip in the states and could only find one and that was in Palm Springs Florida and was very expensive. I thought cruise ships were inclusive too, but guess not.
  25. the last week in June is good for me also!! The third week was Fathers Day so I wasn't sure about that! (Wasn't I the one who said I was the easiest one on dates???) I am up for anything. Need to hop in shower going to hospital today to visit my best friends mom, then off to my investment club meeting. Have a good one!!! Jane It was my freon level that froze everything up in my system. Don't you need a special thing to add freon? Not that I could do it anyways!! I was SOOO proud of myself yesterday because I fixed a cabinet door myself without any help or calling anyone!!

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