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Everything posted by janiebug

  1. Oh Michelle, I want to go to Hershey!!! Funny story about ordering pizza, when my nephew was small (5ish) my parents had him over for dinner and said we were going to have pizza. They put the pizza in the oven and set the timer, when the timer buzzed, my nephew went to the door!! I don't think his parents ever put a pizza in the oven, they just called the pizza delivery!! I think I want a diet buddy! I am not really sure what that entails, but maybe at the end of the day I can type off the food I ate, my weight, my mood, whatever. I really need to document my food. Any suggestions or takers? I am waiting for a friend of mine to call, we are going out to lunch and a movie. I won a gift certificate to a lesbian bar, would really like to use it, but Laura is not real sure if she wants to go. I mean I am 45, I don't care what people think, she is 46 married with 3 children, I was surprised that she did. So it will be interesting to see where we go... I am broke so that gift certificate would be nice to use. Okay I am going to hop in shower and get ready. Have a nice day!!
  2. My hand is raised!!!!!! I wanna go to Hershey Lodge for Thanksgiving!!!!
  3. Hello! I am really busy today, just like yesterday and thursday! I went to work and the only ones that asked me about the trial were my two customers I told. The people I work with didn't ask. That is amazing to me. I really didn't want it to get it so nobody (hopefully) knows. I haven't checked in a few days, busy and depressed. Last night I came home and got in bed and read and watched tv. Although I was tired, it was really nice to do that!!! Off to hop in shower!! Sorry about the mamogram Tracy!!
  4. Okay my computer is being very odd, didn't mean to post that yet. Maybe it is the sites way of saying 'shut up'! I am going to work today. Nobody at work called to see how the trial went. That makes me mad, because nobody else knows, so they better not bring it up. I made it very clear that I didn't want anyone to know. I can't begin to tell you what your support meant to me. You have now all taken over the spot of my best friend. Don't I sound like a junior high school studen talking about her friends?! Anyways here I go to hop in shower, don't know what to wear though, it is 70 something now, but tonight when I get off it is supposed to be 30 or 40 something. Have a good day!!!!!!! Jane
  5. I am assuming that Tracyks and Suzie are getting cold. They say it is coming today. It was really windy yesterday, I have about 30 feet of woods with a creek behind me, so that is my view, when the leaves fall I see more condos, they are at a distance, so nobody can see unless they are perverts and have a telescope. It is nice, but nicer when there are trees and I don't see the other houses!
  6. Suzie, that cross stitch with the violet saying is almost finished. I just did half of the stitch, and then in court I just finished the stitch, that way I didn't need a pattern. Look for the pattern the next week or two. Well off to work tomorrow. It is going to be weird to just work 3 days. I am sure they will be crazy days!!! Thanks again!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  7. Tracyks, I was unfilled for a couple of months, and it is so hard. At first I found it pretty easy, but then I just slipped back into those bad habits. So now I have almost a 40 pound gain I am trying to lose. Be careful!!! It is hard and very tempting!!
  8. Tracyks, I went to my parents house a few days after one of my barium swallows, and I guess I pooped while I was there, I did it in my Dads bathroom, and he couldn't flush all the barium out for months. I still laugh when I think about it. Well it was nice having today off. I didn't do anything really went to lunch with my mom, dad, sister, and brother in law. Then went to beauty supply house and they had their christmas stuff out. My mom wanted to find a new nail polish. Well off I go I am going to watch tv and veg some more!! Thanks Haydee!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  9. Tracyk fried bounce on a stick!!! Too funny!! Up, barely moving. Been up for 3 -4 hours and my parents are coming to pick me up for lunch. Today is there 53rd wedding anniversary. One of the saddest things I heard them say yesterday, is that they might never see Ryan again as a free person. My dad is 75 and my mom is 72, he got 7 years. Very sad. Although I am like Tracyks I am crying over everything these days. BY THE WAY THIS SUNDAY EXTREME MAKEOVER is about the house by me and the coffee shop about 7 miles away. It should be really neat. I am postive that there was no filming while I was there, but it still is exciting to see it in person and then on tv. Okay I am off, will check back in later. HUGS TERRY, PANDA, AND LAURA!!!!! There was no celebrating here either, and I voted for Obama, but it was just the one issue I couldn't ignore. I think McCain won Missouri, so my vote didn't really count!!
