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Everything posted by janiebug

  1. I am stopping by my house real quick. Yea Laura!!!!!!!! I will have you and Russell in my prayers and thoughts for a quick painfree delivery!! Hope all is going well with Pamela!!! I have to ask you guys if having some of the little muffins with fruit in them at Sweet Tomatoes/Soup Plantation is considered sugar? I didn't eat any dessert. But did have three of the mini muffins. Okay I am off now, hope all goes well with everyone!!!
  2. Good morning and special violet vibes to Pamela!! That is such an accomplishment!! I have a sleep study tonight, so no posting from me after this til tomorrow. I have had about 6 or 7 and have never gone into dream sleep, so I have two sleeping pills they gave me to sleep tonight. So I know I will sleep good/well. I never know when you can't and can use those words. I am lucky that I am allergic to nuts, it really limits the candy I can eat!! You did great Kat, if that was me, any food in the house means I MUST finish it. I am not sure where that comes from. I don't ever remember being limited, we never really had dessert, so that wasn't an issue. I do remember though being little and my dad would say I can have 3 donuts, and I always said when I get older I am going to have as many as I want. That is the only time. Hi to Jennifer, Tracyk, Tracyks, Laura, Carson, Terry, Judy, Suzanne, Suzie T, Heather, Haydee, Kat, Michelle, and a special one to Pamela!!!!!!
  3. Just got home from work and then getting my nails done. I am watching the tape of Idol tonight, I am only a few people into it, but what did Anoop have on? That was weird. I wanted to say something, and can't remember what. By the way two days down and no sugar!!!!!!!
  4. My tummy feel a bit better and I am headed for work. Heather that is sad about your mom, but she knows. Tracyk, I don't have computer access during the day so can you text me? Laura I have been thinking about you!!! Also today I have had like 5 random events that reminded me of 9-11. I figured I better say a quick prayer!! It is so weird when that kind of thing happens.
  5. Yuck, I woke up with an upset tummy. I have a meeting this a.m. then coming home and going back to bed. I hope this leaves me soon. Jane
  6. Hugs Pam, I can't imagine how you must be feeling. Here one of the happiest days of your life and you feel like something is just not right and missing. But, I think they are proudly watching as you go through this!!
  7. Terry, tomorrow is a new day!!! I hope tomorrow is better, plus you said you felt bad physically, so don't add emotional bs to it also!!! Sometimes when you don't feel good you need a cookie!!! Have a good night and good tomorrow!!
  8. my investment club meeting was cancelled tonight! I am glad, I am feeling sooo lazy!!!! Ran a bunch of errands today. Now since I am not going to my meeting I can watch dwts and 24!
  9. Good morning. I hope all had a good Easter. I have a fill tomorrow, so I will weigh then. But I think I might have gained some weight. My right leg was so swollen yesterday, just water because no pain. It is better this morning. Have two appointments this morning and then my investment club tonight. I am going to do the no sugar thing. Have a good day and feel better Terry!!
  10. Oh my gosh!! What an Easter treat!! Macy and some pics of Gruene in one place!!!!!!! Macy is toooo cute!! She seems so grown up since the last time I saw her picture. She has gotten much taller hasn't she? Too cute!
  11. I hope all has a good day and Easter!!! Houston girls, I heard on tv this morning that you have already had 3 bad storm alerts and a tornado this morning, they said it is headed our way tonight!! I hope all is good with you and you are not affected by the storm!!! I got the mental picture of Macy wanting to go outside and search for eggs and it was pouring and lightning and stuff. The thought broke my heart!! We are going out for lunch today at Brio's. My aunt and uncle and cousins wife are going with my family. That whole situation breaks my heart too. Pam what an Easter blessing!!!!!!!!!!!! Terry I will try very hard to hit the straight and narrow with you tomorrow!!! Thanks to all you for being great violets!!
