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Everything posted by janiebug

  1. It was in Susanne's retirement pics. I slept late this morning, so now I can't sleep!!!!!!!!!!! So aggravating!! Oh well, long day tomorrow! Maybe I will take a benedryl. At this point have a good work week!!! Jane
  2. I am sending out a thing for walk for autism, since I don't know really how to just send out a picture out I am sending the whole thing out, that is my niece!! She is really cute isn't she??? One of these days I will become computer friendly and know how to just copy that pic and send it. Maybe if there is wifi at the house in Alabama someone can help me???? I mean after all if I am bringing a big truck full of beer it is the least you can do!!!!!!!!!!! Hugs to Terry and family!!!!!
  3. Michelle Oh dear is right!! I don't know if they still make it, but my cat had poop problems, so I got this "laxatone" (I think that is the name, close though if it is not). Anyways it is a caramel flavored laxative for cats that you smear on their nose and the lick off. It is pretty solid like a tube of ointment, and I just put a bit on her nose every 5 or 6 days and she pooped regularly. Tracyks, I had the weirdest dream about you last night, you were very pregnant actually you were due the next day, and you and your sister came to where I go to church to get your hair cut. We did it in segments, because we kept getting moved, then your sister disappeared and went and took a shower with the ministers 13 year old son!?! You also had some hair extensions in and I took those out and cut those. Then we did go to Alabama, I drove a huge truck that was loaded with beer, and Michelle was already there when I got there, and then Laura came with the baby and it was a girl with lots of dark hair! She was so cute, sorry didn't hear a name, then I woke up! Weird, weird, weird!!!! Pamela why does it say you are on, when I think you on at Dennys!!! Speaking of Dennys I think you Laura should get your picture taken at Dennys when you are 9+ months pregnant!!! Okay I am rambling now!! Take care and thoughts and prayers still with you Terrry and all the hurricane people!!!
  4. :thumbdown: Wish there was something I could say. Love ya, Jane
  5. My thoughts are with you Terry!!!
  6. Big hugs and prayers sent to Terry!!! I wish there was something I could say now. I went to bbchatter over at my moms last night and saw all that, are the shows live? What is up with Renny? What did she do? I sort of like Dan to win, he seems to take the game into consideration with everything he does. For that reason I think he deserves to win. Nothing new and exciting here, tomorrow I start my diet of no sweets except for three days in this month. Going to get any sweet dreams out of my mind today!! Have a good day everyone and extra special thoughts to Terry and her family.
  7. janiebug

    'bama bandiversary bash/baby shower!!

    Hey we are under 300!!!
  8. Hey why did that say: Re: Shrinkin' Violets- Part 2 Read Here? I think I did something wrong, but don't know what.
  9. Good evening, I hope all is well with everyone!! Tracy, sometimes when I read books that is what I read also. Don't worry about your speed in returning it! I would feel bad if you risked life and limb in a hurricane to send my book back!!! Don't forget to send it back media mail, it is cheaper!! Well off to bed and watch my soaps. Jane
  10. Don't know why my post just posted unfinished, anyways the perils of being off on Monday is no holiday really for me. I have the holiday, but no extra time off. I could take today off, but I wouldn't make any money, and I have a wedding party coming in. Plus I really don't mind working today. What did I just say??? Take care Tracy, Haydee and Terry!!!!!!! Hope and pray the storm loses steam for you guys and all others!! Okay off to work, have a great day, and don't make anything too pretty Terry because you might have me buying another piece!!
  11. CONGRATS DENISE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THAT IS SO COOL AND TO THINK OF ALL THE STRESS YOU ARE UNDER!!!!!!!!! WAY TO GO!!! The
  12. Here I am, crazy day!!!! Seems like it is a bit crazy everywhere!! I am going to try what Tracy did on bbchatter. I want to know. Gosh, no olympics, and no convention. What is a poor girl to do!! I hope all in line of Gustav are keeping safe!!!!! How are you feeling Laura? I hope your work appreciates you!!! Jane
  13. They talk politics all the time! I hate it. I always try to change the subject. I am like Judy, I might say something in general, but I can honestly say no one at work knows how I vote or feel. I think it is personal!! I was telling a client yesterday that I don't want to miss time, but I would love to fast forward to December so I don't have to listen to Della and Charlie!!
  14. Loved BB, Keesha only had a few hours of HOH? There is already a new one? I am assuming by the way you talked it is either Renny or the older gentleman (can't think of his name). I AM GAINING WEIGHT AT A RECORD PACE!!!!!!!! I think for September I am only going to allow myself three days of sweets. I used to do that before and it seemed to work. I need to do something!! Okay off to work, have a good one. By the way Gary Grant is my pick for that list. But, what about Richard Gere when he had on that white dinner jacket and was waiting at the bottom of the stairs for Julia Roberts in Pretty Woman!!!!!!!!!!!!!! He did it for me, but, I have to turn the channels when he is on tv because he ruins it when he talks for me. No more politics, but I still would like those signs when I enter a room! There are two people at work who talk politics ALL
  15. Laura, by the way, thank you so much for doing this!!! You and Judy and Terry put me to shame!!!!!!
  16. I know that you guys are much more computer friendly than I, so I am letting you guys google things, plus I probably woulnd't know how to post it!! Tracyk, there is NO hurry on the book, I want it back by...January! I am a slow reader, so I think everybody could read that book and I still would be reading something else. Congrats to both Tracys for their weight loss!!!!!!!!!!!! Off to the shower!!!
  17. That sounds horrid Tracy!!! What happens if that doesn't work? Suzie, here we go Surely as cometh the winter I know there are spring violets under the snow. Just watched the Dem convention, I can honestly say that I have never been that passionate about anything!!!! People are crying and carrying on. Although I will say I am not really one for the spotlight, but I would like to come into a room where everyone has 'Jane' or 'Randolph' signs! I hope all is okay with Judy!!
  18. janiebug

    'bama bandiversary bash/baby shower!!

    Maybe I should send Vinnie or Guido after you?!?!?!
  19. I can see!!!!!!!!!! I am so happy, had a bad headache all day today wearing the wrong glasses. I really didn't think I had that bad of eyesight, but I guess it is all in how you get used to it!! TracyK did you ever get the book I sent you? Terry did you get the check for the brac? I see you haven't cashed it which is perfectly fine, but since it came from the bank I wanted to make sure you got it. I am tired and going to hit the sack soon!!! Have a good night!!! Oh suzie I will post that soon!!!!
  20. Good morning, I am up and need to leave because my glasses broke last night, and hopefully I can get them fixed somewhere before work!! Hope everyone has a great day!!
  21. janiebug

    'bama bandiversary bash/baby shower!!

    Tracy you told me that you would give me $1,000 for Labor Day!!!!
  22. Judy big hugs for what you are going through!! Purple power and hugs to you, Ethan, and the Bobster!!! I too am way up in weight, but slowly but surely will take it off. Reading the books, thinking about weight loss and weight gain. It is more of a head game than the actual weight loss. Jenn who knows about the army guy? He sounds like a nice guy to keep after you with niceties! BB just came on and want to watch, had a sliver to preview this morning thanks to Tracy and Pam!!
  23. janiebug

    'bama bandiversary bash/baby shower!!

    Well obviously I didn't do a good job quoting what Terry said, it looks like I am having a conversation with myself!! You guys no I am not crazy don't you?!?!?

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