  10. This site is being weird tonight. I am going to bed, and hope nobody calls and wakes me in the morning. I think I am safe from the election calls. Hope everyone has a great night and thanks once again!!
  11. I am back from everything. I went to the sentencing phase of the trial! Like I haven't cried enough!!! OH MY GOSH!! They sentenced him to 7 years vs. 15 that they could have. Then I went and voted, if you recall I was the SUPER SUPER crabby person at the primary who waited over an hour!! I got there at 6:30 p.m. and THERE WAS NOBODY IN LINE!!!!!!!!!!! I think God knew I needed a break!! Then I went to the grocery store and the checker gave me $4 off my groceries!! Not that I had that much, but it was nice!! Now I am home. I want to thank everyone for the prayers and words of encouragement. It really was the roughest thing I have ever been a part of. I even had a brain tumor and had two surgeries! That was nothing compared to this. But, I told my mom tonight as horrible as it was, I am glad it is now over. We will still have to deal with stuff as it happens, but not in a courtroom, less than 1/2 full of not so nice people. Thanks so much again, and the phone call was great Michelle!!!!!!!
  12. Susie, Tracy, and I talked about a January get together, but made no set plans. I will say it was very nice to get away!! Maybe I will head over to KC then!!! Thanks for all your support, I know I am an emotional wreck. I haven't seen so many devasted people at one time in my life. Doubt if I will ever see it again. I hope not!! Pamela get better!!! Tracyks still in my thoughts!!! Okay I am out of here!! thanks again!!!!!!!!!!
  13. Well just got back home and the jury found my cousin guilty of 1st degree manslaughter. I can not believe it. I can't hardly bear it. My family has been close to my aunt and my cousin since my cousin was 5 weeks old. His father died of leukemia then and they moved back to St. Louis. My aunt then remarried and had another daughter. I felt so sorry for my aunt. Oh my gosh!!! She just sobbed and sobbed. Tomorrow is the sentencing phase of the trial. I believe impact statements will be made, then the jury will come up with a sentence for my cousin. I can't tell you how terrible for all involved parties this has been. I came home and thought some of my friends would have called to see how things have been. No That made me mad. Sometimes it sucks to be single. I need a hug, but most of all I find that I need my friends that I have (non violets because you guys have been a great support by your encouragement) to understand that I don't have a husband or significant other to help console me. They have to fill in. Maybe I am being selfish, but I feel so bad right now. Jane
  14. tracyks prayers!!!!!!!!!!!! That is so scary for the phone call to happen. I am sorry, and try not to let it ruin your week? I want a stress pass on the No to November junk food. I want it til the trial is over. Is that all right? Everyone say yes!! On my way, have a good one and lots and lots and lots of prayers for you Tracy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  15. Gosh Pamela, I am glad you showed us your glasses. I had an appointment Friday afternoon I just remembered to get my eyes checked!! Oooppss, I guess with all that went on it just slipped my mind.
  16. Tracyks too funny!! I have been better about my sock/shoe thing. I am try to grow up a bit. Yesterday was a busy busy day for me. I worked for 12 hours. My parents were nice enough to bring me something to eat since I was there by myself. I came home exhausted, watched SNL and then went to bed. Today we saw Color Purple the musical. It was very good. My parents did not like it as much as I did. It was a nice diversion. Tomorrow could possibly be the last day of court. After they told me it might take all week. I went in and moved all my people on Tuesday and Wednesday so I could have those two days off. Anyways, the last witness was on the stand when we ended Friday, and so our attorney needs to finish and the P.A. needs to cross, then the two get to have closing statements that can last up to 45 minutes a piece, then the jury goes out. I don't think they will be back tomorrow. We don't start court until 11:00 tomorrow for something that the judge had prior, so I really think it will go into Tuesday. This really has been the hardest week of my life, I think? I am amazed at how much hatred people hold. I have been praying for the other family who lost their son. I don't think I have ever prayed so much in my life. Friday was the hardest day by far. They had my cousin on the stand and the p.a. just grilled and grilled and grilled him. I think he was hoping to confuse him by all the talk. My aunt then passed out. They cleared the courtroom of the jury, and everyone except immeadiate family. My cousin was hysterical, his wife was beside herself. My sister is a nurse so she ran over and finally my aunt came to so so. The ambulance then came and took her away, I walked out of the courtroom and there were just stunned faces, everyone was either crying or just stunned. The other family was no where to be seen. It came back that my aunts potassium and salt were too low, so they gave her some medicine and sent her HOME. My parents were at the hospital and took her home. Then court started again with my cousin on the witness stand again. Then his wife testified, so she could be in the room, then my uncle testified so he could be in the room. I don't think I have ever cried so much, it has been the most drama filled week. I can see an end, and hopefully it will be a good end. Sorry this was such a long post, but I just needed to get this out and talk about it. Have a nice trip Kat!!!!!
