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Everything posted by janiebug

  1. My nose is still running, with alternate bursts of totally stopped up. I hate allergies!!!!!!!! Everyone seems to be doing soooo well. I am so happy for everyone!!!!! Did no one see my ad for president? Jane
  2. I know we don't like to talk about politics here, but this could be the answer to our election!:tongue2: There's an effort to elect an unknown random person as President... and it's someone we know! Watch this online video about the surprising new nominee: http://www.tsgnet.com/pres.php?id=46832&altf=Kbof&altl=Sboepmqi
  3. How are you doing Pamela???? Not real productive today, I am off to fold some laundry and few other little things. Have a good night!!!
  4. I took a mini nap, after 4 phone calls about the election and my mom calling I got up! I thought about you Pamela!!!!!! I am reading an interesting book called a bite at a time. I haven't gotten very far but it is about the inspiration/motivation you need to lose weight. If it ends up being as good as I think I will send it on to anyone when I am done. Hope the walk was fun. I bet that was so depressing Tracy!! Pamela get back to work!!!!!!!!!!!:smile2::crying:
  5. Just got home from work early. It was super slow this afternoon, so I totally cleaned out the refrigerator at work. It was so gross!! Some of that stuff is so old. I cleaned it also, left towels soaking the bottom gunk and told Charlie to clean it before he leaves. I have a feeling I will come to work Tuesday with wet towels in the bottom of the refrigerator!!! I think I might take a nap, while I am napping I am going to be sending purple vibes to PAMELA TO FINISH CHAPTER 4!!!!!!!!!!
  6. Tracy congrats!!!! I don't think you are silly at all!!! Suzie and Tracyks have fun on your walk!! Next week is the Autism walk, but I am going to work, it is a small walk, not even a mile, so it is not really worth it to me to miss my morning business. Speaking of work, I need to get my butt in gear!!! Have a great day and Happy birthday Tracy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  7. Good Evening!! Just got home a bit ago and read the posts that I missed due to work (darn work), and I was to touched. I was touched that we could reach out by phone when one was in trouble, both Tracy's had wonderful eloquent posts about 'the feeling' and Michelle, well you just said it all. It makes me so glad that I am a real part of this. I only wish we had internet at work, although I am always with somebody so I guess that wouln't work would it? Anyways I am tired and going to lay in bed and watch tv. Tomorrow is not such a busy day at work. Have a good weekend and a early happy birthday Tracy!!!!!!!!!!!!
  8. Good luck Tracy!!! Thanks for the invite Tracy, I am with you all in Rocktober and am in awe of the way you guys have buckled down!! Love the dog Terry!!! PAM YOU ARE NOT A LOSER!!!!!!!!!!!!! I HAVE TROUBLE GETTING MY BUTT MOVING SOMETIMES, I CAN HARDLY IMAGINE WHAT THAT WOULD BE LIKE IF I WAS OFF A MONTH. GIVE YOURSELF A BREAK AND SOME TIME!!! Are you still going to Reno this weekend? Hi Michelle, Haydee, Suzie, Judy, Jennifer, Gina, I sound like Ms Lois from Romper Room!! Running late, bye!!!!!!!!!!!
  9. janiebug

    'bama bandiversary bash/baby shower!!

