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Everything posted by janiebug

  1. Michelle, you all look so happy, that is a great picture!! That little girl with all the curls reminds me of my best friends daughter (15 years ago!). I just got another letter about the letter I am writing and the date they must be in is the 20 of December. I will hurry!!! Thanks again!!! Got a lot done on a counted cross stitch thing I am making for my cousin. They sort of collect gnomes, and this says "To Gno-me is to Love me". I ordered it online and got some extras I have one left if anyone wants it. It is just the pattern and a heart button. Speaking of anyone wanting something, I have got a bunch of protein powder, no matter what I think I am not going to use it. Any takers? If not any ideas where some new people are who would want it? Okay off to bed, tomorrow I have got a pretty busy day off. I get my eyes examined, then go shopping with my mom. Jane
  2. janiebug

    'bama bandiversary bash/baby shower!!

    Thanks, Judy!!!! We are almost in the hundreds!!!!
  3. Laura, I feel bloated, and growing bigger, maybe I am pregnant?:cursing:! Congrats Tracy for throwing the cake away!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Well so far I have accomplished my goal of doing nothing today. I need to get motivated........ I need motivation in a can!!!
  4. Good morning!!! I think snow is in our future if Tracy has some!! Denise, that must be a horrible struggle with your emotions!!! Keep you in my prayers! Well off for a day of nothing? Already turned down church and breakfast. I want quiet today, and maybe I will clean? Have a good and safe one!! HUGS TO PAMELA!!!
  5. Hello everyone!! Kind of busy at work today, forgot my glasses at home, hope everyone is okay with their haircuts!!! Hope all is well with everyone!!! My eating sucks!!!!!!!!!
  6. I was the same way on the obit. I could open it, but didn't really know if any were the right one. It was pretty slow at work. I had 4 customers in a row, and then I left. The phone did not ring one time! I think that is some kind of record. The only shopping I did today was at Shoe Carnival, got my tennis shoes. Well I am going to relax some and then get in bed, busy day tomorrow. Jane
  7. I am going to bed also, had a nice day. Ate too much, but..... Work tomorrow and Saturday. Not real super busy tomorrow, I need to do some office stuff at work, so this will give me the time. Have a good long weekend if you get it!!
  8. TRACY K. YOU WERE NOT SUPPOSED TO WEIGH TODAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Judy, I will do your hair in Alabama short if you want me to!! I will bring my razor and everything!!! If you hate it, you will know not to do it again, and you can tell your person I just got carried away, or I was drunk, I didn't know what I was doing, or....... Thanks Michelle, it is amazing how much faster this loads!!! HAPPY THANKSGIVING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Making the vegetable now, then to my cousins house, very bittersweet. I am singin our song now: I love my violets oh yes I do I love my violets oh yes I do I guess I need a refresher course!! Have a good safe one!!!
  9. Hello, I hope ING doesn't check credit scores, that is odd, why would they care? If anyone else gets a cd, email Laura or myself, because we can get you I think $25 for opening an account. Free money, that is what I like!! I am so tired, want to go to bed, but have stuff I need to do. I think this weekend is going to be sort of slow at work, so I can take it easy then. Haydee, I am just kind of spoiled. I am bringing vegetables, but usually I just show up! Oh well off I go for some stuff to get done!!
  10. Pamela, never apoligize about a long post. We all will be thinking about you this week. It must be so hard to lose your parents. I am very blessed that I still have both of mine. My nephew came over and helped me organize some stuff. I have been so bad lately. I can't find the oomph to get moving and get organized. So my house gets messier and messier!! Tracyk I owe you food diaries, I will get them to you soon!! Everyone have a great sleep!!
  11. I wonder if I can put a hook in my ceiling by my computer in the corner to hang my monkey! You girls have brought such richness to my life!!! Thanks!!!
