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Everything posted by janiebug

  1. janiebug

    'bama bandiversary bash/baby shower!!

    Jane - if you rent a car, we'll split the cost with you if you pick us up from the airport. Why not? Full size was about $30/day with one company ...Alamo maybe? __________________ That wouldn't be fair, that would be my airfare!!
  2. by the way Laura that recipe sounds gooooodddd!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  3. I saw the two bb videos. Wow he is mad!!! Didn't Michelle get put up when Memphis got taken off? You would think Ollie did. Susie, will get that for you soon, the poem. I have it at work, am having a bit of difficulty working with such small squares, never done that before, I mean going over two, sounds easy doesn't it? It is not. Love the fabric though so want to make it work!!! Don't want to go to work today either!! But another day another dollar and closer to Alabama, speaking of which I need to get the money to Terry!!! Oh well here goes another start to the work week for me!!
  4. janiebug

    'bama bandiversary bash/baby shower!!

    I mean everyone in general, it seems like everyone has to change planes somewhere to get to Huntsville. St. Louis used to be a hub so we could virtually go anywhere without having to change planes, not true anymore. I probably will drive, but not for certain, thought I would see how much it would cost me to rent a bigger car and wow!!! I always rent the tiniest (cheapest) and it is expensive!! It would be cheaper to fly. My car is 9 years old, runs fine, but....... I figure a lot can happen in 10 months so I will wait until March or so to decide what to do, just looking at options for cost estimates!
  5. janiebug

    'bama bandiversary bash/baby shower!!

    Wouldn't it be lovely if we didn't have to change planes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  6. Michelle, that is a hard place to be. Am I suppose to be happy? I blessed with a wonderful family, and good friends, the opportunites that I might have passed on made the kind of person I am today. I appreciate the morals and standards I have for myself, but don't know if I will ever be happy. Now I have probably depressed you even more!! Sorry!!! Macy is toooo cute!!!!!!!!!!! I am back from the pre trial and it wasn't as bad as I thought. They did postpone the trial to Oct 27th instead of in two weeks. It just kind of postpones the ineveitable, but does give you a little more time to breathe. Off to do some errands and then babysitting my neice tonight. Have a good one and Hugs to Michelle!!!
  7. Michelle I meant to add how nice for the teachers!!! Pam, is your lounge like that? Was your Judy?
  8. Hi all, off to the pretrial motions today. Gonna be a rough day that I am not ready for. Pam and Tracyk when is the first day of classes? Good luck to all the bts and Hector Fans!! Hugs Suzie, maybe our third annual trip will be closer to you! Keep the trip in 09 in the back of your mind because it is a long way off, so things could change then! One never knows what is in store for them!!! Off for the day or how ever long this takes. Hopefully it will be short.
  9. Wow Laura that is horrible about your co worker. Went and saw "Musical of Musicals, the Musical", if it ever comes to your town DON'T GO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Going to watch end of olympics just finished up BB. Have a good night and a great work week that goes very fast!!
  10. Love the pics of the grandkids Denise!!! Too cute!!!! Wish I could hold them and cuddle them!!! Hugs and prayers for all you are going thru. Ditto to you Tracyk! Not the grandkids thing though! Woke up with sore throat and chest congestion!! I think I know what customer brought me this germ too!!!!! Maybe next time I will give her a buzz cut?!?!!?? Going to see a play today at four, hope it is good. Have a good one!!!
  11. janiebug

    'bama bandiversary bash/baby shower!!

    Now I lay me down to sleep I pray the lord my soul to keep Guide me through the stary night, Wake me when the sun shines bright, To see the count that Judy made, and the spreadsheet Terry made. Amen! YOU GUYS ARE GREAT!!!!!
  12. YAY KAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! How much weight total did you lose? Just got home from what seemed like a 900 hour work week. It wasn't that I was busy, it just seemed to ddddrrrrraaaaagggg by!!! I am glad I have two days off now. I am glad you enjoyed your card Pamela, Laura, and Michelle you should be getting one soon too!!! I have a sad family thing that starts Monday with a pre trial hearing and starts with the real trial the 8th of September. It has been hanging over our head for a long time and postponed a bunch. Now it looks like Monday it will start. Can't stand the pain my family is in, wish I could share the details, but just know I come from a really tight closeknit family, and it involves my moms nephew, my cousin. Just keep family in thoughts and prayers for comfort. This is a no win situation we are facing. Okay, going to chill from my 900 work week!! Jane
  13. janiebug

    'bama bandiversary bash/baby shower!!

    I can do an extra day, I am pretty open. I think Tracyks did a trial search and found that she would come in on Thursday. (I think) I just can't believe how long it is giving to get there, much longer right now than the flight to San Antonio. Although here is hoping that Judys plane is much less than going to San Antonio!!!!
  14. janiebug

    'bama bandiversary bash/baby shower!!

    I say wait on the plane fare, I think it will go down!!
  15. Am I the only one that can't do pm's? I have been having trouble the past week or so.
  16. janiebug

    'bama bandiversary bash/baby shower!!

    I am thinking of possibly driving to Alabama, and if I do, I will rent a bigger car. I drive a small car now, so that makes me wonder? There is no direct flight from St. Louis to Huntsville, and I think I will spend as much time driving as flying, plus I can stop at any Walnut bowl factories along the way!
  17. Judy it is TGIS for me!! I work Tuesday thru Saturday. I love having Mondays off so much I don't mind working Saturdays. Now, I have no children or husband/boyfriend at the time so that might make a difference. Terry will send you money the way I did for the earrings. Hope everyone is going to enjoy the weekend!!
  18. janiebug

    'bama bandiversary bash/baby shower!!

    Love the countdown Judy!!! Thanks, and thanks also to you Terry for taking care of the financial stuff!! Suzie?!?!?!?!
  19. Off to work, headache is better. Everyone have a great end to the work week!!! Jane
  20. bad headache, going to bed. Sweet dreams...........
  21. I do think the bowl is a funny thing! I am off to work, (so I can pay for the trip), well actually so I can pay for my HEALTH INSURANCE!!!! Anyways let me know where to send $ etc..., plus I am up for an extra day or not, so either way is fine with me, forgot to answer that earlier.
  22. I second what Tracy said about paying now, I plan on going but if something happens then I just lose out on my deposit and I am okay with that. I don't plan on anything happening!!! That is too funny about the key swap thing Kat! I saw wife swap once, and it was too much, but funny/odd?. Whoever sleeps in the same room as me remember I have a cpap. I agree with Laura not paying. I want to hold the baby!!!!!!! I forgot what else I wanted to say.... Bye for now!!
  23. DID EVERYONE GET A TEXT MESSAGE???? Michelle and I are feeling left out!! Kat I am going to have to remember it takes a week for a card to get to you from here! I really wanted you to get it Saturday!! Tracyks you crack me up!! Love the picture!!! Judy picklin yourself???? Have a good night!! Jane
  24. Good morning. I have been up and just sitting here. I didn't even go make coffee!! Now I am up and moving. I am so excited for you Laura!! Can't imagine how you must be feeling!!! I am not going to be gone 13 hours like yesterday, but if something big happens somebody let Michelle and I know!!!!!!!!!!!!! Actually I am a horrible texter it takes me about 5 minutes to post a message. I usually give my phone to somebody else and tell them what to text. I have a list of things I need to do before work, so here I go!! Have a great day!!!
  25. Going to bed, having sympathy tiredness for Laura!!! Sweet dreams and extra prayers for Laura and Russell, Tracyks, and Terry! By the way Kat, did you get my birthday card? I mailed it Tuesday night! (Last Tuesday)

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