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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by janiebug

  1. Kat, if I could take the time off work I would be there in a second!! I am just feeling the need to get away from work right now. I am frustrated over alot of things going on right now. But, hey its a job!!! Plus I love my customers!! Okay are they still predicting snow Suzie and Tracy? They are saying tonight 3 to 6 inches?? Crazy?!?! I can see it snowing, but sticking? We have had such warm temps it seems like we would have to have a ton of snow before it would stick!! We will see!! Suzie enjoy the Eagles tonight!!!! Okay got to get ready for a busy day at work!!! Have a great weekend!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  2. Well watching the Oprah I taped yesterday, wow is all I can say. Terry the poem/saying was really beautiful If I am at work I have no access to the computer, but can call or text anyone! I think I have all numbers but Heathers. You can email me. By Judy and Tracyk!!! Be safe and have fun!!!!!! I need to have fun, I guess I will have to wait til the end of June!!! Well it is not tgif for me, since I have another day at work, but for everyone else have a great one!!!!!!!!!
  3. janiebug

    Huntsville trip 2009

    I believe Haydee said she was getting a rental car, and Lauras car, and although I haven't made my mind up totally, 75% chance I am driving. Although I have a small car, hyundai elantra. Will fit 4 people, but the luggage thing is the issue. My car is 10 years old, so I am off the fence about whether to drive it or not. Rental cars, unless I find a cheap one are more expensive to rent than the airline ticket. But I might buy a car before then, or find a good deal on rental cars. Can you tell I am thinking out loud and rambling? Enough rambling!!!!!
  4. By the way i love the new avatar tracyks!!!!!
  5. Hello everyone! Slow day at work. Went to the lap band support group tonight. They had a girl who is a licensed counselor and was banded herself. She was a cute girl and didn't seem like the type to ever have a weight problem. It was interesting. There were 2 other people there who were not yet banded. She said you had to work through the head issues before dealing with the band. I guess I haven't. Judy, I hope you have a great time!!!! Welcome back TRACYKS!!!!! Laura, who am I in charge of calling? I will stop whatever I am doing to help you deliver the message!! Suzie, snow????? Wow what a difference a short drive makes!!! Okay off to do some laundry!! Jane
  6. Judy, I am so sorry you are having to go through this!! No fair or fun. Try not to think about it too much on your trip.
  7. janiebug