    Sometimes reality is no fun!!!
  10. I just noticed the fonts are coming out bigger automatically!!
  11. Fried snickers? Boy I have led a sheltered life!!!
  12. I was channel surfing last night and came across qvc, they had a beautiful bracelet as the bargain of the day, sort of reminded me of my wwjd bracelet!!!!
  13. Way to go Tracy!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Michelle, put the scale in your trunk. I agree the fried eggs sounded odd, I guess you can fry anything. They were talking at work the other day about fried twinkies, that seems odd also. Oh well off to start my day!! Hugs to you Jenn!!!!!!!!!
  14. Suzie, that is funny a DQ for scenery!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am ready for June to be here!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am mad and want to run away!!! Oh well, I will just look at Judys wonderful countdown to help me muddle through!!! I did not start October off strong in the diet department!!! Nose was not running so much today!!!! Have a good night and sweet dreams!!!!!!
  15. Good morning!!! Rocktober love it!!!!!!!!!!!!!! My nose is still running! I hate fall allergies!!!! Yay for your mom Tracy!!!!!!!!!!!! Why is she not going to your Dr.? How does Charles feel about you leaving? Hugs!! How is it going Laura? How is the back? Are you in your second trimester yet? Okay off I go for my day!!!!
  16. wow it is making me think that I need some xanax. All this time I only thought food was scrumptious!!! I hope October is a kind month for us all!!! Remember as we bid September adieu that we are all great people who have lost weight!!!! Maybe not all we wanted but we still lost. Happy October!!! One of my customers used to tell me that when you first wake up on the first of the month you are supposed to say rabbit, rabbit, rabbit, and then your month is supposedly without issues!! Remember you are not supposed to say anything until you say rabbit three times first. Jane
  17. wow do you get health insurance in jail too?
  18. Kat, too funny, put them in their place!!! Haydee call the Dr. I have never had a anxiety attack, but that would scare me!! Especially coming out of the blue like that! Laura feeling better???? Congrats to Terry and both Tracys for their weight loss and dedication to STICKING TO THE GOAL!!! Well off to start my day even though my nose is running off the hook!!!
  19. I have a great cleaning woman. She just charges $50 every other week, but my place is under 900 square feet. But, on the other hand I am cluttery. Not dirty, but just stuff everywhere that she has to pick up. I always give her more. I always leave money laying around, whether it be dollars or change and she always puts it together. She is great and super nice!! Jenn you are NOT A HORRIBLE PERSON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! No, I am not really sick, just a runny nose. Allergies and yesterday no motivation!!! Am watching Dancing with the Stars. I love that show, missed it last week, being in KC, wake, and then work. Sorry that Ted McGinley left before I even saw him. Nothing more to say, have a good night!!!!!!!!!! REMEMBER JENN WE LOVE YOU NO MATTER WHAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  20. Haydee, didn't I say in Texas that I would straighten your hair? I think so. Just add that to the agenda! Isn't it a lovely lovely stock day! Now it looks like I can retire when I am 87 instead of 80! Oh well.......
  21. Haydee, don't have a clue about adobe, but I CAN run a vacuum AND do your dishes. Jane
  22. Denise, toooo cute!!!!!!!!!! Puts me in baby mode. Laura, good luck today!!! TracyK too funny about the 'good news'!! My mom had diarrea (sp) the other day and was complaining about it, I told her to just eat another peice of cake!? I can't imagine what the three of you Houston girls went through with the storm. I wish I could come down there and help you all!! Especially Haydee, I could do all the things that you weren't able to do w/o electricty. Vacuum, catch up on laundry, have light to see the dirt to mop etc.... Then I would go buy a winning lottery ticket for Tracyk, and help her restock her fridge, pay off cc bills from hotels etc... Then I would go over to Terrys and give her a great big hug!! Hi Tracyks, Suzie, Kat, Gina, Michelle, Jenn, I am fprgetting someone oh my gosh, I can't think, I am sorry!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  23. I am with you Laura, we are the sprained toenail family here! I got the worry gene from my mom, and it is my job!! I am going to bed soon, check some things off my list to do today, but not all. I have the 'unmotivated flu'. It symptoms are runny nose and lack of motivation!! Special Hugs to Terry and Pam!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  24. I am over one third to my goal!!!!
  25. Quiet here. Nursing a cold, not bad, just ugh. You know I have been thinking a lot lately about how much I haven't lost. But, the truth is, I have lost a lot of weight. No, I am not at my goal, I still have a lot to lose. But, even if I don't ever lose another pound, I still have lost a lot of weight. I don't think I could have done this without the band. Plus I know that I wouldn't have met all you! So instead of beating ourselves up over not losing, til the end of the month lets be overjoyed by the amount we have lost!!!! Plus we need to update the spreadsheet that Tracyks set up for us!! For me I could look at it as depressing that I have actually gained weight since I last recorded, but I have lost overall!!!!! So here is to us!!!!!!!!!!!! :teeth_smile::thumbup::wink_smile:WAY TO GO VIOLETS:biggrin::thumbup::redface:

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