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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by janiebug

  1. I am back and could hear Michelle chanting the whole way cheering me on!! I wondered what that beautiful noise was! I want a baby!! Where do you live Heather? I can make a weekend of driving to Judys, Laura, and then Heather!!
  2. I was trying to say cute baby judy!!!!!!!!
  3. WHY OH WHY DO I ALWAYS WAIT TO THE LAST MINUTE TO FINISH MY TAXES!!?? Almost done, but with questions. Have to hop in shower, finish taxes, and be at the womans house in less than an hour!!! CUTE
  4. Good evening. I couldn't get on tonight when I got home. Getting the iron was fine, but took forever!!!! Thankfully they paid for the parking because it would have been $9.00! It was very sad though, I think most people there were for treatment of cancer. The one thing I was amazed at was how many people had someone with them. The love in the room was very apparent. I know that sounds really weird, but it was nice to 'feel the love'! I think that I was about the only one their without somebody, but I was also probably the only one not having something serious done. It was sad and touched me at the same time. Tomorrow is the day I have to take my taxes to the cpa. I am still not done, but will get up in the morning and finish. I am not really sure what I do with my HSA so I will probably have to get back with her on that item. It is also the day a very good friend of mine died from cancer 17 years ago. I guess you never get over it. Well need to get in bed so I can get up early in the morn to finish my taxes. Have a good night!!!!!!!!!!
  5. janiebug

    why oh why

    Why am I struggling so much to lose weight? This is crazy!! I am not really sure what to do or say. I feel like people are looking at me going I knew she couldn't keep it off, or something like that. I haven't been to church all year because I am afraid of what people will say. Isn't that a strange statement to make about church!! I really need to get my shit together. I think I have so many things out of place, that everything suffers.
  6. janiebug

