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Everything posted by janiebug

  1. Really really tired. Going to bed. Have a nice night!! Special thoughts and prayers to you Terry!!
  2. Terry, hugs, thoughts, and prayers with you today. I am off to work!!! Bye!!
  3. Hey congrats Laura!!!!!!!!!!!! I am finally over the shock of the picture and debate. I don't know which was worse!!! I hope everyone has a great weekend!!! Busy day tomorrow, not super busy Sunday, and then super busy again on Monday. Have a good one everyone!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  4. OH MY GOSH SUZIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WHAT IS WRONG WITH MY FACE AND HAIR IN THAT FIRST PIC?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?:tt1::bolt::thumbup: Tracy feel better!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am watching the debate.:tongue::eek::tongue::eek: Watching the debate and seeing my picture are too much for me to take!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  5. Hello all!! Gina, Terrys stuff is neat!!! I have a wonderful pair of earrings I bought from her!! Tomorrow morning I am going to hear John Danforth speak. Should be good. It is at my church and the topic is faith and religion. I am looking forward to it, but it is at 8:00 in the morning!!! Very early for me!!! I hope everyone has a great weekend planned! Jane
  6. That is soo neat about the PS!!! I am sooo happy for you!!!!!!!!!!!! Wow Haydee it is hard to believe that you went over two weeks without electricity!!! Did it take a while for your house to cool off? Laura I hope you find the relief that you need soon!! Busy day at work, yesterday was real busy, and somebody erased somebody and put somebody else in! Luckily I caught it, because it was part of a family. I am sure it was a accident, but it could have been a major one if I hadn't noticed it. Well off to the showers and work!!
  7. Just a quick check in to say HI! I hope everyone is having a good week so far!! Where is Terry and Kat? Hi Jenn, Tracyk, TracyW, Suzie, Pamela, Judy, Denise, Laura, Gina, and a special hi to HAYDEE!!!!!!!!!!!!
  8. I am back, got home about 6:30, then left at 7:00 for the wake. It is incredible that he is gone. I am not going to the funeral tomorrow, working instead. I am glad I got home tonight in time for the wake. I had a great time getting away this weekend. I wish I could do it more often. Maybe I can take trips over the next few years to see the other violets and exploring!!! I did buy two pair of shoes at a mall in Warrenton, Odessa had Shoe Carnival and I have one by me that I have tried. I am going to wear my old tennis shoes for the next couple of days though. Well going to do laundry, and love the chart thingy Laura!!!
  9. Hello, Loved my visit with Tracy and Suzie!!!!!!! Pam, the picture of the three of us eating cannolis is with my camera phone. Takes pretty good pictutes huh?!? It really wasn't a bad drive. It only took a little over 4 hours. I might have to do this another time. I am here for another few days and I will do shopping and touristy stuff, plus see my cousin and her husband. I am just so glad to be off work for an extra day!!!!! I hope Suzanne and Tracy both arrive home safely!!
  10. Laura, love pumpkin bread!!! I saw where you said order, do you buy it via internet? Hi Gina!! Off for a fun day of work? Then a bit of a drive, then to see old friends!! Have a good day!!!!!
  11. Hi! Just got home from work and dinner at parents. I am going to pack and make some blonde brownies. These are sooo good. If you were coming to Kansas City I would make you some!!! My parents also gave me a bb tape from the last show, so I will be able to see it. Glad Kat is okay and thank you Judy for texting!!! I hope Laura is still on the mend, Michelle has got her gyaig and so does Judy!! I will hopefully be joining soon. By the way Suzie ketchup or gravy on the meatloaf? I LOVE meatloaf with ketchup!!!!!!!!! YUMMMMMMMM
  12. Yes, I am excited to be off a couple hours early on a Saturday!! Plus be off Tuesday!! I am also very excited about meeting up with Suzie and Tracy!!! Well off to work!! Have a good Friday everyone!! Big hugs to TracyK and Kat!!!!
  13. Kat hope you breeze through this!!! Judy, too funny!!!! Thanks so much for the text!! They all laugh at me at work because it takes me sooo long to text! Once I get the hang of it it will be out!!! Only one and a half days of work!!!! Where is Laura????
