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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by janiebug

  1. Heather if you have a Harry and Davids by you they have it. I know a couple people who love it and put it over cream cheese as an appetizer. Never tried it myself.
  2. Have a great day everyone! Have fun and be careful driving Michelle, Judy, Laura, and Carson!!!!!!!! Off to work!!!!!!!!!!
  3. I remember when I was little that "Frosted Flakes" had a contest where you could win $5 a week for the rest of your life. I thought if I won that, I would be set for life. I remember I would figure out the money everytime I ate, and what I would do with it!! I wonder who won it? Hope everything with Manda and Rick go alright!!
  4. Tracyks, I was expecting to come home and find your surprise?!? Where is everyone for real! Pamela I laughed so hard at some of those redneck things. I guess sometimes I amuse easy, but that had me laughing so hard.
  5. Did I miss something Tracyks? Suzie, I take miralax every morning, no pills just mix it in your beverage, and no taste or change in texture. Really! Tracyks I am wondering what I missed. I hope Tracyk is doing okay moving!!! Well off to work!!! Jane
  6. I missed the needle in the tummy. When I got my fill a few weeks ago it was the first time I had it done under floro. She still had a hard time with it, but it really doesn't hurt, took her 1/2 hour to get the needle in, then when she did get the needle in, she had me stand up, with the needle still in my belly, and did a barium swallow. It felt really really odd to stand up with a needle sticking out of my belly!! I hope all is well with everyone!! Violet vibes to Tracyk!!!!!!!
  7. You are barely showing!! Too cute!! Prayers for Manda! Tracyk I hope you are trying to take it as easy as possible in this move!! Late for work!!! Have a great day!!!!!!!! Jane
  8. Snow day again here, of course I have no kids or reason to care, but it destroys business when it is bad outside. Hope all is well with everyone!! Tracyks, Sue's son said the shingles didn't really hurt him either, I wonder if it is different when you get it young!? Susie, have strength!!! Tracyk how are you doing???? I hope as good as can be expected with all you have going!! Okay off to work! Bye!!
  9. Tracyks, Sue the girl next to me at work son had shingles. he is 11! That is so odd!! I love white jelly beans!!! About 10 years ago there was this place that sold Marshmallow sticks, yummmmm!! Now keep in mind I am allergic to nuts, so this was like a big kit kat and had caramel, then marshmallow on top and the whole thing was coated in chocolate!!! YUM They went out of business, which is probably a good thing. All right I am done in today, going to bed and hoping all has a wonderful night with lots of good dreams!!!
  10. I like stale peeps!! Off I go to work!! Have a good day!!
  11. Believe it or not I have never had one of the cadbury eggs. I always assumed they were like the ones that had stuff that gooed out. Maybe I should stay away!!! I am trying to low carb for the next week. I have been beyond words bad. I can't believe I have gained as much as I have. It seems impossible. I am with Suzanne I need to remember why I got the band. But really deep inside I thought it was the 'answer'. Now I know it is just a helper. I need to help too!! Terry, you are such a help with my "shelves"! The snow really didn't turn out bad. We are supposed to get some more this afternoon, but it really is nothing. I am glad because last week was a horrible work week!!! Have a good one!!!!!!!!! Tracyk violet vibes for your move and your neck/shoulder!!!!!!!!!!!!
  12. Okay instead of a shelf, I cleaned off a chair. Believe it or not my closets are pretty clean. It is the piles I have made that are making me nuts!!! Michelle, I am glad that antibiotics can take care of this!! Scarrryy for you and dd. Tracyk, hope they can make it feel better!!! Snow watch here, we are supposed to get 4-8 inches then ice. We will see if that really happens. They are so bad at predicting things here!! I think it is bypassing kc so Suzie and Tracyks should be okay. Hi, Haydee, Pam, Judy, Gina, Denise, Kat, Laura, Jen,and everyone else I have misplaced in my mind!!
  13. Went to lunch with Charlie, and guess I will CLEAN A SHELF NOW!!!!!!!!!!!
  14. Michelle, I hope your daughter is okay. That is so scary for you and her!! Up and ready for another do nothing day!! Tracyk feel better soon!!!!!!!!!!!
  15. I have never bought heavy cream either. I am going to make the ham and cheese soup and had never bought deviled ham or tofu.