  17. :smile2::cry_smile::tt1::tt1::tt1::crying: These pretty much say it all. I am going to work for a bit tonight, and then tomorrow, I will be working from 8:30 in the morning til 8:00 at night. I am beat and it was such an emotional day!!!! I haven't felt this way in a while. Jane
  18. Jenn sorry for your loss. It is hard to find the right words sometimes, but know I care.
  19. Good morning, just checking in, have a great Halloween!!
  20. I am up, I think it will be another really tough day, and then tomorrow we are supposed to be let out early for Halloween, it has gone past six most nights and the judge told the jury that they would for sure get early for that. Then Saturday I work. I am sooo tired, I just want to go back to bed. Instead I will be a good girl and get in the shower. Jane
  21. Is there a little smily face that is screaming?????? I am so stressed out. My mom is super stressed out. There is sooo much drama at the courthouse. It is from the other family, but it puts us on pins and needles. My mom is making me nuts, and my dad just goes along with it to make her feel better. Well who is making me feel better? I will tell you who, food!!! I won't tell you what I am eating, but it is terrible and involves a two step process!! The trial is going to last longer than anticipated, so that means more time off work. I am going to work Saturday, then Sunday we have tickets to see "The Color Purple". So that is nice diversions!! But then someone said that Saturday might have trial. I need that screaming smiley face again!!! I am going to sort of veg out and relax and try not to think about how terrible today was. Jane
  22. I am up and grumpy! I am sitting here trying to motivate myself to take a shower. Have a great day everyone!!!
  23. Too cute amanda!!!! Congrats!! Call your states insurance board. All states have them, do you have insurance now? If you get turned down, but are still under coverage you can qualify for your states health insurance pool. All states are different, but here in Missouri it is expensive. I pay $586 a month (I am 45) with a $2500 deductible and another out of pocket of $5000 (20% of $25,000). It is weird but I discussed this with someone about a year ago, and they said the same thing, that alot of insurance are holding out on coverage for weight reduction surgery patients. It seems odd, but it is the government. We can only hope that it changes with the new president. Good luck, if you want to call me you can at night this week, and anytime next week. If you need my number call. I have been through many circles with insurance, but like I said all states have different plans. You can maybe hope yours is a good one. I got up this morning. Yea!!! Now I need to do the same tomorrow. I am so grumpy in the morning. Jane
  24. Court was horrible, but I expected it. It moves sooo slow!!! I bet it won't be done til next week, hence my problem of what do I do then? I am off on Monday, but next week I am SUPER busy. So, hopefully it will be over by Tuesday. I wish I would have absentee voted, we didn't have early voting here, did try one time to absentee vote, but the wait was over one hour and I had to go to dentist. Laura, the bump is toooooo cute!!! Denise loved the pictures of the boys!!! Oh well, I need to go run some errands. Bye!!!
  25. Hello, today ended up being jury selection taking all day! So tomorrow the real thing is supposed to start. My parents are picking me up at 7:30. I am so not an early bird. So I will be up by six, do you hear that I will be up by six!!!!! If I say it enough times will that make it a reality and the six I will jump up?!? Isn't it dark at six? I did one of those paid research studies on banking tonight, it was supposed to be from 7:30 - 9:30 and I got paid $85!!! It was pretty fun. I learned about the different ways we are using our home equity loans. One guy (there were 7 of us) got a line of credit and is buying stock! He is a cpa so I am assuming he knows what he is doing? Odd. Can't beat the money and it was only about an hour. I think they were hoping for a bunch of whiners with bad experiences, but really only one girl there had a bad experience. I guess at our age I shouldn't refer to her as a girl huh? Anyways, off to do a few piddly things so I can be up at six!!! Why can't I just be one of those people like Suzie that just wakes up early? by the way Suzie, my sister wrote you a thank you note for your donation, so when you get something in the mail that is signed by the Weidmans you know who it is. Thanks again!!! Jane

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