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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by janiebug

  1. I am getting the biopsy thing done tomorrow. The people that I work with are going to Harrahs today. They have an awesome buffet. I probably shouldn't say that huh? Anyways Sue and I are going to graze at the buffet, and Charlie and Della will gamble. I will gamble some, but not a lot. Have a good day eveyone!! Jane
  2. Judy that is soo sad. Well I haven't watched the news, but the storm of the century seemed to have fizzled out, don't know if we are getting more or we are done for now. Pamela do you feel better? Well going to go watch the news and drink my coffee!!
  3. good morning!! Too cute Tracy!!!!!!!! Pam feel better!!!!! Is next week your last week at work or do you go into the following week? Most of the schools here stop on Friday, but some go to the following Tuesday! They are predicting a huge ice storm tonight and tomorrow. That is all we have heard for the past two days. Now, we probably won't get anything! Okay I am going to go drink my coffee and veg!!
  4. I talked to a friend last night who suggested a second opinion. I think what I am going to do is wait and see what the biopsy shows, and take it from there. I can't let this rule my life right now, cause it is driving me nuts!!
  5. You know at this point whatever it is it is. But, I want it fixed. I want someone to say this is your problem, this is what we are going to do to make it better!! I am just in a bad mood tonight!!
  6. Pam, Charlie saw "Milk" last night and loved it!! Love the sweater Suzie, I say go for a new camera! How is your mom Tracy? YEA!!!!!!!TRACY:fish2: closest thing to a ship coming in!!' Well I got the sh#t scared out of me today at work. My Dr. called and said that I had two pockets where my hernia was removed that formed abcesses, that I needed to call my surgeon today and get it taken care of next week. I was totally freaked out, called the surgeon and the nurse called me back and said they don't think that is the cause, they said on Tuesday they will do a aspircation of the fluid, but they don't think it is abcessed. So for sure I am working next week. It is going to be sooo busy!!! I am over this whole thing. Hope you all have a great weekend!!!
  7. Congrats Laura, I bet it is so surreal seeing the baby move and all that stuff!! Congrats!! Keeping your mom in my thoughts Tracy!!!! Ready to go to bed myself!! Didn't hear from the Dr. today. Hopefully tomorrow. Ended up getting only the ct scan of my abdomen and pelvic region, my Dr. didn't send the chest xray script, and then when they finally got it I had to get to work. Hope everyone is having a good nights sleep!!
  8. Snow in Texas? Is it still on the ground? We have only gotten a dusting about two weeks ago. The weather person always says a HUGE winter storm is coming, please go to the grocery store and buy all the milk and bread, you can't help but wonder if there is a conspiracy with the grocery stores and weather people!! Oh what a difference a day makes. I am not freaked out about anything anymore. I thought about it last night, and the internet is not a good place sometimes, it gives you worst case scenarios, and then you look into them, which then gives you worst case scenarios, and so on..... Like he said somewhere in my body he thinks I have a bad infection, period. Antibiotics and done. I appreciate everyones thought and prayers, but I was just mad last night about the hernia thing, and my mind went from there. So thank you, and you can worry about something else pertinent!! Wow everyone and there Christmas cards! I am so impressed!! Thank you! The pictures are neat. I have gotten 4 already this year!! Okay I am going to hop in shower and get going, have a good day!!
  9. Okay, I am leaving early in morning so SOMEBODY TEXT ME ABOUT LAURA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I think it is a girl (sorry Terry!!). Okay here is my long story, I am a little freaked out over all this. My ferratin and iron binding capacity has been low for who knows how long, I had an appointment that was made for me to see a hematoloigist, the sleep people think I need an iron infusion because I move my legs more than 80 times an hour. I never knew this, I guess living alone I wouldn't. Anyway two weeks ago I went to my regular Dr. and asked what he thought about what was going on with the sleep dr's and the hemotologist. Well he had a huge fit, and said I was to cancel my appointment now with the hemo Dr. and he would take care of it. So he scheduled the upper and lower studies to make sure I wasn't bleeding somewhere. This is so confusing if you are keeping up with this good for you. Anyways, I got a letter last friday saying that my white blood cell count was high and I needed to have it repeated. I went in Monday before my tests and had it done, and this time it was well over 20,000. My neutrophils are also very high. So the Dr. called the next morning and said he was really concerned about it, and was I in any pain or anything, I told him just what I assumed was menstrual cramps. He then told me to get a ct scan of my abdomen and pelvis the next day, well it didn't work out for today, so I am going in the morning. I also called this morning and since I have asthma I told them maybe there is an infection in my lungs? So they are checking that out to. Then last night I went checking on the internet about this and saw leukemia as a concern. I am freaked out!! I consider myself still under an umbrella of protection because of my brain tumor and ovariian cancer. I have had my fill. Then today I got a call back from the nurse at my lap band place, and she said they knew I had an hiatal hernia! The swallow in June showed I did. HHHMMMM Did they ever think of telling me????????????? I am so pissed!!! I am a mess, I know I don't have leukemia, but I am not sick, but have a high white count, low iron, and can't sleep!!! Okay I am not going to rant anymore!! Somebody please text me about Laura's baby!!!!!!!!!Thanks
  10. Love the table and the belly Laura!! Have a good night everyone!! Sleep tight and don't let the bed bugs bite!!
  11. Good morning. Susie or Tracyks anything on a wine store? I am not feeling so hot this morning. Went to my meeting this morning and came home and threw up. I think/hope it is nothing!! Going to lay down for a bit and then go to work! Jane
  12. janiebug

    'bama bandiversary bash/baby shower!!