  16. Laura, that lamp is so cute!!! You are sooo creative! That is the wallpaper border?!?! Amazing!! You could sell those! Cuter than the original!!!!!! I am watching Extreme Terror Rides on the Travel Channel. I love roller coasters!! I can't do them anymore because of brain surgery issues, but I have always loved thrill rides. They are talking about bungee jumping right now, has anyone here Bungee jumped? I think that would be soooo fun!!!!!! I woke up this morning to snow!!! There was no talk of it, but here it is!! So pretty!! I am sure Judy is over it, but we really haven't had any. Tracyks and Suzie, I feel another road trip to K.C.!!!! When are you free??? Terry love the pic you posted of the dog. That is such a weird decision to put an animal down. Hope your dreams are getting better. Maybe think of your Mom in a garden or beautiful flowers and butterflies and force your dreams to get better. I very seldom ever remember my dreams, so it is easy for me to say!! Pam, that is sooo cool about your appointment!!! What exactly is your new title, and what do you want to do with it in 20 years? Hi, Kat, I am going to work on my budget today!! Wish me luck!! Are you having a good weekend Mae, Haydee, Michelle, MO, Jennifer, Gina, Denise, Carson, and Ayla!! TracyK, I want to come help you pack!!! I think having to move is one of those necessary evils in life!!! If we could get all the violets together to help you would be done in a snap. Actually, probably not, we are probably better at drinking and talking and laughing, and eating and........not working!!! Hugs and special thoughts to help you!!!!
  17. Hello, I am never gone, just couldn't get on!!! Tried Thursday night and Friday night and couldn't! I am attached to you all too much to just leave. For better or worse you have got me!! Today at work there was a water main break, so we had no water after the first hour!! So no shampoo blow drys & colors. So I had to send my so I had four people I had to shove to a different day!! It sucked and still worked as long as scheduled, but only made 1/4 of the money. I seem to be complaining all the time don't I? You guys are going to wish I didn't get back on!!!! I am going to look into the Dave Ramsey thing. I am serious about this debt thing. Well have a good weekend!!!!!! Jane
  18. Hey Susie, glad no break. Long time no see, was wondering about you. Did you get my email? Pam hope you are feeling better!!! Tracyk, here to a fixable and easy and inexpensive shoulder/neck!!! Take a muscle relaxer before the mri!!! It will be murder on you if you don't!! No, Terry no shelf work for me today!!! Hi Gina!!!
  19. Pamela, I laughed so hard about the 'so have I, so have I' comment. Thanks for starting my day out with a good laugh!!! Laura, the border is too cute!!! You are so artsy and creative!! I also laughed at your comment about the monkey!! Terry, Hero is the perfect avatar!!! Gina, love Peyton Louise (my middle name) and Heidi Marie, they do look alike, I am assuming the corgi stays little though, right? Heather I LOVE the name Ayla!! Tracyk, feel better!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Tracyks, you had me with the mousse until the cream cheese!! Hugs to what your going through Jenn! Haydee I am still waiting on something scandalous!! Michelle, where are you?????? Kat, hope all is well with you!!! Judy, we had basically two days of below zero, can't imagine everyday of really cold and snow!!!!! Went yesterday and got a fill, I got 2cc's in my band. She was nice, I am glad I got it. I gained sooo much weight, I am basically back to where I was before I got the band. NOt quite but almost. I still am 50+ pounds down though. Okay here I go, getting ready for work!! Have a good day!!!
  20. Jenn, I agree with everything that everyone said about Kev. I am sure it must be hard, but you need to let go. Lots of hugs and support!!!!
  21. janiebug

    'bama bandiversary bash/baby shower!!

    Jenn, if you don't want to get in that late Thursday night what about Wednesday night. If I drive, I am planning on getting there late Wednesday night. I figure if it is a nine hour drive I will drive til I get tired and stop there, should be close if not there.
  22. No Eddie for me either!!!
  23. Well I guess I can't stick my head in the sand forever. I have to come out and face the music. It is amazing how much weight I gained in a month. I wonder if I can take it off as fast. I hope that tomorrow I get that fill. She is going to do a barium swallow before the fill to make sure my esophagus is ready for a fill. I got my blood tests Friday back in the mail and my white blood count is back up. He told me to come back in a month and get them checked. If it is still up then, I am going to do something about it. I am not sure what my next step is. Susie and any one else who does cross stitch. My mom gave me a bunch of aida cloth. Some regular, some for bread baskets, most off white. I think it is all around 14 or 18 count. If you need any email me and I will send it to you!!! I have a bunch!!! I think what I don't give away I will put on ebay. I am so bad at personals. I want everyone to know that I think about them, and am going to get better. Maybe that will help me with my eating. So give me lots of juicy stuff to write back to you!! Jane
  24. It is the strangest thing, I am possessed by the sugar monster!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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