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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by janiebug

  1. Hello, I haven't posted in a few days I think. Still read all the posts. Nothing to say, that I haven't already said. Eating way too much, and am deep in a funk. Trying to pull myself out. Can't seem to find the magic. I have an appointment for a fill Monday with a new person, so maybe that will help get me started. I now weigh more than 280. You all are doing great!! I am so proud of all you guys. I feel so connected when you do well. I know that sounds odd! Judy way to go, I need to come live with you for a while! It is cold here today so the weather won't matter!! Glad MO is better for now Michelle!! Tracyk nope your neck is better soon!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I don't have to go into work till later today, it was nice to stay in bed and just relax. Maybe that is what I am missing? I think part of my problem is I am still not feeling that great, and it really is depressing!! Have a good one!
  2. Good morning!! I have my monthly taxing district meeting at 8:00. I have a hard time getting up like real people. Then I go back to Dr. and have a chest x-ray and bloodwork. I hope my bloodwork is normal. Okay I am off!! HAVE A GOOD ONE!!!!!!!
  3. The guy came and hooked up my uverse and I have cords running through my bedroom! That suprised me. Oh well. I think I am going to like it. I dvr'd 24 tonight so I will see if it works. I hope you find some relief tommorrow TracyK!! It would be no fun if you didn't!! All the talk of chili has made me hungry for some!! Just because you haven't made it to our outings Denise, we still have you as a violet!!! Have a good night!!!
  4. I always add rotel tomatoes to my chili, I like it spicy, and makes it thinner too!!
  5. janiebug

    'bama bandiversary bash/baby shower!!

