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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by janiebug

  1. Okay this board was weird last night and this morning. I couldn't post or anything. Got a phone call a little while ago that the court has been pushed back just a few hours so now I won't be leaving til 11. Had wife swap on, just because last night I watch Army Wives so it was on lifetime. OH MY GOSH!!!! I think Terry you are right, everyone needs a violet!!! I don't know what I would do without all the positive energy that we get from each other!!! Have a good start of the week!!
  2. Babysitting was fun. I was a little worried (I know this is going to surpise all of you since you think of me as sooo techologically savvy!!) but I figured out how to use the tivo and dvd! Okay there was a explanation from my sister. Just when I had their video system down pat, they get tivo!! Everythings different. Was supposed to go out today with some friends, but backed out because I feel horrible. My mom came and relieved me, and was shocked at how I looked. She is the one who told me to cancel my plans and get in bed. The trial with my cousin starts tomorrow, and this is going to be a very very emotional week. So she doesn't want me sick or making anyone sick. Did I tell you that I haven't started my period yet? Can we say raging hormones???? Tracy you are ALWAYS so kind to list everyone in your replies!!! I appreciate it soo much. You are a sweetie, thanks!!! Okay I am going to take a hot shower and then get in bed. Jane
  3. Tracy, you can call me whenever! I really don't have a huge social life. Last night I went shopping, and I really needed someone to STOP me!!! On a different note, I PB'D yesterday for the first time in almost a year!! I got a little fill yesterday, and forgot and wham!!!! But I was happy!! I did gain a few pounds when I went back to Dr. He didn't say anything. He tried for 1/2 an hour to find my port, any finally found it!! I swear I had internal injuries from him doing it!!!! OWWW is all I can say. Now I am bruised and have needle marks by my port. It is find today, just a little sore. Well I better go and hop in shower, have to be at work at 9:00, I probably won't post anymore today, babysit overnight at my sisters, and can browse the internet, but I don't want to post there. Have a great weekend!! Terry if I didn't have to work I would love a bead show!!!!!
  4. Yeah Kat!!!!! Hang in there Suzanne and Tracyks!!!!!!! Good Picture of necklace and hair Judy!! Terry and Laura I am 75% republican, still am not sure though who I am voting for. My issue is my insurance. So that makes me vote for Obama, but everything else is screaming McCain. Since I am self employed, I already get to write off all my premiums, I need a choice and lower premiums. For me the most important issue is my insurance, but do I want to vote just for that? Everytime I decide for Obama I get swayed very easy on everything else. Enjoy your weekend Haydee!! Are you staying away from bad food Tracyk? Have a great time Pamela at Tina Turner!!! Hi Gina, Denise, HH, Jennifer and baby violet!!!
  5. Hello anyone home????? Oh where oh where did the violets go oh where oh where can they be if i was more awake i could think of a way to write this song Have a good day!!!
  6. No doubt Judy!! By the way Laura, you made me feel old!! Who is Rick Springfield?
  7. wow just got home from work and have you guys been slow!!!!!!!!
  8. Judy, great pics, beautiful pics of sunrises/sunsets!! Did they compensate you at all for changing for Omar? What were those berry looking things on the banana tree in the first few pics. Pamela, I agree with Tracyk about Rick Springfield, although I must say he looks very very good in that picture compared to how he looks on General Hospital. I saw him in concert many many years ago, funny story to that, and makes me laugh, but too long to tell here, and it is one of those stories you have to know the people involved. But it made me laugh and think back.......... GREAT PICS OF MACY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I will be in the trial next week. Hopefully it will be over by Friday but you never know. I am sure no Halloween will happen, although my neice is going to be a banana. I think it is more for my sister than my neice. I feel so sorry for my sister. She is burdened with the care of my niece, but she really isn't a burden, that is a bad 'word' choice, but really don't know what else to use. I am babysitting Saturday night after work and will spend the night. She is special and a handful, but we love her to pieces!!!! Off to the salt mines, I see that Jennifer is also green!! Can't they make us violet? Bye!!!!!!! By the way Kat, any word on your tests?
  9. Is my avatar a different color when I am offline? I am going right now to get ready for work, let me know if it is still green in a bit! I am intrigued!! Is it a sign or something, or a miracle?????? Maybe it means my fill appointment Friday won't be so bad!!!
  10. Hey, I didn't change or add anything, why is there a little green person on my left?
  11. Good morning!! Cold day here, but no rain, I thought by sure the way Tracyks talked we would have it, I guess it is that Taganotchi thing! Busy day today, hate it when I have to be at work at 10:00, I know you are all jealous!!! But at 8:00 p.m. when I am still at work..... Hugs to all!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  12. Good evening, kind of had a stressful day today, nothing major at all. Just my coping mechanism is a bit off. I wonder why I am still heavy? Gosh could it be when the going got tough the tough went to the grocery store hungry and stressed? Golly Gee!!! My therapist has been on maternity leave for three months, and now she is back tomorrow. I think I am glad, but now I can't afford her!! Economy got to love it!!! What random thoughts tonight!!! I hope you guys don't think I am crazy!! Hope you all have a great night sleep!!!
  13. Hello everyone!! That sucks Tracyks. But, nobody takes care of things as well as mom. My nose has hit a new high or low depending on how you look at it of stuffiness!!! I really don't feel bad, but sound bad and can only breathe with my mouth open!! Okay new week, make it a good one!!!
  14. JUDY IS BACK!!!!!!!!! Tracyks has he officially been diagnosed with something? If so then that should be all you need for some respite care. Don't let your head explode cause it is messy to clean up!!!
  15. janiebug

    'bama bandiversary bash/baby shower!!

