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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by janiebug

  1. janiebug

    Shrinking Violets -- April 07 Bandsters

    JUST GOT HOME AND....... WOW!!!!!!!!!!! That is amazing Tracy! Believe it or not I don't have those pictures but on my card, so I never saw them next to each other. Thank you soooo much for that!!!! That picture was taken the first of April 2007, and I had already lost about 50 pounds!!! I am amazed!!!!!! Thanks again Tracy!!! Jane
  2. janiebug

    Shrinking Violets -- April 07 Bandsters

    Well it is Monday, I was hoping that I would have lost at least 3 pounds this week, but I only lost one. One more than last week though. I have a Dr.s appointment on the 6th and want to be down considerably. I found what Gina said very interesting about a fill being too tight and eating bad food because it was easier! That is so true, I never really could put my finger on it, but that is what started my bad eating! When I got an unfill it got better. Interesting..... It makes me pause a bit to see if I want/need a fill on the 6th, it would be TOO easy to eat wrong over the holidays. Thanks Gina for putting into words what I didn't understand. I hope Kat is doing well!! Good morning everyone!!! Jane
  3. janiebug

    Shrinking Violets -- April 07 Bandsters

    I left out Susiecat and Theresa!! Sorry!!!
  4. janiebug

    Shrinking Violets -- April 07 Bandsters

    Come On Michelle, At Least Meow In Caps!!!
  5. janiebug

    Shrinking Violets -- April 07 Bandsters

    THE PURPLE FUNK!!!!!!!!! I was in a bad place a month ago. I had finally lost 100 pounds, and was there for a week or so and told everyone, then I gained about 10!!!!! Didn't tell anyone, was too embarrassed. I wallowed in self pity for about two weeks. Then something in me snapped, and I am better. It probably was all the purple thoughts I was getting. Just know that this too will pass. We are all behind each and everyone one of us!!! Terry, both Tracy's, both Jennifers, both Amanda's, Michelle, Laura, Judy, Gina, (Kit) big hug, Denise, Haydee, Pam, & Denise. If I am forgeting anyone I am sorry!!!! I am dealing with a killer headache today and not functioning up to par!! REALLY THIS WILL PASS!!!!!!!!!! Jane By the way Michelle did your Dr. call you for a fill on Thursday??
  6. janiebug

    Shrinking Violets -- April 07 Bandsters

    Thanks for looking at the article everyone. You guys even noticed the bracelet!!! Today is going to be one of those marathon days at work. Last Saturday before Thanksgiving! I am booked to the max and staying late and coming in early! Hope everyone has a great day!!! Jane
  7. janiebug

    Shrinking Violets -- April 07 Bandsters

    I tried posting the before pics and they were WAY TOO BIG, so I deleted them. If I can email them to someone to fix and then post that would be great!!! I am not very technologically friendly. Jane
  8. janiebug

    Shrinking Violets -- April 07 Bandsters

    Here is the link to the article, I hope this works. LADUE NEWS Now I am going to try to post a before surgery picture after I send this so you can compare. Kat, I am so glad for your outcome!!! Jane
  9. janiebug

    Shrinking Violets -- April 07 Bandsters

    Kat, ditto on the special thoughts and prayers!!! Tracy, the pics are great!! You can tell a HUGE difference!! Well it was very hard not to eat lots of stuff today, especially sweets, but I didn't!!!!!!!!!!! I got news today that my health insurance is going up to $590 a month in January and then in May when I turn 45 it is going up to $645! It is a long story with the health insurance thing, but I can't get any and have a "state" run plan. My deductible is $2500, with another $5000 after that with out of pocket. It doesn't include well woman or physicals. It didn't cover my lap band. It is sooo aggravating!!!! It drives me nuts!!! I need to get married to a man with a good health insurance benefits. I could go on and on, but instead I am going to go to bed!! Have a good one!! Jane By the way Judy 4.5!!!!!!!!!! Wow!!!!!!!
  10. janiebug

    Shrinking Violets -- April 07 Bandsters

    Michelle, maybe if you call your doctor today they will have an opening! I did say Thursday... Pamela, my periods are very strange since being banded. I used to be fairly regular, but now I am not, I figured it was just the surgery part that screwed it up and it will balance itself out, I am also kind of worried that if I say something they might say 'early menopause', and I don't want to deal with that!! Well today we all must be good. Jane
  11. janiebug

    Shrinking Violets -- April 07 Bandsters

    Sweet dreams and remember tommorrow is another CTCD!!! This was such a good idea Terry!!! I don't really like carbonation, but have had a few diet sodas and have had no problem. The problem is I am WAY to cheap and thrifty to pay for water, so out of principle I will have a soda if no other alternative exists! Kat my thoughts are with you through the next few days. Will you have to stay in the hospital long? Judy, glad your knee is better. Everyone have a good sleep and wake up to a healthy eating day tomorrow!! Jane
  12. janiebug