    Maybe somebody needs to organize the Aunties so nobody hogs Carson!!!!
  6. SPECIAL HELLO TO PAM!!!!!!!!! :thumbdown:
  7. Okay, just had to share this. I was throwing away an old page a day calendar, based on the book "The Secret", I never read the book, so I didn't really use the calendar but for scrap paper, well I was throwing it away when I thought I would just see what it said on my birthday, and here it is-- "If you wish to lose weight, then the most important thing--more than anything else--is to be in joy and to be happy now, despite your weight. If you can be in joy now, to the point where you feel so good that the weight doesn't matter so much anymore, then it will fall away. The only thing keeping the weight there is your resistance to it, and when you are in joy you will let go of your resistance about your weight." Wow, I have been so angry and upset lately, about a lot of things but my weight is a HUGE issue right now. Food for thought!!
  8. Kat that would be horrible if Rick got laid off!!
  9. I got an email notifying me of new messages!!! Don't know why it wasn't doing that for a few days!! I think I am going to get into cross stitching again, keep my hands busy. I went through my box of stuff and have a lot of unfinished stuff!! I hope you feel better Judy!! Tracyk I hope your Dr. does the trick tomorrow for you!! Haydee, that was a good bad picture of you!! I have been watching the Golden Globes, taped 24, has anyone here seen "Slumdog Millionaire"? I have heard from a bunch of customers that it is really good. Gina, Suzie, TracyKs, Jenn, Terry, Kat, Laura, Denise, Michelle and MO have a good week!!!!!!!
  10. Terry, you are sooo organized!!! I did a quick check on airfares, and they are lower right now. Still not sure if I will drive or fly. No direct flights here. I hate changing planes. Plus at the weight I am at right now there is no way I will be able to buckle my belt!! I get my fill hopefully in a week and a day!! Maybe I should make that my new ticker!!! Cheer up Tracy!!!! I am gonna call you!!!!!!!!! Jane
  11. Well here I am, another day. I slept late, and have been just veging out. I need to start cleaning some, the cable guy is coming tomorrow and I hear it takes all day!! I am switching from Charter (which is my cable provider) to att u-verse. They are installing it on all my tvs, plus there is something to do with my internet is changing, but they say I can keep the same email. I hope so. I am getting a dvr also. No surprise here that I am not techno friendly so I hope I can understand what it is all about!! I am not getting notification about this site, is anybody else having the same problem? I hope all have a great day and enjoy and be safe!!!
  12. CONGRATULATIONS JENN!!!!!!!!! Michelle, tough thing with MO! A traveling vet? I take miralax, could you maybe mix some of that up in the water? There really is no taste I did NOT LOSE 9 pounds, I will change my ticker!! Just got back from final sentancing on trial. Very sad, they took Ryan away in handcuffs. The judge did say he was overwhelmed by all the letters written (Thanks Michelle). It was very sad, and an appeal is in the works. My poor Aunt and Uncle will be lost, not to mention his wife.
  13. Good Morning. Kat I am glad you kind of resolved the situation with Abbey. You are right though, nothing will bring back what you and Rick missed yesterday. He sounds like a real loser!!!
  14. Way to go Jenn!!!!!!!!!!! Feel better Kat and Tracyk!!!!!!!! I took two benedryl to help me sleep last night. At least I slept. Have a good day today!!!!!!! You guys are doing GREAT!!
  15. Hello, well I had the biggest meltdown I have had in years!! I guess it was the proverbial straw that broke the camels back. I was hysterical at work, the more I tried to calm down the worse I got. I finally got my shit together, but not till after my first two customers saw me lose whatever was left of my mind. It was over a stupid bank thing, it really wasn't a big thing. I am just so tense and on edge. Oh well tomorrow is a new day!!
  16. Well I made an appointment today to see the fill place that Suzie told me about. They have a satelite office in St. Peters, about 30 - 45 minutes away. I go in the 19th of the month, and she will do a barium swallow and see if I am ready for a fill. If I am, she will give me one, if not, she will wait. They are running a special for 1st time customers of $50 office visit. Not too bad. The fills though are $250. I really don't have a clue how much they cost! Is that about right? Thanks Suzie for the link!!!!
  17. Pamela, got the Christmas card back that I sent you. I sent it to your po box #. I checked just now and it is the address that I have written in my address book. I also sent you a congrats card, did you get that? Bizarre, maybe it is the post office that has Michelles package!! From my ss Haydee I got a bath and body works relaxation/aromatherapy basket, complete with everything needed to relax me, including a pillow for the tub!! I also got back Haydee's birthday card a few weeks ago, I sent it to her po box, but I think it said it was closed. I am in a funk, I take anti depressants, but I don't think they are working!! I HATE calling Dr.s. I don't even know for sure the Dr. who did the broncoscopy's name, let alone where his office is. I am waiting for the nurse to call me about a fill. I am hoping maybe by late January, I will be ready for a fill. YOU GUYS ARE DOING GREAT ON YOUR POUCH TEST!!!!!! YEA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  18. Pamela you do not suck!!!!!!
  19. Gina, I think that was my low, maybe 241, but now I weigh in the 280's. Plus I am totally and completely unfilled!! I am at a low point now, but realized yesterday some was due to TOM! Sometimes I sit and wonder what is wrong with me that I can't get this thing right. It is frustrating! I spent $12,000 to lose 20 or 30 pounds? It is a bitter pill to swallow. Plus I have to pay for my fills starting soon. Haven't a clue how much those are. The answer will come, just not as fast or how I would like it . LIke I said it is very frustrating, and I have found I am very good at sabotaging myself! Jane
  20. You guys are all doing so well on your eating!!! Big congrats to everyone!!! Susie, Both Tracys, Gina, Kat, Terry, Judy, and Bob. I am sure I am forgetting someone! I think I need to start a new thread Seamburstin violets or something similar. Still haven't heard about the broncoscopy. That is driving me nuts!! I bet they don't have any problems getting a hold of me for the bill. Did anyone see the football game tonight with San Diego and some other team? They have this guy who is 5 feet 6 inches who is amazing. It just looks funny because he is literally at least 1/2 the other guys size!! His last name starts with an "S". Too cute!! Well I am going to bed. Have a good Sunday everyone!!!
  21. Jenn glad to see you posting, hope everything heals nicely!! I have been thinking about Maizemommy all night, 200 pounds, wow!!!!!! I am up once again (weight wise). The 5 day pouch people are doing GREAT!!!!!!!!!!! Thinking of you Michelle!! Well off to work!! Jane
  22. Oh my gosh that is tooo fantastic for Maizemommy!! Really puts me to shame. If she can do it why can't I????????????? Glad you are feeling better Jenn!!!!! Michelle, tomorrow sounds like a tough, sad day! Okay have a good night!!!
  23. Heres to Tracyks, Terry, Pamela, Judy, Bob, Kat, and Susie, for the 5 day pouch test!!! You guys are great with your resolve!!!!!!!! Hugs to Jenn, and great healing thoughts!! Well off to work!! Jane

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