  12. i got my flying monkey today!!!!!!!!! thanks tracy!!!!!!!!! love it!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  13. Suzanne, you are supposed to be ENERGIZED from shopping not Pooped!!!! I am going to get some stuff done today. My nephew is coming over tonight. The phone call I was waiting for happened this morning!! So I think I will see if I can get my eyes examined! Oh well that is all I know!! Have a good one and hugs to Pamela!!!!!!!!
  14. Just got done watching 24. I mean that show really gets my blood pressure up!!! Why do I watch it? Had a good time shopping with Suzanne. I got some real bargains!! I just found out my nephew was home for Thanksgiving! I am going to see if I can put him to work!! Ahh the joys of being an Aunt!!!! My house is a mess and I he could help his dear Aunt Jane!!! Denise the picture are toooo cute!! I was going crazy over baby clothes today!! Alright I am off to call my nephew!! Jane
  15. Susie, I haven't hopped in shower yet, but will. I came home and basically went to bed!! So now I am finished reading and will hop in shower soon!! I hope Pamela is doing okay! I have been thinking about her a lot! Wouldn't it be great if we could just pop over and give her a hug!! Sometimes hugs are nice and in need!! I hope you can feel the group hug Pamela!! Okay I am off to hit the shower! Everyone have a great day and be safe driving!!!!!!!
  16. Overslept!! Off, have a good day and hugs and prayers with everyone especially Pam and Denise!!!
  17. Denise, I am so sorry about this situation! Wow is it ever a lot to handle for you! Hang in there, sometimes life just doesn't seem fair...
  18. Gosh Pamela, I am so sorry!! Lots of love, hugs, prayer, and purple thoughts!!
  19. Way to go Pam!!!!!!!! Way to go Mae!!!!!!!! Tracyk, I am sure you had some major water retention there is no way you gained weight. Well off to work! Been a very busy week, and today and tomorrow are going to be murder!!! I am off next Thursday, but will work next Friday and Saturday, doesn't look real busy right now.
  20. Hello, Michelle, I have a pod coffee maker, it makes one cup at a time. I don't use it that much, but I do use it some. The pods are not very good and pretty expensive. Last year I found a thing that you put coffee in yourself and it is plastic (I am assuming) and is reusable time and time again. I wish I had bought it then, because now I can't find one. But you can just not put a pod in and make hot water for oatmeal or whatever, pretend a tea bag is a pod and make tea. It is nice to have, but wouldn't spend a lot of money on it. I got mine at Big Lots for $12.99. Tracyk I am so glad you are feeling better!!!!!!!!!!! Judy I am impressed that you can wait instead of tearing open the package!! Oh well off to work I go!!!!
  21. I love raisins especially cooked raisins in cookies and breads but NOT IN MY STUFFING!!! I talked to Tracyk this afternoon and she thanks everyone for the purple thoughts!! I am so happy for you Tracyks, that would just make your cup runneth over wouldn't it?! Well once again I wanted to say something and I forgot. Oh well. Have a good one!!
  22. Laura, it looks like excema (sp) to me. Call your Dr. though and see what they say, if it is excema it clears up pretty fast with appropriate medicine (cream). Have a good one!! By the way when is your ultrasound??
  23. Gotta go to work, if there is any news on Tracy will somebody text me? Thanks!! How was your test Tracyks???? Hugs to everyone!!!!!!!!!
  24. Both tracy's purple thoughts!!!!!!!!!!!! I came on here to say something and then forgot. Oh well, off to work, and then to the dermatoligist to have some things cut off my body, then back to work!! Jane
  25. Tracyks, thinking of you!!!! Funny but true Terri!! I tried last night and failed to get on. Kat, the Dr. did say something about a bubble. You are so smart!!!! I doesn't sound physically painful, but wow, I can't imagine looking down for that long! Susie, I finished my cross stitch yesterday and will bring the stuff with me Sunday! I will try very hard to leave about 9:00 on Sunday, since it takes me about 10-15 minutes more I will call you when I leave to give you a heads up. Tracyk where are you???????????????

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