    In the 100's!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  13. Hello, I am back. Nothing in the colonoscopy, but the endoscopy showed that I had a hiatal hernia, and he biopsied some sites for barrets esophagus. Nothing is major either way. It really was a piece of cake. I really wanted to drink really bad, and of course my 2:00 appointment time was moved to almost three, but I am back. Now I am going to see what I can eat!! Isn't there something about not having a band if you have a hiatal hernia? That is my one thing I am worried about. Jane
  14. water, I want water, would prefer coffee.... Long time til 2:00!!
  15. I am still here!! I was hoping to sleep later, that way I wouldn't want coffee as early! Congrats Suzanne!! That little simple gnome thing is getting on my nerves!!! Suzanne or Tracyks, my cousin lives in Shawnee Kansas and I want to get a gift certificate for a nice wine store by them, any ideas? Tracyks I think you are much closer, but not real sure. You can send me a number if you find one on email. If you don't it is no big deal. They are kind of wine snobs so it needs to be nicer than Leo's liquor. Tracyk, oh my gosh I am so bad in the diet buddy department!!! Have a nice day, I can't believe how close it is getting to Christmas!!
  16. You know I can honestly say that the worst part of this has been the fact that my period started today and I can't take advil!! I have really bad femail cramps!!! wow, look at the way I just spelled that!!!! I think I need to go to bed!!!
  17. So far so good, I have drank my miralax potion, taken my ducolax, and drank this really disgusting fleets things. It was really gross, they said to mix it with 4 ounces of fluid, so I sort of knew what was coming, so I just chugged it. I have gone to the bathroom some, feel pretty cleaned out, but so far, smooth sailing!!! The hardest thing for me will be no coffee in the am. I don't need to eat right away, but I WANT MY COFFEE!!! Hopefully they will find nothing with the band when they do the endoscopy, I am a bit worried about that. I am not worried about anything else. I am wondering how MO is fairing??? Hope everyone is having a good day!!
  18. Well I am going to start my prep in a little bit. Maybe I am naive, but I don't think it will be bad! Even though EVERYONE has told me how bad the prep is. Judy they cut the beverage down by half. Same amount of make you go stuff, but not as much to drink. I take miralax every morning, so I don't think it will be that much of a shock to me! I got apple juice, white grape juice, and a small thing of gatorade!! Guess what I woke to this morning? That is right, my period!!! Could it have come at a worse time? I am always late, but this time I am three days early!!!!! Alright have a good day everyone!! Oh by the way Michelle, send Mo over here I will share!!!!!!!! Jane
  19. Terri, I like your picture too!! Looks good. Well the weight I mysteriously lost the other day, found its way home and brought some friends!!! I have a colonoscopy on Monday so Hopefully the scale will show me some mercy then!! I want to scream at my Dr.s. I came home and had a letter in the mail from my primary, about some bloodwork, and without rehashing a long, long story, he gave me great confirmation on why I hate Dr.s!!!! Michelle, this must be so hard on you with your neighbor!! Okay I am going to go to bed in a few, have to deal with some crabby people in the morning!! Once the morning gets over I am fine. By the way Kat, can you really trust a hairdresser!!
  20. Oh, Suzanne, you are talking real estate taxes aren't you?
  21. Susie, you don't have to pay taxes until January! Btw happy anniversary!!! Delilah sings this song for peoples anniversary, that is from the flintstones, so are you hearing it now? It is me wishing you and Darrell a Happy one. Laura, Love the Tables!!! They are really cool. I have a lot of glass in my house and it is a pain!!! Well the two pounds are back. I thought that was really weird yesterday!!! Haydee I think we are sisters. I read your posts and we sound so much alike!! Good luck on the sweet thing!! Tracyks, how is your back???? Tracyk, real friends don't gloat!!! Don't let her get you down!!! Hope you feel better Michelle!!! Hi Terri, Jennifer, Kat, Judy, Denise, Gina, PAMELA, and I am forgetting someone?.?.?.?...
  22. thanks for the well wishes. I actually got on the scale and lost two pounds? I honestly don't know how that happened!!! Weird!!! Hope your back gets better Tracy!! have 6 minutes to get dressed, makeup on, and out the door to work!!! If it didn't take so long for me to do I would put one of the eek smiley faces, alright 5 minutes now, bye!!!!!!!
  23. Btw Tracyk that fake immunity idol was too funny!!!
  24. Well I have been in a funk for a while. Nothing to speak of, but just down. Eating sucks!! I hope this finds everyone else doing well, and I am so glad to see Pamela back!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  25. Woke up to snow, but only about an inch. I did some damage already last night, which was actually Monday at cjbanks.com. Everything was 50%, and no shipping, then I found a coupon for $20 off! Wow, I got a bunch of shirts for cheap!! I am off to do some shopping now!! Have a good one!!

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