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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by janiebug

  1. Drumline? Is that like "Blast"? If so that was one of the most entertaining shows I have seen. I didn't really think I would like it, but it was great. I also saw it a few days after 9/11 and some of the music and such were fantastic. I will never look at "Simple Gifts" the same way. I just finished watching American Idol, it is odd to watch it live, I keep picking up the remote to fast forward thru commercials! Oh well, bunch of piddly housework stuff I need to do tonight, better get crackin!!! Jane
  2. OH MY GOSH I LOVE DONUTS. I WISH I COULD HAVE A TERRIBLE EXPERIANCE WITH DONUTS THAT WOULD SCAR ME FOR LIFE!!!!!!!!!! I got back from Dr. and he said nothing about my weight. Oh my lord was it ever high!!!! WOW is all I can say. I am getting an iron infusion monday after next, the Dr. asked me if I craved foods. I said that was a whole nother ball of wax. So maybe this iron will lessen my cravings for sweets. He asked if I ever ate my ice and I said all the time. Interesting. Who knew, I didn't. So in a few weeks, I will be skinny, with a clean house, and NO cravings, and lots of extra energy!!!!!!!!'
  3. Tracyk I thought it said meth lab too!! Then I read your post! Great minds.......... Home and tired from work. Long day. I finally have the appointment for the hemotologist tomorrow, they want me to have an iron infusion, and I think it is a bunch of $^*(, my sister is going with me tomorrow, she is a nurse and will be able to understand all this better than I! So I am off tomorrow. I normally go in at noon on Thursdays, my appointment is at 2, didn't really know how long it would take, then I was coming back for a foil at 6, and she rescheduled, so I am just not going in. I have never been to this dr. before, I guess i am going to have to get on the scale. Oh well everyone have a good nite, I have some tv to catch up on!!!
  4. Good morning. Long day at work today. Go in at 10 get off around 9 tonight. I have got a question, for the past week or so I have been having bumps, (swollen taste buds?) on my tongue, any idea to help them? They hurt a little, but they are making my tongue swell a bit, making me bite the sides of my tongue or cheek. No biggie, just aggravating! Well congrats again on the baby!! Too cute!! Have a good one everyone!!!
  5. I hope all is well with the baby and Kris!!! Hugs and prayers to the Case family!!!
  6. Wow what a big baby!!!!!!!!!! I
  7. I love the baby news!!!! I will be at work so someone text me!!!!!!!!!!! Have horrible cramps today. Started Sunday with no cramps, they are making up for it today. I don't very often get bad cramps, but GOLLY!!!!!!!!! Okay everyone have a great day!! It is the start of the week for me!! Jane
  8. Laura, I think it was you that posted an article about a little girl living in squalor and the adoptive parents that took her in. I think she will be on Oprah tomorrow. It was an article that you or somebody sent that was kind of long, and I believe was in Florida, sad situation!! I agree with Michelle, not mad, but sad. I am in, it is easy for me to say that because I have no one to rely or relate to for that matter. I can understand whatever you guys decide... Jane
  9. Yay pamela!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  10. good morning!! Tracyks have fun in Florida!!!!!!!!!!! Got so much done yesterday, but my house is a wreck. I have little piles everywhere. Oh well guess I know what I will be doing today. Also need to call the tax person and schedule. Okay off to another fun day off!!!
  11. testing 1, 2, 3! I am doing tax work on the computer. Almost have my excel done!!
  12. Tracyk, OUCH!!!! Cars are soo expensive!!!!!!!! Mine is going to be 10 years old in a few months and am thinking about getting a new one. Need to finish Dave Ramseys' book to see what he says about it. But, being single, it is really really really nice not to have to worry about getting stranded, or the car not starting, or the headaches of repairs, just the headache of a car payment!!! Judy, Judy, Judy when O when is the baby going to make his/her appearance?! Jen, your deck sounds so neat!!!!
  13. checking on baby central, no news?
  14. janiebug

    'bama bandiversary bash/baby shower!!

    THANKS JUDY!!!! :wink::smile:
  15. Checked my phone at work for texts, but none. I bet that is so odd waiting like that. I would be so bad at that kind of thing. It is an exciting time I am sure though. Okay check back in later to see about a baby!!!
  16. by the time I read the posts from yesterday because I couldn't get on, now I have to get ready for work!! Busy day finally yesterday and today. No snow!! What about you Suzanne or Tracyks? Judy I will be at work today, but wishing and praying for the best!! Have fun at the shower Laura! I am late, Bye!!!
  17. Hello everyone!!!! Suzie and Tracyks, we're supposed to get your snow tomorrow. I hope we don't. I am super busy at work tomorrow and today (YAY!!) and people will cancel their appointments if it snows. I hope everyone has a great weekend. I am sure glad I get to keep my monkey!!!!!!!!!!!
  18. Sorry about that posted too soon, another computer glitch? I am SURE it is not me!!!!!!!!!!! Anyways I need a band for my brain that controls my sugar craving!!!!! It sounds so easy. Just don't eat as much................ Oh well. One day. They were calling for SEVERE storms tonight, storms of the millenium, terrible, terrible, terrible. It rained for about 20 minutes. Remind me Judy what is Kris having? We have an Ayla, Carson, Kat's new grandbaby (sorry I can't remember the name!!!), and___________!!! Okay off to bed.
  19. When you log on, do other people have to hit stop and then refresh to get the new page to load? If not, is there an EASY answer to this? If it is too complicated it really isn't a problem to hit those two buttons!! Also Laura, I would love to send that smarty pants video to my mom and Aunt, how do I do it? I am not showing my best side of computers am I????? I am not upset about the weight. I am not sure how I feel. I have an appointment week from Monday for a fill. My problem is eating TOO MUCH!!!!
  20. I tried to get on this morning and the site was down. I hate that when that happens. Nothing new here. Except I am a band failure!! There I said it. The only thing I got from my band are great friends, and about $13,000 in debt!! Oh well. Maybe one day I will get this straightened out and be thinner.......
  21. Haydee, do you spray your hair with something before you flat iron? It sounds like you need a trim. Anyways hairspray helps with static, there is also a brush by "cricket" that is a static free brush. It is not great, but it is better than nothing. You find more static in the winter with the dry heat from the furnace, but do you even run yours? It is still probably not as humid as the summer. Anyways a good all purpose leave in conditioner is Matrix Instacure. I love it, I have been using it for 20+ years and have found nothing I like more. It comes in a spray, but it really is weightless. It has mainly humectants in it to relieve the dry hair, but it has a little protein in it to help with the damage. It also works if you are going out in the sun, spray some in and it will eat the instacure out before the sun does damage to your hair. I am pretty sure I have some stuff at work that I am not using that I can send you for when you flat iron. But, get a trim!!!!!!!!! Terry, I bought the book by Dave Ramsey, so soon I hope to be on the road........... Okay going to bed. NIght night!!!
  22. I LOVED MY NANA AND PAPA!!!!!!!! They were my moms parents and my dads parents I just called them grandma and grandpa followed by either Randolph or Stoffel. My dads parents got a divorce when my dad was 2 or 3. Unheard of in that day!! It is Tuesday!!!! I am ready to start a brand new fun filled week of work!!!! I am trying a different attitude to see if it helps!!! Terry and Tracyks where are you?????????????????
  23. Where is Terry, and Tracyks, and Haydee??
  24. janiebug

    Huntsville trip 2009

    I still haven't decided if I am flying or driving...
  25. I also wanted to say Yay Kat!!! Also I have never been in the position of having someone help me clean my house. Don't know how I would act!! I have somebody do it occasionally, so she knows how messy I can be....

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