    why oh why

    Why am I struggling so much to lose weight? This is crazy!! I am not really sure what to do or say. I feel like people are looking at me going I knew she couldn't keep it off, or something like that. I haven't been to church all year because I am afraid of what people will say. Isn't that a strange statement to make about church!! I really need to get my shit together. I think I have so many things out of place, that everything suffers.
  7. Well well, a busy day on my end, really putting some things on ebay for a customer. I am very very slow!! ' I think I have decided that I am going to drive to Alabama. Still haven't done my taxes yet. Tomorrow I go in for my iron infusion!! Maybe I can run to Alabama instead!!!!!!!!! If you could only see me acting out my super powers!! Boy are these random thoughts or what? Have a good night and don't let the bed bugs bite!!!
  8. by the way I take advil all the time. Sort of scary!!
  9. Laura, I am dying to know what happened to that third mouse glue thing? KAT OH KAT!!!!!!!!!! Will work on taxes today, and one of my customers wants me to play travel agent. She is elderly and the computer scares her, she wants to go to Denver. Well off to start a day of piddling and real work!! Jane
  10. KAT DON'T BE BLAH!!!!!!!! :thumbup::smile::w00t:
  11. Good morning!! Michelle that was too funny about the margaritas!! Off to start another day at work!!! I think it will be a long day. I slept really good last night. Even though I kept waking up, I was able to go back to sleep, a feat I was not able to do all week!! Jane
  12. Hello, running late, surprise, surprise!! My next door neighbor is going to be on Who wants to be a millionaire today if anyone watches the show. His name is Jim. Have a good day, and Haydee is this your last work day til vacation? ENJOY!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  13. KAT!!!!!!!!!! I LOVE EXCUSES!!!!!!!!!!!!! THAT IS WHY I CAN'T LOSE WEIGHT!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I have been blaming my sugar cravings on the no iron thing, now I have a new one!!! THANKS!!!!!!!!!!
  14. Happy birthday Jennifer!!!!!!!!! I hope everyone finds peace with themselves. It is a hard road we are on!! Weight loss sucks!! I saw an article about losing weight with BRAIN SURGERY? It was an actual portion on nightliine Monday night. It was amazing!!! I just typed in nightline in my search box then went to Monday night the 9th for the show segment. Gosh I can only imagine what Oprah would say about that!!! I have gained all my weight plus some since being banded. I just don't think that the band did what I thought it would. I am rambling. Sorry!! Jane
  15. He can't have any books or magazines or anything, all we are allowed to send him is 5 pages. I believe he is on suicide watch, but not sure. He also is in his 'temporary' location until they figure out where he is going. It sounds so weird for me to be talking about this. I hope they get an appeal soon!!! He really doesn't deserve all he is going thru. HAPPY BIRTHDAY DENISE!!!!!!!!!!! Well off for a fun filled day at work!!! Jane
  16. Hello everyone! I have a prayer request. My cousin Ryan the one who went to jail, is having a hard time. He has lost 32 pounds in the two months he has been in jail. He could stand to lose maybe 3 pounds. My mom is beside herself with worry, not to mention my cousins wife, and my aunt and Uncle. I really don't know what to ask for you to pray for, but somehow he has to find the will to live, and be at least a little content. It is a tough time, and adjusting to it is not happening. Carrie was supposed to be able to see him after a month. Still no one has been allowed. He can't have any books, magazines, tv or anything. He only gets out of his cell for 1 hour a day. It sounds like a pitiful situation. I send him puzzles and magazine articles, you can send him up to 5 pages in a letter. I write to him. Of course I haven't heard back. Just pray for some kind of peace to come over him and my family, this is just such a horrible horrible position to be in. Thank you soo much.
  17. AARRGGHHH! I have been trying to put a new ticker on. Frustrating. Will try again later!!
  18. Okay I feel left out, nobody has beat me up over a post, although I think mentioning $^()&%# made Susie almost write me a hate note!!! I don't see anything when I click on it. Okay I went to get my fill, and it is really interesting how they do fills. They do it standing up. Of course when she pokes me I am lying down, but then I stand up and she fill me and then watches in a barium swallow till it is the right fill. She originally put in 1 cc then took .2 out, then .1 out then another .2 out. Interesting. I have another headache!!! This sucks!! Have a good night!! I am excited both DWTS and 24!!
  19. I know Suzanne is on WW. Haydee I brought the stuff home finally this weekend. Should I ship it out or wait til after you get back home? Everyone have a great day!! TracyK I hope you are snoozing right now. I think if you haven't a muscle relaxer is in order!! Welcome home Tracyks!
  20. Pamela, I think your dedication/acknowledgement page is beautiful!! I am sorry Suzie for mentioning the @&)%#@%!! Okay off to bed!!!
  21. Hello, I am raising my hand for the resort where Haydee is staying!! Heck I am raising both hands!! The only problem is I think it is one of us would have to win the lottery for that!! If I win all husbands and children could go. But the problem with that is I never buy lottery tickets!! I will occasionally if it is up to like 200 million. I mean why should I bother trying to win if it is less than that?!!??!!??!!?? Okay I see dst did nothing for my sarcasm!! There was something else I wanted to say but can't remember. I am going for a fill tomorrow. BOY WILL THEY BE SURPRISED WHEN I STEP ON SCALE!!! I hope it can recover. My goal is now going to be to lose 50 pounds by our trip. I will get an official weight tomorrow, then post that and if it doesn't work, I am going to Judys house. I will let her whip me into shape, plus I can hold the Grady!!!!!!!! Btw Judy and Laura, I tried the cadbury mini eggs and didn't like them. But give me do%^&(!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Okay for not remembering what I needed to say I sure said alot!!! Bye for now!!!! Have a good day!!!!
  22. Goodnight violets!! Did anyone see SNL tonight? Barrack Obama turned into "The Rock Obama", don't know why, but that just cracked me up!!
  23. Susie! How funny!!! I just couldn't think of it, and my customer I was doing lived in Olathe, she said I was nuts!! I was pronouncing it wayyyy wrong, thanks and sorry if I bothered your peaceful afternoon for a stupid word!!! The same customer also told me about a place she was just at in Palm Springs called "The Follies". She said it was all old people, and they had Susan Anton headlining and John Davidson headlining soon. Are they that old? Have you ever been there Pamela? She loved it. Oh well gonna see what I can round up for dinner. Have a good one!!! Thanks again Susie!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  24. Good morning everyone!! Busy day for me, thats what happens when you take a day off I guess. Have a great weekend!! Jane
  25. Judy, I can't believe they let Kris go home 2 days after giving birth. Although I am glad because hospitals are just breeding grounds for nasty germs. I hope all does well. I hitting the bed, have pleasant dreams everyone!!

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