  14. Good morning. I am looking forward to this weekend, not only do I meet up with Tracy and Suzie, but I am off work!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Will someone text me about Kat? I am going to be at work til about 9 tonight, and have no internet access. I hope this finds Laura feeling better, and Kat getting fixed. Everyone else hang in there!!!!! Off to work I go just two and a half days to go.
  15. Tracy and Pamela, didn't see the last episode, but caught the last two minutes to see who won! I forgot to tape it. Tracyks and Suzie, I think the food police will be gone this weekend from Kansas City, so we can eat whatever we like!!! Laura and Kat feel better!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Love the new stuff on etsy Terry!!!! Judy how are you? Hi Jenn and Haydee!! Michelle special hugs to you!! Jane
  16. Tracyks, I heard a report that the food police were going down south in full force to the stressed out hurricane people to help them. We are safe!!! I have not had any sweets for the month of September. I am allowing myself 3, I think I will have two in KC and one the end of this month. I hope you are taking care of yourself Kat!!! Maybe they should do a picc line! Well I need to hop in the shower and get to work!! Jane
  17. Well just got home and forgot to tape bb. I saw the last 2 minutes so I do know who won. Had my sleep study last night, and am so sleepy today. Instead of kicking my legs 40 times an hour, he said I did it 80 times an hour. He said it is getting much worse and I need to get a transfusion of iron!! From a hemotologist. I told him I would have to think about it. Crazy huh! If I didn't know I had it is it really bothering me? I say no. He said I don't know it is bothering me til it is not bothering me. I am def. going to research this on the computer. He also gave me a scrip for this requip stuff and he said one of the side effects is hallucinations and this "Impulse control symptoms, including pathological gambling and hypersexuality, have been reported" I had to get it from website!! Bet you guys are impressed that I could cut and paste!! Anyways, hang in there Kat!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Hugs to all Texas vi's!! Special hug to Tracyks!!!!!!!!!!
  18. Off for my sleep study, hopefully I will be able to check in before I go to work tomorrow! Hope Kat is okay!! Jane
  19. Good morning, I must have gotten hot in the middle of the night and turned my thermostat way down!!! It is freezing in here!!!! Can't blame anyone else!!! I set it to under 60!!! Busy day running a bunch of errands and appointments. Hope to get my oil changed, then tonight I have another stupid sleep study! Glad to see you posting Tracy!!! Jane
  20. How Terrible for all you Texans!!! Househuntress you are from the Houston area too aren't you? We had 6 inches of water this am and two people died in it. Terrible, Terrible. I went to my mom and dads for dinner and pb'd on broccoli big time!!! Why can't I pb on ice cream or candy or something sweet? NO it has to be broccoli! Off to get some stuff accomplished here. Jane
  21. Judy heard from Haydee and she is fine right? I think it was Judy. I hope Kat gets her butt to the Doctor for diagnoses, are you listening Kat????? I hope Tracy finds things okay when she gets home!! I will check back in later!! Jane
  22. Take Care Kat!!!!!!!!!!! Sending you Purple Vibes!!!!!!!!!!!
  23. I am so glad everyone is accounted for!! Not much going on here. I wish I could do some of my errands on Sunday! I don't have anything scheduled for tomorrow, other than going to my parents for dinner and seeing my niece!! Monday is a day of appointments and must dos. I also have a sleep study Monday night, you know this iron thing is really getting me down!! I think no matter what I do I am going to have some discomfort, either in the tummy or the pocketbook!!! This time next week 1/4 of the violets are going to meet up in Kansas City!!! Any other takers? Judy, Kat, anybody close????? I need to hop on the treadmill, then I am going to watch SNL, I hear Tina Fey might come back and play Sarah Palin, and that Barack Obama is actually coming in person to do the show! Could be a hoot! Have a good one!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  24. Just got home from work, and checked in here before I did anything else. I am glad Terry and Tracy are fairing okay, but what about Haydee? Did she ever get out of Dallas? Jane
  25. Terri, I am glad to hear from you!!! I woke up and turned on CNN. But they are saying Houston is in for another bad band, and then the worst is over. Hugs and prayer for you Hayde, and Tracy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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