    Shrinking Violets -- April 07 Bandsters

    Hey good going Tracy!!!!! That is so cool and great motivation!!!!!! I can't wait until I am below 200, but that will be a while, I am hoping maybe by my year anniversary! BROCCOLI SWISS BAKE 1 ½ cups summer squash (1/2 inch pieces) 3 cups broccoli ½ cup butter 1 beaten egg ½ cup shredded swiss ¼ cup milk ¼ teaspoon dry mustard 1 teaspoon salt pepper to taste ½ cup parm cheese 2 tablespoons toasted sesame seeds Steam squash and broccoli so they are crisp tender. Layer in casserole. Melt butter and mix with egg, swiss cheese, milk, and seasonings. Pour over vegetables and top with parmesan cheese and sesame seeds and bake at 350 for 20 minutes. This is good and usually I steam the broccoli and squash the day before and then that day put it all together and bake, saves time that way. I also have never used the sesame seeds. Have a good one!! Jane
  13. janiebug

    Shrinking Violets -- April 07 Bandsters

    I love jewelry also!! I got myself a new ring for losing 50 pounds that has blue topaz, amethyst, and a citrine, and if you look close enough diamonds. Then for 75 pounds I got a pair of earrings with peridots and amethysts, I want to get a green amethyst for 100 pounds, but can't find the perfect one. Then when I lose another 25 pounds I have a silver ring. Don't wear necklaces and bracelets are generally too expensive, so these are good alternatives. Welcome back Kit and Haydee!!! TracyKS vent all you want, I hope it helps!!! Have a good night!! Jane
  14. janiebug

    Shrinking Violets -- April 07 Bandsters

    Laura, heres some extra skinny thoughts!!! Hopefully that will slip in!!! Jane
  15. janiebug

    Shrinking Violets -- April 07 Bandsters

    Just got back from a Taxing district meeting! We talked for a little over an hour on PARKING!!! I think that what you are doing TracyKS is great, I hope Cody and his mother appreciate what you are doing!! Just remember another star in your crown!! Jenn sorry about your Aunt. Judy, I am glad your knee is fine, sounded like you took a serious tumble!! Well I put the 3x top on I bought yesterday and it seemed tight, I know it is just mind over matter. Most of the time I am in a 1x, I even bought a Christmas shirt in xl. The pant situation is so maddening!! I only wear stretch pants from Lane Bryant, they are a 2x petite. I still have a slight bulge from where my hernia was, so no pants fit right. It is very frustrating to get pants... Sending out powerful skinny thoughts to Terry, both Tracys, Denise, Panda, Michelle, Haydee, Pamela, Judy, Jennifer and anyone else I am forgetting!! Jane
  16. janiebug

    Shrinking Violets -- April 07 Bandsters

    Remember Today Is 'Cut The Crap Tuesday'!!!!!!!!
  17. janiebug

    Shrinking Violets -- April 07 Bandsters

    Went shopping today and some of the 2x's were tight!! So frustrating!!! Looking for a top for Thanksgiving. Oh well, not too worried about it. Have a good one!! Jane
  18. janiebug

    Shrinking Violets -- April 07 Bandsters

    That extra pound did not go away, I know next week will show a loss, my goal this week is not to get on the scale til Monday!! Have a busy day today, sometimes when you are off your free days aren't so free!! I hope everyone has a great day!!! Jane
  19. janiebug

    Shrinking Violets -- April 07 Bandsters

    Wow that was so Beautiful Judy!!! Makes me want to go on a cruise. That Carnival ship seemed awfully close when you were docked, was it really or just looked like that in pic? Have a good one!! Jane
  20. janiebug

    Shrinking Violets -- April 07 Bandsters

    Jennifer I can find that 3 pounds in a day too!! Here is a big hug from me! Wow I finally figured out how to put a thingy up there!!! Drowsy Chaperone was good, sort of stupid funny. It was good to just sit back and enjoy and not have to think about it!!! Then went to dinner and had dinner. Have a great day and night!!! Jane
  21. janiebug

    Shrinking Violets -- April 07 Bandsters

    Well I got weighed today, which is wrong because I try try try to only weigh on Mondays, but I was up over a pound!!! I am hoping that is goes away tomorrow when I officially weigh in! There is NO reason behind this!!! TracyKS you are great and kind having Cody live with you. I sort of got a chuckle though out of your description of small towns!!! Bless you!!! Michelle, I see an opening on Thursday for you!! Can you hold out?? Well I am off to see the "Drowsy Chaperone" and then dinner. Hope it is good, haven't really heard anything about it here. Have a good one AND WELCOME BACK JUDY!!! MISS KAT AND HAYDEE!! Jane
  22. janiebug

    Shrinking Violets -- April 07 Bandsters

    Michelle--Feeling better tonight? Hope so!! Jane
  23. janiebug

    Shrinking Violets -- April 07 Bandsters

    Wow, so quiet!!! Tracy is that a new skinny picture? TracyKS WAY TO GO!!!! Gina the book will be on its way Tuesday when the post office opens back up! Jane
  24. janiebug

    Shrinking Violets -- April 07 Bandsters

    Hang tough Michelle!!!! Remember tomorrow is a new day!!!! Jane

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