  12. I have heard Marley and Me is a much better book. I haven't seen it yet. I used to rent movies all the time and the grocery store by me quit renting and the Hollywood video by my house went out of business. I did take the "7 Pounds" dvd that my mom and dad had and watched it. It was kind of good. One of those movies that really make you think. I am not going to church in the morning. You are a stronger person than I to peel 8 lbs of shrimp!! I once dated a guy that was gone for a bit at a party we went to and when he came back he had peeled my shrimp. I just hate taking their legs off, I think I wouldn't have a problem with the shell, I am just odd. I wonder if the Easter Bunny will come to my house tomorrow!! Well I am gonna mellow for a bit and the go to bed, I need to find something to wear tomorrow, since I have gained weight I have nothing. I hope everyone has a great day tomorrow!!!
  13. Oh my gosh, now you really don't hear me talking about pbing, cause I really don't. For some reason I can't eat broccoli or rice. So thinking that I am not really tight, I eat beef with broccoli from the chinese place. The broccoli tasted so good I ate almost all broccoli and the rice and Charlie ate my beef. Then my next customer comes in and I had to leave her mid shampoo!!!!!!! Just barely made it in time. I have never been so embarrassed!! Oh well. At least I have learned that no matter how loose I think I am, don't eat broccoli or rice!!!
  14. Good morning, running very very late!!! Happy Bandiversary TracyK and great job on the weight loss and new determination!!!!! Love the McDonalds story!!
  15. Good morning all. I think you have done great Tracyk and Judy. You know it is funny two years ago I thought this would be easy! The people on commercials and people you hear about make it seem easy!! I am off to the showers and then to work!!
  16. Well I hope everyone had a great Thursday!! I have two more days of work left this week. I need a severe attitude adjustment!! Slow days make me nuts and crabby!! Has anyone ever been on stimulants or known anyone on them? This one in particular my Dr. was talking about is called Provigil. I have a sleep study next Wednesday night and would like to have any feedback from someone who knows, or thinks they know. The medicine is expensive, so I can do it this year because I have met my deductible, but next year will be another story. So I am wondering if this is something I really want to do. Terry, thanks for the info on the bank rates. It really helped a lot!!
  17. Good morning!!! Have a safe trip Michelle!! New Jersey sounds like it would be far from where you live, is it?? ONE MORE DAY PAMELA!!! If I knew spanish that is what I would write!! Have a good day!!
  18. Too funny Michelle, I love the my butt hurts one. Have seen that before and still crack up every time I hear it!! Busier day than yesterday, that was pretty much a no brainer. Laura I bet the next few weeks just go so slow for you!! I am really thinking about you!! Jane
  19. Tracyks, it sounds like you might be too tight, but definately give it a day or two and baby it before you call. You probably need some fluid out, but if you go today, they will take too much out. Tracyk, that is crazy about the $1. I would be seriously thinking about that dollar too!!! Michelle, Aunt Flo was mean this month, she just left, and I called her names, maybe she went to your house mad at me!!! I hope today is better than yesterday at work, okay anything would be better!!!
  20. Oh I forgot to tell you all I have a new favorite show Toddlers and Tiaras! It is on TLC. Way toooo much, but it is a guilty pleasure. I think I will have my fill of it after a few shows though. Pamela and all violets for that matter, I saw a window sticker/decal that made me think of you, you know how they "University of lalala" on a clear label that goes in your back window? Well this one said real officail looking and all "University of Margaritaville".
  21. Judy did you get the email I sent you about our new minister? Don't we have the best government healthcare???
  22. How does that work Terry? Do they just send you the money or do you have to do something? That is really sweet of your Aunt. My mom does a grief support group at our church and this past Sunday a nephew of a very old woman from out of town came, and he was talking about cleaning up and out. I told my mom that would be Douglas (my nephew) one day!!
  23. Okay, okay since no one came to join me I ate all the cookies!! Oh yeah Terry what was in the letter??? Bye!!!!!!!

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