    Huntsville trip 2009

    If I fly in Judy that will be the flight I take from Memphis. But, I think I am going to drive. I will work some Wednesday and then leave to drive there. Not a early morning person. But if I do fly maybe we can talk the people into letting us sit together!! You can say your husband is a minister and I need saved?!?
  8. Susie, I am jealous, my dermatologist won't take off the skin tags from my eyelids. He said I have to go to a plastic surgeon! I wish I was brave enough to just cut them off myself. Michelle, good for you and your ticket!! If there is any money left your dh is welcome to pay some of my credit cards down!!!! LOVE YOUR TATOO PAMELA!!!!!!!!!!! Kat, I have no words of wisdom for you on the job. I bet that is a hard decision. I am going to watch AI and go to bed, my head is only a dull ache now. Bye!!! Or should I say Randolph out! Isn't that what he says on AI?
  9. Southwest airlines does not fly into Huntsville. For me there is no direct flight, crazy!! I hate layovers, I am always totally paranoid I am going to miss the connection! My head is going to explode it hurts so bad!! I hate spring. I wonder what today will bring at work. Guess I need to eat my can of soup before Charlie has a melt down over it. Tracyk, don't know what is going on, but I hope all gets settled in your life. It is hard to live in upheaval and uncertainty. Good luck Susie on your removal process today!?!? Michelle and Judy that bowl exchange was so funny!!! Laura I want to be part of the tree!!!
  10. Jenn the kitchen does look great!!! Pamela, that pic that you sent out alone looked like you both were sunburned, were you? Home early slow day, Charlie at work started getting way under my skin so I left. Didn't have anyone, and the phone wasn't ringing and weather is very very rainy and windy. The whole shop itself looks terrible, there are holes in the ceiling, and stains on the walls and ceilings and is so dirty looking, and he starts hollering at me about a can of soup on the refrigerator!! I am so over his attitude, it is so odd and quirky (I am being nice!!!). Oh well another day another dollar!!
  11. Michelle, can I borrow that book when you are done!! Sounds so eyecatching and exciting!!! Anyone here read Diane Chamberlin? Okay now I am like Michelle, playing avoidance!!!!!!!
  12. Where is everybody is right!! Judy always posts in the morning right? I hope this is not an end to an era? I need to hop in the shower and get ready for work!! I am so not motivated!!! I am going to start the probiotics today, see if they work!! They were expensive!! Have a great day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  13. Hello, I had a busy day today, but it was nice. I had an appointment first with my regular Dr. just for a check up, I have been on Effexor (antidepressant) and it is just too expensive, so I took the walgreens list of $4 drugs and he gave me generic prozac. Does anyone here know about prozac? I hope it works. He said alot of the other drugs cause weight gain. Then I went to a friends house and we met another friend at the casino here, we didn't gamble at least with money, we just ate, and ate, and ate, and then talked and then ate, ..... You get the idea!! We were all bad girls!!! It was nice to get together with old friends, we have all been friends since high school. Really nice day!! Now I am going to bed!! Glad you are back Haydeee!! Nice to see you TRACYKS!!
  14. Hello, been a pretty uneventful day here. Lots of stuff on my plate tomorrow. Might not be able to check in til after dinner. If that is true everyone have a good week!!!
  15. suzyt OOOOWWWWW when I read about the tissue from the roof of your mouth!!! If anyone here watches DWTS my new favorite saying comes from the cowboy bull rider. He said 'You are never ready to ride the bull, it just is your turn'!!!
  16. Hey I just thought of a question, does any here take probiotics? I read an article that is you crave sugar it may be the cause of too much yeast in your system, and if you take a probiotic it helps. I don't have female yeast problems, but don't know if the two are connected. Jane
  17. My fills don't hurt at all. It is weird though her doing it this way. My Dr. used to do the seek and find way, it took her forever, but she got it, around 15 20 pokes with lots of probing. Now with the flouro it takes at most 3 pokes, and she used the machine to do the probing. It really is amazing. She says I am the hardest poke because I have a lot of scar tissue. But, really honestly it doesn't hurt. It sounds like it hurts and looks like it hurts but it really doesn't!!!! Didn't make it to church today. Couldn't sleep last night. I am good at laying around all day, but horrible at taking naps. Kiss of death, couldn't get to sleep til 4 then the alarm went off at 6. Got up tried to get motivated, but couldn't. I know my mom is so disappointed. I talked with my dad this morning. Boy am I rambling........ Michelle, hang tough, it REALLY DOESN'T HURT!!!
  18. Well I should say good morning!! I slept late today and missed my morning ritual before work!! Then when I came home I took a nap!!! Judy how long will you be in Hawaii? I have been thinking of Tracyks alot lately! I hope everything is going okay. Well nothing new going on here. I am going to go to church for the first time this year! tommorrow!! It is funny I have shyed (shied) (?) away from church because I have gained weight and didn't want people to see. If you can't be yourself at church where can you be yourself???? Okay have a good night!!!!!!!!!!!!
  19. Terry, I started reading it again today!! Funny you should ask!! I wish I could get him on cable here. What would he say to pay for the upgrade that would allow his show???
  20. did I miss the post? Good morning everyone!! Are you on spring Bread Pamela? Another really slow day at work. I am going to try to read more of the Dave Ramsey book today. Okay off I go!!! Have a good one and HAPPY SPRING!!!!!!
  21. Good morning!!! Running late!!! Have a good one!!! Jane
  22. Good evening!! Saw the weirdest thing yesterday. There is a school that is in a neighboring suburb, I drove past it yesterdaty and they were making snow!!!!!!! The school is on Spring Break, and what I found out is that George Clooney is filming a movie here (which I knew) and they put snow in front of a school as part of the movie! It is fake snow made of paper!! Looked real to me, but being 70 degrees you knew it wasn't. It was just an odd thing to see when all the bulbs are up and the trees are budding. I am tired and going to bed!! Jane
  23. Good morning!! Glad to hear your sisters are doing better Suzie. Hang in there Tracyk! I wish I had words of wisdom to tell you everything will get better!!! This is just a really big hill and it is one of many we will face. I am still climbing, but you are ahead of me!! You really are doing great! Just don't beat yourself up so much!! I have another sore on my tongue, not bad, just aggravating that I have gotten them lately!! Busy day today, go to work, then leave go to counseler, then back to work. Oh well, such as life!! Have a good day!!
  24. Terry that post was so funny!! I never thought about lunch. Yea Michelle!! Bang those drums!!! Slow day at work today. Very slow!! Hope all is well with every and hugs and prayers to Suzie and her sisters!!

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