    YEA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! JUDY'S BACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :tongue2::smile::biggrin:
  16. Laura I would be scared for your Grandmother also. I think there are some people that prey on older people, especially women. I see it all the time at the shop when somebody tells me about their experiance or their mothers or whatever. It makes me mad. My lunch date fell through, so just have dentist, and by the way did I tell you guys I got a ticket? At work? On private property? Well I am going up to City Hall today and raise cain. I mean I have worked there over 23 years, and all of a sudden they can give a ticket on private property??? I don't think so!!! Plus I am pmsing so this should be FUN!!!!! I can be so onery at times!! Okay have a good day. Oh and Tracy, I think I would wait too.
  17. by the way Hi Tracy and Laura
  18. I think pawn shops are kind of odd, try a coin shop that is buying, most are.
  19. Hello, all I have on tap today is the dentist. Maybe I will get busy doing other things, like cleaning my house!! Hope everyone is having a good start to the week!!
  20. Happy Birthday Haydee!!!! Pamela, you have me mixed up with someone else in re to AMC. I watch One Live to Live and GH. But we almost into the sweeps so this is when soaps start getting good!! Plus I am over a month behind. I am watching Sept 17th show today! I aggravate my customers who watch it because they can't talk to me about it. I don't mind knowing in advance what happens, cause by the time I watch I will forget, but they want me to be caught up. Oh well.... I had the weirdest dream last night. I dreamt I got fired from my job by Leon. He is my old boss, but since now I rent I don't have a boss, just me. Anyways I got fired because I was too fat. He fired me and my family had an intervention with me and sent me to a fat rehab. I did meet another violet there who has done wonders so won't say because I don't want to hurt their feelings, but it was soooo strange. I kept being worried about my perms, now if I had a boss I wouldn't have my own things, so it was weird, but aren't dreams supposed to be odd? I usually don't dream. Maybe the medicine I am taking is starting to help my sleep and make me sleep more soundly. It is weird though, when I do remember dreams. I guess I am so used to not having dreams, that when I do it is odd. I am rambling again. Oh well I hope everyone is having a great day!!!! Jane
  21. oh my gosh haydee!!!!!!! I missed your birthday!!!! How did that happen!!!!! I feel horrible!!!!!! I feel akin to you are your feelings!!!! I can't believe i forgot!!!!! I love birthdays!!!!
  22. Oh it was a beautiful day here. The sun was shining, the temperature was great!!! Oh wait, I worked all day today, that was everyone was telling me!!!!! Suzanne that is odd?!?!?! Okay I watched "Living Proof" on Lifetime tonight, good movie, but one not to watch when you are hormonally challenged!!!! Sad, but very uplifting at the same time. Tonight is the night that Sarah Palin is going to be on SNL. I thought it was last week (Sorry TracyK!!) Could be very funny. Did you see that Obama came to St. Louis today and made records by the number of people in attendance so far in the US! It looked like it was impressive, but once again I was at work, but even so, I hate crowds, and am not really passionate about him so I wouldn't have gone even if. But, they sure had a wonderful day to do it!!! Okay I am rambling, sorry!! Have a great sleep and good tomorrow!!
  23. Tracyk, allergies suck! I still haven't gotten mine under control. I am now taking Zyrtec and sudafed. I think I am going to call Dr. Monday and see about a nasal spray. I have been complaining about this for too long sorry to everyone!!! Been really super slow this week. I am taking off week after next for the trial, so wish it was busier!! I need money in reserve!!! Next week looks like it might be busy, so I stand a chance. I am sure it is the ecomony doing this, but it still freaks me out! Enough complaining, everyone have a GREAT WEEKEND!!! I am off to the shower and then to work!!!
  24. Hello, I didn't check in last night or this morning. No reason, just very very very lazy!!!!!!!!!!! I love my bracelet Terry!! Got it in the mail yesterday!!! Came home to it last night and love it!!! Been showing it off at work today. I wore my matching earrings!! I am tired and going to do some things around the house and then hit the hay early!!! Have a great weekend and welcome Tonya!!
  25. Good morning. CONGRATS TRACYK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Hugs on having to deal with the b/s to both Tracys from school!! That sucks on both accounts!!! HH, I have gained weight since April, a little over 30 pounds. Am trying to take it off slowly, but sugar seems to be a constant in my life these days regardless of how hard I try!! Well last night was the last debate, so we are getting close!! YAY!! I can't wait til this is over!!!!

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